
【题目】 If you are a fortunate college graduate who has got a job, your attention will soon turn to starting your career in a successful way by doing well in your first job. 1

Send emails about meaningful work issues early and/or late in the day to show that you are not only present but also productive.

Plan to arrive earlier and/or stay later than your leader to prove you are ready to work hard.

Do not miss work time. If it’s absolutely necessary, work from home if possible. 2

Introduce yourself to as many co-workers as possible. Learn about the roles they play and the work done by them.

3 If you have time, help other co-workers when they are in trouble with their projects, but only after discussing with your leader and making sure there isn’t anything else he would need you to do.

Keep in touch with all those people, like those who recommended you to your workplace. 4 And they can give you further advice if they follow along with your career development.

You’ll only have one first job, so make the most of it. 5

A. Offer to help others out.

B. Keep in touch with your boss.

C. They’ve helped you move forward to get this job.

D. Here are some practical tips for success in your first job.

E. Ask for help when you are stuck but don’t be overly needy.

F. You can also put in extra hours to catch up when you return.

G. You will set the stage for an exciting and successful long-term career.










2根据上文Do not miss work time. If it’s absolutely necessary, work from home if possible.可知不要错过工作时间。如果有必要,尽可能在家工作。由此可知,作者是在建议用在家的时间来工作,从而赶上工作进度。故F选项“当你回家后,你也可以投入额外的时间来赶上”符合上下文语境,故选F

3根据后文If you have time, help other co-workers when they are in trouble with their projects, but only after discussing with your leader and making sure there isn’t anything else he would need you to do.可知如果你有时间,在其他同事在项目中遇到困难时帮助他们,但前提是与你的上司讨论并确保他没有其他需要你做的事情。由此可知,本段是在建议在工作中主动去帮助自己的同事。故A选项“主动帮助他人”符合上下文语境,故选A

4结合上文Keep in touch with all those people, like those who recommended you to your workplace.可知和那些推荐你去工作的人保持联系。由此可知,本句承接上文继续说明那些推荐你去工作的人,帮助你获得了这份工作,会给你更多的建议。上文中those people, like those who recommended you可对应到C选项中they。故C选项“他们帮助你获得了这份工作”符合上下文语境,故选C

5结合上文You’ll only have one first job, so make the most of it.可知,你只有一份第一份工作,所以要充分利用它。由此可知,本句承接上文说明自己第一份工作的重要性。故G选项“你将为一个令人兴奋和成功的长期职业生涯打下基础”符合上下文语境,故选G

七选五的解题技巧之一是根据上下文词汇来锁定线索。即:要关注空白前后的名词和动词,然后在选项中查找它们的近义词、反义词、同义词、同类词等。其次是一些专有名词,比如说数词、代词、时间、年代、地点/名称等。如第四小题,结合上文Keep in touch with all those people, like those who recommended you to your workplace.可知和那些推荐你去工作的人保持联系。由此可知,本句承接上文继续说明那些推荐你去工作的人,帮助你获得了这份工作,会给你更多的建议。上文中those people, like those who recommended you可对应到C选项中they。故C选项“他们帮助你获得了这份工作”符合上下文语境,故选C


【题目】 It's free and requires no equipment. Besides, the scenery can be amazing. It's no wonder running is among the world s most popular sports. Research suggests running can significantly improve your health. 1

Running just once a week, or 50 minutes a week, reduces the risk of death at a given point in time. 2 This is good news for those who don't have much time on their hands for exercise. But it shouldn't discourage those who enjoy running longer and more often. We found even "hardcore" running (for example, every day or four hours a week) is beneficial for health. Nor do the benefits necessarily increase by running at high speeds. We found similar benefits for running at any speed between 8 and 13 km/h. It might be that running at your own "most comfortable pace" is the best for your health.

3 Running may lead to overuse injuries. These occur as a consequence of repeated mechanical stress on the tissue without enough time for recovery. Sudden death is also likely to happen during exercise, though, this occurs very rarely.

Therefore, for beginning runners, start slow and gradually increase the pace, duration and weekly frequency. Set your aim at 50 minutes a week or more, and run at a comfortable speed.

If you don't like running alone, consider doing it along with others. 4 It can be hard to start running, but it shouldn't be too hard. 5 There are more than 800 other interesting sports to choose from. The benefits of many other sports (such as swimming, tennis, cycling and aerobics) are comparable to the ones found for running.

A.If you don't like running, don't force it.

B.However, keep it in mind that there are risks as well.

C.It also indicates you needn't run fast or far to gain the benefit.

D.It can increase your motivation and provide a fun social experience.

E.Running may help you live longer but more isn't necessarily better.

F.The benefit doesn't seem to increase or decrease with higher amounts of running.

G.Doing it in many sessions spread across the week brings much more benefits.

【题目】 A headache is the feeling you get when your head hurts. Headaches can differ from very mild to incredibly powerful. They can last anywhere from 10 minutes to hours. Very bad headaches are called migraines. People who suffer from migraine headaches often need to take the day off from school or work and lie in bed all day.

Why do people get headaches? There are many possible causes. People who drink too much caffeine (in coffee or soft drinks, for example) or alcohol can end up with headaches. This is because these kinds of drinks take water away from the body. If the brain doesn’t have enough water, it gets smaller and pulls away from the head. This can be extremely painful. The best way to get rid of this kind of headache is just to drink lots of water.

Tension headaches happen when the body's muscles are too tight. When people feel stress, it is common for the muscles near the head to become tense. Tension headaches might also be caused by not getting enough sleep. Some people suffer from tension headaches for only short times but for other people, these kinds of headaches are a chronic problem that happens again and again. A massage (按摩) might help to stop a tension headache. If that doesn't help, you might need to see a doctor.

Headaches can also be caused by much bigger health problems. For example, a head or neck injury can cause them. Headaches can also be a warming sign of a heart attack.

1In the article, how long can a headache last?

A.at least 10 hours.B.about 10 minutes.

C.from minutes to hoursD.more than 10 hours.

2Why can caffeine cause headaches?

A.Because it makes the head gets smaller.

B.Because it makes the skull gets bigger.

C.Because it takes water away from the body.

D.Because it gives the body too much water.

3The word 'chronic' in paragraph 3 have the same meaning with______.



4Why should someone with lots of headaches visit a doctor?

A.They might need to drink water.B.They might need to talk.

C.They might have a bigger problem.D.They might need more medicine.

【题目】Best summer camps for families in the USA

Frost Valley

The Frost Valley camp in Claryuville, New Your, Which was founded in 1901, is one of the oldest camps in the United States. It covers 6,000 acres in the Catskills. It offers a week-long family camp only in August that includes all the traditional activities. For living, you can choose from tents, cabins, Forssmann Castle (a restaurant), and the Strausss Center country house.


This is a very small camp in Washington, Maine, and it can only hold 12 families at a time. Medomak is your classic summer camp, with cabin-style accommodations (食宿) that includes a bathroom and family-style meals that will be served in the camp’s farmhouse dining room. The camp covers 250 acres and includes a lake.


Takodah, a camp in Richmond, New Hampshire, lets you choose your pace. You can fill your day with activities like pick-up games and swimming or just be relaxed to read a book. A favorite activity is a trip to Mount Monadnock. You will also stay in a family house and eat together in the dining room.

Camp Hanes

Camp Hanes is a camp in King, North Carolina, which offers family camping on weekends. It is a little primitive (原始的), and you will have to bring your own bedding where you stay, but it does have electricity and air conditioners. You will eat family-style meals with other camping families. And of course, you can gather around the campfire as a family in the evening.

1What do we know about Frost Valley?

A.It opens to campers all the year around.

B.It has the longest history in America.

C.It limits the number of camping families.

D.It offers campers different kinds of living places.

2What is the most popular activity in Takodah?

A.Supplying free meals.B.Climbing Mount Monadnock.

C.Reading what you like.D.Making a fire in the evening.

3What should you do if you want to take part in Camp Hanes?

A.Prepare a flashlight.B.Be good at swimming.

C.Bring your own bedding.D.Wear comfortable shoes.


I first played ping-pong in our basement (地下室) at home. My brother and I asked for an old wooden table from my grandfather. It was painted green. Although it was very simple, it served its purpose every day. My father never really played any other sports with me, but ping-pong was one that he played quite well and it took me plenty of time before I could beat him. My elder brother was also a very good competitor.

When I got to university, I was happy to discover a ping-pong table in the common room. I spent a great deal of time there, often until the midnight. There were about three or four friends that I often played against. We were all at the same skill level. One of them had ever played in a tournament (锦标赛). A friend from Germany said his father had ever won the German national tournament. We took part in a tournament. My ranking (名次) is the third place, but I had beaten the first and second place winners when we had played for fun. I sometimes played with other friends who didn’t play ping-pong well, so I would use my left hand to give them an advantage. But before long I became so skilled with my left hand that they no longer had the advantage.

Later, I played in a ping-pong competition which was held by my university. I lost at first. But because it was double climination (双淘汰制), I went to the loser group. I beat all the players and then played against the student who had beaten me in the first round. Surprisingly, I beat him 3 times and won the competition.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

Later, there was a tournament held in the city where I studied.


Paragraph 2:

After the tournament I didn’t often play the sport because of the busy study.


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