

The Health Benefits of Journaling

Scientific evidence supports that journaling (or keeping diaries) provides unexpected benefits. The act of writing accesses your left brain, which is analytical and rational. While your left brain is occupied, your right brain is free to create and feel. In sum, writing removes mental blocks and allows you to use all of your brainpower to better understand yourself, others and the world around you. 1.

Clarify your thoughts and feelings. Do you ever seem all mixed up inside, unsure of what you want or feel? Taking a few minutes to write down your thoughts and emotions will quickly get you in touch with your internal world.

2. By writing routinely you will get to know what makes you feel happy and confident. You will also become clear about situations and be able to recognize people who will not get on with you — important information for your emotional well-being.

Reduce stress. Writing about anger, sadness and other painful emotions helps to release your feelings. 3.

Solve problems more effectively. Typically we solve problems from a left-brained, analytical perspective. But sometimes the answer can only be found by involving right-brained creativity and intuition (直觉). 4.

Resolve disagreements with others. Writing about misunderstandings rather than worrying about them will help you understand another's point of view. 5.

In addition to all of these wonderful benefits, keeping a journal allows you to track patterns, trends and improvements and growth over time.

A. Know yourself better.

B. Achieve goals.

C. People have been studying whether the emotional release brings better sleep.

D.Writing affords the opportunity for unexpected solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems.

E. By doing so you will feel calmer and be able to stay in the present.

F. Begin journaling and begin experiencing the following benefits.

G. And you just may come up with a sensible resolution to the conflict.




The Power of a Note

On my first job as sports editor for the Montpelier(Ohio) Leader Enterprise, I didn’t get a lot of fan mail, _______ a letter that was dropped on my desk one morning seemed _______ to me.

When I opened it, I read: “A nice piece of writing on the Tigers. Please _______the good work.” It was _______ by Don Wolfe, the sports editor. Because I was a teenager (being paid for 15 cents a column inch ), his words couldn’t have been more _______. I kept the letter in my desk drawer _______it got rag-eared. Whenever I_______whether I had the ability to be a writer, I would reread Don’s note and feel _______ again.

Later, when I got to know him, I learned that Don made a_______ of writing a quick, encouraging word to people in _______. “When I made others feel good about _______ ,” he told me, “I feel good too.”

Not _______ , he had a body of friends as big as nearby Lake Erie. When he died last year at 75, the paper was _______ with calls and letters from people who had been recipients of his _______ words.

_______the years, I’ve tried to copy the example of Don and other friends_______ care enough to write uplifting comments, because I think they are on to something important. In a world too often cold and unresponsive, such _______ bring warmth and reassurance. We all need a push from time to time, and a few lines of _______ have been known to turn around a day, even a life.

Be _______ with your praise. Superlatives like “greatest” “smartest” “prettiest” make us all feel good. Even if your praise is a little ahead of reality, remember that expectations are often the _______ of dreams fulfilled.

1.A. so B. because C. for D. since

2.A. interesting B. strange C. joyful D. important

3.A. take up B. pick up C. bring up D. keep up

4.A. played B. passed C. signed D. tested

5.A. inspiring B. moving C. disappointing D. depressing

6.A. if B. until C. as D. while

7.A. felt B. thought C. wondered D. doubted

8.A. confident B. calm C. upset D. embarrassed

9.A. difference B. habit C. fortune D. wish

10.A. different places B. other fields C. all walks of life D. all kinds of uniforms

11.A. me B. him C. myself D. themselves

12.A. surprisingly B. fearfully C. truthfully D. safely

13.A. covered B. filled C. flooded D. connected

14.A. up-to-date B. spirit-lifting C. sharp D. remarkable

15.A. Over B. On C. After D. From

16.A. they B. what C. which D. who

17.A. books B. newspapers C. notes D. magazines

18.A. praise B. agreement C. advice D. advertisement

19.A. awful B. strict C. satisfied D. generous

20.A. friends B. classmates C. parents D. children

NASA-s New Horizons probe(宇宙探测器)flew by Pluto(冥王星)this morning, sending back history's first up-close looks at the vast freezing-cold world. Closest approach came at 7:49 a.m. EDT. To celebrate, NASA gave out the latest photo of Pluto. It showed a reddish world with an amazing heart-shaped feature on its surface.

After today's close encounter, all the nine solar system's traditionally recognized planets have now been visited by a spaceship-a huge project begun in 1962 when NASA's Mariner 2 probe flew past Venus, a planet in the solar system. More than l,200 scientists, NASA guests and important persons, including 200 reporters, watched the flyby live at New Horizons' mission control center.

That close encounter has been a long time coming. The$723 million New Horizons mission launched in January 2006 but began taking shape in 1989. "New Horizons is'a capstone mission'," Glen Fountain, mission project manager told Space, com. "It is the first completion of the observations of our solar system. It-s giving us a new idea about how we human beings fit into the universe."

New Horizons "faced a crazy number of challenges," Stern, a driving force behind New Horizons said, "So many people stuck with this for so long. They got knocked down; they stood up. They got knocked down again; they stood up again.”

In a coincidence, today's close approach falls on the 50th anniversary of the first flyby of Mars, another planet, which was completed by NASA-s Mariner 4 spaceship.

There are no longer nine officially recognized planets, of course. The International Astronomical Union regarded Pluto as “a dwarf planet" in 2006 in a decision that remains controversial(有争议的)today.

1.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Ideas still vary in the identity of Pluto.

B. Only scientists could watch the flyby live.

C. Mars is the first planet visited by a spaceship.

D. New Horizons mission aimed to observe the solar system.

2.Glen Fountain may probably agree that _____________________.

A. it is the most difficult to land on Pluto in the solar system

B. New Horizons mission is a long and troublesome project

C. their strong determination leads to the successful flyby

D. people are likely to find new ways to fit into space

3.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.A New Horizons Probe B. NASA's Huge Project

C. Pluto,a Controversial Planet D. A Close Approach to Pluto



As a teenager, I was pretty lazy when it came to doing thingsfor my family. I worked hard at school, and sometimeslooked after my younger sister. Still, I found myself regularly resisting the urge to ______ out at home with even the simplest things.

Every Wednesday afternoon, for example, my mother ______ me to another town for a piano lesson. During my two-hour lesson, she’d rush to the nearby store and buy a week’s worth of ______. Given the fact that my mom had driven me twelve miles there, twelve miles back, ______ for my lesson, and bought me a candy bar, you’d think I’d be very ______ to help her bring the groceries into the house. ______ I wasn’t. I generally just brought in an armload and left the ______ for Mom as I ran to my room, shut the door, and started studying.

Don’t get me wrong: even back in my room, I felt ______ about not helping my mother more. Deep inside, I wanted to change my ______ . But I also realized that once I did change, there’d be no going back. ______ I took on more responsibility, my parents would start______ more of me. At age fifteen, I sensed that this one small change would ______ something much bigger: my personal change from a cared-for, spoiled (被宠坏的) childto a more ______ , caring and giving young man.

I’ll never forget the Wednesday when I made a(n) ______to jump in and see what happened. Returning home from the ______ , I disappeared into my room, as usual. But once inside, I felt that deep and burning ______. Throwing my school books on the bed, I suddenly opened my door and ______ back to the garage to help my mother. How happy I felt that day!

Surely, over time, I continued to help out with more housework. The neat thing was, the more I helped out, the ______ I felt about myself and my place in my family. As Mom and Dad realized they could ______ on me more, our trips became far less stressful, too. In short, it was a win-win situation for everyone.

Sometimes the little things we put off doing the longest ______ out to be the simplest things to complete. And feeling happy beats feeling guilty any day.

1.A. help B. cry C. start D. work

2.A.sent B. drove C. walked D. guided

3.A. fruitsB. flowers C. groceriesD. vegetables

4.A. paidB.fought C. applied D. planned

5.A. nervous B. gratefulC. confident D. unwilling

6.A. So B. And C. Thus D. But

7.A. one B. other C. next D. rest

8.A. excited B. curiousC. guiltyD. doubtful

9.A. wayB. world C. career D. shape

10.A. Since B. Though C. UnlessD. Once

11.A. warning B. remindingC. expectingD. informing

12.A. tell B. mark C. express D. describe

13.A. energeticB. ambitiousC. outgoing D. responsible

14.A. excuse B. decision C. statementD. appointment

15.A.duty B.store C. lesson D. holiday

16. A. anger B. shame C. delight D. pleasure

17.A. called B. looked C. headed D. handed

18.A. betterB. smarter C. warmer D. stronger

19.A. live B. press C. focus D. count

20.A. turn B. make C. point D. Bring

Every people uses its own special word to show its ideas and feelings. Some of these expressions are commonly used for many years. Others are popular for just a short time. One such American expression is “Where’s the beef?” It is used when something is not as good as it is said to be. In the early 1980s “Where’s the beef?” was one of the most popular expressions in the United States. It seemed as if everyone using it at the time.

Beef, of course, is the meat from a cow, and food is more popular in America than a hamburger made from beef. In the 1960s a businessman named Ray began building small restaurants that sold hamburgers at a low price. Ray called this “McDonald’s”. Ray became one of the richest businessmen at last in America.

Other business people watched his success. Some of them opened their own hamburger restaurants. One company called “Wendy’s” said its hamburgers were bigger than those sold by McDonald’s or anyone else. The Wendy’s Company began to use the expression “Where’s the beef?” to make people know that Wendy’s hamburgers were the biggest. The Wendy’s television advertisement showed three old women eating hamburgers. The bread that covered the meat was very big, but inside there was only a bit of meat. One of the women said she would not eat a hamburger with such a little piece of beef. “Where’s the beef?” she shouted in a funny way. The advertisement for Wendy’s hamburger restaurants was a success. As we said, it seemed everyone began using the expression “Where’s the beef?”

1._______ started McDonald’s restaurant.

A. McDonald B. Ray C. Wendy D. Three old women

2.Other people wanted to open hamburger restaurants because they thought _______.

A. they could sell hamburgers at a low price

B. beef was very popular in America

C. they could make a lot of money

D. hamburgers were easy to make

3.Wendy’s made the expression known to everybody _______.

A. by a television advertisement

B. with many old women eating hamburgers

C. while selling bread with a bit of meat in it

D. at the McDonald’s restaurant

4.We can learn from the passage that the expression “Where’s the beef?” means that _______.

A. the beef in hamburgers is not as much as it is said to be.

B. the hamburgers are not as good as they are said to be.

C. Wendy’s beef is the biggest one in American restaurant.

D. it is used when something is not as good as it is said to be.

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