
14.It is difficult for doctors to help a person with a damaged brain.Without enough blood,the brain lives for only three to five minutes.More often the doctors can't fix the damage.Sometimes they are afraid to try something to help because it is dangerous to work on the brain.The doctors might make the person worse if he operates on the brain.
Dr.Robert White,a famous professor and doctor,thinks he knows a way to help.He thinks doctors should make the brain very cold.If it is very cold,the brain can live without blood for 30minutes.This gives the doctor a longer time to do something for the brain.
Dr.White tried his idea on 13monkeys.First he taught them to do different jobs,then he operated on them.He made the monkeys'blood go through a machine.The machine cooled the blood.Then the machine sent the blood back to the monkeys'brains.When the brain's temperature was 10℃,Dr.White stopped the blood to the brain.After 30minutes,he turned the blood back on.He warmed the blood again.After their operations the monkeys were like what they had been before.They were healthy and busy.Each one could still do the jobs the doctor had taught them.

5.The biggest difficulty in operating on the damaged brain is thatA.
A.the time is too short for doctors
B.the patients are often too nervous
C.the damage is extremely hard to fix
D.the blood-cooling machine might break down
6.The brain operation was made possible mainly byD.
A.taking the blood out of the brain
B.trying the operation on monkeys first
C.having the blood go through a machine
D.lowering the brain's temperature
7.With Dr.White's new idea,the operation on the damaged brainA.
A.can last as long as 30 minutes
B.can keep the brain's blood warm
C.can keep the patient's brain healthy
D.can help monkeys do different jobs
8.What is the right order of the steps in the operations?B
a.send the cooled back to the brain
b.stop the blood to the brain
c.have the blood cooled down
d.operate on the brain
A.a,b,c,d                 B.c,a,b,d                 C.c,b,d,a                 D.b,c,d,a.

分析 本文讲述了传统脑部手术的弊端,就是提供给医生操作的时间太少了.Dr.White 医生发明了一种新的方法,通过这种方法可以延长脑部手术的操作时间.

5.A 考查细节理解.根据"Without enough blood,the brain lives for only three to five minutes.More often the doctors can't fix the damage"可知,在受损的大脑中操作的最大困难是,提供给医生操作的时间太少了.故选A.
6.D 考查细节理解.根据"He thinks doctors should make the brain very cold.If it is very cold,the brain can live without blood for 30minutes.This gives the doctor a longer time to do something for the brain."可知,进行大脑的手术主要是通过降低大脑的温度来进行的.故选D.
7.A 考查细节理解.根据"Dr.White stopped the blood to the brain.After 30minutes,he turned the blood back on"可知,通过新的方法,手术时间最长可达30分钟.故选A.
8.B 考查细节理解.根据文章内容可知,操作步骤的正确顺序是先让血液冷却下来,然后把冷却后的大脑血液送回大脑.再停止将血液送到大脑,最后进行手术.故选B.

点评 阅读理解考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

Subject:My school
Hi,Li Zijun,
Thanks very much for your email.I really enjoyed reading it.I think we have a lot in common.I wonder if our school life is similar too.
I go to a big high school in Sydney called Maylands High School.There are about 1000 students and 80 or so teachers.My class has 25 students in it,which is normal for a Year 11class.In the junior school there are about 30 students in a class.
In the senior high school we have lots of subjects to choose from,like maths,physics,chemistry,biology,history,German,law,geography,software design,graphic arts and media studies.(Different schools sometime have different optional subjects.) English is a must for everyone and we have to do at least three other subjects in Year 11and 12.At the end of Year 12 we sit for a public exam called the High School Certificate.
As well as school subjects,most of us do other activities at school such as playing a sport,singing in the choir or playing in the school band.We can also belong to clubs,such as the drama club,the chess club and the debating society.
We have a lot of homework to do in senior school to prepare for our exam,so unless I have basketball practice,I usually go straight home and start studying.I arrive home about 4pm,make myself a snack and work till 6.Then I help the family to make dinner and we all eat together.I'm usually back in my room studying by 8pm.I stop at about 10o'clock and watch TV or read a book for half an hour to relax.On Saturdays,I usually go out with my family or with friends and I sleep in till late on Sunday mornings.Then it's back to the books on Sunday afternoon.
How about you?What's your school life like?Do you have a lot of homework?What do you do to relax when you're not studying?I'm looking forward to finding out.
Your Australian friend,

21.How many subjects do the students have to do at least in Year 11and 12?C
22.What does the underlined phrase"sit for"in Para 3 mean?B
A.pass  B.take  C.go for  D.hold
23.On Sunday afternoon,Terri usuallyA.
A.read books
B.play in the school band
C.play basketball
D.helps her family to prepare dinner.
9.Your next car could have two seats,three wheels---two in front and one in the back and a top speed of more than 100 miles per hour.Elio Motors plans to make such a tiny car named the Elio.Its two seats sit front and back instead of side by side.The driver is positioned in the center with the passenger directly behind.
The starting price for the car is just $6,800.It has only one door,on the left side,which cuts a few hundred dollars off the manufacturing costs.Having three wheels also makes it cheaper.It has air conditioning,power windows and door locks and an AM/FM radio.More features can be ordered through Elio's long list of suppliers.Elio will also sell the cars directly through its own stores and not through franchised dealers (特约经销商).
Paul Elio dreamed as a kid that he would one day own a car company called Elio Motors.In 2008,tired of high gas prices,he started working on a car that burns gas in a more effective way.Equally important to him was creating U.S.manufacturing jobs and making the car inexpensive enough to attract buyers who might otherwise be stuck in their old,unreliable (不可靠的)cars."Whatever matters to you,this can move the needle on it,"he said.
Already,more than 27,000 people have reserved (预订)one.Paul hopes to make 250,000 cars a year by 2016.So far,reservation holders are those who will use the Elio as a second car or third car for work.Finally,though,he believes the car will interest high school and college students as well as used-car drivers who want something newer and more reliable.

29.Which of the following shows the design of the Elio?C
30.Paragraph 2 shows that the ElioA.
  A.is sold at affordable prices
  B.will be available in most stores
  C.has a fixed temperature
  D.does no harm to the environment
31.The underlined words"move the needle"in Paragraph 3 probably mean"D".
   A.take a chance                                        B.stand in the way
   C.break into pieces                                   D.make a difference
32.What would be the best title for the text?C
   A.The history of Elio Motors
B.Cool and practical vehicle
   C.Paul Elio:a kid with big dreams
D.What car to choose:new or used?
19.H.T.B.Arts Center
FILM Tickets£2.50/£1.50.Performances at 8pm unless started otherwise.
WILD AT HEART 127mins.
Wen 6--Fri8February
Director:David Lynch
Starring:Nicholas Cage,Laura Dern,Willam Dafoe.A first--class film.Cage and his girlfriend Dean are on the run through the dangerous Deep South.They are hiding from gunmen who have been hired to kill Cage by Dean's mother.Victims,yes-but they also have fun.It's wild at heart,strange on top.Funny,frightening and brilliant.
DICK TRACY 113mins
Mon 11--Sat16 February 6pm
Tickets on sale 5--6pm
Director:Warren Beatty
Starring:Warren Beatty,Madonna The famous detective (侦探)tries to stop Big Boy and the Blank from taking over the city.A colorful and exciting film.Some parts are frightening,so think twice about taking children.
BATMAN 126mins
Mon11--Sat16February 8.30pm
Tickets on sale 7.30--8.30pm
PIZZA PLUS offer 6--7pm
Director:Tim Burton
Starring:Michael Keaton,Jack Nicholson.A few essential questions must be asked…Is Batman a mad hero?Wh does Bruce Waynespend millions dressing up as a bat?Has Nicholson's Joker stolen the whole movie?Great action and excellent acting,especially by Nicholson.

21.Where can we most probably read this text?B
A.In a movie review.
B.In an advertisement page.
C.In a short story.
D.In an itroduction of an art center.
22.If you are free after 6pm.on Feb.14,you can choose the movieA.
D.None of the above
23.The underlined phrase"taking over"probably meansD.
A.交出,让出       B占据        C.带过来          D 接管.
6.International Exhibition for Animal Husbandry(畜牧业)& Processing of Grain,Fruits & Vegetables
Registration Deadline:30 June,2015
Exhibition and Market
The market
The British agricultural market provides very good chances for international companies since the demand for modern technologies is continuously rising.And the existing market can't satisfy the local development.Great potential is to be found also in livestock(家畜)and livestock farming.In particular,investment in cattle farming and pig husbandry is to be further increased.
The exhibition
It is the most important platform for animal husbandry and agricultural technology in Britain.Last year,537 companies from 14 countries showed their advanced solutions for livestock,animal husbandry and agricultural technology to over 13,540 business professionals.
London International Contract Fair and IF Wexpo Heidelberg GmbH Heidelberg,Germany
Phone:+49-(0)6221-13 57-0
Fax:+49-(0)6221-13 57-23
E-mail HYPERLINK"mailto:info@ifw-expo.com"info@ifw-expo.com
Opening time
Main Industries
Agricultural Technology,Cereal Grain Technology,Animal Husbandry
Main Topics
Equipment for soil working and seed-bed preparation●Harvesting equipment●Plant breeding(繁殖)●Plant protection●Grain processing●Storage and transport●Animal breeding●Animal husbandry●Livestock housing●Feed industry
Entrance fee
2,000 pounds/per stand/per day

21.The text tells us the following information EXCEPIC.
A.the time of the exhibition
B.the topics of the exhibition
C.the rules of the exhibition
D.the site of the exhibition
22.Which of the following statements is true?B
A.London has the largest agricultural market in the world.
B.International companies can find more business opportunities in the British agricultural market.
C.Almost all countries in the world take part in the exhibition.
D.The exhibition covers all kinds of living goods.
23.If you want to take part in the exhibition,youA.
A.can contact the organizer in three ways
B.must register between 30 June and 13 August,2015
C.have to buy some equipment on display during the exhibition
D.need not pay the organizer of the exhibition.

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