
3.It's good to receive gifts.It also feels better to give gifts to others.So what's the best way to budget your money,shop wisely and spend smartly this holiday season?Time for kids asked for advice from Susan Beacham of Money Savvy Generation,a company that teaches money-management skills to kids.
"My first tip is to make a list and check it twice,"says Beacham.She suggests that kids talk with their families about whom to include in their gift giving and how much to spend.Start by writing down names,Beacham says.Then put a dollar amount next to each name and add it up.Do you have enough money?If not,make changes.And don't forget----not everyone needs a store-bought gift.Beacham points out that some of the best presents are free.Add to your list the names of people you want to give gifts of time and talent.
Do the match
Take the list with you to the store and"make sure that you do the match,"says Beacham"If you've spent﹩30 on someone you were going to spent﹩25 on,you're going to have to spend﹩5 less on somebody else."The key to budgeting is staying within the boundaries you've set for yourself.
Gifts from the heart
The best gifts don't cost a thing.Here are some of Beacham's top gifts ideas.
●For parents,make coupons(礼券) that can be trade for your services,such as doing dishes.
●For grandma,write a note telling her how special she is to you.
●For a friend,create a work of art,like a poem,a drawing or a necklace.
●For teachers,bake a delicious cake.

56.What's the most important thing in budgeting for presents according to Beacham?B
A.Spending money within the limit you have set.
B.Working out how much money to spend in total.
C.Deciding how much money to spend on each person.
D.Checking the name list of people you will give presents
57.Which of the following is Beacham's gift idea for friends?D
A.Writing a note telling them you love them.
B.Bringing them delicious food.
C.Offering to help them with their studies.
D.Drawing pictures for them
58.What's the text mainly about?B
A.How to teach kids money-management skills.
B.How to make plans for giving presents.
C.How to do the math while shopping.
D.How to make gifts from the heart.

分析 本文主要讲述了在购物的时候要怎样做才能尽可能的节省开支,并且对于不同的人群,所送礼物的选择可以是多样的.

解答 56.B细节题.根据文章内容,She suggests that kids talk with their families about whom to include in their gift giving and how much to spend.Start by writing down names,Beacham says她建议说孩子应该和他们的家人一起商量一下,到底需要给哪些人送礼物以及总共的花费是多少,如果怕记错的话,先把它们写下来.结合选项,故选B
57.D  细节题.根据文章内容,For a friend,create a work of art,like a poem,a drawing or a necklace.对于送给朋友的礼物,不需要太过贵重.给他做一个手工的东西,自己动手写一首诗或者画一副画都是极好的,结合选项,故选D
58.B 主旨题.根据文章内容,主要讲述了在购物的时候要怎样做才能尽可能的节省开支,并且对于不同的人群,所送礼物的选择可以是多样的.结合选项,故选B

点评 本文是一个日常生活类阅读理解,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

Dear Harry,
How are things going with you?Talking about famous libraries,I would like to introduce to you about our National Library.
The library,with Zi Zhuyuan Park as its neighbor,is located in the west of Beijing.It covers an area of 240,000 square meters,with 19 stories above the ground,and 3 stories underground,ranking the third in the world.(高分句型一)The library has a total collection of over 22,000,000 copies of books,the largest number in Asia.It provides readers with spacious reading rooms,convenient online service and the latest web information.(高分句型二)Its grand building,modern facilities and good service will surely leave you a very deep impression.No.9 bus can pick me up from home and drop me right in front of the library,so I often go there to study or to borrow books.I enjoy the quiet and literary atmosphere in the library.
Hope you can visit it some day and I'm looking forward to your next letter.
Best wishes,
Li Hu.
8.Last Sunday I was thinking about the difference between successful people and those who don't achieve anything significant.I made an interesting discovery.This difference may at first look obvious,but it's quite opposite.(36)C  
Everyone has a purpose behind their actions.If they don't,they wouldn't take action!(37)GWhen they take action,at the back of their minds they think about success that this action is going to bring them.
  (38)D   What's the purpose behind your actions?Do you work to thrive(成功)or to survive?Do you go to work to feed your family or to create an amazing lifestyle?
Different purposes will result in completely different life experiences.People who work to survive are the ones who fear that some unexpected bill will arrive.They go to bed worrying about money and unimportant things.They hate their employment but don't quit because they doubt their own abilities to create something greater.I know this kind of feeling because I was like that once.That's a very uncomfortable state to be in because you are constantly worried about insignificant things.(39)F   Therefore,you cannot achieve anything great.
Now there are some people who don't accept the"Life is hard"story and they are fuelled by an entirely different purpose.They work to thrive.(40)A  They have a beautiful vision and they take constant action to make that vision a reality.

A.And they don't think about why something cannot be done.
B.Such attitude invites great opportunities to you.
C.It lies in what motivates people to take action.
D.So let me ask you a few questions.
E.And this makes you take even more or better quality actions.
F.This state does not allow you to be creative
G.But successful people have a completely different purpose behind the actions they take.
12.Early in 2003 Fred Evans fell and got seriously injured.It is not unusual for a man of 88.The next day he had an operation and had to stay in hospital for some time.The doctor said hopes for a complete recovery for a man of his age and situation are"none".
My first conversation with Dad was a few days after his operation.
"A bit of pain,Son,"he told me,"but I'll be okay."
"I will go home to your mum within the next few weeks!"
Because of the distance,I didn't get to see him every day,but phoned regularly.I went to see him each weekend.On my next visit the duty nurse told me about his progress saying that they didn't believe what they were seeing."Your father is a walking miracle,"I was told.
Sure enough,I saw father was walking with a stick.He had been so determined to get home to his wife of 62 years old that he had been training hard every day!Only 3 weeks after the operation,he walked out 
without any help from anyone.Just as I had been told-a walking miracle.
He had only one reason,but a very powerful one:To get home to his beautiful wife of 62 years old,my 
mum Margaret.He missed her.His determination,courage,and love for my mother was really an inspiration(激励)to me.
Fred Evans was a gentle caring man,with the courage of a lion.I had only recently grown to appreciate 
that I was so lucky to have such a mentor.It wasn't too late though.I got to tell him how much he meant
 to me,and to thank him for being who he was,and to share some amazing moments with him towards 
the end of his life.

56.How long did the author's father stay in hospital?(no more than 4 words)More than three weeks.
57.Why did the author's father recover so quickly?(no more than 8 words)Because he loved the author's mother very much.
58.Wha's the best title of the passage?(no more than 6 words)A Walking Miracle.
59.What does the underlined word"mentor'"in the last paragraph mean?(1 word)guider
60.Do you admire Fred Evans?Why or why not?(no more than 25 words)Yes,I admire Fred Evans.Because he was a gentl ecaring man,with th ecourage of a lion.

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