
8.Singles'Day,also called Double Eleven,began as a day for unmarried or uncoupled people to celebrate their lives on November 11,1993.In China,however,Singles'Day has become the biggest online shopping day in the world,which was created in 2009 by Alibaba's CEO Daniel Zhang to increase online sales.Since then,it has grown into a cultural phenomenon.
China Singles'Day,as a shopping day,takes place on November 11 each year.There are sharp discounts and other promotions (促销) designed by Alibaba to attract online customers.In 2015,E-commerce giant Alibaba broke records with sales of $14.3 billion on China Singles'Day,with online sales increasing 60 percent from last year,according to Alibaba."Most people shop on mobile phones or ipads and online shopping has become a comfortable channel for most consumers",said Kitty Fok,China manager for market research."China is a big market with close to one billion smart,connected device users.It is good news for both Alibaba and their competit ors,"she said.
The company is focusing on international e-commerce for future Singles'Days,reported Reuters."Within the next five years,we expect China will become the world's largest e-commerce market for imported products,"President Michael Evans told reporters on Wednesday.Alibaba Chief Executive Daniel Zhang said in a statement that Singles'Day would mean that"the whole world will see the power of Chinese consumption."Over 130 million users visited Alibaba's marketplace app,Taobao,reported the BBC.
47.What does Alibaba exp ect to do on Singles'Day?A
A.Increase online sales        
B.Defeat competitors
C.Develop firm cultures        
D.Celebrate single lives  
48.What is the meaning of the underlined word discount in the second paragraph?
A.Smart products             
B.Crazy buying 
C.Low prices               
D.More advertisements
49.What will make Singles'Days more popular according to Kitty Fok?A
A.The popularity of smart,connected device users.
B.The potential power of Chinese consumption.
C.The cooperation with the international e-commerce.
D.The promotions on Alibaba's marketplace app,Taobao.
50.What attitude does President Michael Evans hold toward the future of China Singles'Day?D
A.doubtful      B.uncertain    C.negative         D.optimistic.

分析 文章介绍来光棍节的由来,以及这一天给一些电子商带来的巨大好处.

解答 A C A D
47.A 细节题.根据第一段Singles'Day has become the biggest online shopping day in the world,which was created in 2009 by Alibaba's CEO Daniel Zhang to increase online sales得知,阿里巴巴首席执行官在2009年创立光棍节目的是为了增加网上销量,故选A.
48.C 猜测词意题.通过该词的后面other promotions (促销) 得知,discount意思是打折,促销,故选C.
49.A  细节题.通过."China is a big market with close to one billion smart,connected device users.It is good news for both Alibaba and their competit ors,"she said.得知,中国是一个大的市场,而且有将近十亿的用户,所以推出光棍节很受欢迎,故选A.
50.D 推理题.在最后一段Within the next five years,we expect China will become the world's largest e-commerce market for imported products在接下来五年,我们希望中国将成为世界上最大的电子市场,可见对于光棍节的为来充满着希望,故选D.

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16.Hobbies Help Cure Addiction to the Internet
While some parents have expressed concerns about the amount of time their children spent surfing the Internet during the summer break from school,it wasn't a problem for Yin Qiming.
Instead,the 37-year-old Shanghai resident and his daughter divided their vacation between cyberspace and the 8-year-old's other interests.
"My daughter has many hobbies and I and her mother respect her choices,so we accompany her to classes she enjoys,such as learning to play the drums and drawing,"he said.
"She loves to play outside with her friends,so she doesn't think the Internet is a must-have thing in her life."
Yin added that he rarely imposes a time limit on his daughter's online activity.
"She sometimes uses WeChat(a popular instant-messaging tool) on my mobile phone,but only to contact her mother,"he said."Once she has her own plans every day and realizes that the internet is just a part of life,she won't become addicted to it."
Li Lin,a primary school teacher from Liaoning province,expressed a similar opinion.
"We do some homework online,including reciting stories,and the children use the Internet frequently every day of their lives,"she said,noting that the children's online activity is limited to 30minutes a day at school.
"We should make better use of the Internet to provide children with more knowledge and help them to grow up,"said Li,who has a 10-year-old son.
The key to preventing children,especially those at primary and middle schools,from becoming addicted to the Internet is to limit the time they spend online and to ensure that they know cyberspace cannot replace traditional forms of communication,she said.
Mao Feizhu,a psychologist from Fujian province in southeast China,said people overestimate the influence of the internet.
"Many people,even some parents,believe the Internet plays a big role in our daily lives,and many things can be completed online,but that's not completely right,"she said.
"We can use social applications to talk or play basketball games,and even share what we are thinking about,but sometimes it's impossible for our emotions to be accurately reflected in this way.What children need is emotional communication and real physical exercise.After all,love cannot be bought on the net,"she said.
Perhaps,the best way to stop young netizens spending too much time online is to encourage their other interests but also accompany them when they go online:"We should use the Internet,not become its slaves."

67.What bothers lots of the parents today is that their young childrenC.
A.enjoy chatting with friends online
B.are addicted to playing cell phones deeply
C.spend too much time on the Internet
D.love playing computer games too much
68.How did Yin Qiming keep his daughter free of the Internet addiction?C
A.By inviting her to plan her own time limit of using the Internet.
B.By talking and playing with her frequently to spare the holiday.
C.By sparing time to accompany her developing her own hobbies.
D.By encouraging her to make enough friends in the real life.
69.According to Li Lin,the key to preventing the Internet addiction isA.
A.to limit their time online and encourage real life communication
B.to stress the importance of friendship and making friends online
C.to make rules on surfing online and offer more online time
D.to forbid Internet use and spend more time on book-reading
70.Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage?A
3.Jeremy was born with a twisted body,and terminal illness slowly killing him throughout his young life.Still,his parents had tried to give him as normal a life as possible and had sent him to St.Theresa's Elementary School.
    At the age of 12,Jeremy was only in second grade,seemingly unabl e to learn.His teacher,Doris Miller,often became angry with him.He would often disturb the class by squirming(扭动) in his seat,drooling(流口水) and making grunting(呼噜声)noises.Doris had 18 other youngsters to teach and she didn't want to waste time on Jeremy.
Spring came,and the children talked excitedly about the coming of Easter.Doris told them of the story of Jesus,and stressed the idea of new life springing forth,she gave each of them a large plastic egg."Now,"she said to them,"I want you to take this home and bring it back tomorrow with something inside that shows new life.Do you understand?""Yes,Miss Miller!"All the children responded except Jeremy.He just listened,his eyes never left her face.He did not even make his usual noises.
    The next morning,the children came to school and placed their eggs in a large basket on Doris'desk.After they completed their Math lesson,it was time to open the eggs.
In the first egg,Doris found a flower."Oh yes,a flower is certainly a sign of new life,"she said.The next egg had a plastic beautiful butterfly in it.Then Doris opened the fourth egg.It was empty!Surely it must be Jeremy's she thought,and he did not understand the instructions.
She put that egg down so she wouldn't embarrass him.Suddenly Jeremy spoke up and said"Aren't you going to talk about my egg?"Doris replied,"But Jeremy-your egg is empty!"He looked into her eyes and said softly,"Yes,but Jesus'tomb was empty too!"
   Doris asked him,"Do you know why the tomb was empty?""Oh yes!"Jeremy exclaimed."Jesus was killed and put there.Then His Father raised Him up!"
    A fter class the children excitedly ran out,but Doris cried.The cold inside her melted completely away.
    Three months later,Jeremy died.Those who paid their respects at the funeral were surprised to see 19 eggs on top of Jeremy's casket,all of them empty.
21.What can we learn from the first paragraph?B
A.Jeremy's pare nts sent him to school.
B.Jeremy was badly ill.
C.Jeremy liked to go to school.
D.Jeremy lived a normal life.
22.From the third paragraph,we can infer that JeremyD.
A.was absent-minded in class
B.slept in class as usual
C.made noises uncontrollably
D.listened to the teacher attentively
23.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text?B
A.In one of the eggs is a flower.
B.Jeremy didn't understand his teacher's instructions.
C.In one of the eggs is a butterfly.
D.There was nothing in Jeremy's egg.
24.What's the best title of the passage?D
A.Disabled Jeremy
B.A special class
C.Doris and her students
D.Jeremy's empty egg.
13.The way people hold to the belief that a fun-filled,pain free life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness.If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness then pain must be equal to unhappiness.But in fact,the opposite is true:more often than not things that lead to happiness involve some pain.
As a result,many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness.They fear the pain inevitably(不可避免的)brought by such things as marriage,raising children,professional achievement,religious commitment (义务),self-improvement.
Ask a bachelor(单身汉)why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying.If he is honest he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment.For commitment is in fact quite painful.The single life is filled with fun,adventure,excitement.Marriage has such moments,but they are not its most distinguishing features.
Couples with infant children are lucky to get a whole night's sleep or a three-day vacation.I don't know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising children.But couples who decide not to have children never know the joys of watching a child grow up or of playing with a grandchild.
Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations.It liberates(解放) time:now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness.It liberates money:buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless.And it liberates us from envy:we now understand that all those who are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all.
66.According to the author,a bachelor resists marriage chiefly becauseC.
A.he finds more fun in dating than in marriage
B.he believes that life will be more cheerful if he remains single
C.he is reluctant to take on family responsibilities
D.he fears it will put an end to all his fun adventure and excitement
67.Raising children,in the author's opinion isA.
A.a rewarding task
B.a thankless job
C.a moral duty
D.a source of inevitable pain
68.From the last paragraph,we learn that envy sometimes stems from(由…造成)B.
A.hatred   B.ignorance C.prejudice(偏见)   D.misunderstanding
69.To understand what true happiness is one mustB.
A.have as much fun as possible during one's lifetime
B.be able to distinguish happiness from fun
C.put up with pain under all circumstances
D.make every effort to liberate oneself from pain
70.What is the author trying to tell us?C
A.It is important to make commitments
B.One must know how to attain happiness.
C.Happiness often goes hand in hand with pain.
D.It is pain that leads to happiness.
18.There is plenty of complaints about how social media-texting in particular-may be harming children's social and intellectual development.But a new study suggests that constant instant messaging (IM'ing) and texting among teens may also provide benefits,particularly for those who are introverted (内向的).
British researchers studied instant messages exchanged by 231 teens,aged 14 to 18.All of the participants were"regular"or"extensive"IM'ers.In the U.S.,two thirds of teens use instant messaging services regularly,with a full third messaging at least once every day.
The researchers analyzed 150 conversations in the study,and reported the results in the journal Computers in Human Behavior.In 100of these chats,the study participant began IM'ing while in a negative emotional state such as sadness,distress or anger.The rest were conversations begun when the participant was feeling good or neutral.After the chat,participants reported about a 20% reduction in their distress-not enough to completely eliminate it,but enough to leave them feeling better than they had before reaching out.
"Our findings suggest that IM'ing between distressed adolescents and their peers may provide emotional relief and consequently contribute to their well-being,"the authors write,noting that prior research has shown that people assigned to talk to a stranger either in real life or online improved their mood in both settings,but even more with IM.And people who talk with their real-life friends online also report feeling closer to them than those who just communicate face-to-face,implying a strengthening of their bond.
Why would digital communication do better than human contact?The reasons are complex,but may have something to do with the fact that users can control expression of sadness and other emotions via IM without revealing emotional elements like tears that some may consider as embarrassing or sources of discomfort.Studies also show that the anonymity (匿名) of writing on a device blankets the users in a sense of safety that may cause people to feel more comfortable in sharing and discussing their deepest and most authentic feelings.Prior research has shown that expressive writing itself can "vent" emotions and provide a sense of relief-and doing so,knowing that your words are reaching a sympathetic friend,may provide even more comfort and potentially be therapeutic.Researchers also found that introverted participants reported more relief from IM conversations when they were distressed than extroverts did.Susan Cain,author of Quiet wrote recently for TIME:Introverts are often brimming over with thoughts and care deeply for their friends,family and colleagues.But even the most socially skilled introverts sometimes long for a free pass from socializing or talking on the phone.This is what the Internet offers:the chance to connect-but in measured doses and from behind a screen.

63.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A
A.Teens are more likely to send instant messages when feeling distressed.
B.Instant messaging can help completely remove teens'negative emotions.
C.Chat via instant messaging services makes participants feel good or calm.
D.Constant instant messaging can help teens control their negative emotions.
64.The underlined word"vent"in paragraph 5 most probably meansC.
A.control      B.maintain      C.release       D.conceal
65.What does the digital communication enable users to do?D
A.Find more sympathetic friends.
B.Share and discuss more information.
C.Produce more expressive writings.
D.Avoid embarrassment and discomfort.
66.What can be concluded from the new study by British researchers?B
A.Instant messaging will prevent children's social and intellectual development.
B.Introverted teens may benefit from constant instant messaging.
C.Teens feeling bad often feel closer to real-life friends than to the net friends.
D.American teens aged 14to 18are extensive instant messaging users.

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