9£®Good morning£¬ladies and gentlemen£¬Welcome to Beijing£®My name is Li Hua£®I'm very glad to be your£¨61£©guide£®£¨guide£©Now I'd like to tell you something about the GreatWall of China£¬£¨62£©towhich we're paying a visit today£®
The Great Wall of China£¬£¨63£©whichhas a history of over 2£¬000years£¬is considered to be one of the£¨64£©wonders £¨wonder£©in the world like the pyramids in y£¨65£©our country£®It is about 6£¬000kilometers long£¬4to 5 meters wide and 6to 7meters high£®Today it has £¨66£©become £¨become£©a place of interest£¬£¨67£©attracting £¨attract£©tens of thousands of tourists every year£®Both the pyramids and the Great Wall were £¨68£©built£¨build£© by the working people thousands of years ago£®So the Chinese and the Egyptians are great and hard-working people£¨69£©in the world£®We are all very£¨70£©proud£¨pride£© of our nations£®
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68£®built ¿¼²é±»¶¯Óï̬ ´Ë´¦ÔÚ¾äÖÐ×÷νÓÓÉÓÚÖ÷ÓïBoth the pyramids and the Great Wall ÓëνÓﶯ´ÊbuildÊDZ»¶¯¹Øϵ£¬¹Ê±¾¾äӦʹÓÃÒ»°ã¹ýȥʱ̬µÄ±»¶¯Óï̬£»¹ÊÓÃbuilt£®
69£®in ¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨´Ê×é ´Ë´¦Ö¸µÄ£ºÔÚÊÀ½çÉÏ£»¹ÊÓýé´Êin£®
70£®proud ¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨´îÅä be proud ofÒâΪ£ºÎª¡¸Ðµ½×ÔºÀ£»¹ÊÓÃproud£®
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One day£¬I £¨25£©A at an orphanage£¨¹Â¶ùÔº£©£®Inside I saw a beautiful little girl£¬Tanzile£®I gave her a sweet from my bag with a£¨n£© £¨26£©B and she asked£¬"Can I have another one£¿"I gave her another one and £¨27£©C£¬"This little darling is so clever-she has taken two for £¨28£©C"But after I asked her some questions£¬I was £¨29£©D£®Tanzile is 7years old£®Two years ago£¬both of her parents £¨30£©A in a car accident£®Her younger sister who was only three then was taken away by a couple£®Ever since then£¬she has £¨31£©B to accept what people give only to her £¨32£©Dthey give her two£®
In fact£¬we found many things that she had been £¨33£©Cto give to her sister one day£®
I said to her£¬"You must £¨34£©D it if someone gives you food or something else-even if it is only one piece £¨35£©D two-for your own health£®"It was so £¨36£©A for me to fight back the tears as she £¨37£©A her head£®Her hope and £¨38£©C were all that she had£®They£¨39£©B more than anything else£®
I hope that Tanzile and the other beautiful children like her will £¨40£©B with their brothers and sisters again£®
21£®A£®result | B£®parent | C£®doctor | D£®friend |
22£®A£®help | B£®surprise | C£®encourage | D£®protect |
23£®A£®clothes | B£®medicine | C£®food | D£®water |
24£®A£®hardly | B£®still | C£®never | D£®also |
25£®A£®stopped | B£®hid | C£®survived | D£®danced |
26£®A£®wish | B£®smile | C£®plan | D£®idea |
27£®A£®guessed | B£®believed | C£®thought | D£®imagined |
28£®A£®myself | B£®yourself | C£®herself | D£®themselves |
29£®A£®interested | B£®pleased | C£®scared | D£®surprised |
30£®A£®died | B£®tried | C£®fought | D£®cried |
31£®A£®pretended | B£®refused | C£®hoped | D£®dreamed |
32£®A£®although | B£®if | C£®once | D£®unless |
33£®A£®developing | B£®choosing | C£®collecting | D£®making |
34£®A£®want | B£®check | C£®eat | D£®accept |
35£®A£®more than | B£®together with | C£®except for | D£®instead of |
36£®A£®hard | B£®sorry | C£®funny | D£®strange |
37£®A£®shook | B£®hit | C£®touched | D£®pressed |
38£®A£®honesty | B£®attitude | C£®love | D£®humour |
39£®A£®cared | B£®mattered | C£®earned | D£®cost |
40£®A£®show up | B£®get together | C£®get along | D£®go out£® |
Max lives in an upper middle-class housing estate£®His£®£¨37£©B are mostly bank managers£¬business executives£¬airline pilots and the £¨38£©A£¬but Max's seven-bedroom house-£¨39£©D 80£¬000-isthelargestinthearea£®£¨40£©C outsidethehouseareMax's 7000 sports car and his wife's Morris Mini£®Indoors is a 150 colour TV set and the family's £¨41£©D-a circular bath with gold-plated taps£®There are also many labour-saving £¨42£©B and luxury furniture£®
How can a plasterer £¨43£©C all this£¿The answer£¬says Max£¬is hard work£®In £¨44£©C with another plasterer£¬Max £¨45£©Bcontract plaster-
ing jobs for a firm£®The owner of the firm £¨46£©Dthem as human machines£¬the best and quickest in the £¨47£©A£¬who can do as much in two days as £¨48£©C two-man team can in two weeks£®
How do they manage it£¿Not by working overtime£®They work a£¨n£© £¨49£©D eight-hour day£¬five days a week£®The secret £¨50£©B in Max's hod £¨Í°£© in which he carries the plaster to the site of the job£®Max's is a superhod-it contains double the usual £¨51£©C of plaster£¬and Max£¬a strong fellow£¬runs when he carries it£®More time is thus £¨52£©A to get on with the plastering£®Besides£¬£¨53£©C man wastes time smoking£¬and they £¨54£©Btheir lunch break to a £¨55£©D of an hour a day£®Now Max earns over 800aweekwhichisfourtimestheaverageweeklypayinBritaintoday£¬andifhegetsas£¨56£©B as 15£¬it's a disaster£®
37£®A£®colleagues | B£®neighbours | C£®relatives | D£®friends |
38£®A£®like | B£®kind | C£®class | D£®same |
39£®A£®worthy | B£®spending | C£®costing | D£®worth |
40£®A£®Stopped | B£®Stopping | C£®Parked | D£®Parking |
41£®A£®property | B£®honour | C£®facility | D£®pride |
42£®A£®objects | B£®devices | C£®articles | D£®materials |
43£®A£®acquire | B£®use | C£®afford | D£®provide |
44£®A£®harmony | B£®correspondence | C£®partnership | D£®terms |
45£®A£®makes | B£®does | C£®takes | D£®gets |
46£®A£®tells | B£®treats | C£®compares | D£®describes |
47£®A£®trade | B£®job | C£®area | D£®walk |
48£®A£®no | B£®few | C£®any | D£®all |
49£®A£®unusual | B£®extra | C£®ordinary | D£®normal |
50£®A£®relies | B£®lies | C£®hides | D£®falls |
51£®A£®quality | B£®size | C£®quantity | D£®weight |
52£®A£®left | B£®needed | C£®spent | D£®kept |
53£®A£®both | B£®either | C£®neither | D£®each |
54£®A£®have | B£®cut | C£®miss | D£®spend |
55£®A£®time | B£®period | C£®limitation | D£®total |
56£®A£®much | B£®little | C£®more | D£®less |
A£® | he was frightened | B£® | was he frightened | ||
C£® | frightened he was | D£® | frightened was he |