

approve of; last of all; ahead of; senior to; be absorbed in; make an appointment with; defend…against…; work on; set to work; by accident

(1)I don't know whether they did it or by design.
(2)He soon got other runners and won the first place in the race.
(3)Do you the idea that success can be measured in terms of money alone?
(4)How can we our homeland enemy if we don't have an army?
(5)The coffee break is over; it's about time you .
(6)He so thought that he ran against a passerby.
(7)The article explains how agricultural products in field food on the plate.
(8)His dancing skills are good, but he needs to his strength.
(9)I'd like to Mr. Smith on this Friday. Could you take a message for me?
(10)She's me, so I have to do what she tells me.

(1)by accident
(2)ahead of
(3)approve of
(5)set to work
(6)was;absorbed in
(7)are processed into
(8)work on
(9)make an appointment with
(10)senior to
【解析】(1)句意:我不知道他们这样做是偶然的,还是故意的。by accident固定短偶然,因此答案by accident
2)句意:他很快就领先于其他跑步者,在比赛中赢得了第一名。ahead of固定短语,”先于.......,在......前面”,因此答案为ahead of。
(3)句意:你赞成成功可以单独用钱测量这个观点吗?approve of固定短语,“赞成, 支持”,这是一个一般现在时的一般问句,故填approve of
(5)句意:休息时间结束,是开始工作的时候了。set to work固定短语,“开始工作”,故填set to work。
(6)句意:他全神贯注地想心事,以至于和一个行人撞了个满怀。be absorbed in固定短语“全神贯注地做......”,故填 was;absorbed in。
(7)句意:这篇文章解释了如何把农产品领域的加工成盘子里的食物。process... into...固定短语,”把.....加工成.....“,根据句意谓语动词用被动语态,故填are processed into。
(8)句意:他的舞蹈技能不错,但他需要继续练习他的力量。work on”从事,从事于,继续工作“,故填work on.
(9)句意:这周五我想和Smith 先生有个约定,你能给我捎个信吗?make an appointment with固定短语”与某人约会,约会,约定“,故填make an appointment with。
(10)句意:她比我年长,因此我必须按照他告诉我的。senior to固定短语”比......年长“,此处作表语,故填senior to。


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