
Around four years ago, I received a call from the principal of our school as to the “Parents View” talk the next morning. He asked me to speak to the group. After the call, my whole body became feverish and panicky. The time from his call to the next morning seemed like years. The whole night, I could not sleep with many ominous apprehensions in mind. One of them was to call the principal with regret and tell him that I could not come. Finally, I gathered some courage. I thought, “If I miss this opportunity, surely the school will never invite me again to any of their programs.”

I reached the school in time. Before my turn came, my whole body was trembling. When my turn came and I started speaking, my heartbeat increased and my mouth went dry. I wasn’t even able to read the written speech properly. I was not aware of where I was standing and what I was reading. That was the day when I realized my biggest weakness, Public Speaking.

After my speech, I met with the principal and explained what happened to me. He told me that this happens to everyone. Even great speaker, faced the same things when they started. He suggested that I come again next time.

Around one month later, I was invited to refer to a topic on Motivation. This time I was feeling comfortable. My speech was not only appreciated by the principal as well as the teachers, because I was able to get my idea across to them. They encouraged and praised my efforts.

After delivering is successfully, I became more confident .l said to myself, “If I can speak in front of such a learned audience, like the principal who educates others, I can now speak in front of others too.”

I started delivering lectures in my plant, on various topics like Self Motivation, Personality Development, Personal Excellence, Spoken English and Presentation Skills. This has become a passion for me. I learned that everything is possible if we have the courage to take the first step.

1.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Practice Makes a Man a Better Speechmaker

B. Public Speaking Makes a Man Embarrassed.

C. Principal Provides the Best Chances.

D. Spoken English Develops in Malting Speeches.

2.The author had bad feelings before the speech because______.

A. he disliked the idea of giving a lecture

B. he had got a high fever before that

C. he regretted accepting the invitation

D. he feared he couldn't perform it properly

3.What does the underlined part “ominous apprehensions” in the first paragraph mean?

A. Unlucky opportunities. B. Negative ideas.

C. Curious views. D. Happy comments.

4.What can we conclude from the passage?

A. Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.

B. Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.

C. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

D. Necessity is the mother of invention.


A record 6.15 million trips were made by Chinese mainland tourists to overseas destinations during the seven-day Spring Festival holiday, which ended on Thursday, according to the China National Tourism Administration. That is an increase of 7 percent compared with last year’s Spring Festival. About 374,000 trips were organized by travel agencies, a 2.5 percent increase.

The administration also reported growth from individual and high-end (高端的) travelers and said that in addition to top and coastal cities, inland cities—such as those in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region—became important source markets. With many Chinese now traveling abroad for Spring Festival, their choice of destinations has expanded along with their growing interest in foreign cultures and services.

“Chinese tourists are increasingly willing to experience local culture and services, including staying in private homes, appreciating plants and watching monkeys in hot springs,” Li Xuejing, the agency’s marketing manager, said.

A Chinese tourist surnamed Guo, who was vacationing on an island in the Philippines, said: UI now pay more attention to relaxation and enjoyment during the holidays instead of shopping or choosing gifts for relatives.”

Another choice is Britain. Though the devaluation (货币贬值) of the pound is a factor, Britain’s rich history and famous education tradition have caught the eye of Chinese.

1.How many trips were made to foreign countries during the Golden Week of this Spring Festival holiday?

A. 6,150,000. B. 2,500,000.

C. 7,000,000. D. 374,000.

2.What can we learn about some inland cities in Guangxi?

A. They’re reported to have become important attractions.

B. They’re famous for all kinds of plants and monkeys.

C. They have the best hot spring in the world.

D. They belong to coastal source markets.

3.What would Miss Guo do on her vacation according to the text?

A. Go shopping for gifts.

B. Study foreign cultures.

C. Relax and enjoy herself.

D. Chat with her relatives.

4.Where does the text probably come from?

A. A guide book. B. A newspaper.

C. A scientific magazine. D. An advertisement.

Recently I understood the true meaning of love. The ________ was Kane, my neighbor Joline’s two-year-old son.

Kane was born with a physical problem on his ________. And I witnessed (目睹) the ________ that Kane’s physical  shortcomings  had on his family. I also saw a ________ family that embraced (拥抱) this special child. A family that wouldn’t allow Kane to know he was ________. Joline had constructed a small cart for his son to _______. Kane used his hands to move about, and the cart ________ him to “go to” any place just as everyone else was able to do. Kane was not just a member of the family, but the ________ of the family.

With a wide smile, it was easy to see that even at the age of two, Kane liked to ________ with people very much. With wisdom of an individual (个人), this boy even ________ the most complex of human emotions. Later I came to  ________ that this child was sent to help some of us who weren’t just getting what love was all about.

Kane demanded attention, ________ not because of his mobility (移动能力) challenges or other apparent shortcomings. In his mind, he had no_______ or shortcomings. The ________ was that he received attention because he was alive and real and had so much to offer.

Kane ________ me in a deep way. His ability to refuse to be different has ________ me. Kane was and is ________ a boy of powerful energy to me. From him and his family I learnt the ________: love surpasses (超越) all things. I can only imagine that as the parent of a child like Kane one might be filled with ________ . But I believe that having a child like Kane is actually a(n)________ . The parents of such special babies are angels too,

just as the babies are.

1.A. problem B. matter C. reason D. pressure

2.A. legs B. eyes C. hands D. arms

3.A. effect B. comment C. demand D. look

4.A. similar B. wonderful C. practical D. fair

5.A. normal          B. real C. different D. terrible

6.A. go ahead B. speed up       C. turn out D. get around

7.A. allowed B. invited C. advised D. caused

8.A. symbol B. pride C. center D. trouble

9.A. communicate B. compare C. agree D. compete

10.A. reminded B. understood C. discovered D. trusted

11.A. recognize B. experience C. imagine D. realize

12.A. and B. or C. but D. as

13.A. challenges B. expectations C. promises D. chances

14.A. goal B. result C. possibility D. truth

15.A. touched B. stopped C. caught D. kept

16.A. puzzled B. shocked C. amused D. inspired

17.A. even B. yet C. still D. almost

18.A. lesson B. subject C. fact D. skill

19.A. excitement B. determination C. anger D. anxiety

20.A. ability B. advantage C. problem D. failure

Ever since I was a child,my mouth has caused me trouble.I’m not a bad person;I have a ___ time learning when to stop saying bad things to others.

My mom has told me again and again,“Robert,your constant(不断的)bad words are hurting me.If you ____ to be this rude,you will get into big trouble.”

It’s been a problem at school several times too when teachers have told me something I didn’t want to hear.I used to feel it was my ____ to stand up for myself.

One day in English class I was working on my homework when I heard a classmate ____ behind me.It was Nathaniel,who liked doing that as usual.

I said ever so _____ ,“Nathaniel,would you be quiet?”

Nathaniel kept saying something to himself.I quickly_______,“Nathaniel,shut up!”

For the next five minutes,we threw hurtful words back and forth at each other.

“At least I don’t have an ugly lazy eye like you!”I cried out.

I knew this would make him ____ and it would hurt his feelings and shut him up.

What I said filled him with anger.He tried to _____over my seat and catch me as he screamed,“That’s it!That’s it!”

___ at his reaction(反应),I sat back in my seat.I had never seen Nathaniel act like this before.Later on,we were taken to the teachers’ office.There,Mr.Black,our English teacher,told us to ____ the matter.It wasn’t until then that I finally found that ____ I hurt someone physically,the woulds finally heal(愈合).But when I hurt someone with my_____, sometimes the pain never goes away.

At the end of the discussion,I said ____ to Nathaniel.

When I went back to my room,I spent some time praying(祈祷).I began to ____ how often what I said hurt others.But I believe that as I keep asking God to help me,he’ll tell me when to keep my _____closed.

1.A. busy B. hard C. happy D. valuable

2.A. decide B. like C. continue D. try

3.A. duty B. turn C. time D. choice

4.A. singing B. reading C. beating D. talking

5.A. clearly B. nicely C. carelessly D. angrily

6.A. repeated B. expressed C. replied D. shouted

7.A. crazy B. afraid C. sad D. bored

8.A. fall B. look C. hand D. reach

9.A. Satisfied B. Surprised C. Nervous D. Serious

10.A. discuss B. solve C. explain D. report

11.A. while B. after C. when D. where

12.A. words B. action C. ideas D. experience

13.A. goodbye B. thanks C. sorry D. okay

14.A. imagine B. notice C. record D. consider

15.A. eyes B. mouth C. windows D. door

Alex Elman runs a big business --- something hard to imagine after she lost her sight in her twenties. But Elman says that losing her sight helped her focus on finding success.

Elman’s father planted a hillside vineyard in western Massachusetts in 1981. It’s where Elman fled during the darkest period of her life. When she was 27 years old, she went blind due to complications from juvenile diabetes (幼年型糖尿病) 17 years ago. She recalled, “I hid in my home. I hid in the place, to me, that was the safest place in the world.”

Elman is now the founder of Alex Elman Wines, a growing portfolio (股份) of organic wines from all around the world: Chianti from Italy, Torrontes from Argentina. Elman doesn’t work alone. Her assistant, a guide dog named Hanley, is something of a wine snob, and quite a beggar. Hanley travels to all of the wineries that Elman does, from South America to Europe.

At first, Elman resisted the idea of a seeing-eye-dog. Now it’s hard to imagine her life, or her business, without him. She said. “When someone tells me something is organic and I don’t really believe it because I taste something funny on it, I’ll put it in front of his face and if he likes the wine, he’ll actually go in and sniff it. If it’s not right, he’ll turn his head away…He gets in the dirt with me. He scratches around. He makes sure that we see earthworms and butterflies. That’s how we know that the soil is actually organic, that there are no chemicals.”

Elman told CBS News she believes the loss of her vision was a gift. She said, “It allowed me to pay attention to what I thought was important and also to be able to teach people that the broken hang nail is not a big deal, you know what I mean? Don’t sweat the small stuff. Don’t sweat the big stuff either.”

1.Elman hid herself in her father’s vineyard probably because she ________.

A. suffered from juvenile diabetes

B. was extremely painful for her blindness

C. would like to help her father with the work

D. expected to recover her sight sooner or later

2.We can learn from Paragraph 3 that Elman ________.

A. has earned a large amount of money

B. plans to operate organic wine companies

C. has become successful with Hanley’s help

D. has travelled around the world with Hanley

3.Whenever Elman couldn’t judge the wine exactly, she would ________.

A. turn to Hanley for advice

B. have another taste in person

C. order Hanley to head away

D. make Hanley to drink it

4.The underlined phrase “the broken hang nail” (in Paragraph 5) probably refers to ________.

A. a nail which is of no use

B. a disadvantage you have in your life

C. a person who is hard to deal with

D. a task that is not easy to accomplish

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