
12.Early in 2003 Fred Evans fell and got seriously injured.It is not unusual for a man of 88.The next day he had an operation and had to stay in hospital for some time.The doctor said hopes for a complete recovery for a man of his age and situation are"none".
My first conversation with Dad was a few days after his operation.
"A bit of pain,Son,"he told me,"but I'll be okay."
"I will go home to your mum within the next few weeks!"
Because of the distance,I didn't get to see him every day,but phoned regularly.I went to see him each weekend.On my next visit the duty nurse told me about his progress saying that they didn't believe what they were seeing."Your father is a walking miracle,"I was told.
Sure enough,I saw father was walking with a stick.He had been so determined to get home to his wife of 62 years old that he had been training hard every day!Only 3 weeks after the operation,he walked out 
without any help from anyone.Just as I had been told-a walking miracle.
He had only one reason,but a very powerful one:To get home to his beautiful wife of 62 years old,my 
mum Margaret.He missed her.His determination,courage,and love for my mother was really an inspiration(激励)to me.
Fred Evans was a gentle caring man,with the courage of a lion.I had only recently grown to appreciate 
that I was so lucky to have such a mentor.It wasn't too late though.I got to tell him how much he meant
 to me,and to thank him for being who he was,and to share some amazing moments with him towards 
the end of his life.

56.How long did the author's father stay in hospital?(no more than 4 words)More than three weeks.
57.Why did the author's father recover so quickly?(no more than 8 words)Because he loved the author's mother very much.
58.Wha's the best title of the passage?(no more than 6 words)A Walking Miracle.
59.What does the underlined word"mentor'"in the last paragraph mean?(1 word)guider
60.Do you admire Fred Evans?Why or why not?(no more than 25 words)Yes,I admire Fred Evans.Because he was a gentl ecaring man,with th ecourage of a lion.

分析 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了"我"的父亲在摔断腿而做手术后,由于对妻子的爱而很快恢复的故事.

解答 56.More than three weeks.考查细节理解.从文章倒数第三段第一句"Only 3 weeks after the operation…"可知,父亲手术后在医院待了三周,再加上手术前的时间,在医院的总时间应该超过了三周,所以答案填More than three weeks.
57.Because he loved the author's mother very much.考查推理判断.从文章第六段和第八段可推断出父亲恢复得快完全是因为思念母亲.
58.A Walking Miracle 标题判断题.文章讲述了"我"的父亲摔断腿而做手术后,由于对妻子的爱而很快恢复的故事.这对于一个高龄的人来说简直就是奇迹,并且文章还多次出现了"a walking miracle",所以标题可以用A Walking Miracle.
59.guider 考查词义猜测.父亲给"我"做出了很好的榜样,"我"很幸运有这样一位导师,所以答案填guider.
60.Yes,I admire Fred Evans.Because he was a gentle caring man,with the courage of a lion.考查个人理解.因为他对于妻子的爱回家看妻子的愿望让他很快恢复,他是个温柔体贴的人,有狮子般的勇气.

点评 做阅读表达题时,理清文章的脉络、掌握文章的主旨大意,并能运用简洁的语言表达.回答要有针对性观点要明确.不要摘抄文章原句.

3.It's good to receive gifts.It also feels better to give gifts to others.So what's the best way to budget your money,shop wisely and spend smartly this holiday season?Time for kids asked for advice from Susan Beacham of Money Savvy Generation,a company that teaches money-management skills to kids.
"My first tip is to make a list and check it twice,"says Beacham.She suggests that kids talk with their families about whom to include in their gift giving and how much to spend.Start by writing down names,Beacham says.Then put a dollar amount next to each name and add it up.Do you have enough money?If not,make changes.And don't forget----not everyone needs a store-bought gift.Beacham points out that some of the best presents are free.Add to your list the names of people you want to give gifts of time and talent.
Do the match
Take the list with you to the store and"make sure that you do the match,"says Beacham"If you've spent﹩30 on someone you were going to spent﹩25 on,you're going to have to spend﹩5 less on somebody else."The key to budgeting is staying within the boundaries you've set for yourself.
Gifts from the heart
The best gifts don't cost a thing.Here are some of Beacham's top gifts ideas.
●For parents,make coupons(礼券) that can be trade for your services,such as doing dishes.
●For grandma,write a note telling her how special she is to you.
●For a friend,create a work of art,like a poem,a drawing or a necklace.
●For teachers,bake a delicious cake.

56.What's the most important thing in budgeting for presents according to Beacham?B
A.Spending money within the limit you have set.
B.Working out how much money to spend in total.
C.Deciding how much money to spend on each person.
D.Checking the name list of people you will give presents
57.Which of the following is Beacham's gift idea for friends?D
A.Writing a note telling them you love them.
B.Bringing them delicious food.
C.Offering to help them with their studies.
D.Drawing pictures for them
58.What's the text mainly about?B
A.How to teach kids money-management skills.
B.How to make plans for giving presents.
C.How to do the math while shopping.
D.How to make gifts from the heart.
20.Soccer is played by millions of people all over the world,but there have only been few players who were truly great.How did these players get that way-was it through training and practice,or are great players born,not made?
First,these players came from places that have had famous stars in the past-players that a young boy can look up to and try to imitate(模仿).In the history of soccer,only seven countries have ever won the World Cup.There has never been a great national team-or a really great player-from North America or from Asia.
Second,these players have all had years of practice in the game.Pele,who is often named as the greatest soccer of all time,was the son of a soccer player.He began to play soccer with his father when he was only three.Most players begin playing the game at the age of three or four.
Finally,many great players come from the same kind of neighbourhood-a poor,crowded area where a boy's dream is not to be a doctor,lawyer,or businessman,but to become a rich,famous athlete or entertainer(艺人).For example,Liverpool,which produced the Beatles,had one of the best English soccer teams in recent years.Pele practiced in the street with a"ball"made of rags(破布).And George Best learned the tricks that made him famous by bouncing the ball off a wall(对着墙壁踢球)in the slums(贫民窟)of Belfast.
All great players have a lot in common,but that doesn't explain why they are great.Hundreds of boys played in those Brazilian streets,but only one became Pele.The greatest players are born with some unique quality that sets them apart from all the others.

60.According to the writer,which of the following statements is TRUE?B
A.Great soccer players are born,not made.
B.Truly great players are rare.
C.Only two countries have ever had famous soccer stars.
D.Soccer is the least popular sport in North America and Asia.
61.Pele is cited as an example in the third paragraph to illustrate thatD.
A.great players come from places that have had famous stars in the past
B.many great soccer players come from poor areas
C.great players are all born with some unique physical quality
D.many great players start playing football at an early age.
62.The author owes a soccer player's success to all the following factors EXCEPTD.
A.family background
63.In the last paragraph,why the author says that only one out of hundreds of boys became Pele?B
A.Because they are all from North America.
B.Because most of the boys lack some unique quality.
C.Because all great players have a lot in common.
D.Because boys of this time are born in rich neighborhood.
7.Staring lovingly at your reflection in the mirror gets old,especially if it's not a magical one that tells you you're the fairest of them all.But what if all that time you already spend in front of a mirror could actually make you the most beautiful person in the land?Many smart mirrors already make this promise,but HiMirror is the first one you can actually buy,and it costs $189.The secret comes in the form of a camera that takes pictures of your natural appearance to analyze your complexion(面色),before offering you tips on how to get better skin.I tried it om recently and was impressed by how many things it could do.
The 5.5-pound mirror houses a 14-inch LCD screen and has a camera sitting in the middle of a ring flash,which helps light your face for better images.HiMirror takes a picture of your face every day to analyze your wrinkles,dark spots,dark circles and red spots.The idea is to track how your skin changes over time,and flag your so-called problems so you can take early measures to improve upon your skin and achieve your beauty goals.HiMirror pairs with an IOS or Android app so you can track your complexion on the go.
In addition,HiMirror will play tutorial videos on proper skin-care techniques,stream music from Spotify and show you the weather forecast and UV index for the day.You can also tell it the types of beauty products you use,so it can determine whether they've been effective in treating your target areas.Adding a product to what the company calls your"Beauty Box"simply requires holding up its bar code to the camera and scanning it.It's not clear yet how many brands arid products this feature supports,bur most big brands are recognized.

32.How does HiMirror work?D
A By making you the most beautiful person in the world.
B.By introducing some specialists to give you some help.
C.By recommending the types of beauty products to you.
D.By taking photos of your face to analyze your complexion.
33.HiMirror tracks complexion with the help ofD.
A.a"Beauty Box"
B.music from Spotify
C.the weather forecast                                   
D.an IOS or Android app
34.The last paragraph k mainly to tell usA.
A.other functions HiMirror has                      
B.how to use HiMirror properly
C.when HiMirror goes on the market              
D.the inspiration of designing HiMirror
35.What can be the best title for the text?B
A.Some tips about using a smart mirror                 
B.A magic mirror to make you beautiful
C.A magic mirror to go on the market             
D.Some reactions of using a smart mirror.

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