
His movie won several awards at the film festival , _______ was beyond his wildest dream.

A. which B. that C. what D. it








Most interviewees are probably aware that interviewers are not supposed to ask them certain questions. There are some areas of special   in selection interviewing. Our goal here is to point out these    areas of questions and to suggest strategic ways to    them as an interviewee.

Courts have    that it's none of the company's business how many children an applicant has; or whether he or she is married,    or divorced. In this area, if you are asked an illegal question, you can give a general    ; saying elegantly: "I would prefer to stick to job-related questions:" Or you can be more    : "Are children a requirement for this position?"

  , many instances of illegal interview questions occur in' the course -of  getting-to-know-you small talk during an interview and aren't    by the interviewer as an invasion(侵犯)of your privacy. But innocent or not, illegal interview questions can    a company in court when a job seeker    discrimination in the interview process.

To    age discrimination in hiring, courts have disallowed these sorts of questions: "How old are you?" "When did you graduate from high school?" and so on. Managers get in trouble here when they talk about the average age of their workforce in    to -the candidate: "Our typical employee is probably 8 to 10 years older than you. Do you expect problems managing people older than yourself?" You can imagine the later court    . Manager: "But, Your Honor, I never asked her age!”Candidate: "My age seemed to be one of his key    about my ability to manage." And, of course, you can avoid all these disputes(争执)by simply answering your employer: "Age has    been a consideration for me in my work life."

In another area of sex, an employer cannot ask questions about the person's gender(性别)   the job specifications strictly require either a male or a female. The burden of proof is on the   to demonstrate(论证)that only a man or a woman can do the job. Employers should be cautious: Courts and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission have interpreted very    the concept that only one gender can perform a particular job.

1.A. stability B.sensitivity C. possibility D. responsibility

2.A. illegal B. complex C. absurd D. realistic

3.A. prepare B. challenge C. ask D. handle

4.A. ruled B. proposed C. guided D. explained

5.A. separate B. lonely C. single D. individual

6.A. consideration B.introduction C. summary D. response

7.A. vague B. pointed C. polite D. aggressive

8.A.In particular B.In detail C. In addition D. In truth

9.A. ordinary B. formal C. serious D. important

10.A. settled B. illustrated C. intended D. charged

11.A. land B. cause C. help D. find

12.A. requires B. permits C. avoids D. claims

13.A: support B. evaluate C. prevent D. discover

14.A. reaction B.relation C. comparison D. contrast

15.A. atmosphere B. scene C. result D. decision

16.A. qualities B. elements C. concerns D. problems

17.A. always B. never C. ever D. often

18.A. until B. unless C. once D. before

19.A. employee B. committee C. court D. employer

20.A. narrowly B. broadly C. wrongly D. correctly


A meteor(陨星) that exploded over Russia’s Ural mountains and sent burning to earth has set off a rush to find fragments of the space rock which hunters hope could fetch thousands of dollars a piece.

Friday’s explosion and following shockwave shattered windows, injured almost 1200 people and caused about $33 million worth of damage, said local authorities.

It also started a “meteorite rush” around the industrial city of Chelyabinsk,where groups of people have started combing through the snow and ice.

“The price is hard to say yet… The fewer meteorites that are discovered, the higher their price is.” Said Dmitry Kachkalin, a member of the Russian Society of Amateur Meteorite Lovers.

Meteorites are parts of a meteor that have fallen to earth.

Scientists at the Urals Federal University were the first to announce a significant find-53 small, stony, black objects around Lake Chebarkul, near Chelyabinsk, which tests confirmed were small meteorites.

The fragments were only 0.5 to 1 cm across but the scientists said larger pieces may have crashed into the lake, where a crater in the ice about eight metres wide opened up after Friday’s explosion.

“We just completed tests and confirm that the pieces of matter found by our experts around Lake Chebarkul are really meteorites.” said Viktor Grokhovsky, a scientist with the Urals Federal University and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Many other people were in the area just hoping to find a meteorite after what was described by scientists as a once-in-a-century event.

Residents of a village near Chelyabinsk searched the snowy streets, collecting stones they hoped prove to be the real thing. But not all were ready to sell.

“I will keep it. Why sell it? I didn’t have a rich lifestyle before, so why start now?” a woman in a woollen hat and winter jacket, clutching a small black pebble(小圆石), told state television.

The Internet was filled quickly with advertisements from eager hunters hoping to sell what they said were meteorites - some for as little as 1,000 roubles ($33.18).

One seller of a large, silver-hued rock wrote in an advertisement:” Selling an unusual rock. It may be a piece of meteorite. It may be a bit of a UFO. It may be a piece of a rocket!”

1.According to the passage, lots of people rushed to find meteorites for_____.

A. fun B. money

C. researchD. fame

2. The underlined phrase in the third paragraphmeans ______.

A. striking hard

B. enjoying the happiness of

C. searching carefully

D. making a place tidy and clean

3.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. The price of meteorites will be very high without doubt.

B. A meteor exploded over Russia’s Ural mountains on Friday.

C. All meteorites hunters want to sell what they found and become rich.

D. People from all across Russia have rushed to Ural mountains to find meteorites.

4. Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?

A. How to identity a meteorite

B. To sell or to keep your meteorite

C. Meteorite rush around Chelyabinsk

D. Meteor explosion caused great damage


Most students, when asked about their ideal graduation gift, would probably reply, “A car”, or “Money for a deposit on a house”. Cai Kaiyuan, 21, made a different choice. As a graduation gift to himself, he decided to work as a volunteer teacher in a remote village in Tibet.

Cai, a senior majoring in electrical engineering at Huan Railway Professional Technology College, originally planned to cycle from Sichuan to Tibet. During his journey, Cai’s idea for a different graduation gift to himself began to take shape. “I did not know beforehand what the journey would mean to me. I just want to gain a unique experience and have pleasure in appreciating the view there,” he said.

It turned out cycling on a plateau was extremely challenging. And it has kept changing his outlook on life. Cai’s fingers even became frostbitten while cycling up a 5008-meter-high mountain, where temperatures often dropped to 18 below zero. At night, the ice covered the road and he fell off his bike three times. The lack of oxygen made him feel dizzy and weak. “At the most serious moment, I felt that my life was on the line,” said Cai.

However, he also gained something unexpected. At Ya’an, a city in Sichuan, he met a group of tourists who are also university students. A girl called Wu Ling told him that she planned to work as a teacher in a primary school in Tibet after her journey. He was impressed by the idea as she looked slender and weak.

It was not until he reached a family-run hotel in Shigatse that Cai’s spirits began to rise. The hotel manager’s two daughters enjoyed talking with him. The kids asked about his experiences on his trip, and showed him the beautiful local lakes. “They told me that they always liked to talk to guests, as they wanted to improve their Mandarin,” he said, “Their parents and many locals can only speak Tibetan.”

Cai was touched by the girls’ story. Their situation is tough and the local people have little chance to learn Mandarin because the schools are short of teachers. “I want to do something to improve the situation for kids like them,” said Cai. His parents finally gave their agreement and his teachers also supported him.

1.According to the passage, Cai Kaiyuan’s graduation gift to himself is _________.

A. to have money for a deposit on a house

B. to travel by cycling from Sichuan to Tibet

C. to own a new car and marry a slender girl

D. to work as a volunteer teacher in Tibetan school

2.What words can be used to describe Cai’s journey to Tibet?

A. unique and pleasant B. challenging but rewarding

C. relaxing but unexpected D. freezing cold and boring

3.The underlined phrase “on the line” in the third paragraph means “ ____________”.

A. in a dilemma B. making a phone call

C. at risk D. very painful

4.The purpose of writing this passage is to ____________.

A. tell us about an unusual graduation gift

B. introduce a dangerous journey to us

C. give advice on how to travel to Tibet

D. encourage us to be a teacher in Tibet

5.Which of the followings is NOT the reason for Cai to make his decision?

A. He met Wu Ling and was impressed by her plan.

B. His parents and teachers persuaded him to go to Tibet.

C. He was moved by the kid’s desire to improve their Mandarin.

D. A lack of teachers makes the local people have little chance to learn.


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