
   Beijing is an old capital city developing at a fast pace. The Forbidden City is the ideal place for you to begin your exploration of Beijing by opening its mysterious (神奇的) face. With over 9 ,000 rooms and over 250 acres (英亩) ,this large palace building was built between 1406 and 1420. The Forbidden City burned down and was rebuilt,sacked and renovated (修复) for times,so most of the architecture (建筑) you can see today dates back to the 18th century in the Qing Dynasty. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes as you have to walk a lot!

   There is a Starbucks in the palace in case you need some coffee to recharge you. I highly recommend you to have a guide. It is quite helpful to have a guide escort (护送) you and tell the stories behind the palace. If you are a non-group tourist,I suggest you rent a multilingual guide recorder either at Meridian Gate (southern gate of Forbidden City) or the Gate of Divine Prowess (Northern gate of Forbidden City) and return it when you finish your Forbidden City Tour. Remember the open hours from 8: 30 to 17: 00.

() 1. The Forbidden City was built for years.

   A. 10   B. 12   C. 14   D. 16

() 2. The underlined word “recommended” means .

   A. 支持   B. 鼓励   C. 命令   D. 推荐

() 3. If you go to the Forbidden City,youJd better have a .

   A. map   B. guide   C. book   D. recorder

() 4. You can't visit the Forbidden City at .

   A. 8:00   B. 8:30   C. 12:00   D. 16:00

1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A


1. C推理判断题。由文章第一段第三句“…this large palace building was built between 1406 and 1420. ”可以 推算出 紫禁城修建了 14年。

2. D词义猜测题。句意为:我强烈推荐你找一位导游。

3. B细节理解题。由文章第二段第三句“It is quite helpful to have a guide escort (护送) you and tell the stories behind the palace 可知 作者建议有导游陪同,讲述紫禁城的故事。

4. A 细节理解题。由文章最后一句“Remember the open hours from 8:30 tol7:00. ”可知8:00紫禁城不对外开放。



   Deep down in the sea,Oliver,a little octopus (章鱼) sat on the floor covered with sand,bored and upset. He watched pretty fish swimming in and out of rocks,which were laughing and dancing in the sea. aWhy am I so different?” he said to himself sadly.

   “You are an octopus,Oliver. That's special." The sweet voice of Cherub,a beautiful purple angelfish (神仙鱼) ,always made Oliver feel better. Oliver looked up at the purple angelfish and smiled. Cherub suggested ,“Let's play hide-and-seek (捉迷藏) .” They were having so much fun that they didn't realize they had swum far from home. Suddenly,Cherub saw a large shark (鲨鱼) swimming above them. “It was Big White. .. the biggest,scariest shark in the sea ,” she shouted to Oliver. Cherub looked at Big White hopelessly. She was too frightened to swim. Just at this moment,Big White rushed down toward them. An idea came to Oliver. He quickly sprayed (喷射) a very dark cloud of black water to the shark's eyes. Then Oliver and Cherub escaped and got home safely.

   “Are you OK?” asked Oliver. Cherub laughed happily ,“That was the most interesting trip ever!You saved me just now,Oliver. I am lucky to have you as my friend!” Oliver's face turned red. “I guess being different can be pretty cool in some situations ,” Oliver said. “That is what I tried to tell you ,” Cherub smiled.[2013黑龙江哈尔滨改编]

1. Where did Oliver sit?

2. What did Oliver see swimming in and out of rocks?

3. How did Olive escape from the large shark?

4. What's the main idea of the passage?

   A new study shows women need 60 minutes to exercise a day to stop weight increasing if they have a normal diet.

   The findings suggest women need more exercise than the current federal guidelines (联邦指南) of 150 minutes a week,or 30 minutes five days a week.

   The study is being published in the March 24/31 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

   “I don't want people to throw up their hands and say,I can't do it ,” said Dr Min Lee,the study's lead researcher.

   Women at a normal weight who have a normal diet can beat middle-age weight gain by working out intensely (高强度) for 30 minutes a day,whether by running,cycling,swimming laps or working out at a gym. Weight gain can also be prevented with 60 minutes of moderate activity,such as walking,a leisurely bike ride or playing catch.

   Overall,women gained an average of 5. 7 pounds in the study. However,those who were of normal weight,kept their weight if they exercised for 60 minutes a day. Women who exercised less generally gained weight. Dr Lee said for overweight women,60 minutes of exercise a day wasn’t enough to keep weight,suggesting cutting the calories (热量) .

() 1. According to the new study,is the current federal guidelines (联邦指南) right?

   A. Yes,it is. B. No,it isn’t.

   G. We don't know. D. No,it is.

() 2. What is Dr Min Lee's idea?

   A. He advises women to do 60 minutes of exercise a day.

   B. He doesn’t advise women to do 60 minutes of exercise a day.

   C. He advises women to have long jumps.

   D. He advises women to play football.

() 3. Which is not true according to the passage?

   A. Doing enough exercise can make women slim.

   B. Doing enough exercise is good for our health.

   C. Working out intensely (高强度) for 30 minutes a day can prevent the weight gain.

   D. For overweight women 60 minutes of exercise a day was enough to keep weight.

() 4. This passage may come from .

   A. a song   B. a poem

   C. a magazine   D. a film


   Lu Xun is one of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20th century. Besides his famous stories,he also wrote many influential articles about the living conditions of Chinese people.

   Born in 1881 to a wealthy family,Lu Xun had a happy childhood. In 1893,however,his grandfather,a senior government official,was put into prison for taking money. At the same time,his father became badly ill. From then on,his family was no longer accepted by their relatives and friends. These early experiences greatly influenced his writing.

   By the time Lu Xun arrived in Nanjing to study at university in 1899,he already believed that Chinese society had to change and become modern. In 1902 he went to study in Japan. There he began writing articles for several Chinese students magazines. He showed a gift for writing and translating and he even wrote several books,although none was popular. He returned to China in 1909 because he was in need of money.

   After working for several years as a teacher in Beijing,Lu Xun again returned to writing. In 1918,he wrote his famous short story Diary of a Madman. It was the first Chinese novel published using the everyday language that people spoke,which helped make it a great success. This,together with his novel The True Story of Ah Q (1921) , made Lu Xun a leading Chinese writer.

   Although successful,Lu Xun still worried greatly about China's future. In 1927,he moved to Shanghai and gave up writing stories in order to devote himself to what he called “pen warfare”. He only wrote articles which called on the people to fight against the government. For this,the government stopped him from publishing any more books. He had to write his articles using false names.

   Since his death in 1936,Lu Xun's importance and influence have grown. Today,many of his writings are included in school textbooks and his works are read by millions around the world.[2013 广东广州改编]

1. What greatly influenced Lu Xun's writing according to the passage?

2. According to the passage,why was Lu Xun^ story Diary of a Madman so popular?

3. What does the underlined word “This” mean?

4. What did Lu Xun mainly write after moving to Shanghai?

   Show Lo thinks now is the best time of his life. The 30-year-old pop singer from Taiwan recently gave himself full marks (满分) when reporters asked him how happy he was.

   Lo has many reasons to be so happy. His seventh album,Lo Seven,is selling well. It’s a collection of 12 songs of different musical styles,including pop,jazz,disco (迪斯科舞曲) ,R&B (节奏布鲁斯) and slow rock. The album came out in January. It was No. 1on G-music for 10 weeks straight in Taiwan.

Starting on April 30 ,Lo will hold six concerts in Hong Kong and Taiwan. According to Lo,the concerts are going to be in 3    D. “You will be able to enjoy the effect (效果) of 3D without wearing special glasses ,” he said.

   The last and most important reason for Lo's happiness is that his mother doesn’t get sick very much these days. Lo's father died of cancer (癌症) in 2005. Lo's mother has diabetes (糖尿病) and once even fell into coma (昏迷) . Lo cares about his mother's health a lot He once said he planned to open a dessert store and sell healthy dessert to people with diabetes. Why? It was his mom's wish.

   “Seeing my mom laughing,taking her to places she wants to go,is the happiest thing in the world for me ,” said Lo.

() 1. In Lo's seventh album,there are different musical styles.

   A. two   B. three   C. four   D. five

() 2. Which is not the reason why Lo is happy?

   A. He is opening a dessert store.

   B. He will hold 6 concerts.

   C. His mother doesn’t get sick very much.

   D. His seventh album came out.

() 3. Lo's father died of.

   A. an accident   B. cancer   C. cough   D. fever

() 4. What is the happiest thing for Lo?

   A. Seeing his mom laughing.

   B. Taking her to places she likes.

   C. Singing all over the world.

   D. A and B.

  Reading newspapers has become an important part of everyday life. Some people read newspapers as the first thing to do in the morning;others read newspapers as soon as they have free time during the day so that they can learn what is happening in the world. Sometimes,we do not have enough time to read all the news carefully,so we just take a quick look at the front page.At other times,we may be in such a hurry that we only have a few minutes to look at the headlines of the passages.

   Newspapers can be found everywhere in the world. We can get many different kinds of newspapers in big cities,but in some mountain villages we can see few newspapers. 

Some newspapers are published once a week,but most of the papers are published once a day with many pages,some even published twice a day.

You know different people enjoy reading different newspapers. Some like world news and others prefer short stories. They just choose what they are interested in.

   Today newspapers in English have the largest numbers of readers in the world. The English language is so popular that many Chinese students are reading English newspapers such as China Daily or 21st Century. Also they bring us more and more information with Internet. (2013 江苏泰州期末试卷)

() 1. People read newspapers in order to.

   A. learn the latest (最新的) news   B. meet their own different needs

   C. read the short stories   D. find the morning news

() 2. From the passage we can see that when people get newspapers.

   A. they read them very carefully   B. they just read the headlines

   C. not everyone reads all the pages   D. they have no time to read them

() 3. Newspapers have so many pages because.

   A. more and more people like to read them

   B. people enjoy reading different things

   C. newspapers become cheaper

   D. more pages mean more money

() 4. The most popular newspapers in the world are .

   A. in English   B. in Chinese

   C. in other languages   D. with many pages

() 5. According the passage,besides newspapers,people also get information from.

   A. magazines   B. advertisements

   C. e-mails   D. Internet

  We were getting ready for the game over the weekend when I had an interesting conversation with one of the teammates I really didn't know H quite 1 .

   “So what do you do?” he asked. “Well,we work for 2 ,and we run a computer company”,I replied.

   “Oh,really? That's great!I work for a company,3 you know I always want to get into cartoon design and work for myself. It is my 4 . But I never work for it. ”

   “You aren’t dead yet,are you?” I thought,trying hard not say that 5 He continued “You know,IVe wanted to do this for 10 years,but once you have a 6 ,it's very hard to do anything else. ”I couldn’t 7 any more,so I said “That's great,if you really want to do that,maybe you should take up some cartoon classes. That would be a good Start. ” “It's very 8,with family. I would love to,but I can't”’ he said.

   I didn't know him very well at the first place,so I chose to just 9 and leave it at that. But it made me think. Why do people 10 to do something to follow their dreams? If not,why do we feel sorry for them later? It is our duty to try to make our dreams come true. (2013 新疆阜康、米泉)

() 1. A. well   B. good   C. bad   D. badly

() 2. A. us   B. ours   C. ourselves   D. our

() 3. A. and   B. but   C. or   D. so

() 4. A. work   B. family   C. lesson   D. dream

() 5. A. slowly   B. alone   C. aloud   D. low

() 6. A. family   B. friend   C. wife   D. child

() 7. A. see   B. know   C. understand   D. stand

() 8. A. easy   B. busy   C. difficult   D. free

() 9. A. shout   B. smile   C. cry   D. fight

() 10. A. agree   B. want   C. refuse   D. continue

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