
13.The way people hold to the belief that a fun-filled,pain free life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness.If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness then pain must be equal to unhappiness.But in fact,the opposite is true:more often than not things that lead to happiness involve some pain.
As a result,many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness.They fear the pain inevitably(不可避免的)brought by such things as marriage,raising children,professional achievement,religious commitment (义务),self-improvement.
Ask a bachelor(单身汉)why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying.If he is honest he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment.For commitment is in fact quite painful.The single life is filled with fun,adventure,excitement.Marriage has such moments,but they are not its most distinguishing features.
Couples with infant children are lucky to get a whole night's sleep or a three-day vacation.I don't know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising children.But couples who decide not to have children never know the joys of watching a child grow up or of playing with a grandchild.
Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations.It liberates(解放) time:now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness.It liberates money:buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless.And it liberates us from envy:we now understand that all those who are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all.
66.According to the author,a bachelor resists marriage chiefly becauseC.
A.he finds more fun in dating than in marriage
B.he believes that life will be more cheerful if he remains single
C.he is reluctant to take on family responsibilities
D.he fears it will put an end to all his fun adventure and excitement
67.Raising children,in the author's opinion isA.
A.a rewarding task
B.a thankless job
C.a moral duty
D.a source of inevitable pain
68.From the last paragraph,we learn that envy sometimes stems from(由…造成)B.
A.hatred   B.ignorance C.prejudice(偏见)   D.misunderstanding
69.To understand what true happiness is one mustB.
A.have as much fun as possible during one's lifetime
B.be able to distinguish happiness from fun
C.put up with pain under all circumstances
D.make every effort to liberate oneself from pain
70.What is the author trying to tell us?C
A.It is important to make commitments
B.One must know how to attain happiness.
C.Happiness often goes hand in hand with pain.
D.It is pain that leads to happiness.

分析 本文是一篇科教类阅读,属于议论文,阐述了幸福的获得这一严肃话题,试图澄清人们在幸福问题上的一些误解.

解答 66.C 细节理解题.本题要求学生判断单身汉拒绝结婚的主要原因.依据文章第3段第1行"Ask a bachelor why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying.If he is honest he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment"(…害怕作出对义务的承诺,即不愿承担义务).C项与之等同,故C正确.
67.A 细节理解题.依据文章第4段第1句"带有婴儿的父母要是能睡上一整晚觉或度一个三天的假日,那真是太幸运了.在我认识的人中,不会有人用fun(好玩)来描述他们抚养孩子的感受",似乎会认为作者的意图是B项(出力不讨好,毫无回报的事)或D项(不可避免的痛苦来源).实际上,作者真实想法应在第2句中体现:但是决定不生孩子的夫妻永远也体会不到看着孩子成长以及和孙子玩耍的那种乐趣、那种欣喜.这种乐趣、欣喜实际就是一种回报.故A正确.
68.B 细节理解题.依据文章最后一句"And it liberates us from envy:we now understand that all those who are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all."它把我们从嫉妒中解放出来:我们现在知道那些总是有那么多乐趣的人也许根本就不幸福,故B正确.
69.B 细节理解题.依据文章第1段第1句"The way people hold to the belief that a fun-filled,pain free life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness"(人们坚持充满趣味、毫无痛苦的生活就等于幸福这一信条实际上减少了他们获得真正幸福的可能性).再依据文章最后一句"…all those who are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all"(…生活中总是有如此多的fun的人实际上也许一点都不幸福).可以看出要理解真正的幸福是什么就必须把fun和happiness区分开来.因为两者绝不等同.故选项D正确.C项应该是回答"怎样才能获得真正的幸福"这一问题,且作者并没在文中明确提到获得快乐就必须在任何情况下都忍受痛苦.故B正确.
70.C.推理判断题.作者的意图出现在第1段最后一句:"But in fact,the opposite is true:more often than not things that lead to happiness involve some pain"(…事实上,导致你幸福的事情多半伴随着痛苦),故C正确.

点评 本文是一篇科教类阅读,题目涉及多道细节理解题,推理判断题.做题时学生应仔细阅读原文,把握文章主要内容,联系文章上下文内容并结合所给选项含义,从中选出正确答案,一定要做到有理有据,切忌胡乱猜测

1.On my first visit to Chennai,India,I met a really nice girl called Uma on the plane.Talking with Uma stopped me from feeling sleepy,and made the long flight from the US go by much faster.
When we arrived in Chennai,I learned that my bags had somehow not made the trip with the plane.As I filled out the missing baggage forms,I couldn't help noticing the mountain of unclaimed baggage in a corner of the airport.It was Saturday morning.The officials had told me there was no point in checking to see if my bags had arrived until Monday.As I stood there,wondering what to do next,Uma came over.Learning of my situation,she said,"My driver will soon be here to pick me up.Come home with me!"
We went out and saw a crowd of people waiting for their loved ones.Within minutes,Uma said,"There's our car!"We piled into the small car,already crowded with family members who had come to welcome Uma home.
At the house,Uma's family fed me with delicious Indian food and took me on tours of their city.On Monday morning,their driver took me to the airport,where I was happy to find my bags.
The following year,I returned to India,and my first stop was to visit Uma and her family.What a gift here kindness was!In my very first moment on Indian soil,I learned an important lesson about the soul of the Indian people.
Uma's friendship towards a stranger began the trip of a lifetime.Everywhere I went,I met the warm,generous spirit of the Indian people.Uma had began a chain reaction that I did my best to pass on,wherever I went.

21.What would be the best title for the passage?D
A.Friendly Indian People                    
B.The Lost and Found Bags
C.My Suffering at Chennai Airport            
 D.An Act of Kindness from an Indian Girl
22.What happened to the author's bags?B
A.They turned out to have been stolen.
B.They were not in the author's plane.
C.They were placed in a corner of the airport.
D.They arrived in India on Saturday morning.
23.Uma's family served the author with all of the following,EXCEPTA.
A.an air ticket  
 B.delicious food
C.a drive to the airport  
 D.tours around Chennai.
1."Fire!Fire!"What terrible words to hear when one wakes up in a strange house in the middle of the night!It was a large,old,wooden house and my room was on the top floor.I jumped out of bed,opened the door and stepped outside the house.There was full of thick smoke.
I began to run,but as I was still only half-awake,instead of going towards the stairs I went in the opposite direction.The smoke grew thicker and I could see fire all around.The floor became hot under my bare feet.I found an open door and ran into a room to get to the window.But before I could reach it,one of my feet caught in something soft and I fell down.The thing I had fallen over felt like a bundle of clothes,and I picked it up to protect my face from the smoke and heat.Just then the floor gave way under me and I crashed to the floor below with pieces of burning wood all around me.
I saw a doorway in fire,then I put the bundle over my face and ran.My feet burned me terrible,but I got through.As I reached the cold air outside,my bundle of clothes gave a thin cry,I nearly dropped it in my surprise.Then I was in a crowd gathered in the street.A woman in a night-dress and a borrowed man's coat screamed as she saw me and came running madly.
She was the Mayor's wife,and I had saved her baby.

21.The author saved the babyC.
A.because he was very brave         
B.because he liked the baby very much
C.but he just happened to save it       
D.because it was the Mayor's baby
22.He put the bundle over his face and ran in order toC.
A.save the baby       B.call for help     
C.protect his face    D.run quickly
23.From which group of words can we learn the fire took place out of people's surprise?D
A.Old and wooden house,a bundle.
B.Crashed to,fell down.
D.Bare feet,a borrowed man's coat.
8.Singles'Day,also called Double Eleven,began as a day for unmarried or uncoupled people to celebrate their lives on November 11,1993.In China,however,Singles'Day has become the biggest online shopping day in the world,which was created in 2009 by Alibaba's CEO Daniel Zhang to increase online sales.Since then,it has grown into a cultural phenomenon.
China Singles'Day,as a shopping day,takes place on November 11 each year.There are sharp discounts and other promotions (促销) designed by Alibaba to attract online customers.In 2015,E-commerce giant Alibaba broke records with sales of $14.3 billion on China Singles'Day,with online sales increasing 60 percent from last year,according to Alibaba."Most people shop on mobile phones or ipads and online shopping has become a comfortable channel for most consumers",said Kitty Fok,China manager for market research."China is a big market with close to one billion smart,connected device users.It is good news for both Alibaba and their competit ors,"she said.
The company is focusing on international e-commerce for future Singles'Days,reported Reuters."Within the next five years,we expect China will become the world's largest e-commerce market for imported products,"President Michael Evans told reporters on Wednesday.Alibaba Chief Executive Daniel Zhang said in a statement that Singles'Day would mean that"the whole world will see the power of Chinese consumption."Over 130 million users visited Alibaba's marketplace app,Taobao,reported the BBC.
47.What does Alibaba exp ect to do on Singles'Day?A
A.Increase online sales        
B.Defeat competitors
C.Develop firm cultures        
D.Celebrate single lives  
48.What is the meaning of the underlined word discount in the second paragraph?
A.Smart products             
B.Crazy buying 
C.Low prices               
D.More advertisements
49.What will make Singles'Days more popular according to Kitty Fok?A
A.The popularity of smart,connected device users.
B.The potential power of Chinese consumption.
C.The cooperation with the international e-commerce.
D.The promotions on Alibaba's marketplace app,Taobao.
50.What attitude does President Michael Evans hold toward the future of China Singles'Day?D
A.doubtful      B.uncertain    C.negative         D.optimistic.

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