
14.Chinese students are the largest group of international students in the United States,Britain,Australia,Canada and several other countries.
Data (41)released(release) by the Chinese Ministry of Education shows that the number of Chinese students studying abroad has reached more than 500,000.Chinese students make (42)up  the majority of international students around the world.More Chinese students studied abroad in 2016 than in 2015,and this is a trend,(43)whichmay continue in the following years.
Quite a few nations have relaxed(放宽) their visa policies(44)to attract(attract)more international students.For instance,Australia has created(45)a new procedure to simplify the visa application process,(46)hoping(hope)that international students in Australia will increase a lot by 2025.
"The majority of foreign universities do not have strict admission requirements.(47)However,students should reach higher standards for graduation.It means that students have to meet standards for language ability and academic performance,"stated Li Rongyu,vice president of the University of Canberra(堪培拉大学副校长).
A craze(狂热) for studying abroad has led to strong (48)competition(compete) among international applicants at many universities.The latest data shows that the admission rate (录取率) for Ivy League universities(常青藤大学) reached the lowest point in 2016.
"The decreased admission rate has something to do with the(49)increasing(increase)applicants."experts say.As a consequence,elite U.S.universities(精英大学)can continuously raise(50)their(they)admission requirements.

分析 中国在美国,加拿大,澳大利亚等地有的留学生数量最多.2016年比2015年的留学生数量更多,许多国家为了吸引留学生放宽了他们的政策.大多数的外国大学没有严格的入学要求,但是,学生毕业需要达到更高的标准.同时出国的热潮造成名牌大学的申请竞争激烈.2016年常青藤大学的录取率跌倒了最低点.

解答 41.released.考查非谓语动词.release做定语,修饰 Data,二者之间是被动关系,用过去分词 released,表示"被教育部公布的数据".       
42.up,考查固定短语.本句表示"中国的留学生构成了世界上留学生的大多数",所以用固定短语  make   up  表示"构成,组成".             
43.which.考查非限制性定语从句的关系词.代指先行词  a trend,做非限制性定语从句的关系词的主语,用which.                   
44.to attract.考查动词不定式.做目的状语,表示"为了吸引"用动词不定式 to attract        
45.a.考查冠词.修饰new procedure,表示"一个新的程序"用不定冠词a.
46.hoping.考查非谓语动词.做伴随状语,和主语 Australia之间是主动关系,用现在分词 hoping.         
47.However.考查连词.The majority of foreign universities do not have strict admission requirements表示"大多数的外国大学没有严格的入学要求";students should reach higher standards for graduation表示"学生毕业需要达到更高的标准",所以两句之间是转折关系,所以用 However. 
48.competition.考查派生词.形容词strong 修饰名词 competition,表示"强大的竞争".  
49.increasing.考查非谓语动词.修饰名词 applicants,做定语,表示"正在增长的"用 现在分词increasing.   
50.their.考查代词.做admission requirements的定语,表示"他们的"用形容词性物主代词their.

点评 考查语法填空.
The (flying )kites are high in the sky.
The boy (sitting by the window )is Tom.
The (damaged )bike was sent to the repairman.
The boy (named Tom )was hurt in the car accident.

16-25 Railcard
16-25 Railcard (The Young Person's Railcard) entitles the holder to up to 1/3 off most rail fares across Briuin.Just imagine where it could take you-to festivals,to see distant friends or to London for a weekend break.
Who can apphf?
Absolutely anybody between 16 and 25 can apply.You will need to provide proof that you are under 26 years of age.For this,only your birth certificate,driving license,passport or medical card will be acceptable.Alternatively,if you are a mature student over this age but in-full-time education,you can also apply.In order to prove your eligibility (适用性),you will need to get your headteacher,tutor,or head of department to sign the application form as well as one of your photos,the latter also needing to be officially stamped."Full time education"is defined as over 15 hours per week for at least 20 weeks a year.
Then go along to any major railway station,rail-appointed travel agent or authorized student travel office with your completed application form from this leaflet,together with£28,two passport-sired photos and proof of eligibility.
Using your rail card
You can use it at any time-weekends.Bank Holidays or during the we?k.But If you travel before 10 am Monday to Friday (except during July and August) minimum fares will apply.For full details of these,please ask at your local station or contact a rail-appointed travel agent.
In cases where a railcard does not bear the user's signature.It will be treated as invalid.Neither your railcard nor any tickets bougfit with It may be used by anybody else.Unless there are no purchase facilities available at the station where you began your journey,you will be required to pay the full fare if you are unable to produce a valid ticket for inspection during a journey.
Reduced rate tickets are not available for first-class travel or for Eurostar links to France and Belgium.Passengers will be charged the full rate if they want to use these services.

60.If you are a 22-year-old nurse,you can apply for the railcard withoutA.
A.the signature of your director
C.application  form
D.passport-sized photos
61.The 1/3 OFF discount may not apply for the railcard holders who travel atB.
A.11 pm on Sunday in August
B.7 am on  Tuesday in February
C.7 am on Monday in July
D.11 pm on Friday in March
62.Which of the following is True according to the leaflet?D
A.If you railcard doesn't have your name signed,it will be used by someone else.
B.The benefits of a railcard are transferable to your friend of your age.
C.If you have no ticket but have boarded a train,you will still be eligible for a discounted ticket
D.If railcard holders wish to use the Eurostar network,they must pay the full fare.
19.Kids'lives should be filled with fun and excitement.Every parent wants their child to be able to look back on their childhood with memories filled with good times and humor.One of the ways to keep these memories is with pset of kids bunk beds.
For one thing,both children and parents get into the excitement of new bedroom furniture.For parents up the necessary money to buy something special themselves because new beds mean that they are"growing up.
Use the shopping experience as a means of starting to teach your children economics.For example,explain to them that you have X amount of money to spend on the new beds.It may not mean much to the kids now,but it will plant a seed (种子)that money play an important role in buying things.
Another learning method that can be employed for buying kids bunk beds is to have them reach certain goals.Explain to your children that they are growing up and therefore need"big kids"beds.However,you have to be sure they are really grown up enough for the new beds!Give them some goals to achieve that are age proper.Some examples would be to take the rubbish out every day without being told,read one or two books and be able to tell you what they were about,be able to say the ABC's or count to 10.This will give your  children   a sense of  achievement and ownership of their new beds.
Getting kids bunk beds with a desk will also improve good learning habits.Have your children sit at the desk to do their drawing or coloring;this will improve the habit of doing homework at the desk.
Help your children learn and have fun with their new kids bunk beds!

32.How many advantages about kids bunk beds are referred to in the text?C
33.Why is it important to children economics when buying a kids bunk bed?A
A.To help children learn about money spending.
B.To show children parents have lots of money.
C.To make children know money in everything.
D.To teach children to save their own money.
34.To own a new bunk bed.children are exported toB.
A.give some opinions    B.reach some goals
C.obey some rules        D.follow some examples
35.What's the best title of the text?D
A.How to buy a kids bunk bed
B.How to make your children special
C.Giving your childrena sense of achievement
D.learning while having fun with kids bunk beds.
6.Time is very important in our lives.It organizes our everyday moments.However,time never had any importance in my life until I received a watch from my father.
I received this gift on a cloudy day.I had to go to the airport at 9:00a.m.to meet my uncle and take him to my father's house.However,I was late because I was staying with my friends.Later on that day,around 11:00a.m.,I remembered my uncle,but I was very late for him.He had left the airport and taken a taxi to my father's house.
I got to my father's house at 2:00p.m.and felt ashamed of myself at that moment.After I said"hello"to my angry father and tired uncle,my father asked me to sit next to him and gave me this watch.Then he said,"Essa,did you have fun with your friends today?"
"Yes,Dad,and I'm sorry about not meeting my uncle at the airport."
"I hope today you learned something important,and this watch will be a reminder (提醒物) for you."He told me to take this watch and use it as an organizer of my life.
I learned a very important lesson from my father:To respect time and never be late to do something.This watch is important to me,not because of its price,but because of the lesson that I learned from it.

25.The writer's uncle came to visit themB.
A.by car        B.by air        C.by boat         D.by taxi
26.Why did Essa's father get angry when Essa got to his house?D
A.Essa often spent a lot of time with friends.
B.Essa cared little about other people.
C.Essa wasted too much time.
D.Essa forgot an important thing.
27.Why did the father give Essa a watch?C
A.To punish Essa.
B.To comfort Essa.
C.To teach Essa.
D.To praise Essa.
28.What did Essa think of the watch?A
A.It was a priceless gift.
B.It was an useless gift.
C.It was a common gift.
D.It was a strange gift.
4.It would be very exciting to be a reporter on a newspaper.As soon as a reporter's boss gives him a story to write,the reporter is on the job.He keeps his mind on what he is going to do.He does not begin writing the story until he knows what he should find out.He must know why he should write the story.
At times a reporter must search hard to find all of the facts he needs for a story.The facts may not be right under his nose.To find the facts,he has to recognize important details.While gathering information for a stoy,he asks himself questions:Should I use this information?Is this an important fact?
A reporter writes the story as fast as he can,so it can go right away into the newspaper.The story also needs a headline,which tells very quickly what the news story is about and is printed bigger and blacker than the rest of the news story.
Every big newspaper has many reporters,because many stories are needed in the newspaper.Would you like to be one?

55.A reporter writes the story as fast as possible becauseA.
A.he wants it to go into the newspaper quickly
B.people prefer to buy today's newspaper
C.he wants to have a rest
D.he is good at writing it
56.Which statement is true according to the passage?D
A.Being a reporter is a tiring job.
B.It is easy for a reporter to find the facts.
C.The headline must tell the details of the news story.
D.A reporter begins to write when knowing wha he should find out.
57.Which is the writer's opinion?B
A.A reporters boss is usually very hard to his men.
B.The job of a newspaper reporter is exciting but not easy.
C.Everyone can write a good news story.
D.No one likes to be a reporter.
58.The passage is aboutA.
A.the job of a news reporter
B.big newspapers in the world
C.how to write the headline of all rticle
D.how to gather information for a news story.

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