
【题目】When the speaker finished his speech, he was content to see his speech was ________ with cheers and applause from the audience.




考查动词词义辨析。句意:当演讲者结束演讲时,他很高兴地看到他的演讲受到了听众的欢呼和掌声的欢迎。A. respected 尊敬;B. commented 评论;C. associated 联系;D. greeted 问候,迎接,欢迎。分析句子,根据后面提到的“听众的欢呼和掌声”他的演讲受到了观众的“欢迎”。故选D项。


【题目】 With the news filled with frightening reports about a new coronavirus (冠状病毒),COVID-19, it's easy to feel anxious. However, you don't need to worry, especially when you're following professional guidelines for protecting yourself1

Get your information from trustworthy sources (来源).2, and some of them may contain inaccurate or outdated information. To make sure that you're getting accurate and reasonable information, stick to sources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.

3. While it's good to stay informed, constantly reading or watching news updates can quickly make you bothered. Instead, set a specific time to check for updates so you're not thinking about the virus all day. Don't visit news sites or turn on the news outside of the time, and avoid social media if you're reading too many updates there.

Focus on the fact that most people recover. Reports about the new coronavirus likely sound very scary, so it's understandable that you'd be afraid. 4Besides, most people who get very sick will get better after receiving treatment and recover at last.

Share helpful information with friends and family. You can help yourself and others feel calmer about the coronavirus outbreak by sharing any helpful information you find. 5, post a link on social media or email it to any friends or family members who are worried about the virus.

A.Limit how often you check for news updates.

B.Meanwhile, your anxiety about the outbreak disappears.

C.And there are things you can do to put your fears at ease.

D.Stop keeping yourself informed of the online news updates.

E.You're probably reading lots of reports about the coronavirus.

F.If you see a useful update on the new coronavirus from a reputable news source.

G.However, most cases are mild and most of the people can recover after some time.

【题目】How to Say No Respectfully

Like most people, your natural instinct (本能) is probably to help others when you can. 1 Whether you’re declining an invitation to a party or turning down a new project at work, you can say no while still being respectful. Whatever the situation is, be clear, polite and firm when saying no.

Express your thanks. 2 If you have to turn someone down, express your thanks that they thought of you in the first place. You could say something like, “Thanks for considering me responsible enough to watch your kids. I’m sorry that I’m busy that evening.”

Think before you speak. If you say no immediately, it might seem like you didn’t even consider the request. In order to be respectful, take a moment to think about your answer—even if you already know what it is going to be. 3

Give a clear answer. Saying no respectfully shows that you’re honest and direct. 4 If you can’t help, say so. If someone is asking you on a date and you don’t want to go, make that clear.

5 You can say no without completely turning down the request. By setting boundaries, you can make it clear exactly what you can do and what you are willing to do. For example, you could say, “I’m not free for dinner, but I would be coming for a quick drink after work.”

A.Find a way to compromise (妥协).

B.Take a pause, and then kindly say no.

C.But sometimes, you just need to say no.

D.It’s strange to feel guilty for turning someone down.

E.Make it clear that you sincerely appreciate being asked.

F.If you feel it necessary, you can also provide a reason for your answer.

G.Do not give people false hope that you will be able to satisfy their request.

【题目】Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

What Your “Age” Says About You

Imagine, for a moment, that you had no birth certificate and your age was simply based on the way you feel inside. How old would you say you are?

Like your height or shoe size, the number of years that have passed since you first entered the world is an unchangeable fact. 1

Scientists are increasingly interested in this quality. They are finding that our “subjective age” may be essential for understanding the reasons why some people appear to be energetic as they grow old — while others fade.

2 It is now well accepted that people tend to mature as they get older, becoming less extroverted ( ) and less open to new experiences. These personality changes are often considered more obvious in the people with older subjective ages.

However, those who feel younger than they really are also become more reliable and less neurotic ( ) as they gain the wisdom that comes with greater life experience. But it doesn’t come at the cost of the energy and vigor of youth. It’s not true that having a lower subjective age leaves us frozen in a state of permanent immaturity.

Feeling younger than your years also seems to come with a lower risk of depression and greater mental wellbeing as we age. 3 Most people felt about eight years younger than their actual chronological age (实际年龄). But some felt they had aged — and the consequences were serious. Feeling between 8 and 13 years older than your actual age resulted in an 18-25% greater risk of death over the study periods, and greater disease burden — even when you control for other demographic ( ) factors such as education, race or marital status.

4 However old you really are, it’s worth questioning whether any of those limitations are coming from the within.

A.It also means better physical health.

B.One of the most interesting aspects of the research has explored how subjective age interacts with our personality.

C.Some studies have explored the potential physical consequences of this difference.

D.These findings can give us all a view of the way our own brains and bodies endure the passing of time.

E.But everyday experience suggests that people often don’t experience ageing the same way.

F.Many researchers are now trying to study how this knowledge might help us live longer.

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