
10.We were having fun going outing,when it suddenly began to rain.
 _______(  )
A.What a wonder!B.No surpriseC.Take it easyD.What a pity!

分析 --我们出去郊游时玩得很开心,突然下起雨来了.

解答 答案:D 考查语言交际.A项:好奇怪呀!B项:并没有什么值得惊讶的.C项:别着急,别激动.D项:真遗憾!根据题意,D项正确.

点评 语言交际是灵活多变的,要注意根据语言环境具体问题具体分析.要做好这类题,需从以下三个方面着手:1.仔细审题,明确大意:首先要仔细审题,即在对话不完整的情况下,尽量弄懂该篇对话的大意和情景(如购物、看病、问路和应答、约会、口语应用等).2.分析对话,试填答案:在解题过程中,要根据具体语境和上下文,分析对话中所缺部分、判断所缺的句子.3.全文复读,融会贯通:在试填好答案之后,应从头至尾再把对话读一遍,按照对话情境,中心内容,推理判断.

20.What picture do you have of the future?Will life in the future be better,worse or the same as now?What do you hope about the future?
  Futurologists predict that life will probably be very different in 2050 in all the fields of activity,from entertainment to technology.First of all,it seems that TV channels will have disappeared by 2050.Instead,people will choose a program from a"menu"and a computer will send the program directly to the television.By 2050,music,films,programs,newspapers and books will come to us by computer.
   In what concerns the environment,water will have become one of our most serious problems.Demand for water will increase ten times between now and 2050 and there could be serious shortages.Some futurologists predict that water could be the cause of war if we don't act now.In transport,cars will run on new,clean fuels and they will go very fast.Cars will have computers to control the speed of the car and there won't be any accidents.Today,many cars have computers that tell drivers exactly where they are.By 2050,the computer will control the car and drive it to your destination.
  In the domain(领域)of technology,robots will have replaced people in factories.Many factories already use robots.Big companies prefer robots-they do not ask for payrises or go on strike,and they work 24 hours a day.By 2050,we will see robots everywhere-in factories,schools,offices,hospitals,hops and homes.
  Last but not least,medicine technology will have conquered many diseases.Today scientists have discovered how to control genes.They have already produced clones of animals.By 2050,scientists will be able to produce clones of people and decide how they look,how they behave and how much intelligence they have.Scientists will be able to do these things-but should they?

61.What's the purpose of the first paragraph?A
A.To arouse the interest of the readers.
B.To tell the background of the passage.
C.To introduce the topic of the passage.
D.To describe the pictures of the future.
62.We can know from the passage thatD.
A.computer will finally take the place of the media nowadays
B.robots will completely have replaced people in factories
C.computers will tell drivers exactly where they are in future
D.it is more convenient to choose programs sent by the computer
63.What's the author's attitude towards the life in the year of 2050?D
A.Excited but pessimistic.
B.Confident but cautious.
C.Eager but afraid.
D.Optimistic but worried.
64.The following statements are wrong EXCEPTCaccording to the text.
A.the future world will be controlled by robots
B.people won't be blind or deaf in the future
C.fewer and fewer workers are needed in the future in factories
D.scientists have the right to clone people of different kinds
65.It can be inferred from the last paragraph thatA.
A.all diseases will not be conquered by scientists
B.scientists have known the way to produce genes
C.the clones of humans are understood by scientists
D.the clones of animals have a long way to go.
18.These days,drugs can be found everywhere.Many teenagers are attracted by the excitement that drugs seem to offer,but it is important that we learn the facts about drugs.
    Some drugs are medicines.They can cure,slow,or prevent disease and help people to live healthier and happier lives,b ut there are also a lot of harmful drugs that people take to make them feel good or have a good time.
    How do drugs work?Drugs are chemicals that change the way our bodies work.When you put them into your body,the drugs find their way into your blood and are carried to parts of your body,such as your brain.In the brain,drugs may make your senses become either stronger or weaker,change your attitude or even reduce the feeling of physical pain.Some drugs can seriously damage a person's ability to make certain choices and decisions.
    However,some teenagers believe drugs can help them think better,become more popular,or stay active for longer.Many teenagers use drugs because they are unhappy or think drugs will help them escape their problems.The truth is that drugs cannot solve problems.When you use drugs,it simply helps you to hide from your feelings and problems.When a drug wears off,the feelings and problems that bother you will still remain-or even become worse.Harmful drugs can destroy a person's life.Some drugs are hig hly addictive.Even if you use them once,they can cause an addiction that makes it very,very difficult for users to stop.

32.The author wrote the passage in order toA.
A.advise people to keep away from drugs   
B.tell people why so many teenagers want to try drugs
C.explain how drugs work in one's body    
D.explain how drugs can help people deal with problems
33.From the passage we know thatA.
A.some drugs are helpful to people              
B.people can use drugs to solve problems
C.teenagers like drugs because they are addictive   
D.teenagers take drugs completely for fun
34.Which of the following is NOT a reason why drugs are dangerous?D
A.They can weaken people's senses.
B.They can make people unwise.
C.They can make people addicted.
D.They can reduce pain in operation.
35.The underlined phrase"wear off"in the fourth paragraph probably meansB.
A.appear       B.disappear       C.work       D.follow.
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For senior citizens,your Dungeon experience can be pre-booked by calling 0870 442 2375.u
A£1.50fee applies to all bookings made online and via telephone----one fee per booking.Children must be accompanied by an adult.Group rates are available for groups of more than 10people.Groups can be booked by calling 0870 442 2371or online.
Online bookings must be made 24 hours before you visit.

25.If you hope to visit Castle Dungeon,you shouldD.
A.dial 0870 442 2371B.buy the ticket in person
C.book the ticket two days in advanceD.book the ticket from Warwick-Castle.com
26.If a boy of 5years old wants to buy a ticket online,he should payA.
A.£11.06      B.£9.56     C.£11.95      D.£8.56
27.If you want to buy group tickets,B.
A.you should book by email
B.you should book online
C.you should dial 0870 442 2375
D.there should be at least 20people
28.The text is most probably taken fromC.
A.newspaper B.a magazine   C.a website   D.a geography book.
20.It was a bright Saturday morning.I stopped at a café to enjoy a cup of coffee and read the morning newspaper.Suddenly,I felt a hand on the back of my jacket and heard someone say,"Hey Steve!How are you doing?"
Looking back,I saw a man.He looked familiar,but I couldn't remember where we had met.
The young man also held a cup of coffee,so I asked him to join me.Very soon,his story began to thaw out my memory.
Five years earlier,Johnson was traveling home late on a February night.A heavy snow had arrived that afternoon,and by midnight,the snowdrifts(雪堆)were getting deep.His car was stuck in a snowdrift just down the road from my house.
He walked to my house for help.I helped him pull his car out of the snowdrift and up to the street where the snow had been cleaned away.
This was a normal happening here during the winter.I couldn't count the times someone has helped me to pull my car from a snowdrift.However,it was an unforgettable experience for him.He was only eighteen at that time,and he said he was very afraid.No one wants to be stuck in a snowdrift at night.
Sometimes,one simple kindness at the right moment can change the direction of a life.So,be kind and helpful.

51.Where did Steve meet Johnson for the first time?B
A.At a café.
B.At Steve's house.
C.At a bus station.
D.On a street.
52.The underlined phrase"thaw out"in Paragraph 3means"D"in Chinese.
53.According to Steve,helping Johnson wasA.
A.a normal thing
B.a strange thing
C.an unusual behavior
D.an unforgettable experience
54.The writer's purpose of writing the passage is to tell usB.
A.friendship is very important
B.even a simple kindness matters
C.meeting an old friend is a pleasure
D.it is better not to drive in a snowy night.

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