
Last summer,I got a part-time job like a waiter.I worked hardly and was very helpful.Everyone in the restaurant including some regular customer liked me.One day,a foreign couple,which were in their fifties,entered the restaurant. I was happy to have a chance to practice my speaking English.I went up to greet them warmly.After I took their order,I told them their food will be served quickly because us Chinese respect the elderly.Hearing my words,a look of displeasure was appeared on the wife's face.Seeing my confused look,her husband explained to me the westerners disliked the description "old".I made a apology to them,keeping in mind the lesson cultural differences should never be ignored.

【答案】①like改为as ②hardly改为hard ③customer改为customers ④which改为who ⑤speaking改为spoken ⑥will改为would ⑦us改为are ⑧去掉was ⑨a改为an ⑩the lesson后加that





定语从句引导词误用。这里含有一个定语从句, 关系词在从句中作主语,指人,故which改为who。




语态误用。a look of displeasure与appeared之间是主谓关系,用主动语态,所以去掉was。

冠词误用。make an apology to sb. 固定用法,“向某人道歉”。故a改为an。

同位语从句误用。这里含有一个同位语从句, that cultural differences should never be ignored.是同位语从句,that引导的同位语从句,that在从句中不担当任何成分,也没有实际意义,但是它不能省略。


【题目】My doorbell rings at 11 a.m. On the step, I find an elderly Chinese lady. She is small and slight. She holds a paper carrier bag in her hands.

I know this lady. It is by no means her first visit. Her daughter, Nicole, bought the house next door last October. Nicole, who is currently in Shanghai, has apparently told her mother that I am having heart surgery shortly, and the result is that her mother has decided I need to be supplied with meals.

I know what is inside the paper carrier bag — a stainless-steel container with a meal of rice, vegetables and either chicken, meat or shrimp. This has become an almost-daily occurrence.

Communication between my benefactor (恩人)and me is somewhat handicapped by the fact that she doesn’t speak English and all I can say in Mandarin is “hello”. Once, she brought an iPad and pointed to the screen, which displayed a message from Nicole telling me that her mother wanted to know if the food was all right.

“Your mother just can’t be bringing me meals like this all the time” I protested. “I can hardly reciprocate by cooking something from my native land, like roast beef or Yorkshire pudding for her” I said.

“Oh,no,” Nicole said. “Don’t worry about that. She has to cook for the family anyway, and she wants to do it for you. You can call her Wing, which is her surname.”

The tenant in my basement suite is a university student who speaks Mandarin quite well, so with her help, I have found out that Wing is 68—13 years younger than I am — and that she lived through the Cultural Revolution. For my part, I was raised in wartime Britain.

So here we are, two grandmothers a world away from where we were raised, neither of us able to speak the other’s language. But the doorbell keeps ringing and there is the familiar paper earner bag, handed smilingly to me by Wing.

Right now I am working on some more Mandarin words—it’s the least I can do after such a display of kindness.

“Thank you” is, of course,the first one, which somehow seems inadequate.

1The author and Wing got to know each other .

A. as next door neighbors

B. when exchanging meals

C. by sharing similar experiences

D. after using an iPad to communicate

2The underlined word “reciprocate” in Paragraph 5 probably means .

A. do as well B. offer generously

C. give in return D. accept with pleasure

3The author’s effort to learn Mandarin shows her .

A. great satisfaction B. real kindness

C. heartfelt thanks D. sincere friendship

People aren't walking any more—if they can figure out a way to avoid it.
I felt superior about this matter until the other day I took my car to mail a small parcel. The journey is a matter of 281 steps. But I used the car. And I wasn't in any hurry, either, I had merely become one more victim of a national sickness: motorosis.
It is an illness to which I had thought myself immune(免疫的), for I was bred in the tradition of going to places on my own two legs. At that time, we regarded 25 miles as good day's walk and the ability to cover such a distance in ten hours as sign of strength and skill. It did not occur to us that walking was a hardship. And the effect was lasting. When I was 45 years old I raced—and beat—a teenage football player the 168 steps up the Stature of Liberty.
Such enterprises today are regarded by many middle-aged persons as bad for the heart. But a well-known British physician, Sir Adolphe Abrhams, pointed out recently that hearts and bodies need proper exercises. A person who avoids exercise is more likely to have illnesses than one who exercises regularly. And walking is an ideal form of exercise—the most familiar and natural of all.
It was Henry Thoreau who showed mankind the richness of going on foot. The man walking can learn the trees, flower, insects, birds and animals, the significance of seasons, the very feel of himself as a living creature in a living world, He cannot learn in a car.
The car is a convenient means of transport, but we have made it our way of life. Many people don't dare to approach Nature any more; to them the world they were born to enjoy is all threat.To them security is a steel river thundering on a concrete road. And much of their thinking takes place while waiting for the traffic light to turn green.
I say that the green of forests is the mind's best light. And none but the man on foot can evaluate what is basic and everlasting.
(1)What is the national sickness?
A.Walking too much.
B.Travelling too much.
C.Driving cars too much.
D.Climbing stairs too much.
(2)What was life like when the author was young?
A.People usually went around on foot.
B.People often walked 25 miles a day.
C.People used to climb the Statue of Liberty.
D.People considered a ten-hour walk as a hardship.
(3)The author mentions Henry Thoreau to prove that _____.
A.middle-aged people like getting back to nature
B.walking in nature helps enrich one's mind
C.people need regular exercise to keep fit
D.going on foot prevents heart disease
(4)What's the author's intention of writing this passage?
A.To tell people to reflect more on life.
B.To recommend people to give up driving.
C.To advice people to do outdoor activities.
D.To encourage people to return to walking.

Today we eat on the go,at our desks and even in front of computers.We eat takeout,delivered and packaged meals.
"Over the past three decades,people have started eating out more than ever before and purchasing more prepared foods at the grocery store,which tend to contain more fat,salt and sugar than their home-made foods,"noted US healthy living website Spark People.
It encourages us to value the time we spend preparing,sharing and consuming food,as a recent USA today article put it.It all started in 1986 with the efforts of Slow Food's founding father,Italian activist Carlo Petrini,who wanted to bring back food varieties and flavors that had gone dark in the face of industrializationNow his idea is almost the mainstream.
Starting at the table,the movement promotes an unhurried way of life founded on the idea that everyone has a right to cooking pleasure,and that everyone must also take responsibility to "protect the heritage(遗产)of food, tradition and culture that make this celebration of the senses possible",wrote The Phnom Penh Post.
".It means turning down the speed at which we eat and increasing the amount of time we spend dining together with other people,"Althea Zanecosky,spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association,told The Huf fington Post."Dinner table conversations keep families together,"noted the Belgian non-profit organization Greenfudge.
A.It is a way to bring back the social togetherness of yesterday.
B.It seems that we have adapted our foods to our fast-paced lives.
C.So the Slow Food Movement has occurred against this fast-food trend.
D.Slow Food doesn't necessarily mean food that takes a long time to cook.
E.It is based on the idea that we should spend as much time as possible on cooking.
F.It's not only the food itself but also the time we spend dining together that matters.
G.At that time,he asked people to follow a more sustainable(可持续的)living model.

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