

   Deep down in the sea,Oliver,a little octopus (章鱼) sat on the floor covered with sand,bored and upset. He watched pretty fish swimming in and out of rocks,which were laughing and dancing in the sea. aWhy am I so different?” he said to himself sadly.

   “You are an octopus,Oliver. That's special." The sweet voice of Cherub,a beautiful purple angelfish (神仙鱼) ,always made Oliver feel better. Oliver looked up at the purple angelfish and smiled. Cherub suggested ,“Let's play hide-and-seek (捉迷藏) .” They were having so much fun that they didn't realize they had swum far from home. Suddenly,Cherub saw a large shark (鲨鱼) swimming above them. “It was Big White. .. the biggest,scariest shark in the sea ,” she shouted to Oliver. Cherub looked at Big White hopelessly. She was too frightened to swim. Just at this moment,Big White rushed down toward them. An idea came to Oliver. He quickly sprayed (喷射) a very dark cloud of black water to the shark's eyes. Then Oliver and Cherub escaped and got home safely.

   “Are you OK?” asked Oliver. Cherub laughed happily ,“That was the most interesting trip ever!You saved me just now,Oliver. I am lucky to have you as my friend!” Oliver's face turned red. “I guess being different can be pretty cool in some situations ,” Oliver said. “That is what I tried to tell you ,” Cherub smiled.[2013黑龙江哈尔滨改编]

1. Where did Oliver sit?

2. What did Oliver see swimming in and out of rocks?

3. How did Olive escape from the large shark?

4. What's the main idea of the passage?


1. He sat on the floor covered with sand.细节理解题。由第一段第 一句“Deep down in the sea,Oliver,a little octopus (章鱼) sat on the floor covered with sand."”可知0

2. He saw pretty fish.细节理解题。由第一段第二句“He watched pretty fish swimming in and out of rocks …”可知。

3. He quickly sprayed a very dark cloud of black water to the shark's eyes.细节理解题。由第二段倒数第二句“He quickly sprayed (喷射) a very dark cloud of black water to the shark's eyes. ”可知。

4. Being different can be pretty cool in some situations. 文章大意 题。由最后一段“I guess being different can be pretty cool in some situations”可知。


   Volunteering gives you a good chance to change lives,including your own. If you’re feeling amazed by the news of a disaster,volunteering to help can be a great way to make you comfortable. If you’d like to support a cause but can't afford to donate (捐献) money,you can donate your time instead.

   Helping others in need is such an important part of the AmericansJ way of life that many high schools ask their students to spend time volunteering in order to graduate.

   Unlike school,with volunteering,you have to get to choose what really interests you and who (or what) is most deserving (值得) of your time. Here are some ideas to get you to start:

   Help kids learn and grow. Become a Big Brother or Big Sister,or volunteer for an after-school sports program. Special Olympic games and events are great ways to get to know special-needs kids.

   Help the environment. Join a conservation group and help out with river preservation (保护). Take part in a local park cleanup day. You could also help out in a park office or education center.

   If you have more than one thing you love,find a way to put the two together. For example,if you love kids and are great at art,visit your local children's hospital and offer (提供) art activities for young patients.


1. What do many high schools in America ask their students to do in order to graduate?

2. What can you do if you love kids and are good at art?

3. How can you feel better when you hear the news of a disaster?

4. What's the main idea of the passage?

   Some of the factors which make our lifestyle unhealthy are as follows:

   Too much junk food is being put into our hands especially in children's hands. Junk food which is full of fat increases blood cholesterol(胆固醇) levels and increases the risk of heart disease and some cancers.

   Life is full of stress. Modern life is full of trouble,deadlines. Work can be stressful,whether in an office,a factory,or a school. For many people,stress is everywhere and it has become a way of life.

   Western culture is generally dependent on medical drugs and people don't know that medical drugs’ side effects are dangerous to their health. In the world today,many people seem to think that they just want medicines and drugs to solve their health problems;they believe they can always ask medicine for help. But what they do not know is that these medications may have potential adverse reactions (潜在的不良反应) . Some drugs are harmful to your liver and do crazy things to your health;perhaps you have those little poisons without considering what they are doing to your body.

   Exposure to pollution and toxic wastes such as poisonous agents from the household items does harm to your health. Our bodies are absorbing (吸收) the harmful chemicals surrounding the environment today. It is thus imperative that we clean up our living environment as much as possible. Those regular detergents,soaps,shampoos,toothpastes and perfumes that we use today contain many chemicals which are toxic to our bodies,some even carcinogenic.

   Less exercise. Exercise always improves our health level. There is no doubt about it. But we don’t exercise enough. We are too busy.

1. In the world today,many people depend on medical drugs,why?

2. What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word household in the fifth passage?

3. How many factors make our lifestyle unhealthy?

4. What is the article about?

   I recently traveled home to visit my family,and to my great disappointment,it was during this trip that I realized that my 85-year-old mother Nancy,frail (虚弱) and thin,but trying her best to hide her mistakes and poor memory,had so sadly begun her quick fade into dementia (痴呆) .

   In short,it hit me like a ton of bricks. She was a lovely and loving woman,my confidant and guide at times when I was most confused and helpless before. She has been my greatest source of wisdom (智慧的源泉) and support for so many years. I was quite sad that she was painful,and fell into deep dementia.

   When my trip was over and I was leaving for the airport,I said a tearful goodbye to my mother,perhaps for the final time. And just like that,I felt like I would never see her again quite the same as a fully-realized adult who I could turn to to explain the world to me,and to answer my most basic questions. In fact,I was completely at a loss (不知所措) as to how my mother would be when I next saw her. How quick would her dementia be? As my plane lifted off the ground,I felt like something crucial and essential was being ripped from my heart. And I was alone and heartbroken,not just for me but also for her,and I cried as I had not been for a very long time.

() 1. Where did the writer travel?

   A. Her home. B. The airport

   C. Her family. D. Her mother.

() 2. What did the writer think of her mother before?

   A. She was frail and thin.

   B. She was a lovely and loving woman.

   C. She has poor memory.

   D. She was demented.

() 3. Why did I say a tearful goodbye to my mother?

   A. Because she was demented.

   B. Because she didn't want to leave.

   C. Because it was perhaps for the final time.

   D. Because she was disappointed.

() 4. Who was alone and heartbroken?

   A. The writer. B. The writer's mother.

   C. Both A and   B. D. No one.

   Beijing is an old capital city developing at a fast pace. The Forbidden City is the ideal place for you to begin your exploration of Beijing by opening its mysterious (神奇的) face. With over 9 ,000 rooms and over 250 acres (英亩) ,this large palace building was built between 1406 and 1420. The Forbidden City burned down and was rebuilt,sacked and renovated (修复) for times,so most of the architecture (建筑) you can see today dates back to the 18th century in the Qing Dynasty. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes as you have to walk a lot!

   There is a Starbucks in the palace in case you need some coffee to recharge you. I highly recommend you to have a guide. It is quite helpful to have a guide escort (护送) you and tell the stories behind the palace. If you are a non-group tourist,I suggest you rent a multilingual guide recorder either at Meridian Gate (southern gate of Forbidden City) or the Gate of Divine Prowess (Northern gate of Forbidden City) and return it when you finish your Forbidden City Tour. Remember the open hours from 8: 30 to 17: 00.

() 1. The Forbidden City was built for years.

   A. 10   B. 12   C. 14   D. 16

() 2. The underlined word “recommended” means .

   A. 支持   B. 鼓励   C. 命令   D. 推荐

() 3. If you go to the Forbidden City,youJd better have a .

   A. map   B. guide   C. book   D. recorder

() 4. You can't visit the Forbidden City at .

   A. 8:00   B. 8:30   C. 12:00   D. 16:00

  We often ask for information or help,especially when we visit a foreign country. So knowing how to ask for information politely is important. In English ,“Where are the restrooms?” and “Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?” are correct English,but the first could sound rude. It's important to use correct language,but sometimes we need to learn how to be polite.

   In English,just like in Chinese,we change the way we speak when talking with different people. If you say to your teacher ,“Where is my book?” This will sound rude. But if you say ,“Excuse me,Mr West. Do you know where my book is?^ Your question will sound much more polite. Of course it might be all right to say “Where is my book?” in some situations,perhaps with people you know well.

   “Peter,give me your pen. ”can sound rude in English. Usually in English,polite questions are longer such as “Could you please. or “Can I ask. It sounds more polite to say. “Peter,could you please give me your pen?,? Sometimes we might even need to spend some time when you stop a stranger in the street. We might first say ,“Excuse me. Can you help me?” or “I'm sorry to trouble you but. .. ”before asking them for help.

   It might seem that speaking politely is more difficult than being direct (直接) . However,if you want to be a polite person,you should learn about language etiquette (规矩) . It is just as important as learning grammar or vocabulary. And doing this will also help you become better at English,or any other language you wish to speak.(北京市朝阳区)

() 1. What is the polite way when you ask for help?

   A. Pass me the watch,Li Tao.

   B. Where is the supermarket?

   C. Tell me where I can find a bank.

   D. Could you please give me your pen?

() 2. Why do we need to learn polite languages? Because.

   A. they can improve our grammar and vocabulary

   B. they can help us become better at English

   C. everyone wants to be polite

   D. the teachers tell us to do so

() 3. From the passage,we can infer (推测) the writer.

   A. thinks being direct is nothing important

   B. knows much about spoken language

   C. is good at asking for directions

   D. often speaks many languages

() 4. What's the main idea of the passage?

   A. How to start a polite talking with strange people.

   B. Correct language is as important as a polite one.

   C. How to use correct language is important.

   D. People should learn to speak politely.

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