
阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Recently I was invited to a friend’s house for supper. Ben, the ________, had also invited his girlfriend Marina, and another colleague called Alistair. We were all a little surprised by the ________. It’s not that Ben is ________, or a bad cook, but he never spends more than he has to. Money has been hard earned and so should be spent ________. So why was he inviting us round for a ________?

Ben greeted us at the door with a grin(露齿笑), and as we ________, a laid table was waiting for us. He was still smiling in a strange way. “Nothing but the best for my friends!” said Ben. We sat down and looked ________ at each other—what was he up to?

Ben returned with four bowls of soup. It was a mixture of carrots, potatoes and tomatoes. The next ________ was just another mixture of things. There was some bread too, but it was a little stale(不新鲜的).

“Did you follow a set of ________ that tells you how to cook this,” asked Marina, “or did you just make it up yourself?” Ben put his fork down. “What I cooked depended on what I could ________.” Marina was surprised. “________ you can find anything in British supermarkets these days.” “But there is less choice ________ supermarkets,” he replied.

We all ________ at him in amazement. “What do you mean by outside supermarkets?” asked Alistair.

Seeing that we had all ________ the food, Ben decided that it was time to tell the ________. He had read recently that a lot of ________ was thrown away by supermarkets every day, because they only want to sell ________ food. So Ben found those vegetables and bread inside his local supermarket bins.

We were all ________ . Ben said he can afford not to eat ________ food so he would not do this regularly. However, he also said, “There are many poor people who ________ the food, and the amount of food thrown away is enough to feed millions of people.”

1.A. cookB. bossC. waiterD. host

2.A. invitationB. introductionC. educationD. position

3.A. naughtyB. unsociableC. lonelyD. unhappy

4.A. quicklyB. foolishlyC. wiselyD. honestly

5.A. tripB. gameC. mealD. lesson

6.A. enteredB. leftC. movedD. started

7.A. excitedlyB. happilyC. nervouslyD. calmly

8.A. chanceB. courseC. secretD. present

9.A. rewardsB. instructionsC. regulationsD. promises

10.A. borrowB. buyC. produceD. find

11.A. ThoughB. UnlessC. ButD. And

12.A. alongB. throughC. insideD. outside

13.A. aimedB. laughedC. noddedD. stared

14.A. finishedB. enjoyedC. servedD. prepared

15.A. differenceB. truthC. decisionD. story

16.A. moneyB. waterC. foodD. time

17.A. freshB. cheapC. basicD. special

18.A. inspiredB. scaredC. worriedD. shocked

19.A. expensiveB. deliciousC. freeD. simple

20.A. needB. sellC. ignoreD. order


There are two types of people in the world. Although they have equal degree of health and wealth and other comforts of life, one becomes happy and the other becomes unhappy. This arises from the different ways in which they consider things, persons, events and the resulting effects upon their minds.

People who are to be happy fix their attention on the convenience of things: the pleasant parts of conversation, the well prepared dishes, the goodness of the wine and the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the opposite things. Therefore, they are continually dissatisfied. By their remarks, they sour the pleasure of society, hurt many people, and make themselves disagreeable everywhere. If this turn of mind was founded in nature, such unhappy persons would be the more to be pitied. The intention of criticizing and being disliked is perhaps taken up by imitation. It grows into a habit, unknown to its possessors. The habit may be strong, but it may be cured when those who have it realize its bad effects on their interests and tastes. I hope this little warning may be of service to them, and help them change this habit.

Although in fact it is chiefly an act of the imagination, it has serious results in life since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck. Those people hurt many others; nobody loves them, and no one treats them with more than the most common politeness and respect. This frequently puts them in bad temper and draws them into arguments. If they aim at getting some advantages in social position or fortune, nobody wishes them success. Nor will anyone start a step or speak a word to favor their hopes. If they bring on themselves public objections, no one will defend or excuse them, and many will join to criticize their wrongdoings. These should change this bad habit and be pleased with what is pleasing, without worrying needlessly about themselves and others. If they do not, it will be good for others to avoid any contact with them. Otherwise, it can be disagreeable and sometimes very inconvenient, especially when one becomes mixed up in their quarrels.

1.People who are unhappy ________.

A. always consider things differently from others

B. always discover the unpleasant side of certain things

C. usually misunderstand what others think or say

D. usually are affected by the results of certain things

2.The phrase “sour the pleasure of society” most nearly means “________”.

A. makes others unhappy

B. has a good taste with social life

C. tend to scold others openly

D. enjoy the pleasure of life

3.We can conclude from the passage that ________.

A. we should pity all such unhappy people

B. such unhappy people are dangerous to social life

C. people can get rid of the habit of unhappiness

D. unhappy people can not understand happy persons

Cambridge University Botanic Garden

We run a lively programme of family events, life-long learning courses and much more throughout the year.

Improve your Digital Photography

This course led by award-winning photographer, Pete Murray, will show you how to take control of your camera. Using a proven “step by step approach” you will gain confidence in using your camera.


Time:10 am—4 pm


Event Category: Garden Photography

‘Handbag’ Baskets

New to the Botanic Garden, this course will give you the opportunity to make your very own beautiful ‘handbag basket’from a design that local basketry maker, Debbie Hall, developed herself. They have proved very popular since she started teaching the technique.

Date: 07/10

Time: 10 am —4:30 pm

Price: £120

Event Category: Weaving & Basketry

Trees and Shrubs(灌木) for Autumn Color

Join Mark Crouch, a specialist in the care of trees, for this course on choosing trees and shrubs to create beautiful autumn displays for your garden. The day will include a talk in our classroom and a tour of the Botanic Garden to look at autumn color and interest across our tree and shrub collection.

Date: 17/10

Time: 10 am —4 pm

Price: £50

Event Category: Gardens and Plants

Introduction to Botanical Subjects in Colored Pencil

If you are interested in beginning to use colored pencils to draw botanical subjects, then this is the course for you. Janie Pirie is one of the country’s leading pencil artists and on this one-day course she will show you the basic techniques used when working with colored pencils.

Date: 16/10

Time: 10 am —4 pm

Price: £40

Event Category: Botanical Art

1.How much would you pay if you wanted to learn to take better pictures?

A. £40. B. £50. C. £60. D. £120.

2.Who is good at making baskets?

A. Janie Pirie. B. Debbie Hall.

C. Pete Murray. D. Mark Crouch.

3.The course that provides an opportunity to tour the garden is held on __________.

A. September 29th B. October 7th

C. October 16th D. October 17th

While astronauts in space get to do many exciting things, they miss out on ordinary things that we all take for granted—being able to walk on firm ground, hanging out with family and digging into a slice of hot steaming pizza. Though not much can be done about the first two things, there may soon be a solution to the third one, thanks to this cool 3-D pizza printer!

About a year ago, NASA offered $125,000 to Anjan Contractor, a 3-D technology expert, to build a device that would allow astronauts to make pizza on demand. The mechanical engineer promised that his invention would produce pies in large quantities that looked, tasted and even smelled like pizza made in common ovens.

Late last year, the engineer presented a video of his first prototype (原型) that begins by creating a single slice of dough (面团) that is cooked and printed at the same time. Then comes the tomato “sauce”—a mix of tomato powder, oil and water and finally, a protein slice that resembles cheese. While the video doesn’t show the baking process, the inventor says that once the pizza is printed, it can be ready to be consumed (消耗) in 7 seconds.

While the pie in the video looks delicious enough to attract any pizza lover, Anjan Contractor is far from ready for astronauts. That’s because he still has to find a solution to make the food container in the printer last for 30 years. Though that may sound unrealistic, actually it is not. Anjan Contractor believes that the only way that is possible is that the water is removed from all the ingredients and then they are reduced to the powder form. This, as you can imagine, will not be so easy. But, while the printer may not be ready for space, it certainly looks ready enough for people on earth. Hopefully, NASA and Contractor will consider selling it to those not fortunate enough to go to Mars!

1.Why does the author mention the things that astronauts in space cannot do?

A. To ask us not to take common things for granted.

B. To show they live a difficult life there.

C. To show their life is boring in space.

D. To introduce the topic of the text.

2.NASA offered $125,000 to Anjan Contractor mainly to ________.

A. create some new type of 3-D printer

B. attract more companies to work for NASA

C. help astronauts in space enjoy fresh pizza one day

D. produce pizza in large quantities to earn great profits

3.The biggest challenge that Anjan Contractor is faced with now is probably that ________.

A. he has no money left to go on with his research

B. the pizza doesn’t seem appetizing to pizza lovers

C. he has no way to make pizza that can last for thirty years

D. he cannot make the food container last for decades

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. NASA is trying its best to help astronauts eat better.

B. Astronauts may soon be able to enjoy steaming hot pizza.

C. NASA is working on making pizza for common people.

D. A 3-D pizza printer has been used to make pizza.

Dear Valued Customer,

We regret that your baggage was not available to claim after your recent flight. Everything possible will be done to locate your property and return it to you promptly(迅速地).

For information regarding your delayed baggage, contact the United Airlines Baggage Resolution Center at its 24 hour, seven days a week


1-800-335-BAGS (2247) (US – Toll Free)

281-821-3536 (Local Houston Number)

Or visit site: http://www.united.com/for/bagtracing

As soon as you file your Delayed Baggage Report, United Airlines will begin to trace(搜寻) for your baggage system. Our Baggage Resolution staff will make every effort to call you once a day to keep you updated on our progress. Please refer to the File Reference Number on this receipt (凭证) when corresponding or calling so that we can quickly access your records,

Keep this receipt with your claim check and E-Ticket receipt until your baggage is returned to you.

In most circumstances, United Airlines will deliver your baggage when it is located. Delivery times vary depending on location.

If your baggage has not been returned to you within the initial five-day tracing period, please download a claim form at http://www.united.com/web/en-US/content/

travel/baggage/delayed.aspx and return it to us with the required documentation included.

1.Where does the report most probably come from?

A. Suitcase Tracing Center

B. Baggage Resolution Center

C. Delivery Center of United Airline

D. Information Center of the Airport

2. To inform the customer of the process, the staff at the center will __________.

A. file the customers Delayed Baggage report

B. access the customer’s record quickly

C. update the process information online daily

D. contact the customer on the phone once a day

3.What can we learn about John Jackson from the report?

A. He should call 802-247-9999 for the information about his delayed baggage.

B. He will get back his delayed baggage in less than five days.

C. He must have filed his Delayed Baggage already.

D. He may not know anything about his delayed baggage during the first five days.

4.The purpose of the passage is ______.

A. to instruct the customers how to get back their delayed baggage

B. to provide information about the location of the delayed baggage

C. to inform the customers of the time when the delayed baggage can be found

D. to tell the customers the news that their delayed baggage was delayed

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
