
Well,today,I had to go into town for an art exhibition that I had entered a piece in.Since it is winter here,I have not____going out of the house very much at all.So today I thought I would____myself to lunch—something I haven't done for ages!

I walked around for a long time downtown,and finally,I____on some Thai food,from a buffet-type place.When I____down.I noticed a man walk by and sit down a few____away from me.He had a small dish of yogurt.As my____met his,I saw a sad,lonely man with____hair.He had dirt on his coat and pants,____from sleeping outside.I was pretty sure he was_____

I looked at my food and felt____that I had this full plate of food and he had____,not even a hint of a(n)____on his face.I went over and asked him if he was hungry.When he heard me,he turned and nodded to me.Then he gestured that he had no_____He saw me reach into my____and I said "follow me".In a flash,he was behind me.I____for another plate of food that allowed him to____anything he wanted.His____was piled high when he sat back down at his table.I loved sitting there and____him every so often,while he carefully____his beans and other chosen ingredients.

After____,I went on to see how my art work had done in the exhibition and found out that I had won second place.I will never forget this day!

1.A. remembered B. risked C. forgot D. stopped

2.A. treat B. abuse C. ban D. devote

3.A. fed B. focused C. seated D. settled

4.A. put B. went C. sat D. lay

5.A. miles B. arms C. tables D. inches

6.A. eyes B. nose C. body D. ears

7.A. clean B. wet C. dry D. dirty

8.A. doubtfully B. obviously C. generally D. actually

9.A. careless B. homeless C. childless D. speechless

10.A. terrible B. happy C. confused D. horrible

11.A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing

12.A. tear B. laugh C. smile D. expression

13.A. friends B. money C. relatives D. chances

14.A. car B. pocket C. clothes D. house

15.A. advertised B. cared C. paid D. sent

16.A. lose B. borrow C. sell D. pick

17.A. dishes B. bowl C. cakes D. plate

18.A. watching B. visiting C. listening to D. looking after

19.A. chose B. studied C. enjoyed D. made

20.A. lunch B. breakfast C. supper D. dinner


Popeye the Sailor first became a popular cartoon in the 1930s.The sailor in that cartoon ate lots of spinach to make him strong. People watched him, and they began to buy and eat a lot more spinach. Popeye helped sell 33 percent more spinach than before! Spinach became a necessary part of many people’s diets. Even some children who hated the taste began to eat the vegetable.

Many people thought that the iron in spinach made Popeye strong, but this is not true. Spinach does not have any more iron than any other green vegetable.

People only thought spinach had a lot of iron because the people who studied the food made a mistake. In the 1890s, a group of people studied what was inside vegetables. This group said that spinach had ten times more iron than it did. The group wrote the number wrong, and everyone accepted it.

Today, we know that the little iron there is in spinach cannot make a difference in how strong a person is. However, spinach does have something else which the body needs—folic acid.

It is interesting to point out that folic acid can help make a person strong. Maybe it was really the folic acid that made Popeye strong all along.

1.A good title for this reading passage is______.

A. Popeye the Sailor B. The Truth About Spinach

C. A Mistake with Numbers D. Folic Acid Makes You Strong

2.Why did many people eat spinach after they saw Popeye the Sailor?

A. They thought spinach made them strong.

B. They thought Popeye was funny.

C. Spinach had a lot of iron.

D. People liked folic acid.

3.A research group told people that spinach______.

A. made Popeye strong

B. was a green vegetable

C. had less iron than other green vegetables

D. had more iron than other green vegetables

4.The reading passage says that perhaps Popeye got his strength from______.

A. iron B. folic acid

C. spinach D. exercise

5.Folic acid is ______.

A. something in food B. a vegetable

C. dangerous D. a certain kind of spinach

Mo Yan, a Chinese writer has won the 2012 No bel Prize in Literature, announced the Swedish Academy in Stockholm on Thursday. The win makes Mo Yan the first Chinese citizen to win the Nobel in Literature in its history. Informed of his win today, the author, who was having dinner at home, was “overjoyed and scared”.

He published his first book in 1981, but found literary success in 1987 with Hong Gaoliang Jiazu, which was successfully filmed in the stone year, directed by famous Chinese director Zhang Yimou. It was adapted from his 1986 novel of the same name and filmed in Gaomi, bringing to life a visual landscape of red sorghum fields and a fiery setting sun. His most famous works include Big Breasts and Wide Hips, Sandalwood Penalty and the 1985 novel Red Transparent Radish.

Born in 1955 to parents who were farmers, Mo Yan-- a pen name for Guan Moye, grew up in Gaomi in shandong province in eastern China. At the age of 12, he left school to work, first in agriculture, later in a factory, In 1976 he joined the army and during this time began to study literature and writing. Gaomi county is where most of Mo’s stories happen. It’s a place that has inspired him throughout his 31-year writing career.

“I grew up in an environment full of folk culture, which comes into my novels when I pick up a pen to write. This has definitely affected, even decided, my works’ artistic style, ”Mo told a group of reporters in his hometown of Gaomi, Shandong, shortly after he won the award.

“I really didn’t see this coming, ” Lu Jiande, director of the Institute of Literature at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told 21st Century. “I know Mo Yan pretty well and one thing a lot of people don’t know is how good he is with words. His writing is surprisingly beautiful. In his writing, he can make words live and breathe. ”Lu said. “He is far ahead of other Chinese in the sense that he takes the critical perspective inside first, starting from criticizing himself instead of the outside world. ”

Some critics point out that Mo’s works have a tendency toward vulgarity(粗俗).

In an interview with South China Morning Post, Professor Xiao Ying of Tsinghua University said “the award was outside of my expectation, as Mo Yan’s works are still short on the idealism of pursuing humanity, which marks previous N obel literature prize winners”. (346W)

1.How did Mo Yan feel when he was told about the news?

A. Excited and proud. B. Worried and cautious.

C. Uncertain and shocked D. Happy and surprised..

2.Which of the following statements about Mo Yan is RIGHT?

A. He was the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize.

B. He grew up in a poor family.

C. Red Sorghum was his first work.

D. Gaomi is famous for its beautiful scenery.

3.What has inspired Mo Yan when he is writing?

A. His experience in the army.

B. His living environment in Gaomi County.

C. Modern urban life.

D. Other writers’ works.

4.Professor Xiao Ying of Tsinghua University thinks that Mo Yan______.

A. can match previous Nobel literature prize winners

B. focuses on the idealism of pursuing humanity in his works

C. is worth admiring

D. doesn’t deserve to be given the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012

Here are five ruffled(有褶饰边的)fashions for autumn.

Flowing Shirt

This beautiful shirt has layers of ruffles in different colors.Right now,this shirt is on sale for $39.It comes in rich colors like purple,pink and gray.This shirt can be found at anthropologie.com in sizes x-small to x-large.Note that this shirt needs to be hand washed.

Ruffled Cardigan

The ruffled cardigan from The Limited is an open style with ruffles along the front edges.The longer length looks great with jeans.What's more,the sleeves come to the elbows(手肘).This comes in white,black and brown. Purchase it for $ 59.

Henley Shirt

This shirt is an attractive milk white color that will match with anything.The sleeves will keep you warm in the autumn.This shirt has two rows of ruffles along the collar.It comes in sizes small to x-large and costs $ 49.Purchase this at dillards.com.

Pintucked Blouse

This blouse is surprisingly beautiful.The ruffles are very pretty.Choose from off-white and black.This costs $ 49 at The Limited.It comes in sizes x-small to x-large.

Ruffled Dress

This fresh dress is great for a date night or girl's night out.The ruffle dress is strapless(无带的),with a sweetheart neckline and ruffles on both the top and skirt.Made from silk,this dress comes in.blue,purple and black.It comes in sizes x-small to x-large and can be found at American Eagle Outfitters for $ 69.

1.What is the author's purpose by writing the passage?

A. To introduce several online shops.

B. To advertise her beautiful designs.

C. To introduce five fashions for autumn.

D. To tell us what clothes are in fashion this year.

2.What can you visit to buy a Henley shirt?

A. dillards.com. B. anthropologie.com.

C. The Limited. D. American Eagle Outfitters.

3.How much does a buyer need to pay for a ruffled dress,a ruffled cardigan and a flowing shirt?

A. $177. B. $167.

C. $157. D. $137.

4.What information is mentioned in each of the five fashions?

A. The colors and prices. B. The right age groups.

C. The makers and materials. D. The sizes and washing instructions.

Humans have been keeping animals as pets for tens of thousands of years, but Dr Jean-Loup Rault, an animal scientist at the University of Melbourne in Australia, believes new companions are coming: robot pets.

“Technology is moving very fast,” Rault told ABC News, “The Tamagotchi in the early 1990s was really the first robotic pet, and now Sony and other big companies have improved them a lot.”

This may not sit well with pet lovers. After all, who would choose a plastic toy over a lovely puppy? But Rault argues that the robotic kind has a lot going for it: “You don’t have to feed it, you don’t have to walk it, it won’t make a mess in your house, and you can go on a holiday without feeling guilty.” The technology also benefits those who are allergic to pets, short on space, or fearful of real animals.

It’s not clear whether robot pets can replace real ones. But studies do suggest that we can bond with these smart machines. People give their cars names and kids give their toy animals life stories. It’s the same with robots. When Sony stopped its repair service for its robot dog Aibo in March 2014, owners in Japan held funerals.

As an animal welfare researcher, Rault is concerned about how robotic pets could affect our attitudes towards live animals. “If we become used to a robotic companion that doesn’t need food, water or exercises, perhaps it will change how humans care about other living beings,” he said.

So are dogs and cats a thing of the past, as Rault predicts? For those who grew up with living and breathing pets, the mechanical kind might not do. But for our next generation who are in constant touch with smart technology, a future in which lovely pets needn’t have a heartbeat might not be a far-fetched dream.

1.What does the underlined phrase “sit well with” means?

A. be refused by B. be beneficial to

C. make a difference to D. receive support from

2.What are the advantages of robot pets?

a. They are plastic and feel smooth.

b. Owners needn’t worry about them when going out.

c. They can help cure allergies(过敏).

d. They save space and costs.

A. ab B. bc

C. bd D. cd

3.We can learn from the passage that___________.

A. Sony is the first company to produce robot pets Aibo.

B. People can develop strong bond(联系、关系) with their robot pets.

C. Rault thinks robot pets still have a long way to go.

D. Robot toys may help people care more about living beings.

4.The passage mainly tells us___________.

A. the advantages of robot toys B. the popularity of robot pets

C. living pets are dying out. D. robot pets are coming.

Cycling or even walking in city areas can be a little dangerous, thanks to the fact that one is sharing the road with vehicles that are increasingly getting larger and heavier. A recent study proves that of the 1.27million people that die in road traffic crashes each year, about half are walkers, motorcyclists and cyclists. Now there may be a solution that could provide at least some help to protect this helpless group---an airbag!

If you are worried that this safety measure will involve you taking around a heavy package or worse still, wrapping yourself inside an ugly plastic bag, the bag is fitted not on the human, but on the outside of the vehicle. And, while there are several versions of the idea in the works, the one most recently unveiled by Dutch car company TNO, seems to be the most advanced and ready to go into production.

In the works since 2011, the airbag covers only the lower part of the windshield. This will provide the much needed buffer(缓冲)between the person’s head and the pane of glass he/she would otherwise meet.

The chain of events leading to an airbag cause are quite simple---A camera fitted beneath the rear-view mirror monitors the vehicle’s closeness to a walker or cyclist. Any contact with either one of them sets off the sensors in the car’s bumper and quickly blows up the airbag. In addition to that the sensors also set off the car’s automatic brake, reducing the chances if an even worse injury.

In tests conducted using a model, the success of not getting injured after being hit by a car travelling at about 40km/h was about 50-50! While not perfect, it will still result in reducing the number of deaths by a huge amount.

With TNO ready to license its technology to car makers and many more companies trying to develop similar concepts, we would not be surprised if outer airbags become a standard feature in every car pretty soon.

1.Why does the airbag cover the lower part of the windshield?

A. To protect the windshield from being destroyed.

B. To make the vehicle look beautiful.

C. To reduce the weight of walkers.

D. To prevent people’s head crashing on the glass.

2.The fourth paragraph is mainly about__________.

A. how the airbag works

B. where the airbag is fixed

C. why the airbag is safe

D. what the airbag is made up of

3.The writer thinks the airbag of TNO____________.

A. perfect

B. practical

C. expensive

D. useless

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Airbags are a new standard feature in cars.

B. Airbags are much safer for drivers now.

C. Airbags are practical for walkers and cyclists.

D. Airbags are a solution to higher car accident rates.

Before discussing different kinds of emotions,let us briefly talk about how researchers measure bodily processes and action or behavior,and how this relates to what we do in our daily lives when we observe emotions in others.

Bodily processes can be directly measured by means of a polygraph.When a polygraph is skillfully used to compare how we react bodily with what we are saying,it is called a “lie detector”.Bodily processes can also be measured indirectly.This is what we do when we observe someone blushing (脸红).However,we are not always aware of what bodily processes respond to.

Measuring action or behavior is the other way researchers assess the emotions.For example,one measure of fear of snakes is how close a person will go to the snake.Another procedure is to have a person tell how afraid he is,or how he feels.In this way,researchers have developed the so-called “fear thermometer” to assess a person's fear.In our everyday living,we do very much the same thing.Only not too systematically,we react to what a person does, what he says,how he says it,and how he looks.Is he smiling? Is his voice trembling? We put all this observations together to infer what a person is feeling.

However,we do not always act as we feel.Sometimes we do things that we don't feel like doing.Sometimes we say we feel one way and then we act another.Actors,for example,successfully learn to “make believe” emotions,or learn to hide them.Thus we cannot always tell what a person is feeling by what he says or by what he does.

1.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. We can never tell what a person is feeling.

B. The “fear thermometer” is a way to measure how fearful a person is.

C. Researchers can assess the emotions in some ways.

D. People do not always know what bodily processes they respond to.

2.The underlined word “assess” in the 3rd paragraph is close in meaning to ______.

A. make B. measure

C. discuss D. develop

3.The writer uses the example of actors in order to argue that ______.

A. it is rather easy to become successful actors

B. people do not always act as they feel

C. we can never believe what other people say

D. actors are always telling lies

4.The passage is mainly about ______.

A. the way of assessing the emotion

B. the usefulness of a “lie detector”

C. the functioning of different emotions

D. the development of the “fear thermometer”

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