
11.If life is a beach,then a village in Ireland has come back from the dead after the sand returned 33years later due to a freak tide.
Dooagh beach on Achill Island in the west of Ireland,was washed away in 1984after storms hit the area,leaving a rocky foreshore.The tourists left,causing the hotels and guesthouses as well as the cafes to close down.But in April this year,the sand returned over a ten-day period caused by an unusually high tide that deposited hundreds of thousands of tons of sand along the 300m beach,bringing the beautiful beach back to its former glory.
Emmet Callaghan from Achill Island Tourist Office told the journalist that the people of the island were excited at the beach's reappearing."It's so nice for the villagers to have their beach back.It is an incredible example of the force and power of nature and how the coast can change in a matter of days.Yesterday we had traffic block here in the village with cars and people coming from all over Ireland and the UK to see our new beach,"he said."The people here have always spoken about their days on the beach and how they enjoyed it as children.To have it back with their kids is unbelievable.Now locals are hoping that the beach is given the blue flag status.We already have five blue flag beaches and hopefully,if we keep our beach here,we'll have a sixth."
Dr Ivan Haigh from the University of Southampton said there were two explanations as to why the beach has reformed."It could be a change in sediment (沉积物) supply,from further up or down the coast which has brought a fresh amount of sediment to the beach,"he said."It could also be due to a change in environmental conditions,either a change in the wave climate or a series of tides that have provided the ideal conditions for this beach to reform."
The tourism office and locals hope the new beach will stay,at least for the summer of this year.

58.What can we infer from the article?D
A.Dooagh beach was washed away by storms in 1980s.
B.People worldwide showed great interest in the beach.
C.Blue flag beaches are beneficial to children in the village.
D.The locals had wonderful memories about Dooagh beach.
59.The people on Achill Island hope the new Dooagh beach will stay becauseC.
A.its reforming shows the force and power of nature
B.they will have more beaches to enjoy with families
C.they hope it can help promote the village's economy
D.it will make the summer of the village amazing
60.What might be the reason for the beach's reforming?B
A.The wave climate keeps changing.
B.A series of tides provide the proper conditions.
C.Environmental conditions are getting better.
D.A fresh amount of sediment exists in the sea.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了dooagh海滩是爱尔兰的一个村庄的著名景点,十分适合旅游,乡亲们也希望可以推动乡村经济发展.

解答 58.D.细节理解题.根据第三段The people here have always spoken about their days on the beach and how they enjoyed it as children.To have it back with their kids is unbelievable可知当地人对dooagh海滩有美好的回忆;故选D.
59.C.推理判断题.根据文章."It could also be due to a change in environmental conditions,either a change in the wave climate or a series of tides that have provided the ideal conditions for this beach to reform可知阿基尔岛的人们希望新的dooagh海滩会因为他们希望这能有助于推动乡村经济;故选C.
60.B.细节理解题.根据倒数第二段."It could be a change in sediment (沉积物) supply,from further up or down the coast which has brought a fresh amount of sediment to the beach可知海滩改造的原因是一系列潮汐提供了适当的条件;故选B.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

1.Several countries in Asia celebrate the Lunar New Year in their own way.But dragon and lion dances in Chinatowns all over the world have helped to make China's New Year the most famous.These days growing(61)numbers  (number) of people who are not of Chinese origin are joining in.In Tokyo window cleaners dress up like the animals of the Chinese Shengxiao.America,Canada and New Zealand have published memorial stamps for the year of the rooster.Last year New York City made the Lunar New Year (62)a  school holiday for the first time.
The spread of the Spring Festival is (63)partly  (part) due to recent immigration from China:9.5million Chinese people (64)have moved  (move) abroad since 1978,many of(65)whom are far richer than earlier waves of immigrants.
Aware(66)of  China's growing economic and political influence,foreign leaders have noticed the occasion.Britain's prime minister,Theresa May,has given a video address,a tradition(67)started (start) in 2014 by her predecessor (前任).This year's World Economic Forum in Davos was held a week earlier than usual (68)to avoid  (avoid) conflicting with China's New Year.
China hopes the festival will promote (69)Its  (it) cultural"soft power"abroad.It may give the Chinese people (70)satisfaction  (satisfy) to see foreigners enjoy such festivities.
16.Why Does Walking through Doorways Make Us Forget?We've all done it.Run upstairs to get your keys,but forget that it is them you're looking for once you get to the bedroom.Open the fridge door and reach for the middle shelf only to realize that we can't remember why we opened the fridge in the first place.
We can understand those temporary moments of forgetfulness may be more than just an annoyance.Although these errors can be embarrassing,they are also common.It's known as the"Doorway Effect",and it shows some important features of how our minds are organized.Understanding this might help us accept those temporary moments of forgetfulness as more than just an annoyance.
The Doorway Effect occurs when our attention moves between levels,and it reflects the trust in our memories---even memories for what we were about to do---on the environment we're in.
Imagine that we're going upstairs to get our keys and forget that it is the keys we came for as soon as we enter the bedroom.Psychologically,what has happened is that the plan ("Keys!") has been forgotten even in the middle of carrying out a necessary part of the strategy ("Go to bedroom!").Probably the plan itself is part of a larger plan ("Get ready to leave the house!"),which is part of plans on a wider and wider field ("Go to work!","Keep my job!","Be a productive and responsible citizen",or whatever).Each field requires attention at some point.Somewhere in controlling the complex levels the need for keys suddenly comes into mind.
Our memories,even for our goals,are planted in webs of connections.That can be the physical environment in which we form them,which is why revisiting our childhood home can bring back a flood of previously forgotten memories,or it can be the mental environment---the set of things we were just thinking about when that thing suddenly comes into mind.
The Doorway Effect occurs because we change both the physical and mental environments,moving to a different room and thinking about different things.That hurriedly thought-up goal,which was probably only one plate among the many we're trying to spin(旋转),gets forgotten when the context changes.

33.The main purpose of the first paragraph isB.
A.to present daily facts
B.to introduce the topic
C.to remind us of our weak memory
D.to call attention to the danger of forgetfulness
34.What does the writer think about those temporary moments of forgetfulness?A
A.They can be understood and accepted.
B.They are important features of our minds.
C.They show that our minds are out of order.
D.They are embarrassing and should be avoided.
35.Which of the following memories was formed in the physical environment?D
A.A toy helps you remember a childhood friend.
B.When you sing a song,you think of a former classmate.
C.You are playing basketball when you remember your homework.
D.While visiting your primary school,you recall a forgotten memory.
36.How is the passage mainly developed?A
A.By providing examples.
B.By making comparisons.
C.By following the order of time.
D.By following the order of space.
20.请修改下面短文. 文中共有10处语言错误.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.
Dear Tom,
Thank you for write to me.In your e-mail,you asked me how my life was in the senior school.
Well,my life here is really amazed,and it makes me feel excited and a little stressed.Talking of senior English learning,I have learned about some interesting and meaningful topic.From Anne's Diary,I have learned about her family hid away for over two years in order to be caught by the German Nazis during World War  II.Beside,I have learned about the development of English.In a fact,the English language has changed quite a lot over the last four centuries.In addition,what impresses me most is the Tangshan earthquake,it almost destroyed the whole city.It were people,including workers,doctors that came to rescue those who were trapping under the ruins.
Well,I will tell you more next time if you are interested.
Li Hua.
1.A New Zealand woman,who had no sight since she was 11,had her sight restored one night when she hit her head on a coffee table.
Lisa Reid,from Auckland,has a disease on her optic nerve and in 2000she was not able to see at all.But on the night of November 15,2000,that all changed when Ms Reid,who was 24at the time bent down to kiss her guide dog,Ami,goodnight and accidentally knocked her head on her coffee table.The next morning,she woke up and some of her sight had been restored.
"Nobody knows what happened or can explain it,"Ms Reid,now 38,told Daily Mail Australia."I can't really find words to describe how it felt-amazing,fantastic.""You can imagine not being able to see and then you can.You can't really describe that.To see the world again is a gift."
To help her recover from the blindness,Ms Reid has been supported by New Zealand's Blind Foundation and said without them she would be"lost".Ms Reid is sharing her story with the world to help them raise awareness and funds to help the foundation provide the services which she was using since she was 14.
She recalls that one of her most shocking moments she had when she was able to see again-the changes in her brother."My brother was a young man with a beard,but now he has become a man."Ms Reid said."When I saw my mum,I was like:"You look the same but older."

28.How did Lisa Reid regain her vision?A
A.She hit her head on a coffee table.
B.She kissed her guided dog.
C.The disease on her optic nerve was missing.
D.The modern treatment.
29.What can we know about Lisa Reid?B
A.She lost her sight in 1979.
B.She had been helped by New Zealand's Blind Foundation for about 10years.
C.She restored her vision again 10years after she lost it.
D.When she restored her vision again,she was 38years old.
30.New Zealand's Blind FoundationA.
A.helps those blind people
B.only helps blind children
C.provides money to blind children
D.gets funds from the government
31.Why did the author mention Lisa Reid's brother and mother?D
A.To show her brother had grown up.
B.To show her mother's changes.
C.To show her changes.
D.To show that she was shocked when seeing the changes.

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