
   假定你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华。你校将邀请消防员本周五下午3点在校体育场为同学 们讲解消防知识。请代表学生会以短文形式用英 语写一份书面通知,要点包括:

  1. 活动内容及意义;

  2. 活动时间、地点及注意事项。

  注意:1. 词数100左右;

      2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

      3. 头及结尾已为你写好,不计入总词 数。


  Some firefighters will be invited to teach us something about fighting the fire.                                                                                                                                               

                                                     Student Union

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   Some firefighters will be invited to teach us something about Jighting the fire. They will show us how to prevent the fire,what to do in case of a fire and how to use different kinds of fire-fighting equipment. The knowledge can make a difference between life and death. You can’t miss it!

   The presentation will start in the stadium at 3:00 p.m. this Friday and last for two hours. Students are expected to take a notebook. While the presentation is going on,please keep quiet,listen carefully and make a note if necessary. After the presentation,you’ 11 have thirty minutes to ask questions.

   It will be well worth your time to watch the presentation. Please be on time.

Student Union


   We often overlook and completely forget how dangerous the game of baseball can be for the players on the field,and even for the fans,who gather very closely as baseballs and bats fly around at the park at terrifying speeds.

   Unfortunately,we were hit with a troubling reminder on Friday night at Fenway Park,Boston as one fan reportedly suffered life-threatening injuries after being struck in the face by the (击球端) of a broken bat. The scary incident happened because a player hit the ball hard,causing his bat to break at the handle. The broken barrel flew into the stands to the left of home plate (the place that the player has to stand next to in order to hit the ball,and the last place they have to touch to score a point) where it reportedly struck the fan. According to Boston police,the fan was taken to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,where shes currently receiving treatment for her injuries.

   A security guard who witnessed the accident said the woman,who was sitting with her husband and son at the time,suffered serious injuries. Her son sitting near her was terribly frightened. A number of fans witnessed the accident,including Alex Merlas of Brookline. “Brett Lawrie hit the ball and the bat broke in half near the end of the bat,” Metlas said. “It hit the fan on the top of her forehead and there was a lot of bleeding. I don't think Ive ever seen that much blood."

   That game was delayed temporarily so the fan could be transported to an ambulance waiting at one of the gates inside the ballpark. Fans were left shocked and shaken as the stadium crew cleaned up the scene. Players could be seen discussing it as well,as all who witnessed it were obviously affected. Those who were watching the accident wished the woman fan and her family the very best.

24. The first paragraph of the text is used to .

   A. attract readers’ attention to the topic

   B. introduce the meaning of the topic

   C. make a comment about the topic

   D. provide background to the topic

25. What hit the woman fan?

   A. The handle. B. The baseball.

   C. The whole bat. D. The broken barrel.

26. The underlined part “Brett Lawrie” in Paragraph 3 is the name of.

   A. an eye witness   B. a security guard

   C. a sports reporter   D. a baseball player

27. The game stopped for a short time in order to.

   A. make sure the players were not affected

   B. take the woman to the ambulance

   C. calm audiences down

   D. look into the accident

   Visualization is closely related to positive thinking. It is used by athletes,musicians,actors,speakers,and others to improve their performance in stressful situations. How does it work? Listen to long-distance runner Vicki Huber:

   Right before a big race,I'11 picture myself running,and I will try and put all of the other competitors in the race into my mind. Then I will try and imagine every possible situation I might find myself in ... behind someone,being pushed,different positions on the track,laps to go,and,of course,the final part. And I always picture myself winning the race,no matter what happens during the event.

   Of course,Huber doesn't win every race she runs,but research has shown that the kind of mental imaging she describes can significantly increase athletic performance. It has also shown that visualization can help speakers control their stage fright.

   The key to visualization is creating a vivid mental blueprint in which you see yourself succeeding in your speech. Picture yourself in your classroom rising to speak. See yourself at the lectern (放演讲稿的讲桌) ,self-assured,making eye contact(接触) with your audience and delivering your introduction in a firm,clear voice. Feel your confidence growing as your listeners get more and more caught up in what you are saying. Imagine your sense of achievement as you conclude the speech knowing you have done your very best.

   As you create these images in your mind's eye,be realistic but stay focused on the positive aspects of your speech. Don't allow negative images to affect the positive ones. Acknowledge your nervousness,but picture yourself overcoming it to give an effective presentation. If one part of the speech always seems to give you trouble,visualize yourself getting through it without any problems. And be specific. The clearer your mental pictures,the more successful you are likely to be.

   As with your physical rehearsal(排练) of the speech,this kind of mental rehearsal should be repeated several times in the days before you speak. It doesn't guarantee that every speech will turn out exactly the way you imagine it — and it certainly is no replacement for thorough preparation. But it is a proven way to help control your nerves and to make a successful presentation.

28. Huber's visualization of her races.

   A. is detailed and thorough

   B. is used during the event

   C. is based on real pictures

   D. is created with other runners

29. The fourth paragraph is mainly developed .

   A. by space   B. by comparison

   C. by process   D. by importance

30. According to the text,if you run into difficulty when preparing a speech,you should .

   A. ignore the negative aspects

   B. do the mental imaging later

   C. imagine finishing it smoothly

   D. create clearer mental pictures

31. What do we learn about mental rehearsal?

   A. It usually produces the desired results.

   B. It may be a good way to calm you down.

   C. It is more important than physical rehearsal.

   D. It is a good chance to show your imagination.

   Many sports players have not only accomplished incredible(不可思议的) acts of athleticism,but also unbelievable acts of sportsmanship. There were some 41 examples in 2014,and T ve 42 two that inspired me.

   One example of sportsmanship took place in the Sochi Olympics. Russian Anton Gafarov was hobbing(蹒跚而行) along the track,far 43 the rest of the skiers. One of his skis was*broken. He had tried to 44 with the damaged equipment. Canadian ski coach Justin Wadsworth was the only one who had a(n)45 ski. Wadsworth didn't want Gafarov to finish slowly,hobbling across the line. He wanted him to finish with 46 .The Canadian skiers were already out of the race,giving Wadsworth two 47 : Leave Gafarov to hobble across the line on one ski,or give him the spare one. Wadsworth gave him the extra ski,48 Gafarov to get second place in the quarter-finals. 49,he came in sixth in the semi-finals. It was Wadsworth who helped Gafarov 50 his Olympic dream.

   The other example took place in the 2014 World Cup quarter-final match between Brazil and Colombia. The game had just ended. Brazil had won,2-1. Brazil was 51 on the sidelines,cheering and having a good time. Colombian midfielder James Rodriguez had just had his World Cup dream 52 despite scoring a record-breaking six goals in the competition. Brazilian defender David Luiz walked over to him,pointed at him,and 53 the crowd to acknowledge him. He then declared his 54 for a game well played and 55 him for his wonderful World Cup performance. It made both the crowd and Rodriguez 56.

   As an athlete,I know it's easy to get caught up in the 57 of a game. But I also know that 58 is just as important as winning and losing.

   Always remember to 59 your opposing team. Play hard,but play fair. And always be nice. It's the right thing to do and it always 60 .

41. A. amusing   B. interesting   C. amazing   D. embarrassing

42. A. collected   B. picked   C. made   D. created

43. A. behind   B. off   C. from   D. back

44. A. walk   B. go   C. work   D. continue

45. A. broken   B. extra   C. new   D. temporary

46. A. respect   B. kindness   C. love   D. pride

47. A. questions   B. chances   C. choices   D. problems

48. A. allowing   B. advising  C. instructing   D. wanting

49. A. Finally   B. Specifically   C. Particularly   D. Gradually

50. A. share   B. enjoy   C. have   D. complete

51. A. imagining   B. reviewing   C. celebrating   D. training

52. A. achieved   B. tom apart   C. followed   D. broken in

53. A. urged   B. forced   C. expected   D. warned

54. A. surprise   B. doubt   C. curiosity   D. appreciation

55. A. prepared   B. challenged   C. recognized   D. interviewed

56. A. shy   B. happy   C. crazy   D. tired

57. A. fun   B. advantage   C. meaning   D. competitiveness

58. A. sportsmanship   B. friendship   C. leadership   D. championship

59. A. learn from   B. fight against   C. keep up with   D. shake hands with

60. A. pays out   B. pays back   C. pays off   D. pays up

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