

This is a true story about a boy who, the world might say, was a terrible underachiever. While in the eighth grade, he failed subjects repeatedly. High school wasn’t much better; he flunked Latin, algebra, English, and received a grade of zero in physics. The boy managed to make the school golf team, but he lost the most important golf match of the season.

It’s not that his peers(同龄人) disliked this boy; it’s just that they never really seemed to notice him much. Even “Hellos” in the hall were a rarity. Out of all the failures in his life, there was something that did hold great importance to this boy, his love of drawing. Although in high school, the cartoons he submitted to the yearbook were rejected, once out of school, the boy was so sure of his artistic talent that he approached Walt Disney Studios with drawing works. I wish I could say the studios loved his work and immediately hired him, but such was not the case; another huge rejection.

Despite his lack of successes, this boy did not give up. He then decided to write his own autobiography in cartoons, about a little boy who was regarded as a loser and a nobody.

The name of this boy was Charles Schulz, the creator of the famous Charlie Brown and comic dog Snoopy.

In life, it is sometimes easy to feel like a nobody. We pass hundreds of people on the street on our way to work, or walk through a faceless crowd in a mall, and no one seems to notice or care. Deep inside, we may know we are special and unique and have lots to offer, but unless someone takes the time to look our way and give us a chance, we may feel worthless, just like Charlie Brown who couldn’t even manage to fly a kite or kick a football properly.

Just as Charles Schulz had faith in his artistic talent, so too, we must realize that nobody is a nobody. We all have special gifts and talents, and every human being is deserving and capable of being loved and appreciated.

1The underlined word “flunked” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. failed B. learned

C. achieved D. misunderstood

2What can we infer about the boy in Paragraph 2?

A. He was hated by his peers.

B. He achieved great success in drawing in high school.

C. His work was refused by Walt Disney Studios.

D. He earned the praise from Walt Disney Studios.

3When the boy suffered many defeats, he ________.

A. gave up his dream finally

B. wrote some articles in magazines

C. he turned to others for help

D. he wrote himself as a loser in cartoons

4In the last two paragraphs, we are advised _______.

A. to open up our eyes

B. to believe we can make some difference

C. to learn more skills for development

D. to ask for more appreciation and love

5Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A. Nobody Is a Nobody.

B. A Hard-working Boy Is Successful.

C. We Should Turn Failure into Success.

D. One Cannot Succeed without Talents.








1词意猜测。根据第一段提到While in the eighth grade, he failed subjects repeatedly. High school wasn’t much better; he flunked Latin, algebra, English, and received a grade of zero in physics.当八年级时他不断的考试失败,高中也不太好,他学不好拉丁语,代数和英语,物理也得了零分,故选A项。

2推断题。根据第二段提到I wish I could say the studios loved his work and immediately hired him, but such was not the case; another huge rejection我希望这个公司能喜欢他的作品,立刻雇佣他但事实是又一次被拒绝,故选C项。

3推断题。根据第三段提到Despite his lack of successes, this boy did not give up. He then decided to write his own autobiography in cartoons, about a little boy who was regarded as a loser and a nobody.尽管没有成功他并没有放弃,他决定把自己的经历写进卡通人物,一个被认为是失败者的小男孩,故选D项。




【题目】Every day we are exposed to images, videos, music and news. In this age of visual and aural hyper-stimulation, the medium of radio is making a great comeback.

“We’re at the beginning of a golden age of audio,” said US-based podcaster Alex Blumberg in an article in The Sydney Morning Herald. In the last month alone, 15 percent of US adults listened to a radio podcast (播客). These statistics, released by Edison Research, show the successful evolution of traditional radio broadcasts to the present day’s digital podcast format. The term “podcast” was invented in 2004, but the trend only started gaining mainstream popularity in recent years. With the sharp increase in consumer demand for smartphones and tablets, podcast sales have jumped.

The appeal of the podcast partly lies in its multiplatform delivery and on-demand capabilities (功能). You can listen during those extra minutes of the day when you’re walking to the shops, waiting in a queue or riding the subway. Similar to television shows, podcasts are generally free to download and most offer new content every week.

Donna Jackson, 22, Sydney University media graduate, listens to podcasts two or three times a week, via iTurns. “I listen while I’m wandering around the house doing something else. It makes completing a boring task much more enjoyable… And it’s an easy way of keeping in touch with what’s going on in the rest of the world,” she said, “I mainly listen to BBC podcasts, but recently I’ve also been listening to This American Life and Serial. They have a special skill to really draw you in.”

Unlike television and music, the audio format has the potential to create a deep impression on readers. Blumberg says this owes to the podcast’s ability “to create close relationship and emotional connection.” Sydney University undergraduate Hazel Proust, majoring in social work and arts, agrees. “When you’re listening, it feels as if the voice of the podcast’s storyteller is talking directly to you. It’s comforting, said Proust.

It seems the age-old tradition of verbal storytelling is very much alive and well.

1From the first two paragraphs, we can learn that ________.

A. traditional broadcast has come back

B. Americans love listening to the radio

C. podcasts have become very popular today

D. smartphones sell well because of podcasts

2The writer mentions Donna Jackson mainly to ________.

A. tell how young people relax themselves

B. explain why young people like podcasts

C. introduce what programs podcasts are presenting

D. show how popular podcasts are presenting

3Paragraph 5 is mainly about ________.

A. the influence of radios

B. the advantage of podcasts

C. readers’ impression on radios

D. people’s reaction to the medium

4What is probably the best title of the passage?

A. Return of Radio

B. Opinions of Podcast

C. Features of Radio

D. Technology of Podcast

【题目】第二节 读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)


A researcher at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences says that cooking emissions(排放物) is a main pollutant in the atmospheric pollution. According to the researcher, cooking emission occupies 15% to 20% in the whole PM2.5 pollution sources in the urban area in Beijing during the summer time.

Authorities in Kunming, Yunnan province, have banned restaurants from using firewood to cook a popular chicken dish in order to reduce the air pollution. The Environmental Protection Bureau of Kunming has stopped approving new restaurants that serve Chaihuoji, or firewood chicken, and asked the existing ones to replace firewood with clean fuel. Dozens of firewood chicken restaurants that opened in the past six months will need to switch to the environment-friendly fuel.

The city follows the example of Chongqing in its attempt to control smog by asking restaurants to change the way they cook some of the traditional dishes, though it remains to be seen whether the move can reduce the air pollution level. Earlier this year, Chongqing said no to smoked bacon, open-air barbecue and chicken cooked by burning firewood.




(1) 你对昆明“禁止燃烧柴火”举措的评价;

(2) 简述你所在地存在的空气污染现象;

(3) 作为中学生,谈谈你如何为防治空气污染作贡献。






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