
16.On their arrivalat the airport,the Smiths found their flight had been put off.

分析 一到达机场,史密斯一家就发现他们的航班被推迟了.

解答 答案是arrival.本题考查语境中选用恰当的词或短语的适当形式.arrival n.到达;on arrival 一到达,故答案是arrival.

点评 首字母填空必须在对语境整体理解的基础上抓住指向答案的关键线索、固定句型或搭配等,结合首字母选用恰当的词,同时注意所选词的形式变化.

7.Some people would start shaking ail over whenever they went up to the stage,whether it is to make a speech or announce something or even to collect a prize.There is nothing wrong in feeling nervous before going on stage.It is perfectly normal.Everyone faces it some time or the other.
First of all,the fear is only in the mind.So relax your mind before it is time for you to go onstage.Stop dwelling (仔细想) in the nervousness and divert your mind till it is time for you to go onstage.This will help to decrease your fear.
Secondly,the fear may arise due to lack of confidence in yourself.This can be remedied (补救) by practicing thoroughly the speech or item scores of times with your family/friends as an audience.You could also stand before a mirror and watch yourself speak.
Thirdly,the fear may be because of the large number of people that you have to face.For this you should remember that the people who are listening to you are normal human beings like you.So why fear group of people who themselves are scared?
How can you cope with the fear of darkness?Not by switching on the light or running away from it; this way you can never get rid of your fear for it.The only way to get rid of your fear of becoming aware of all the familiar objects in the room and realizing that they are not demons (魔鬼) waiting to get you!Be in the dark and you will start overcoming your fear of it.In the same way,to get rid of your fear of stage,keep doing what you fear again and again,gradually your fear will disappear.

8.From the first paragraph,we knowD.
A.it is good for a person to experience fear sometimes
B.people won't fear if they receive prize on the stage
C.it is a kind of disease to tremble before going on the stage
D.it is natural for a person to fear before going on the stage
9.In order to deal with fear of stage,you shouldB.
A.make listeners themselves scared first
B.increase self-confidence by practicing a lot
C.carry a mirror to the stage
D.invite your family and friends as audience
10.The example of dealing with the fear of darkness is used to proveA.
A.being with fear and you will overcome it
B.aware of what you fear will help you defeat it
C.overcoming fear is to run away from it
D.familiar things will help you get over fear
11.The best title for the passage may beC.
A.Showing fear
B.Suffering fear
C.Battling fear
4.Many of you should not own dogs.It's that simple.The reason is that,if you own a dog,you must train a dog,and many dog owners out there,it is safe to say,have little or no control over their dogs,because they do not train them.
Strong words?Maybe.But they are simple,honest words,as untrained dogs living in residential neighborhoods bark at will,run loose,and visit and damage neighboring properties with their owners'blessings as they deliberately (故意) let them run.
Take note of the fact that you,the dog owner,cannot control your dog,causing a continual nuisance (麻烦事) that damages the quality of life in your neighborhood.There's nothing more annoying to most people than a dog that barks and nothing more confusing than trying to understand the deficient (有缺陷的) mentality of the dog owner who allows his dog to do so.After all,the irresponsible dog owner hears the barking too,and so those who must put up with it are continually left wondering-what are they thinking,are they deaf?
Many dog owners believe it is not possible for their dog to be trained,an indication that the owners themselves lack self-discipline,and most likely have never really tried to apply discipline to other issues in their lives,not with consistency,or that they are simply lazy and inattentive to their own adult responsibilities at the expense of others.
Irresponsible dog owners,though,do train their dogs.A dog is a reflection of its owner.Whatever a dog does (run loose,hark at will,jump on guests entering the front door,soil neighboring lawns) is a result of the decisions of the owner.The choice not to do something is indeed a choice.
The good news is that with mere consistency,a dog can be trained rather quickly,in a couple of weeks if the owner takes his responsibility seriously.Again,that process will be a reflection of the owner's behavior,and the primary ingredient (要素) in that behavior is not allowing the dog,not even once,to repeat the bad behavior without consequences when told and directed not to.You can stop your dog from barking with simple firm voice commands,direct eye contact,and force of will in a relatively short time,provided you arc consistent and a reasonably mature person.
Dogs,what's more,love this training because pleasing you,their owner,is what they are all about.The upshot (结果,要点) will be that you have a more connected relationship with your dog,a better dog that is suited to its environment.

56.Which is NOT the reason for dog owners to have little or no control over their dogs?B
A.They are lazy and unwilling to train their dogs.
B.They think their dogs can act well without training.
C.They lack self-control over many issues in daily life.
D.They don't give enough attention to their responsibilities.
57.What's the author's attitude towards owners of untrained dogs?D
58.This article is mainly written toA.
A.call on dog owners to train their dogs
B.instruct dog owners how to train dogs
C.sing high praise for responsible dog owners
D.analyze the relationship between dog owners and their dogs
59.It can be concluded from the passage thatC.
A.responsible dog owners can put up with dogs'barking
B.irresponsible dog owners deliberately train their dogs to do something wrong
C.wither a dog can be trained properly may depend on the dog owner's behavior
D.we should not own dogs because they can damage the quality of our daily life.
11.It's always been a rule in my family,spoken or unspoken,that you don't waste food.With six children herself and having grown up in an even larger family through the Great Depression,my mother would never tolerate throwing out the amounts of food we see routinely these days in the dumpster.We were told simply to clean our plates,no matter whether we liked the taste or if we were not hungry or not.So this subject is deep in my genes and upbringing.
Estimates are that nearly one third of all food produced is wasted.USDA estimates 31% of food available at retail (零售)level is wasted.12% of landfill material is food.28% of agricultural land produces food which is wasted,says the FAO.18% of vegetables,and 12% of the apple crop are lost at the farm level in the United States.,say experts.
Luckily,there's an"ugly food"movement picking up steam."Ugly"foods are those that sellers and buyers often reject because of their appearance,like misshapen vegetables and bruised(擦伤的) fruits.Farmers dump them.Supermarkets and restaurants reject them.Now supermarkets and restaurants reject them.Consumers historically have avoided them.Now supermarkets feature the ugly.It's fashionable.More artful terms are favored.A French supermarket chain is selling"inglorious"foods.The British chain ASDA uses"wonky(歪斜的)"(which to American ears might sound as bad as"ugly.") Canada's Loblaws uses"naturally imperfect."Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver,who has cast himself as a promoter of the"good food movement,"has signed on with some British chains to support their efforts.
With the effort of Kretschmann Farm CSA's we've taken the line that rather than throw away things which would be classified by others as ugly,inglorious,or imperfect,we would just give them to you and you could decide.Either we throw them away,or you can.Oftentimes this adds to the volume of the box,or makes it a little more urgent to consume (because sometimes those rejected foods are just very ripe!).

9.When the author was a kid,heB.
A.often suffered from hunger
B.was not allowed to waste food
C.had to wash plates after a meal
D.didn't like the taste of his food
10.What does the underlined part"picking up steam"in Paragraph 3mean?D
A.Coming to an end.
B.Facing a challenge.
C.Making a selection.
D.Becoming more popular.
11.The Kretschmann Farm CSAC.
A.provides perfect food for customers
B.sells food mot of which is very ripe
C.tries to bring ugly food to customers
D.encourage the consumption of food.
6.Usain Bolt says he intends to defend his Olympic 100m and 200m sprint (短跑) titles at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games.The Jamaican,who kept both titles as well as the 4×100m in London,said he has decided against switching to either the 400m or long jump.
"To do the three sprints,that is the focus.I don't want to try any different events at Rio,"he said."I'll just defend my titles to show the world there's a possibility I can do it again."He insisted he had no intention of easing off in his training.
Bolt,who also holds the 100m and 200m world records,said he aimed to run even faster in the year of 2013,during which the World Championships will be held in Moscow.He added:"It's all about hard work.When I was doing great when I was young,people used to say I was fast for my age,but I have put a lot of work into it since I was a senior athlete.I continue to work hard,continue staying focused and pushing myself.I'm sure I can go faster each year.So for me the focus right now is to see how fast I can go."
Bolt became the first man to keep both Olympic sprint titles in a time of 19.32 seconds in the 200m in London in August,with Yohan Blake in silver and Warren Weir in bronze.It came after he had seen off Blake's challenge to win the 100m in 9.63 seconds,just 0.05 seconds slower than his own world record,in what was a new Olympic best.
Speaking after he had completed his second Olympic sprint treble (三连胜),Bolt had cast doubt on his participation in the events in Rio when he said:"My coach wants me to do 400m,but I want to try long jump.It's just about making different goals.There are a lot of things I can do in the sport."
56.It can be known from the first two paragraphs thatA.
A.Bolt has a clear sense of direction
B.Bolt won't practice as hard as ever
C.Bolt won two gold medals in London
D.Bolt is likely to switch to 400m sprint
57.From what Bolt says in the third paragraph we can infer thatD.
 A.he is too proud of himself
B.he is modest but stubborn
 C.he looks down on other athletes
D.he is hard-working and confident
58.What is the 100m world record according to the passage?A
A.9.58 seconds.B.9.63 seconds.C.9.66 seconds.D.9.68 seconds.
59.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?C
A.Bolt feels it extremely difficult to push himself ahead.
B.Bolt doesn't know which events he'd like to take part in in Rio.
 C.Bolt's idea of participation in the events is different from that of his coach.
 D.Bolt wants to achieve his second Olympic treble at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games.

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