
12.The teacher has devoted himself to _______ his students out of trouble.(  )

分析 这位老师致力于帮助他的学生摆脱困难.

解答 答案是A.本题考查动名词的用法;题干中关键词devote(致力于)常常与介词to连用,构成devote…to致力于…,投入到…,介词to后面需要的是动名词做宾语,故选A.

点评 首先判断选项中的动词在句中是以谓语还是非谓语形式出现,然后根据选项在句中的功能结合非谓语的基本用法做出合理的判断.要关注常见非谓语动词的搭配.

2.EUROPE is home to a variety of cultural treasures.Lonely Planet,the world's largest travel guide publisher,has offered pairs of cities for culture-hungry but time poor travelers.
London and Paris
It takes you about two hours to travel from London to Paris by Eurostar,a high-speed railway service.The two capital cities have been competing in fashion,art and nightlife for decades---but each secretly looks up to the other.
No one can doubt the grand and impressive beauty of Paris'Louvre Museum,but if you want to save money,you cannot skip the British Museum free to visit.Compared with London,Paris has more outdoor attractions,such as the beautiful green walkway La Promenade Plantee.
In Paris,you'll see diners linger(逗留) over red wine.While in London,you can try some afternoon tea,eat fish and chips or salted cake.
Vienna and Bratislava
Austrian capital Vienna and Slovakia city Bratislava are an hour apart by train.But since they are linked by the Danube River,the best way to travel is by ship.A tour of the two cities is the perfect way to experience everything from 17th century's Habsburg dynast splendor to sci-fi restaurants.
Vienna is famous for Mozart and imperial palaces.You can appreciate the perfect blending(融合) of architecture and nature in the grand Scholoss Schonbrunn Palace,and reward yourself with a cup of Vienna coffee,which has made its way to the world's cultural heritage.
Bratislava is best known for its fine dining-the remarkable UFO restaurant.You can enjoy a meat-filled dinner here in an amazing setting.

31.What's the relationship between London and Paris according to the text?C
A.They help each other.
B.They attack each other.
C.They admire each other.
D.They don't like each other.
32.What are the advantages of Paris mentioned in the article?A
a.Louvre Museum                  
b.Free access to museums
c.More outdoor attractions          
d.Better wines and perfumes
33.Lonely Planet recommends these two pairs of cities becauseD.
A.they are not expensive to visit
B.they are best known to the world
C.they are always enemies between each other
D.they are close but different in many aspects.
20.The winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences studies personal consumption(消费).He also has explored how spending can affect both living conditions and poverty.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is presenting the Economics Prize to Professor Angus Deaton of Princeton University in New Jersey.The Nobel committee says his research has mainly dealt with three questions:How do consumers distribute their spending among different goods?How much of society's wealth is spent and how much is saved?And,how do we best measure and study wellbeing and poverty?
Mr.Deaton used household surveys to collect detailed information about how families spend their money.For example,in one study,the Princeton professor examined the relationship between poverty and the amount of calories in the food people ate.
The Nobel committee said Mr.Deaton's research has shown how the clever use of household data can shed light on issues such as the relationship between income and calorie intake,and the degree of sexual discrimination(歧视)with the family.
The Princeton professor was asked why he paid so much attention to household information.Mr.Deaton said that his studies were mainly about people and their behavior.
The Nobel committee also,praised Mr.Deaton's work because it used detailed information about real people,not theoretical ideas.Subjects of his research have included happiness,well-being and aging.
At a press conference this week,the Nobel Prize winner said he was pleased that his work had been recognized.He told reporters he believed poverty would decrease."I think we've had a remarkable decrease for the past 20 to 30 years.I do expect that to continue,"he said.
Mr.Deaton is a citizen of both the United States and Britain.He was born in Scotland.He has served as a Professor of Economics and International Affairs at Princeton since 1983.The Economics Prize has been offered by Sweden's central bank in memory of Alfred Nobel since 1969.It is valued this year at 978,000.

32.Angus Deaton was given the 2015 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for studyingC.
A.how people make a living                                   
B.what makes people rich or poor
C.how people spend their money                             
D.where people keep their earnings
33.Which of the following was studied by Mr.Deaton?D
A.Ways to live with as little money as possible.
B.The sum of money to maintain a wealthy life.
C.Places where people spend their money.
D.Links between kinds of food and poverty.
34.What does the underlined part"shed light on"in Paragraph 4 mean?C
A.throw doubts on.
B.get rid of.
C.make clear.
D.point out.
35.Which of the following agrees with Mr.Deaton's opinion?D
A.The prize money will be used in research.
B.His work has made poverty decrease.
C.The Nobel Prize will change his life.
D.People's life has been improving.
4.How to Win a High School Election
If you plan on running for student office,you want to know how to win a high school election.(36)G.You need to do toconsider the following key elements of an election.
Learn About Your School
Before you can be an official for your class,you will need to know about your class and the school as a whole.You can't make a difference if you don't know what to change.(37)F
Getinvolvedbeforewinning theelection
If you want to make changes to some of the rules in the school's policy,you'll have to get on the administration's good side.Ask to join in on meetings with school officials.It's also a good idea to get to know some of the parents of the students who will vote for you.You can do this by attending PTA meetings.(38)D Ask questions and voice your opinion so you stand out.
Get to Know Your Voters.
(39)BAnd try to make good first impressions on them.Be careful though,you don't want to seem fake because then people won't vote for you.Simply say hello and let people know you are running for whatever office you choose.If they seem interested in you,continue the conversation,if not,back off.Being pushy is another thing that will lose you votes.
Just as confidence is essential during your presentation,it's also important every day.Stand tall,smile,and be friendly.Have fun with your election because students want someone who is real andfriendly.
Ask your school's administration for a copy of the student guidebook and any other information they have about the history as well as current rules and stats for the school.

A.Let Yourself Shine.
B.Meet as many high school students as possible.
C.Get started on how to win a high school election.
D.While at these meetings,don't be a passive attendee.
E.Write a speech about what you would like to see changed.
F.Read the student guidebook about the history as well as present rules for the school.
G.Putting up posters and relying on your popularity isn't enough to make sure that you will win.
1.Martha Graham,born in 1894,was one of the most famous dancers and creators of dance,whose influence on dance has been compared with the influence Picasso had on the modern visual arts,Stravinsky had on music,or Frank Lloyd Wright had on architecture.She created almost two hundred dance pieces.She is often called the Mother of Modern Dance.
Earlier in her life,however,Martha did not know that she would become a dancer.At that time,the dancers were looked down on.So Martha's parents didn't approve of her desire to dance at the beginning.Until 1916,she began her studies at the newly created Denishawn School of Dancing and Related Arts,founded by Ruth St.Denis and Ted Shawn,where Graham worked very hard to improve her ability to dance because she was considered too old to begin dancing.
In 1936,Graham made her defining work"Chronicle",which signaled the beginning of a new era in modern dance.The dance brought serious issues to the stage for the general public in a dramatic manner.Influenced by the Wall Street Crash of 1929,the Great Depression that followed,and the Spanish Civil War,it focused on depression and isolation,reflected in the dark nature of both the set and costumes.
Graham continued to dance past the age of seventy.Once again,she was met with criticism from people who came to watch her shows.But she didn't give up.Her last completed ballet was 1990's Maple Leaf Rag."A Dancer's World"is an introduction to Graham and her work.She tells about her dances and her dance group shows some of their methods.
Martha Graham received many awards during her lifetime,including the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1976.She was the first dancer to receive the country's highest civilian honor.She died in 1991 at the age of ninety-six.In 1998,Time magazine listed her as the"Dancer of the Century"and as one of the most important people of the twentieth century.

28.According to the first paragraph we can learnC.
A.Martha is the most famous creators of dance
B.Martha's effect on architecture is very great
C.Martha is named as The Mother of Modern Dance
D.The background of Martha Graham is unbelievable
29.From the second paragraph we can inferB.
A.Martha's hard work paid off
B.The dancers had very low status.
C.Martha wanted to be a dancer at an early age.
D.At first,Martha's parents supported her desire to dance.
30.How is the passage mainly developed?A
A.By time.B.By space
C.By contrast.D.By examples.
31.Which of the follow statements is true according to the passage?C
A.The Great Depression happened after 1929.
B.Martha's parents couldn't afford her tuition.
C.Martha didn't stop dancing despite of being blamed.
D.Martha was the first dancer to receive the world's highest civilian honor.
15.The 1920s was a decade of wealth,decadence(堕落) and social changes.They were known as the Roaring Twenties,and the best place to experience this exciting time was New York City.But what was it really like?
In 1919,a new law in the US known as Prohibition made it illegal to buy and sell alcohol.But Prohibition didn't stop people drinking; it just drove the sale of strong alcoholic drink underground.Bootleggers(走私贩) waited off the coast of New York after dark and brought illegal alcohol into the city.
Jazz was the music of New York in the 1920s.In fact,the decade is called Jazz Age.The best place to listen to this new form of music was the Cotton Club in Harlem.All the great jazz musicians played at the Cotton Club,including Louis Armstrong,Dizzy Gillespie and DukeEllington.Also,in 1942George Gersgwin composed the jazz---influenced Rhapsody in Blue.The piece has been called"a musical portrait of New York"and was used by Woody Allen in his film Manhattan.
Art Deco
Art Deco was the most popular style of the 1920s,with bright colors and geometric designs; it can be seen in the art,architecture and inside designs of the period.New York is full of Art Deco buildings,but the most famous ones are the Chrysler Building (built between 1928and1930)and the Empire State Building (built between 1930and 1931).
The Great Depression
On 29th October,1929,the Roaring Twenties came to a dramatic end.On that day (known as"Black Tuesday"),the US stock market crashed,causing the Great Depression.The economic downturn lasted ten years and affected most of the Western world.Unemployment in America reached 25% and the country didn't recover until after World War II.

29.We know from the passage that in 1919peopleDalcohol in the US.
A.began to buy and sell                                                
B.stopped producing
C.completely stopped trading                                      
D.secretly bought and sold
30.The 1920s is calledB.
A.Country Music Time
B.Jazz Age 
C.Folk Music Age
D.Pop Age
31.We infer from the passage that the USAin the year 1930.
A.was in a bad economic state
B.was in good economic condition
C.developed at a rapid speed
D.had many dramatic plays.

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