
【题目】Small blocks of time can also be made full ________ of ________ the problems in our study.

A. use; to settleB. using; settling

C. to use; to settleD. use; settling



试题分析:考查固定词组和非谓语动词。句意:小块的时间也能被充分利用解决学习上的问题。make full use of充分利用;第二空是动词不定式作目的状语。故选A。



make up 组成,构成,化妆,编造,和好如初;be made of 由……构成(能看出原材料);be made from由……构成(不能看出原材料);be made into 被制成了……;be made up of 由……组成;be made in由某地制成; make friends交朋友; make preparations for为……做准备;make oneself done 使某人自己被……



There is no better feeling than walking away from your desk in the evening with a sense of deep satisfaction for a job well done. 【1】 Here are five ways to help you do just that:

·Empty your inbox(收件箱).

__【2】_ You will find that an empty inbox late in the day will give you a strong sense of accomplishment and order in your life.If you want an empty inbox,it means everything is in a particular spot:either in the trash,or sent to someone else.

· 3

If you leave a tiring and undesirable task until the next day,you will walk away from your desk with a dark cloud hanging over you and a sense of fear. On the other hand, try to complete the task before you leave the office, and you will walk away with a feeling of freedom and victory.

·Do something nice for someone else.

The key here is intentionality.Plan to end your day by doing something specific and beneficial for someone in your life—a partner,friend,family member,customer,etc._ 4】__ It is impossible to do something nice for someone without feeling better yourself.

·Say thank you.

Take a moment before you shut things down for the day to be thankful for your life. 5 When you feel grateful to people around you,you will get a new idea on the difficulties of any given day.

A.Determine what will make tomorrow special.

B.Regardless of what else has happened in a day,ending it with thanks is a rewarding approach.

C.Finish the task as far as possible before you leave.

D.Keeping your inbox empty makes you more effective.

E.In fact a whole unproductive day can end with just 15 hyper-productive(高效的) minutes.

F.Nothing else throughout your day could possibly be so bad.

G.You will feel better when doing a good deed to others.


As a father who works outside the home, I recognize that it is easy for me to get caught up in stress at work. Indeed, sometimes it is difficult to turn off my work focus and turn on my family focus so that I can come home and be the loving husband my wife needs and the playful father my kids want. 【1】 Good fathers provide stability and strength to the family. As fathers, we do not let the pressures and worries of work get in the way of being there for our kids. 2

1. 3 It doesn't need to be a lot of time, but if you are able, have oneonone time with each of your kids.

2. Be goofy (滑稽的) with your kids. The more voices you do, the more expressive you are when you play with them, the more they will feel your love and your acceptance of them.

3. Spend time reading to them. Allow your kids to choose a book and spend time reading some of it to them before bed. The more effort you put into it ,the more they will feel your love. 4

As a therapist (临床医学家) who works with children and their families, I have noticed that the better the relationship that a father has with his child, the more influence that father will have on his child. As fathers work on developing a strong link with their kids through positive interactions, they can have a positive effect on the lives of their children. 5

A.Fathers have such an important and irreplaceable role in the family.

B.Sometimes books can help you deal with children.

C.Reading stories is an excellent time for dads to practice voice imitations.

D.Here are some thoughts to help fathers keep their little ones in mind.

E.As a father he must involve hardships in all his life.

F.And the confidence can give their children a great advantage to succeed in the future.

G.Make a plan to spend time each day with your kids.

【题目】根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Everyone can help to save the world

We are all environmentalists now. We all know about acid rain and the ozone hole. 【1】 As consumers we have the power to make decisions which will contribute to a better world and it is in our power to do what we can to protect the earth.

2 In this way we have the power to influence retailers (零售商) to sell us these so-called “green” products. Therefore, the supermarkets have understood the message and are now trying to improve their environmental image. They are turning to less wasteful and recyclable packaging. The range of “green” products will continue to expand to meet the growing demand. This message has also reached the manufacturers. 3 They have realized that protecting the environment may start as an advertising campaign but in the hands of intelligent people it can become a very profitable business. Besides, we can do more.

Furthermore, we also know there are other areas where all of us can make a positive contribution to a cleaner, healthier and safer environment. 4 There are a number of ways we can do this. For example, we now know how important it is to have our homes well insulated (隔热). We should choose the best energy efficient technology, such as modern light bulbs which can reduce electricity consumption by 80% over the older ones. We must also work hard to reduce the amount of rubbish we produce. We all produce tons of rubbish and waste disposal has become a big problem. As an environmentally-conscious consumer we should buy products which do not have so much packaging. Also, we should try to avoid non-returnable goods at all costs. In Scandinavia and Germany, for example, plastic bottles and cans are now returnable goods.

In conclusion it is important to emphasize once again the rise of consumer power. We must realize that we are all part of the problem. 5

A. We can all reduce energy consumption at home and so cut the emissions from power systems.

B. For example, when we walk into a supermarket we can choose to buy environmentally friendly products and reject products which damage our planet.

C. There are some other ways to protect the environment.

D. Companies are developing environmentally friendly products that maintain a high quality and a low price.

E. But what are we doing about these problems?

F. Nevertheless we must also realize that we have the responsibility to be part of the solution.

G. Everybody has the duty to contribute to a cleaner world.

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