
【题目】 I believe that my actions show my beliefs, not my words.

I wrote a letter to my kids a few years ago. It’s three pages long, and it sums up my life experience of four decades. By the time they reach adulthood, they will have heard most of their father’s advice in that letter: live in the moment, do not attach yourself to physical things, treat others the way you would like to be treated, etc. I sealed the letter in a white envelope, and wrote instructions that nobody should open it unless something horrible happened to me.

As a police officer, I have seen life disappear in an instant. I realize that could happen to me at any time. Yet knowing that letter is there in my locker makes me more comfortable with my own death.

Every day, when I open my locker, I see the letter. It makes me aware that I should be careful at work, and show my children and the people I have connection with that I try to practice everything I have written. If that day comes and my children finally read the letter, I hope that because of my actions, they will take my written beliefs to heart and improve upon my example.

But for me, it’s not enough to write down my beliefs. I try to be the best person I can be every day---even in very difficult circumstances. I am more successful some days than others, but sometimes I curse too much. Sometimes I am cynical, unwilling to believe that people have good and honest reasons for doing something. I also get stressed and upset, yelling at my kids sometimes, and sometimes I am not as loving or as sympathetic as I should be. In fact, I am far from perfect, but I hope my children will eventually realize that perfection is an illusion. What really matters is that, instead of just writing down our beliefs, we all take action to be the best humans we can be.

1Which of the following can best describe the author?

A.Hardworking and humorous.B.Courageous and sensitive.


2Why did the author open the locker to see the letter every day?

A.He wanted to confirm his beliefs.

B.The letter served as a reminder.

C.He kept adding something new to it.

D.His kids asked him to check it.

3What can we learn about the letter written by the author?

A.The author was in his forties when writing it.

B.The kids were too young to understand the tips in it.

C.The author was sure of its positive effects on his kids.

D.The author hoped it wouldn’t be opened until bad things occurred.

4Which can replace the underlined word in the last paragraph?

A.Doubtful about others’ motivations.

B.Curious about everything around.

C.Particular about himself.

D.Unsatisfied about his profession.

5What is the author’s understanding of life?

A.That fathers should take care of their children.

B.To become a perfect man.

C.To be better today than yesterday.

D.That bad guys deserve to be punished.









1推理判断题。根据第二段中的“treat others the way you would like to be treated”可知,作者给孩子的建议包括要用自己希望被别人对待的方式来对待别人,由此可知,作者很体贴,故D项正确。

2细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Every day, when I open my locker, I see the letter. It makes me aware that I should be careful at work, and show my children and the people I have connection with that I try to practice everything I have written.”可知,每天当我打开我的储物柜时,我都会看这封信,它让我意识到,我应该在工作中小心谨慎,让我的孩子和与我有联系的人知道,我努力践行我在信中写的每一条建议,由此可知,作者每天打开储物柜看这封信是因为它起到了提醒作用,故B项正确。

3细节理解题。根据第二段中的“I sealed the letter in a white envelope, and wrote instructions that nobody should open it unless something horrible happened to me.”可知,我把信封在一个白色信封里,并写下指示:除非我出了什么可怕的事,否则任何人都不应该打开它,由此可知,作者希望在坏事情发生在自己身上之前这封信不要被拆开,故D项正确。

4词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“unwilling to believe that people have good and honest reasons for doing something.”可知,我不愿意相信人们有好的和诚实的理由做某件事情,这说明我怀疑别人的动机,由此可知画线词词义为“怀疑别人的动机”,故A项正确。

5推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“In fact, I am far from perfect, but I hope my children will eventually realize that perfection is an illusion. What really matters is that, instead of just writing down our beliefs, we all take action to be the best humans we can be.”可知,事实上,我远非完美,但我希望我的孩子们最终会意识到完美是一种幻觉,真正重要的是,我们不只是书写我们的信仰,而是采取行动成为我们能成为的最好的人,也就是我们可以不断地完善自己,使自己变得越来越好,由此可知,作者对生活的理解是今天(的自己)比昨天(的自己)更好,故C项正确。

本篇第5题难度较大,抓住作者的感悟是关键,夹叙夹议文的哲理感悟通常会体现在文章最后的议论部分,这是由夹叙夹议文的文体特点决定的,根据最后一段中的“In fact, I am far from perfect, but I hope my children will eventually realize that perfection is an illusion. What really matters is that, instead of just writing down our beliefs, we all take action to be the best humans we can be.”可知,事实上,我远非完美,但我希望我的孩子们最终会意识到完美是一种幻觉,真正重要的是,我们不只是书写我们的信仰,而是采取行动成为我们能成为的最好的人,也就是我们可以不断地完善自己,使自己变得越来越好,由此可知,作者对生活的理解是今天(的自己)比昨天(的自己)更好。


【题目】 People who live in Iceland are proud of their country and their origin. Complete independence from Denmark after World War II resulted in the country's fast development. They refuse to permit immigration(移民) though the country has a small population. Their attitude to foreigners is friendly but reserved(保守) .

The Icelanders regard themselves as one big family. Most of them earn their living by farming and people' hopes are centered on the land and its soil. Typical for rural Iceland are the isolated valley farms against mountains. Cultivated grassland stretches out from the buildings.

They mainly raise sheep and cattle. In spring, flocks of sheep are driven to mountain grassland and allowed to wander freely over the summer. When autumn puts its first mark on the mountains, the sheep are rounded up and driven down.

As in all countries where winter and darkness take up most of the year, the center of life is the home. The houses of Iceland were once built of wood, but now cement (水泥) is used in towns and stones in the countryside. During the long winters the Icelanders rarely go out of the house. When they must go out, they put raincoats over their heavy woolen overcoats and furs to keep out the damp.

1What can we learn about the Icelanders from Paragraph 1?

A.They like friendly foreigners.

B.They take pride in their own country.

C.They are satisfied with their large population

D.They are proud of their original country, Denmark.

2What do most Icelanders live on?

A.FarmingB.Sheep and cattle

C.Cultivated grasslandD.Plants near the mountains

3What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?

A.Iceland is cold and damp.

B.The houses are built of wood nowadays.

C.The Icelanders like to live in the center of their houses.

D.Different kinds of animals can be seen on the mountains.

4It can be inferred from the passage that the best time in Iceland is .

A.winter and springB.summer and autumn

C.autumn and winterD.spring and summer

5What is the passage mainly about?

A.The history of IcelandB.The rich life in Iceland

C.The development of IcelandD.The special way of life in Iceland

【题目】 People, old or young, can enjoy many different performances at theaters or concert halls, which have become an important part of our culture.

“LOUDMOUTH”at the Tank(through Nov.18) .Young theatergoers may not be familiar with the expression,but the title of the show is a great exampleIts10-yearoldheroine, Amy,dislike stalking.The theatre piece explore show Amy finally finds her voice through an imaginative games he plays with her friends.The production also offers an optional performance workshop where participants invent their own games.


“WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD”at the Actors' Theater(Nov.18, 1 to 3:30pm) .This musical answers not only the timeless question for kids, but another one, tooWhich came firs, the chicken or the egg?Written and directed by Rob Lester, the production opens the season for the Play Nice People.One way it plays nicedonating ticket earnings to local charities.


“GUITAR MASH”at City Winery(Nov.19, 2 to 430pm) .Jamming with top-billed musicians is something most amateur players can only dream of.But this event, intended for ages 10 and older, invites all music fans with guitars to join in a“camp re.”Brunch is provided, and those who want to sing or listen are welcome, too.The performers will be former guitarists in Guitar Mash.


“WHO IS BENNY GOODMAN”at the Rose Hall(Nov.17-18, 1 to 330pm) .Goodman was both a great bandleader and a pioneer in musical performances.In the concert, part of Jazz at Lincoln Centre for Youngster 'series, children will learn about both Goldman's values and his music.Hosted by Victor Gaines, the interactive show will include Goodman hits like“Sing,Sing, Sing”, and“Let's Dance”.


1Where could you take part in an on-profit program?

A.At the Tank.B.At the Actors’ Theater.

C.At City Winery.D.At the Rose Hall.

2In which way is GUITAR MASH different from the other programs?

A.It lasts two and a half hours.

B.It is intended for children.

C.There is an interactive section.

D.There is a minimum age limit.

【题目】To Track What You Eat and Drink

Keeping a food diary helps give you an accurate picture of what you eat every day.1 Here are some suggestions to track what you eat and drink.

Set up your diary. The simplest way to track what you eat and drink is by setting up your diary in a notebook or downloading a food journal app on your phone. You'll need to be able to keep track of the date, time, place, item eaten, quantity consumed, and extra notes.

2The most accurate food journal will most likely be the most helpful as well. Try to jot down or take note of everything that goes into your mouth. Include all meals, drinks, snacks and even nibbles of food you eat while you cook.

Write down accurate quantities. If you're concerned about how many calories you consume, writing down the quantities you eat is important data to include in your diary.3

4 Whether you're keeping a food diary to help you lose weight or you're trying to pinpoint a potential food allergy, your mood matters. Jot down notes on how a food or meal makes you feel. 5 For example, you might feel anxious and have an upset stomach after eating dairy-based foods.

A.Record all beverages.

B.Record everything you eat and drink.

C.Record how you feel after eating each item.

D.It also helps you manage or lose weight or help you eat healthier.

E.Don’t forget to include any physical symptoms or side effects after eating.

F.You might want to buy measuring cups to help ensure your quantities are correct.

G.Start taking down a few notes about your diet and you may be surprised at what you learn.

【题目】 Because of Internet technology, people from different parts of the world can connect with one another, and get information about any and everything in the world. 1 They spend so much time online, hardly realizing that much of it is actually wasted on something meaningless. For example, they waste much time playing games. Luckily there are many meaningful things you can do on the Internet. For example:

2 These courses don’t require you to go out to attend classes. They can also be done from the comfort of your home. So they’re very convenient.

If you’re a DIY (Do It Yourself) person, you should check for online resources (资源) that help you with this thing. From questions like how to paint a room, to questions like how to repair a broken car engine, all the answers can be found online. 3 From home decoration and repair to fashion and relationships, there are many sources that give you good advice.

Practise your hobby on the Internet. Find information on what you like to do. Find the latest information on things of your interest. 4 In a word, the Internet has many good sources that allow you to practise your hobbies, and even earn out of them.

Listen to your favorite songs, watch your favorite movies, or listen to speeches by inspirational (激励的) speakers. Songs can help you feel relaxed. 5 And listening to inspirational speeches can make you feel good about yourself.

A.Take part in fun activities that you enjoy.

B.Movies can give you that much-needed break.

C.Take academic courses and improve your skills.

D.However, very few of us make real good use of the Internet.

E.So, what type of productive thing would you like to do on the Internet?

F.There are so many websites where we can discover ideas and gain knowledge.

G.Also you can use the Internet to find answers for questions related to daily living.

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