
17.It's no t a good idea,on thecontrary(相反的),it was dangerous to do so.

分析 这不是一个好主意,恰恰相反,这样做是很危险的.

解答 答案contrary,考查固定短语.根据句意:这不是一个好主意,恰恰相反,这样做是很危险的.on the contrary 是英语的固定短语"相反的",所以答案填contrary.

点评 英语中的固定短语,既不能添词,也不能少词,是固定的,要求同学们在平时记忆准确,然后根据句意找出记忆中的固定搭配,做出正确的答案.

8.The story is about Sumit,my husband,a common man who is a real hero in my opinion.Once when we were at a hospital,we saw a little girl crying because her ankle was broken and her father looke d helpless as he could not afford a plaster (膏药) on his daughter's broken ankle.I and others in the hospital could only give a look of pity and nothing else we could ever think of doing.All of a sudden,Sumit got up from his seat and went to the nurse.The father and the daughter were at that time in the  doctor's room.Sumit asked the nurse to do the plaster for which Sumit was willing to pay and he also insisted that the man should not know about who paid for it.
After watching the whole thing,I was surprised and elated too,for the man I married is not only my hero but is a Real Hero who can help the needy without giving a second thought and also without asking for anything in return from them.
Recently,Sumit's car got knocked into by a motorbike on which was riding a man with his wife and a baby.Sumit got out of the car and asked the father if the baby was OK to which the man did not reply and started shouting at Sumit instead.While they were talking about and trying to solve the whole thing,a man came from behind and without warning hit Sumit with an iron rod (棒).Due to that sudden and sharp hit,Sumit's head started bleeding and without saying a word,he rushed to the nearest hospital alone driving his own car.In the hospital came a few friends and relatives of Sumit who advised him to call he police but he refused.Also,when he asked why he did not he raise his hands in anger,the reply made him a hero that was"it is very easy to raise your hand on someone and very difficult to control it.I chose the tougher part."I can't express how proud I am of having such a good husband!
32.Why wasn't the girl's ankle treated?C
A.Because she was not badly hurt.
B.Because she was waiting for her turn.
C.Because her father didn't have enough money.
D.Because there wasn't enough plaster.
33.Sumit paid for the girl's plaster withoutB.
A.telling his wife about it
B.having the father know it
C.telling the doctor or the nurse
D.using his own money at all
34.The underlined word in the second paragraph probably meansB.
A.sorry   B.pleased    C.grateful    D.confused
35.After the accident,the fatherD.
A.told Sumit everything was OK
B.asked Sumit to drive them to the hospital
C.was hit on the head
D.because extremely angry.
2.A report brought back by most visitors to the US is how friendly,polite,and helpful most Americans were to them.To be fair,this observation is also frequently made of Canada and Canadians,and should best be considered North American.There are,of course,exceptions.Small-minded officials,rude waiters,and ill-mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US.Yet American's friendliness and helpfulness is an observation made so frequently that it deserves comment.
For a long period of time and in many parts of the country,a traveler was a welcome break in an otherwise dull existence.Dullness and loneliness were common problems of the families who generally lived distant from one another.Strangers and travelers were welcome sources of distraction,and brought news of the outside world.
The tough realities of the border also shaped this tradition of hospitality.Someone traveling alone,if hungry,injured,or ill,often had nowhere to turn except to the nearest settler agent.It was not a matter of choice for the traveler or only a charitable impulse (冲动) on the part of the settlers.It reflected the hardship of daily life:if you didn't take in the stranger and take care of him,there was no one else who would.And someday,remember,you might be in the same situation.
Today there are many charitable organizations which specialize in helping the exhausted traveler.Yet,the old tradition of hospitality to strangers is still very strong in the US,especially in the smaller cities and towns away from the busy tourist routes."I was just traveling through,got talking with this American,and pretty soon he invite d me home for dinner,amazing."Such observations reported by visitors to the US are not uncommon,but are not always understood properly.The casual friendliness of many Americans should be understood neither as superficial(表面的)nor as artificial(虚伪的),but as the result of a historically developed cultural tradition.
As is true of any developed society,in America a complex set of cultural signals and customs is the basis of all social inter-relationships.And,of course,speaking a language does not necessarily mean that someone understands social and cultural patterns.Visitors who fail to"translate"cultural meanings properly often draw wrong conclusions.For example when an American uses the word"friend",the cultural meanings of the word may be quite different from those it has in the visitor's language and culture.It takes more than a brief encounter on a bus to tell polite customs from individual interest.Yet,being friendly is a virtue (美德) that many Americans value highly and expect from both neighbors and strangers.

29.In the eyes of visitors from the outside world,D.
A.rude taxi drivers are hardly seen in the US
B.small-minded officials deserve a serious comment
C.Canadians are not so friendly as their neighbors
D.most Americans are ready to offer help
30.We can know from the last paragraph thatA.
A.culture has an influence over social inter-relationship
B.polite customs and individual interest are inter-related
C.various virtues shows themselves only among friends
D.social inter-relationships equal the complex set of cultural customs
31.Families who lived far from one another used to entertain strangersC.
A.to improve their hard life       
B.in view of their long-distance travel
C.to add some taste to their own daily life    
D.out of a charitable impulse
32.The tradition of hospitality to strangersB.
A.tends to be superficial and artificial
B.is generally well kept up in the United States
C.is always understood properly          
D.has something to do with the busy tourist route.

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