
5.-How long are we staying here?
-______(  )
A.That's all right.B.Never mind.
C.It's up to you.D.It doesn't matter.

分析 ---我们要做这呆多长时间?

解答 答案C.A项"不要紧,没关系";B项"不要紧";D项"没关系";C项"取决于你";根据上下文语境可知,我们呆在这儿完全取决于你,因此C项符合语境,故选C.

点评 本题考查情景交际.解答此类题目首先应该读懂句意,分析上下文语境和逻辑关系.其次对每个选项中的交际用语的适用情况要掌握,根据语境锁定正确答案.关键平时学习中要对交际用语多积累多总结反复记忆.

13.Why does Facebook use blue as its primary branding color?According to The New Yorker,the reason is simple:it's because Mark Zuckerberg is red-green colorblind.As the Facebook CEO told the magazine,"Blue is the richest color for me-I can see all of blue."
While Facebook's choice of blue didn't come after extensive research,it's most likely not sheer coincidence that two other major social networking sites-Twitter and LinkedIn-also picked blue as their dominant color.
Blue is the color of the intellect,the mind,making it the color of communication.And when you think about social media,it's all about communicating.Besides,blue is the world's favorite color,multiple surveys have shown.Ask people their favorite color,and in most parts of the world roughly half will say blue,a figure three to four times the support for common second-place finishers like purple or green.The color is also associated with trust,honor and productivity,which constitute how a lot of businesses want to be perceived.
Another example is CocaCola.It's not by accident that its logo and cans have remained red for decades.The mention of the beverage probably had you think of red immediately,the most emotionally intense color associated with boldness,love and life.
The visual sense is the strongest developed sense in most human beings.Research has revealed that people make a subconscious judgment about a person,environment,or product within 90 seconds of initial viewing and that between 62 percent and 90 percent of that assessment is based on color alone.It's only natural that advertisers and marketers have spent vast amount of time and money in attempts to use color for the purpose of influencing consumers to use their services or buy their products
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)
78.Why do some networking sites use"blue"as their dominant color?Because it stands for the intellect and the mind.
79.That businessmen are supposed to think carefully about the color they choose is thatit is associated with trust,honor and productivity.
80.According to the survey about their favorite color,roughly half in most parts of the worldsupport blue.
81.What is the main factor when people make a subconscious judgment?The main factor is based on color alone.
15.Very mobile ears help many animals direct their attention to the rustle of a possible attacker.Researchers say these mobile ears have become a useful communication tool.Their studies of animal behaviour build up a picture of how communication and social skills developed.
"We're interested in how they communicate,"said lead researcher Jennifer Wathan."And being sensitive to what another individual is thinking is a fundamental skill from which other more complex skills develop."
Ms Wathan and her colleague Prof Karen McComb set up a behavioural experiment where 72individual horses had to use visual cues from another horse in order to choose where to feed.They led each horse to a point where it had to select one of two buckets.On a wall behind this decision-making spot was a life-sized photograph of a horse's head facing either to left or right.In some of the trials,the horses'ears or eyes were covered.
If the ears and eyes of the horse in the picture were visible,the horses being tested would choose the bucket towards which its gaze-and its ears-were directed.If the horse in the picture had either its eyes or its ears covered,the horse being tested would just choose a feed bucket at random.
Like many mammals that are hunted by predators(捕食者),horses can rotate(旋转)their ears through almost 180degrees-but Ms Wathan said that in our"human-centric"view of the world,we had overlooked the importance of these very mobile ears in animal communication.
"It seems there's something in the visual cues-from both the eyes and the ears-that are really important,"she told BBC News."Horses have quite rich social lives and relationships with other horses,so they're a good species to look at this in."And the more we look at communication across different species,the more we can consider what might have promoted the evolution of sophisticated communication and social skills."

32.Why does a horse rotate its ears?C
A.To tell each other where they can go for the buckets.
B.To be curious about what the other horse is thinking.
C.To warn the other horse when an attacker is coming closer.
D.To express its hope to build up social relations with others.
33.Why did the researchers use the life-sized photograph of a horse in the experiment?D
A.To help develop horses'complex skills.
B.To lead other horses to feed themselves.
C.To make the horses in the experiment excited.
D.To provide clues for the horses in the experiment.
34.Why are ears and eyes important to horses?C
A.They can find the feeding buckets more easily with ears and eyes.
B.With ears and eyes they can escape from dangers more easily.
C.With ears and eyes they can communicate with other horses.
D.Horses have quite rich social lives with ears and eyes.
35.What can be the best title of the passage?A
A.Rotary Ears Serve as Communication Tools.
B.Horses Have More Social Skills than Other Species.
C.Experiments with Horses'Ears.
D.Fundamental Skills of Horses.

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