
【题目】 Staying fit while indoors

During this special time, it’s a good idea to do some indoor exercises. Exercising has many benefits.1, when you start feeling and looking just as you desire. Here are some great ideas to get you started!

Run in place

Start by kicking your feet behind you as you run. Then, bring your knees up as high as possible when you feel like you’ve warmed up. Start by running in place for five minutes.


Work on mountain climbers.

Start by getting into a standard push-up (俯卧撑) position.3, keeping your arms in place. Replace your left leg and bring your right knee to your chest. Continue to alternate legs. Repeat this three times for 30 seconds each set.


Begin by getting into a plank (平板支撑) position. Then, bend your elbows and lower yourself toward the floor but do not touch the floor. If this is too difficult, bend your knees as you do the push-ups. Start by doing a set of 10, and work your way up to three or four sets.

Tone your legs with squats (深蹲)

To do a squat, stand with your feet hip-width (与臀部同宽) apart. Then bend your legs. Bring your bottom as low as you can. Stand back up and repeat the motion. Work your way up to doing three sets of 20.5.

A.Try planks (平板支撑) for full body toning (身体紧实)

B.If you want an added challenge, hold weights while you squat.

C.Do push-ups to tone your upper body

D.Then bring your left knee to your chest

E.If that is too difficult, lower yourself onto your elbows

F.The hard work will pay off big time

G.Then, try to run in place for ten minutes









1分析句子结构:___1___, when you start feeling and looking just as you desire.根据后半句when you start feeling and looking just as you desire.“在这时候你开始按照自己的愿望去感受和观察。”这后半句应该是一个when引导的时间状语从句,由此可知,FThe hard work will pay off big time(努力工作会有丰厚的回报)切题。该项中time作先行词,在后面的定语从句中作时间状语。故选F

2根据Run in place中的Start by running in place for five minutes.“从原地跑五分钟开始。”承接上文,GThen, try to run in place for ten minutes(然后,试着在原地跑十分钟)切题。该项中的then将上下文连在一起,故选G

3分析句子结构___3___, keeping your arms in place.可知,该空应该是一个完整句子,只能在A/C/D中选择。根据后半句keeping your arms in place.“保持手臂不动”。承接后半句,DThen bring your left knee to your chest(然后将左膝放在胸前)切题。故选D

4该空是小标题,应该用短小精悍的祈使句。根据下句“以平板支撑的姿势开始。”由此可知,CDo push-ups to tone your upper body(做俯卧撑来锻炼上半身)切题。故选C

5根据上文提示“坚持做三组,每组20组。”承接上文,BIf you want an added challenge, hold weights while you squat.(如果你想增加一个挑战,在你蹲下的时候保持负重)切题。故选B


【题目】NASA Student Competitions

NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge

Teams of high school and college students are challenged to design and build a human-powered vehicle to travel across the simulated(模拟的) surface of another world. The course includes 14 roadblocks and 5 tasks, and teams must successfully follow NASA instructions. Each U.S. school may enter up to two teams. For international entries, no more than four teams from each country will be accepted.

International Team Registration Deadline: July 12

U.S. Team Registration Deadline: August 16

NASA Lunabotics Competition

Lunabotics challenges teams to design, build and run their autonomously operated robot, travel through simulated off-world areas and dig the simulated lunar soil. This challenge includes presentations and demonstrations, and a systems engineering paper explaining the methodology the team uses to design and build their robot.

Registration Deadline: July 18

NASA SUITS Design Challenge

NASA Spacesuit User Interface Technologies for Students (SUITS) gives students an authentic engineering design experience supporting NASA’s Artemis mission—landing American astronauts safely on the Moon by 2024! This activity challenges students to design and create spacesuit information displays within AR environments.

Proposal Deadline: July 25

2020 BIG Idea Challenge

NASA’s 2020 Breakthrough, Innovative and Game-changing (BIG) Idea Challenge is open to teams of 5 to 20 students. Teams are challenged to submit proposals for sample lunar payloads(有效载荷) that demonstrate technology systems needed for exploration and science in the permanently shadowed regions in and near the Moon’s polar regions. Selected teams will receive awards from $50,000 to $180,000 to bring their ideas to life!

Entry Deadline: August 16

1John, a student who is good at designing vehicles, can enter______________.

A.2020 BIG Idea ChallengeB.NASA Lunabotics Competition

C.NASA SUITS Design ChallengeD.NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge

2What does NASA Lunabotics Competition require of participants?

A.They need to finish building their robot on July 18.

B.They have to complete a course of 5 tasks.

C.They need to create their own simulated environments.

D.They should write a paper showing how they build their robot.

3Which of the following statements about the last two competitions is true?

A.They both require submitting proposals before August.

B.They both ask participants to bring their ideas to life.

C.They are both preparations for Moon exploration.

D.Both of them will present winners with big awards.

【题目】 Young children often “read” picture books. They’re attracted by the colorful scenery and the realistic characters that contribute to fascinating plots.

Unfortunately, some children can’t use these resources, even if they do know how to read. Take three-year old Elodie Bateson, for example. Elodie was born with under-developed eyes and has retinal detachments(视网膜脱落),making her visually impaired.

It is because of people like Elodie that Tom Yeh, head of the Tactile Picture Books Project, has started printing 3D books, so they can feel the illustrations in picture books.

The first book Tom Yeh printed was Goodnight Moon, a popular children’s book about a rabbit going to sleep and wishing good night to his surroundings. In the 3D version of this book children can feel each thing that the rabbit says good night to, whether it is a cow jumping over the moon, a balloon, or a dollhouse.

Generally, when children grow older, they read by using Braille, a language that was invented by Louis Braille in 1824. It uses different patterns of raised dots representing different letters. Readers can then feel the dots and mentally translate the patterns they feel into words. The only problem is that many blind children do not start learning Braille until they are about six years old.

Another reason why 3D printed books are such a valuable resource is that children don’t have to know how to read to understand them. However, without these, visually impaired kids are losing six developmental years vital to their growth since they can ’t take advantage of picture books.

When 3D picture books are printed, plastic is layered(分层放置)repeatedly over a single shape: the shape of the illustration. These raised pictures created through layered plastic serve as substitutes for the Braille letters that little children have no knowledge of.

1What does the underlined word “impaired” in paragraph 2 mean



2What can we know about Braille from Paragraph 5

A.The blind at any age can read by using Braille.

B.Most people can translate Braille into words.

C.Blind kids begin learning Braille at about six years old.

D.Braille uses similar patterns of raised dots to stand for different letters.

3We can know that the illustrations in 3D books are raised ______ .



4What is the aim of the Tactile Picture Books Project

A.To teach the blind children Braille.

B.To encourage kids to read books.

C.To cure visually impaired children.

D.To help the blind children read picture books.

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