
 Downing the last drop of an expensive famous brand H20 as well as remembering to throw the empty bottle in the recycling bin,makes you feel pretty good about yourself,right? It shouldn’t. Even when the bottles are recycled,there are all kinds of other consequences of swallowing bottled waterways Melissa Peffers,the air-quality programme manager for Environmental Defense.

  The containers are often filled in faraway lands,then shipped from abroad,and stored in refrigerators at your local store. Compare that with the influence on environment of turning on your tap,filling a glass,and drinking up!

  Anyone who is choosing bottled water for health reasons is misguided,says Peffers.   “Most bottled water is just tap water. ”And what comes out of your tap is carefully monitored to follow the strict rules. Consider another fact that bottled water is surprisingly expensive,especially when compared with the alternative,which is almost free,and it is astonishing that America’s desire for bottled water seems impossible to satisfy,reaching nearly 30 billion bottles a year.

  “My parents’ generation never had bottled water”’says Isabelle Silverman,an Environmental Defense legal adviser. She has made a commitment to going bottle free.   “You don’t need to fetch it home from the store,and it’s cheaper,” she adds.

Bottled water’s role as a status symbol needs to change,Peffers points out. So when a waiter at an expensive restaurant offers“And what’s your drink?”that,no reason to forget your conviction (信念) .“Don’t be afraid to say, ‘I’ll have tap. ’ Say it loud enough that the other tables nearby can hear you”’Peffers says. “And then spend that money on a dessert. ”

(   ) 1. In the first paragraph,the underlined sentence “It shouldn’t, ”suggests that people     .

   A. shouldn’t feel pleased with finishing the water in the bottle

   B. shouldn’t feel good about drinking an expensive brand H20

   C. shouldn’t be content with just recycling empty bottles

   D. shouldn’t be satisfied with drinking only bottled water

(   ) 2. According to the author,tap water is     .

   A. as safe as bottled water

   B. more likely to be polluted

   C. healthier than bottled water

   D. less convenient than bottled water

(   ) 3. The underlined part “going bottle free”(in Para. 4)means “        

   A. making bottled water free

   B. abandoning bottled water

   C. recycling used water bottles

   D. providing free water containers

(   ) 4. Why does Peffers ask people to say “I’ll have tap. ”


   A. To encourage them to set an example for others to follow.

   B. To advise them to save the money for one more dessert.

   C. To remind them to be aware of their social status.

   D. To persuade them to speak confidently in public.


1. C推理判断题。根据前文"Downing the last drop of an ex?pensive famous brand H2 O as well as remembering to throw the empty bottle in the recycling bin—"可知,it指代人们喝完水后把瓶子扔进垃圾箱回收的事情。故选 C。

2. A细节理解题。根据"Most bottled water is just tap wa-ter."可知,大多数瓶装水和自来水没什么区别。故选A.

3. B推理判断题,根据前文"My parents'generation never had bottled water..."可知选B.

4. A推理判断题。根据前文"Bottled water's role as a status symbol needs to change (瓶装水象征身份地位的观念应该改变) 和后文"Say it loud enough that the other tables nearby can hear you…"(说的声音足够大,让你周围的人都听到) 可知,Peffers鼓励人们改变观念,抵制瓶装水。故选A.


 MELBOURNE,Australia- A kangaroo frightened by a man walking his dog attacked the pair,throwing the pet underwater and hitting the owner in the stomach with its back legs. The Australian,Chris Rickard,was in stable condition. The attack ended when the 49-year-old man struck the kangaroo in the throat.

  Rickard said he was walking his dog,Rocky,on Sunday morning when they surprised a sleeping kangaroo in Arthur’s Creek. The dog chased the animal into a pond,when the kangaroo turned and knocked the pet underwater.

  When Rickard tried to pull his dog free,the kangaroo turned on him,attacking with its back legs and tearing a deep cut into his stomach and across his face.

“I thought I might take action to drag the dog out from under his grasp,but I didn’t expect him to actually attack me ,” Rickard,49.told The Herald Sun newspaper. “It was a shock at the start because it was a kangaroo,about 5 feet high. It doesn't go around killing people. ”

  “I was stuck having to hold on to the dog with both hands because it was half drowned and I couldn’t really see anything because the kangaroo just attacked me. ”

He added, “All I could do was just keep pushing for the bank and he was trying to push me under the water,so at that point I struck him in the throat and that made him back off a little bit. ”

  “I don’t think I,ll ever be able to watch kangaroo programmes quite the same as I used to—it might bring back a couple of bad memories. ”

  Kangaroos rarely attack people but will fight if they feel threatened.

  Dogs often chase kangaroos,which have been known to lead the pets into water and defend themselves there.

  Rickard said he ended the attack by hitting the kangaroo in the throat. Rocky was half drowned when he pulled him out from the water.

(   ) 1. Rickard and his pet dog were attacked when      

   A. he was teasing a kangaroo

   B. he was walking his dog

   C. swimming in the pond

   D. dragging his dog out from water

(   ) 2. In Australia,kangaroos        .

   A. are only seen in zoos

   B. frequently attack people and pets

   C. get along rather peacefully with people

   D. can be found swimming in ponds

(   ) 3. The kangaroo attacked the man and his dog probably because        .

   A. the man struck it in the throat

   B. the dog chased it

   C. the man wanted to drown it

   D. it wanted to drown the dog

(   ) 4. As a result of the attack,      .

   A. the dog was drowned dead

   B. the kangaroo was killed

   C. kangaroos should be under stricter protection

   D. Rickard was left a deep impression

 There is a distinction between reading for information and reading for understanding.1.       

  The first sense is the one in which we read newspapers,

magazines,or anything else.2.        Such materials may increase our store of information,but they cannot improve our understanding. And clearly we don’t have any difficulty in gaining the new information,for our understanding was equal to them before we started. Otherwise,we would have felt the shock of puzzlement.

  The second sense is the one in which we read something that at first we do not completely understand. Here the thing to be read is at first sight better or higher than the reader. The writer is communicating something that can increase the reader’s understanding.3.     Otherwise one person could never learn from another. Here “learning” means understanding more,not remembering more information.

  What are the conditions in this kind of reading? First,there is inequality in understanding.4.        Besides,his book must convey something he possesses and his potential readers lack. Second,the reader must be able to overcome this inequality in some degree. And he should always try to reach the same level of understanding with the writer. If the equality is approached,success of communication is achieved.

  5.     It is the least demanding and requires the least amount of effort. Everyone who knows how to read can read for entertainment if he wants to. In fact,any book that can be read for understanding or information can probably be read for entertainment as well.

   A. Thus,we can employ the word “reading” in two distinct senses.

   B. Such communication between unequals must be possible.

   C. We can get access to the content of those materials easily.

   D. The writer must be “superior” to the reader in understanding.

   E. The writer should have a better communicating skill.

   F. Besides gaining information and understanding,there’s another goal of reading—entertainment.

   G. Reading for entertainment is capable of increasing our understanding for information.

 LONDON—A British judge on Thursday sentenced a businessman who sold fake (假冒的) bomb detectors (探测器) to 10 years in prison,saying the man hadn’t cared about potentially deadly consequences.

  It is believed that James McCormick got about $ 77. 8 million from the sales of his detectors—which were based on a kind of golf ball finder—to countries including Iraq,Belgium and Saudi Arabia.

  McCormick,57.was convicted (判罪) of cheats last month and sentenced on Thursday at the Old Bailey court in London.

  “Your cheating conduct in selling a great amount of useless equipment simply for huge profit promoted a false sense of security and in all probability materially contributed to causing death and injury to innocent people ,” Judge Richard Hone told McCormick, “and you have neither regret,nor shame,nor any sense of guilt. ”

The detectors,sold for up to $ 42,000 each,were said to be able to find such dangerous objects as bombs under water and from the air. But in fact they “lacked any grounding in science” and were of no use.

  McCormick had told the court that he sold his detectors to the police in Kenya,the prison service in Hong Kong,the army in Egypt and the border control in Thailand.

“I never had any bad results from customers,” he said.

(   ) 1. Why was McCormick sentenced to prison?

   A. He sold bombs.

   B. He caused death of people.

   C. He made detectors.

   D. He cheated in business.

(   ) 2. According to the judge,what McCormick had done    

   A. increased the cost of safeguarding

   B. lowered people’s guard against danger

   C. changed people’s idea of social security

   D. caused innocent people to commit crimes

(   ) 3. Which of the following is TRUE about the detec tors?

   A. They have not been sold to Africa.

   B. They have caused many serious problems.

   C. They can find dangerous objects in water.

   D. They don’t function on the basis of science.

(   ) 4. It can be inferred from the passage that McCormick    

   A. sold the equipment at a low price

   B. was well known in most countries

   C. did not think he had committed the crime

   D. had not got such huge profit as mentioned in the text


  Exams are always stressful. Students rarely know exactly what to expect on the test,and those who suffer from exam fear or exam anxiety can see their grades suffer as a result of this stress. For some students,exam fear causes them to “seize up” and forget what they have studied.

  2.       Good study habits and learning how to relax can help students overcome exam fear.

  3.        According to Penn State University and Kids Health,proper study habits and preparation are the keys to cutting out exam fear. Avoid last-minute “cramming” for exams and actively listen while in class.

  Focus on positive thoughts,relax the night before your test and reward yourself after the test is over. Often,people who suffer from exam anxiety cannot shut out negative thoughts or emotions about the test,and this can contribute to feeling more anxiety than normal.4.        Keep your mind and body healthy by getting enough sleep,eating well and exercising. Healthier people who are well-rested often do better on exams.

  5.        Exam fear is normal when that anxiety se verely interferes (干扰) with your ability to take the test,however,outside help might be needed. Ask your teachers and family for support and help.

   A. How to succeed in an exam

   B. How to overcome exam fear

   C. Develop good study habits.

   D. Understand that you are not alone and ask for help if necessary.

   E. Remind yourself that it’s just one test and that you can get through it.

   F. Battling this type of performance anxiety can be hard,but it is not impossible.

   G. Remind yourself to read the instructions carefully.

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