
People have always had to find ways to keep food safe to eat. Methods to dry, smoke and salt food were invented thousands of years ago. The process of canning is much more recent. This storage method keeps food safe to eat for long periods of time. Today, canning is one of the most popular methods of storing food.
Canning uses heat to kill bacteria and other micro-organisms that cause poisons to form in food. Canning also takes away the air that these organisms need to live. One popular method of canning uses a water bath.
Clean fruits or vegetables are placed in glass bottles. The food can be put into the bottles either hot or cold. The cold method is used for soft fruits and vegetables that could lose their shape or taste. Firmer fruits and most vegetables are usually cooked. They take up less space in the bottles. After the food has been placed in glass bottles, boiling water is poured into the bottles to about three centimeters below the top. Then covers are placed on the bottles, but are not turned all the way. The bottles are placed in a large container filled with warm water that is then brought to a boil. The water must completely cover the bottles, from three to five centimeters over the top. When the water boils, any air in the bottles will be expelled. The boiling continues for several minutes. Then the bottles are allowed to cool. Finally, they are placed briefly into cold water. This makes a strong barrier to keep the air out. In other words, a vacuum is created. When the bottles are completely cool, notes can be placed on them to identify what is inside. The bottles can then be stored in a cool, dark place at a temperature of between four and twenty-one degrees Celsius.
Canning allows your family to enjoy foods that might not come fresh throughout the year. It is also a good way to store food for six months to a year, or even several years, in case of an emergency. It does not cost much to continue canning every year once the equipment has been purchased.
You can get more information about canning food from the group, Volunteers in Technical Assistance. VITA is on the Internet at vita.org.
55. Which of the following is the right order of canning food?
a. put bottles in warm water.          b. place notes on the bottles.
c. place bottles briefly into cold water  d. pour boiling water into bottles
A. d a c b   B. a b c d    C. b d c a   D. a d c b
56. According to the text, which of the following is right?
A. The way to can food has been found by ancient Chinese.
B. Canning uses water to kill bacteria.
C. Hard fruits are suitable for cold method.
D. The boiling water will take away the air in the bottle.
57. What does the word “vacuum” mean in the – paragraph?
A. a missing situation   B. a gap   C. an enclosed space without air  D. a hole
58. what’s the best title of the text?
A. The advantages of canning food.
B. Canning food and health.
C. Put fruits and vegetables into cans.
D. How to make canning food.


  Farmer Ed Rawlings smiles as he looks at his orange trees. The young oranges are growing well in Florida's weather. Warm sunshine and gentle rains, along with Ed Rawlings' expert care, will produce a good crop of oranges this year.
  But Ed has to fight against Florida's changeable winter weather. In January and February, temperatures can destroy Ed's entire orange, crop. Having farmed in Florida for the past 35 years, Ed Rawlings is prepared for the frosts(霜). When temperatures drop below freezing, Ed tries to save his crop by watering his orange trees. The water freezes and forms a thin layer (层)of ice on the trees. Strange as it may sound, this thin layer of ice actually keeps the fruit warm.
  What happens is simple. When the trees are watered, the water loses heat and becomes ice. The warmth of the heat it loses is sucked in by the fruit and keeps its temperature at a safe level. Ed Rawlings has effectively used this method(方法)to save many orange crops.
  But Ed still faces some difficulties. The trees should be watered at the exact moment the temperature drops to the freezing point. Also, just the right quantity of water must be used. Too much water can form a thick layer of ice that will break the trees' branches. Another difficulty is that wind blows away the heat. So Ed has to worry about not only when but also how often his trees should be watered, and how much water should be used.
  Computer technology may help Ed Rawlings with some of these worries. With equipment, air and soil temperatures and wind speed can be measured. The information is fed into a computer which can tell when temperatures drop to freezing. The computer can correctly decide the quantity of water to be used and how frequently the trees should be watered. Ed Rawlings will find looking after his orange trees a lot easier with the help of a computer, and we'll all have the benefits(or advantages)of computer-age oranges.
1. The passage is mainly about _____ .
A.a farmer's expert care for his orange trees 
B. the different uses of computers
 C. growing oranges in Florida's changeable weather
 D. different ways of frost protection
2. Ed tried to protect his crop by _____ .
 A. using a wind machine to drive away the cold air
 B. equipping his orange trees with a computer
C. watering it at the proper time 
D. picking his fruit at the first sign of frost
3. In the writer's eyes, computers _____ .
A.are too expensive for small farmers
B. can be a valuable tool for the farmer
 C. can be used to help oranges grow bigger    
 D. cannot take the place of the farmer's experience and judgement
4. Which of the following is NOT NECESSARY for Ed Rawlings to do?
  A. He should water the orange trees as soon as the temperature drops to the
    freezing point.
  B. He should decide the quantity of water for the orange trees.
  C. He has to water the orange trees more often in January and February.
  D. He has to judge how often he should water the orange trees.
5. According to the passage, the computer technology can _____ .
A.get rid of the need for frost protection 
B. help the farmer get a better harvest
 C. tell the farmer why outdoor temperature changes
D. prevent the temperature from dropping to the freezing point

Ship tourism to Antarctica is on the rise: More than 35,000 tourists are expected to visit Antarctic this summer. In 1992-1993, 6,750 visited Antarctica, according to the Antarctica Treaty. All of this tourism, however, is putting both tourists and the environment in great danger.
Among the tourist ships that visit the continent, the Explorer, a Canadian ship, was one of the first. Put to use in 1969, it was built to carry tourists to Antarctica. Last week, however, it became the first commercial passenger ship to sink beneath the waters. Fortunately, all of the passengers and crew members were rescued from the ship. However, the sunken ship endangered the Antarctic’s fragile(脆弱的) environment. The ship was estimated to be holding 48,000 gallons of fuel.
The accident was not unexpected. Both the US and UK had warned a conference of the Antarctic Treaty member countries in May that the tourism situation in this area was a potential disaster. The US said in a paper, people “should take a hard look at tourism issues now, especially those related to ship safety.” Although the Antarctic seas are relatively(相对地) calm, floating ice causes a potential threat to ships. The owner of the Explorer blamed the sinking on a fist-like hole in the ship created by ice.
Many of the other large ships now visiting Antarctica are not designed especially against thick ice. Such ships generally can only come to the continent in summer. But the tourist rush is pushing ships into dangerous situations. “The increasing number of ships operating in Antarctic means that the ship are under great pressure to get there in time for the key visiting sites,” the British government wrote in a paper at the meeting of member countries.
As a natural frontier, Antarctica is in a messy legal situation. There are no obvious answers as to who is responsible for dealing with the threat that tourist may cause to human life and the environment.
There is no coast guard for Antarctica. Do we want it to become Disneyland, or do we need some controls?
76. Which of the following is true according to this passage?
A. Antarctica tourism has a history of about 17 years
B. The number of tourists to the Antarctic is over 5 times as large as that of 17 years ago.
C. The tourism boom has caused holes in the floating ice in the Antarctic.
D. The Antarctica Treaty is responsible for the problem.
77. The sinking of the Explorer____________.
A. led to a conference about the tourism situation in the Antarctic.
B. was caused by the rough seas
C. had been predicted
D. did harm to the Antarctic.
78. It can be inferred from the passage that_________.
A. a Disneyland will be built in the Antarctic
B. fewer people are visiting the Antarctic because of the warnings given
C. not all the ships are suitable to go to the Antarctic
D. some ships take risks visiting the Antarctic in other seasons rather than in summer
79. In this passage, the writer suggests that___________.
A. people had better not make a tour of the Antarctic
B. ships to the Antarctic should be built strong enough
C. there should be legal controls over tourism in the Antarctic
D. the Antarctic’s environment is fragile
80. What attitude does the writer hold towards Antarctic tourism?
A. Supportive.     B. Positive.       C. Indifferent.        D. Anxious.
Blue Collar
Graduates from China's " blue-collar " vocational schools have an employment rate of 95. 6 percent, but many lose their jobs because of unrealistic expectations, according to a senior official with the Ministry of Education(MOE).
MOE figures show a total of 3. 64 million students graduated from vocational schools last year, of whom 3. 48 million found jobs. The employment rate for these students was 95. 6 percent.
"The employment rate for blue-collar workers has stayed high since 1999 and above 90 percent since 2002," Wang Jiping, the MOE's deputy head of vocational education section, said on Wednesday. "However, the figure is not the cause for optimism because it only indicates that people get employed. "
He said many students find jobs, but are unable to stay in the posts for reasons such as overly high expectations for salaries or poor performance.
Wang said vocational school graduates needed more guidance to find jobs that could use their skills and meet "rational" demands for wages (工资), so that they can stay in the posts.
"The government is to set up a national information platform to better show market demand for blue collar talents", he said.
MOE figures show 73. 23 percent of the 3. 64 million graduates from vocational middle schools found jobs in companies and factories, 10 percent started their own businesses, and 16. 37 percent went on to further study.
Wang said the demand for highly skilled workers boosted the development of vocational education. _____________ , the MOE called for vocational schools to set up more market-oriented training courses with which students could easily find jobs.
55. Many vocational school graduates lose their jobs for the following reasons EXCEPT _________according to the text.
A. their high expectations for salaries          B. their poor performance
C. their lack of working experience                  D. their unrealistic expectations
56. The underlined word boosted in the last paragraph can be replaced by _______.
A. improved         B. prevented              C. ended         D. started
57. Among the vocational school graduates last year about ________took up their own business.
A.540,000             B360,000                          C.150,000             D.70,000
58. Which of the following is the best sentence to be put into the blank of the last paragraph?
A. To develop vocational education                   B. To build up graduates' own business
C. To offer graduates more jobs                         D. To meet the demand

Identifying young people with the potential to be great athletes has become a serious, business around the world. Many countries, including Australia, have sophisticated(复杂) programs for identifying and nurturing(培养) talent.
The AIS (Australian Institute of Sport) already runs a program that identifies potential winners starting from the age of 12 based on their physical and physiological(生理的) abilities.
Could genetics improve these programs? The problem is that no one gene test is ever going to do an accurate job of identifying someone with the physical attributes of a sporting champion, says Professor North.
"We can think of the elite athlete as what I'd call a complex phenotype(表现型)," she says. “There are going to be a large number of different genes involved. Any one single test is unlikely to be highly predictive.”
Professor Peter Fricker, director of the AIS, agrees. Although he is intrigued in the possibilities of genetic testing, he says using such tests to identify athletes would be difficult. "The feeling I have is that it won't be that easy," he says. "Talent selection is not just about your genes."
Since 2004, the AIS has been forbidden by government from any involvement in genetic work, including genetic testing. But Professor Fricker thinks that is likely to change in the near future. "There's been a shift in view more recently," he says.
When it does, the AIS will resume its work on the genetics of sports performance, Professor Fricker says. They would be particularly interested in looking for more genes that might help shape elite performance, but also for genes that increase the risk of injury.
Last year, the Human Genetics Society of Australasia issued a position statement on gene testing for sport, after concerns that people could use tests to steer children into particular sports.
“The Human Genetics Society thinks there are not enough data to use these tests for determining what sport kids should do,” said Professor David Thorburn, president of the society.
He stressed that genetic tests should not be performed on children, except in very specific medical circumstances.
57.The aim of the AIS’s program is to        .
A.predict how genes are connected with injuries
B.find potential great athletes
C.find out what qualities a professor has through gene tests
D.turn an athlete into a champion by transferring genes
58.By saying “Talent selection is not just about your genes”, Fricker means         .
A.effort is more important than genes in most cases
B.you can’t choose an athlete just depending on genes
C.to research one’s genes takes a long time
D.most people don’t believe in genetic tests
59.The underlined word “resume” in Para. 7 can be replaced by              .
A.stop B.complete   C.reduce      D.continue.
60.What’s Professor David Thorburn’s attitude towards genetic tests?
A.Genetic tests have a negative effect on children.
B.Genetic tests, under certain conditions, can be conducted on children.
C.Genetic tests can reduce the risk of athletes’ injuries.
D.People could use genetic tests to decide what sport kids should take.
完形填空 (共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)
Before the 29th century the horse provided day to day transportation in the United States. Trains were used only for long-distance transportation.
Today the car is the most popular sort of transportation in all of the United States. It has completely    41   the horse as a means of everyday transportation. Americans use their cars for nearly 90 percent of all personal    42  .
Most Americans are able to buy cars. The average price of a    43   made car was $ 2,500 in 1950, $ 2,740 in 1960 and up to $ 4,750 in 1975. During this period American car manufacturers set about    44   their products. As a result, the yearly income of the average family increased from 1950 to 1975   45   than the price of cars. For this reason purchasing a new car takes a smaller    46   of a family’s total earnings today.
In 1951 proportionally it took 8.1 months of an average family’s    47   to buy a new car. By 1975 it only took 4.75    48    income. In addition, the 1975 cars were technically superior to models from previous years.
The    49   of the automobile extends throughout the economy as the car is so important to Americans. Americans spend more money    50   their cars running than on any other item.
41. A. denied        B. reproduced           C. replaced                  D. repeated
42. A. trip             B. works                 C. business                  D. travel
43. A. quickly        B. regularly                C. rapidly                      D. recently
44. A. raising        B. making                   C. reducing                  D. improving
45. A. slower        B. equal                     C. faster                     D. less
46. A. part             B. half                       C. number                  D. side
47. A. income        B. work                      C. plan                       D. debts
48. A. months’             B. dollar’s                  C. family                 D. year
49. A. running             B. notice                 C. influence                D. discussion
50. A. starting        B. leaving                   C. keeping                  D. repairing

Most American kids love Halloween treats, but a bucket of Halloween candy can be a dentist’s nightmare. Some parents try to get rid of half of the candy after their children go to bed, but dentists say parents also need to separate the good kinds of treats from the bad.
It is not exactly what a child eats that truly matters, but how much time it stays in his mouth. According to pediatric dentist Dr. Kaneta Lott, the most damaging stuff is something that is sticky or very hard and thus stays in the mouth for a long time. This is because we all have bacteria in our mouths. When we eat, the bacteria take our food as their food and produce an acid that destroys the surface of the teeth, causing cavities to form. The longer the food stays in the mouth, the more likely cavities will develop. Therefore, potato chips are worse than candy because they get stuck between teeth. For the same reason, raisins and crackers are not the best choice. Hard candies take a long time to consume and are also a bad choice for Halloween treats
If children really love candy, dentists recommend that they eat chocolate instead. Unlike hard candies, chocolate dissolves quickly in the mouth. Besides, chocolate contains tannins, which help to kill some of the bacteria in the mouth. But no matter what a child eats, brushing after each meal is still the best way to fight cavities.
55.What is the main purpose of this passage?
A. To discuss how cavities can be treated.
B. To point out the problems with Halloween celebrations.
C. To tell parents what sweets are less damaging to their children’s teeth.
D. To teach parents the meaning of Halloween candies for their children.
56.Why are hard candies especially bad for teeth?
A. They may break the child’s teeth.
B. They contain too much sugar.
C. They help bacteria to produce tannins.
D. They stay in the mouth for a long time.
57.According to the passage, which of the following is a better choice for Halloween treats?
A. Chocolate.                     B. Crackers.                        C. raisins.                            D. Potato chips.
58.According to the passage, which of the following is true of tannins?
A. They are produced when the bacteria digest the food.
B. They help to get rid of some bacteria in the mouth.
C. They help chocolate to dissolve more quickly.
D. They destroy the surface of the teeth.
Here’s an amazing way to get a hard-boiled egg into a bottle, even though the mouth of the boiled is smaller than the egg! What’s more, you don’t even need to touch the egg to get it to go in!
For this experiment you will need:
·a hard-boiled egg
·a glass bottle with a mouth just slightly smaller than the egg (a fruit-drink bottle works well)
·a 8-cm by 8-cm(3-inch by 3-inch)piece of newspaper
·a match
Remove the shell from the egg. Set the egg on the mouth of the bottle to see that the egg does not fit through the mouth.
Light the paper. Remove the egg from the mouth of the bottle and drop the burning paper into the bottle. Before the fire goes out, set the egg back onto the mouth of the bottle. Within a few seconds the egg will squeeze(挤) through the mouth and into the bottle.
As it entered the bottle, the egg may have broken into pieces. This happens when the diameter(直径) of the egg is more than about 0.5 cm(about 3/16 inch) larger than the diameter of the bottle’s opening.
Why does the egg slide into the bottle, even though no one is pushing it? Because the pressure of the air is pushing it. Before the burning paper is put into the bottle, the pressure of the air inside is the same as outside. The burning paper, however, heats the air inside. This causes the air inside to expand. When the egg is placed on top of the bottle, it seals(封住) the bottle. When the fire goes out, the air inside cools. As it cools, the air contracts(紧缩), and the pressure of the air inside becomes less than the pressure outside. Then, the higher outside pressure pushes the egg into the bottle!
小题1:The best title of this passage can be      .
A.An interesting storyB.The pressure of the air
C.Egg in a bottleD.Egg, bottle and match
小题2:What don’t you need in this experiment?
小题3:Why will the egg break into pieces while entering the bottle?
A.Because of the burning paper.
B.Because the diameter of the egg is too larger than that of the bottles opening.
C.Because it is cool inside the bottle.
D.Because the pressure of the air inside is larger.
小题4:What is the most important to get the egg into a bottle?
A.A match. B.A fruit-drink bottle.C.The pressure of the air.D.The burning paper.
Hidden in our subconsciousness (潜意识) is a perfect mental picture. We see ourselves on a long trip that goes across the continent. We are traveling by train. Out the windows, we think in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at a crossing, of cattle feeding on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, or row upon row of corn and wheat, of flat lands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hills, of city skylines and village halls.
But uppermost in our minds is the final destination. On a certain day at a certain hour, we will pull into the station. Bands will be playing and flags waving. Once we get there, so many wonderful dreams will come true and the pieces of our lives will fit together like a completed jigsaw(拼图玩具) puzzle. How restlessly we pace the aisles(通道), condemning the minutes for loitering --waiting, waiting, waiting for the station.
“When we reach the station, that will be it!” we cry. “When I’m 38.” “When I buy a new 450SL Mercdes Benz!” “When I put the last kid through college.” “When I have paid off the!” “When I get a promotion.” “When I reach the age of retirement, I shall live happily ever after! ”
Sooner or later, we must realize there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. It constantly outdistances us.
“Relish(appreciate) the moment” is a good motto, actually it isn’t the burdens of today that drive man mad. It is the regret over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow. Regret and fear are twin thieves who rob us of today.
So stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles. Instead, climb more mountains, eat more ice cream, swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more and cry less. Life must be lived as we go along. Then the station will come soon enough.
小题1:Why does the author describe the mental picture?
A.To lead us into a perfect world.B.To let people enjoy the scenery.
C.To introduce an actual trip of his.D.To compare it to our life’s journey.
小题2:How do people feel when they’re on their trip?
小题3:What does the author mean by “Regret and fear are twin thieves who rob us of today” in Line 2 Paragraph 5?
A.Regret and fear are responsible for the loss of today.
B.We must be careful of the two thieves: regret and fear.
C.regret and fear stop us from enjoying our present life.
D.We’re frequently challenged by the two : regret and fear.
小题4:Why does the author write the passage?
A.To teach us a good lesson.B.To tell us the right attitude to life.
C.To advice us to forget our worries.D.To stop us wandering along the aisles.

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