
At the age of 16, I joined a volunteer group with my dad. I went on my first volunteer project in West Virginia. On the night we arrived, we ________ that “our family” was living in a trailer (拖车) that was in ________ condition. A crew had been working on it for two weeks, ________ every time they finished one problem, another surfaced.

We decided the only reasonable ________ was to build a new house — something unusual but ________ under these circumstances. The family was overjoyed with their new house that was twenty by thirty feet with three bedrooms, a bath and a kitchen.

On Tuesday of that week, while we ate lunch together, I asked the family’s three boys, Josh, Eric and Ryan, “What do you want for your new room? ” Expecting ________ and other gadgets (小玩意) that children usually ask for, we were ________ when Josh responded, “I just want a bed.”

The boys had ________ slept in a bed! They were accustomed to plastic mats. That night we had a meeting and decided that beds would be the perfect ________. On Thursday night, a few adults in our group drove to the nearest city and bought beds and new bedding.

When we saw the delivery truck coming, we told the family about the surprise. We could hardly ________ ourselves. It was like watching excited children on Christmas morning.

That afternoon, as we fitted the frames of the beds together, Eric ran into the house to ________ us. Too dirty to enter his room, he observed with wide-eyed enthusiasm from the ________.

As my father slipped a pillowcase (枕套) onto one of the pillows, Eric asked, “What is that?”

“A pillow,” he replied.

“What do you do ________ it?” Eric continued to ask.

“When you go to sleep, you put your head on it,” I answered softly. Tears came to my eyes as my father handed Eric the pillow.

“Oh ... that’s soft,” he said, ________ it tightly.

Now, when my sister or I start to ask for something that seems urgent, my Dad gently asks,?“Do you have a pillow?” We know exactly what he ________.

1.A. imaginedB. ignoredC. discoveredD. required

2.A. brightB. strangeC. perfectD. poor

3.A. soB. butC. otherwiseD. though

4.A. effortB. purposeC. solutionD. treatment

5.A. necessaryB. expensiveC. amazingD. rare

6.A. toysB. moneyC. foodD. sneakers

7.A. upsetB. gladC. disappointedD. astonished

8.A. stillB. justC. neverD. seldom

9.A. awardB. giftC. lessonD. target

10.A. controlB. believeC. helpD. express

11.A. amuseB. guideC. helpD. watch

12.A. bedB. doorwayC. yardD. house

13.A. withB. forC. aboutD. on

14.A. squeezingB. huggingC. throwingD. shaking

15.A. explainsB. provesC. meansD. reflects



Avoid Internet Addiction

__1.___ Many people suffer from addition to the Internet and have a hard time paying attention to the important things around them. How can we prevent ourselves from going online too much?

Admit you have an addition. ___2.__ Realize more and more people in the world are becoming addicted. You are not the only one with this problem. Do not be embarrassed; find others with the same problem and help each other beat it.

Limit your computer time. Make sure not to turn it on too many times a week. Before using your computer, decide on a time limit such as 30 minutes. Set the clock and make sure that you get off the computer when the time is up. ___ 3.___ Try using the computer at the library. You won’t be as attracted to look at certain websites and they do have a limit on how long you can stay online. ___4.____. So you won’t be as attracted to be on the Internet as at home. ___5.___ Go for a run with a friend or get exercise some other way. Keep up with the local events in your neighborhood. There may be talks, films, concerts and sports events etc. Find some, as long as it is not on the

Internet, and get involved.

A. You will be happier if you use the Internet less.

B. There is no use avoiding the truth.

C. Also, it is a good place to get some good books and magazines to read.

D. Get a hobby or an interest.

E. Internet addition affects a lot of people.

F. Get your friends to remind you if you’ve been on a long time.

G. Try to reduce the amount of time by 5 minutes each time.

Through history, children have played with toys and they help to prepare children for adult life. But the toys are changing all the time. As science and technology have changed the way adults live, the toys children play with have changed as well. Development in science and technology has had a big effect on the toys that children play with. Today trains and mobile phones are popular toys for young children, but there were no toys of this kind before real trains and mobile phones were invented. The materials that toys are made of have also changed. Today lots of toys are made of plastic. Plastic is a modern, man-made material that did not exist in the past. On the other hand, some other toys that you have might not be all that different from the ones children played with 1,000 years ago. Scientists have found some bone dice(骰子) in Aberdeen. In medieval(中世纪的) times dice were used for playing games as much as they are today.

A recent survey found that half of all the children aged from 4 to 6 have played video games, a quarter of them regularly. The increasing use of electronic toys troubles Dr Singer, a professor at Yale. “One thing we know is that kids in early years need to be in touch with the real world,” he said, “no matter how brilliant they are, they’re not going to learn to walk, to move or to talk to others unless their hands or feet have a direct role in such activities.”

Some toy experts argue that the best toys are the ones that increase a child’s creativity and imagination. Traditional toys can be used for different kinds of purposes and be used in group settings, individually(单独地), and one-to-one. They are also used differently depending on the child’s age and skill level. And these toys made of natural materials are valuable for children because they teach children what the world is made of.

1.In how many ways do toys change according to the first paragraph?

A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.

2.The author used the example of “dice” to show that ________.

A. the toys are changing all the time

B. some toys are made of different materials

C. some toys don’t change over time

D. some toys’ materials don’t change over time

3.From the article, we can know that ________.

A. only children like to play with toys

B. toys have nothing to do with children’s future life

C. the development of toys is related to science and technology

D. plastic is the best material for making toys

4.According to Dr Singer, ________.

A. the electronic toys are good for children if they play often enough

B. the electronic toys prevent children keeping in touch with the real world

C. children should be stopped from being hurt by the danger coming from the outside world

D. children should play with electronic toys instead of the traditional ones

Sri Lanka is known as the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean”, and it is easy to see why. This little country never fails to please visitors.


The national airline is Sri Lankan Airlines, which flies from Colombo to London and a couple of other European cities. The country’s main airport is Colombo Bandaranaike, located 29km north of the capital city.

Why now?

The best time to visit Sri Lanka’s southern beaches is from November to April. So by going early in the season, you’ll get the best weather. Also in November, Deepavali, known as “Diwali” or the “Festival of Lights”, is Sri Lanka’s main religious festival, celebrated throughout the country.


There is plenty to see in Sri Lanka. The ancient capital cities of Polonnaruwa and Anuradhapura are worth seeing, and so are many outstanding ruins. Other must-sees are the rock fortress (要塞) of Sigiriya, towering over the jungle as far as the eye can see, and Dambulla’s cave temple, the country’s largest and best preserved. Both are UNESCO World Heritage (遗产) Sites. Kandy is a picture-like town, which was the last stronghold of the Kandyan Kings. Today it is a cultural relic centre where age-old customs, arts, and crafts remain.


Sri Lanka owns about 1,600km of beautiful palm-shaded beaches as well as warm, pure seas and colourful coral reefs. You can explore the underwater world, and surfing and diving are available too. Away from the shore, wildlife is a big draw for Sri Lanka, and Yala National Park is one of the best places in the world to see wild animals including leopards (豹) and elephants.


Sri Lanka is celebrated for its excellent food, with a particular emphasis on fresh fruit and vegetables on menus everywhere. Fish and seafood are a big part of the local diet.

Did you know?

Sri Lanka is known for its tea, but it is also the world’s largest producer and exporter of cinnamon(肉桂).

1.Which of the following is a cultural relic centre of Sri Lanka?

A. Kandy.B. Anuradhapura.C. Polonnaruwa.D. Colombo.

2.If you want to know something about “Diwali”, you’d better go there in ________.

A. September.B. October.C. November.D. May.

3.We learn from the passage that Sri Lanka ________.

A. is in the Pacific Ocean

B. is famous for its excellent food

C. is the world’s largest producer of tea

D. has only flights to London

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