
2.Do you want to visit Warwick Castle in Britain (Britain's Ultimate Castle)?Warwick is a friendly and memorable experience for all ages.Easily accessible by car,bus,train,cycling or on foot,it is surrounded by historic buildings and fantastic attractions.
Ticket Prices & Offers
Look at our online offers.Warwick-Castle.com is the only place to purchase the Ultimate Castle and The Castle Dungeon Ticket at the best price.
Online bookings must be made 24hours before you visit.Please note that Admission to the Castle Dungeon is NOT included with Standard online or on-the-day tickets.There are limited Dungeons tickets available,and only from Warwick-Castle.com.Please book in advance to guarantee your Castle Dungeon experience.
One Day Tickets
Booking online is the best way to get your tickets for Britain's Ultimate Castle.Save 20% and skip the ticket queue when you arrive--it couldn't be easier!
If you're not sure when you want to visit,then don't worry----you can still book a Flexi Ticket----valid for any day that the castle is open during 2015.
One Day Ticket (not including the Castle Dungeon)
Ticket TypeOn the dayOnline Price
Child (4-6years old)£11.95£9.56
Senior (more than 60years old)£13.95£11.16
the Ultimate Family Ticket (2adults+2children)£55.00£47.00
Click here and buy tickets online now!
Important notes on ticketing
For senior citizens,your Dungeon experience can be pre-booked by calling 0870 442 2375.u
A£1.50fee applies to all bookings made online and via telephone----one fee per booking.Children must be accompanied by an adult.Group rates are available for groups of more than 10people.Groups can be booked by calling 0870 442 2371or online.
Online bookings must be made 24 hours before you visit.

25.If you hope to visit Castle Dungeon,you shouldD.
A.dial 0870 442 2371B.buy the ticket in person
C.book the ticket two days in advanceD.book the ticket from Warwick-Castle.com
26.If a boy of 5years old wants to buy a ticket online,he should payA.
A.£11.06      B.£9.56     C.£11.95      D.£8.56
27.If you want to buy group tickets,B.
A.you should book by email
B.you should book online
C.you should dial 0870 442 2375
D.there should be at least 20people
28.The text is most probably taken fromC.
A.newspaper B.a magazine   C.a website   D.a geography book.

分析 这篇文章来自某网站,本文主要介绍了沃里克城堡地牢的门票价格的情况,感兴趣的游客可以前往旅游观光.

解答 21.D 细节理解题  根据Ticket Prices & Offers 中第二段Warwick-Castle.com is the only place to purchase the Ultimate Castle and The Castle Dungeon Ticket at the best price.Online bookings must be made 24hours before you visit.可知,沃里克城堡地牢的门票数量有限,应该提前24小时在网上预订.故选D
24.A 细节理解题  根据表格中列出的沃里克城堡的价格,Child (4-6years old)£11.95£9.56由此可知,一个五岁的男孩要付£11.06;  故选A
23.B 细节理解题  根据文章的Important notes on ticketing 中的信息可知,团体票需要至少10人以上,可以拨打电话0870 442 2371或者网上预订团体票,故B项正确.
25.C 推理判断题 根据文章内容One Day Ticket (not including the Castle Dungeon)Ticket TypeOn the dayOnline Price…the Ultimate Family Ticket (2adults+2children)£55.00£47.00,Click here and buy tickets online now!…Groups can be booked by calling 0870 442 2371or online.Online bookings must be made 24 hours before you visit.由此可知,各种类型的票都可以在网络上订购,结合选项,最有可能该文章来自某网站,发布该广告以拓展业务,故选C

点评 本文是广告布告类阅读理解.做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据

12.One day,when I was going to check in at an airport,I noticed there was a big problem.The counter person was telling everyone that all the planes were having problems and they would not be able to fly!And it was suggested that a bus would be provided to take us to Seattle.Everyone was worried,as we only had an hour and a half to make the connecting flight,and the bus was not even at the airport yet.
Finally,the bus pulled up,and the driver said,"They just pulled me out of bed after an all-night shift (夜班),and they expect me to get you to Seattle in time to catch your flight.Good Luck!"
Needless to say,everyone was in a really bad mood.I was loading my luggage into the bus and had slung (吊) my banjo over my back when the driver said,"What?Are you going to play that in my bus?""Well,really did not plan on it,"I replied."I was only kidding,"said the driver.But I started thinking about it,and I pulled out the banjo.A worried,angry woman said,"Well,what if I don't like it?""Then tell me and I will stop,"I replied.
We drove off,and the tension (紧张) made the atmosphere in the bus horrendous!Then I started plucking (弹奏) the old song Blue Skies.In a few minutes,I noticed everyone was singing along.I started to sing,too,and before long,the whole bus burst into song.
One song led to another,and everyone seemed to have a request."Do you know You Are My Sunshine?"Everyone laughed and sang,with food passed around the bus,and before long,the airport was in sight.
The bus driver called,"We made it!We never would have done it without the help of our banjo player."Shouts of approval rang through the bus.People exchanged addresses and invitations to visit,and a few exchanged hugs.The driver said to me,"This was the best ride I ever had.Thanks for your music."
A few weeks later,my mailbox was filled with letters from my new friends.Their letters reminded me of how,by reaching out with just a song or a bit of friendship,you can turn a very tense situation into a peaceful experience-a magical,musical bus ride.
28.What can we learn about the driver from his words in Paragraph 2?A
A.He was unwilling to take those people to the airport.
B.He was late because he just returned from an all-night shift.
C.He thought it was possible to get those people to the airport in time.
D.He thought he was lucky to take those people to the airport.
29.When the author decided to play his banjo,C.
A.the driver fully supported him            
B.all the passengers disliked that idea 
C.not all the passengers preferred that idea    
D.the whole bus burst into song 
30.The underlined word"horrendous"in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by"B".
A.cheerful           B.terrible             C.strange          D.changeable 
31.What does this text mainly tell us?B
A.An unforgettable flight to Seattle.
B.A wonderful musical bus ride.
C.A great banjo player.
D.The amazing friendship on a bus.
13.How important is homework?According to the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD),it's not that important!The district has made a big change for the 2013-2014 academic school year.Starting July 1,homework will count for only 10% of a student's academic grade.
The district hopes the limit on homework will allow students to spend less time struggling with large am ounts of work and more time on hobbies and with their families.Besides,the policy states,"by limiting the weight of homework toward a student's grade,a truer picture of the student's knowledge will be reflected in the achievement grade."
The new policy doesn't remove homework.It states that homework is an opportunity for students to practice their skills and a tool for students to prepare for upcoming lessons.Still,L.A.Unified is joining a growing list of school districts that have set limits on the amount of homework that students receive.
Exactly how much time kids should spend on homework is a topic for debate.Harris Cooper,a professor at Duke University,says that the right amount of homework time is ten minutes per day multiplied by the student's grade.This means a third grader should spend 30 minutes per day on homework.And a sixth grader would spend 60 minutes.Five years ago,Cooper wrote about his views in TFK."Good homework assignments in the proper amount will have positive effects,"he wrote."Bad homework assignments,or too much homework,will have negative effects."
Critics of the new L.A.district policy say that homework is an important part of learning.They say many kids just won't put in the effort if homework doesn't count toward their grade.Pro-homeworkteachers argue that students who do their homework perform better on tests and in school than those who do not.They fear that the new policy will enc ourage students to neglect homework assignments.

26.In the 2013-2014 academic school year the students in LAUSD willB.
A.work harder on their lessons
B.have much less homework to do
C.be able to do whatever they like
D.spend more time on homework
27.We can learn from Paragraph 3 thatD.
A.homework is of no use at all
B.studnets should do more homework
C.students all are happy to do homework
D.more school districts limit homework
28.If you are a student of fifth grade,the proper amount of homework isAminutes.
A.50        B.30         C.60          D.10
29.Pro-homework teachers probably refer to thoseB.
A.that suggest reducing the amount of homework
B.that think homework is helpful to the students
C.that insist increasing the students'homework
D.that are good at encouraging the students
30.What does this passage mainly talk about?D
11.By 1938,Europe had been experiencing an increased number of attacks on Jews.With no end in sight,Jewish refugee(难民) agencies requested the British government to allow them to bring in only Jewish children under17years of age.This was to be only temporary,until the situation in their home countries was improved.
Kindertransport,meaning"children transport"in German,was then born.Children from Germany,Austria,Czechoslovakia,Poland and other Nazi-occupied regions were transported to the United Kingdom.There they were either placed with other families or in hostels.Later,it was found that many of these children were the only survivors of their families.Nicholas Winton was among those people who helped to save Jewish children.He managed to rescue 669children from Czechoslovakia and bring them safely to England.In 1938around Christmas,29-year-old Nicky was about to leave for a skiing holiday.Suddenly,Martin Blake,one of his good friends,contacted(联络) him from Czechoslovakia,asking him to travel there to help political refugees on the run from the Nazis.And Nicholas agreed.
Nicky spent his entire holiday of 3weeks in the capital city of Prague where he saw the situation first-hand.Once back in England,he immediately started organizing the evacuation(撤离) of children from the Czech region.From advertising for the necessary permits,Nicky worked tirelessly.By August 1939,669children had been helped by Nicky and his friends. Haplessly,the last group of children due to leave Prague in the beginning of September could not do so-World WarⅡbroke out,and swallowed them up.
Nicky did not discuss his particular task with his wife,Grete.It was only when she found a scrapbook in 1988,with names of the rescued children,their (lost) parents and the foster families that had taken them in,that his heroism came to light.Nicky has received several awards in Britain and the Czech Republic.
29.Kindertransport aimed toD.
A.help the homeless
B.transfer the affected
C.stop German attacks
D.save Jewish children
30.We can learn from the text that Nicholas WintonB.
A.knew nothing about what happened in Prague
B.did a lot to help Jewish children out of danger
C.always told his wife what he was doing
D.saved 669 children and their parents
31.The underlined word"Haplessly"in Paragraph 4can best be replaced by"A".
32.Which of the following can best describe Nicholas Winton?C
A.Strict but caring
B.Proud but patient
C.Warm-hearted and cautious
D.Hard-working and humorous.

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