
Ship tourism to Antarctica is on the rise: More than 35,000 tourists are expected to visit Antarctic this summer. In 1992-1993, 6,750 visited Antarctica, according to the Antarctica Treaty. All of this tourism, however, is putting both tourists and the environment in great danger.
Among the tourist ships that visit the continent, the Explorer, a Canadian ship, was one of the first. Put to use in 1969, it was built to carry tourists to Antarctica. Last week, however, it became the first commercial passenger ship to sink beneath the waters. Fortunately, all of the passengers and crew members were rescued from the ship. However, the sunken ship endangered the Antarctic’s fragile(脆弱的) environment. The ship was estimated to be holding 48,000 gallons of fuel.
The accident was not unexpected. Both the US and UK had warned a conference of the Antarctic Treaty member countries in May that the tourism situation in this area was a potential disaster. The US said in a paper, people “should take a hard look at tourism issues now, especially those related to ship safety.” Although the Antarctic seas are relatively(相对地) calm, floating ice causes a potential threat to ships. The owner of the Explorer blamed the sinking on a fist-like hole in the ship created by ice.
Many of the other large ships now visiting Antarctica are not designed especially against thick ice. Such ships generally can only come to the continent in summer. But the tourist rush is pushing ships into dangerous situations. “The increasing number of ships operating in Antarctic means that the ship are under great pressure to get there in time for the key visiting sites,” the British government wrote in a paper at the meeting of member countries.
As a natural frontier, Antarctica is in a messy legal situation. There are no obvious answers as to who is responsible for dealing with the threat that tourist may cause to human life and the environment.
There is no coast guard for Antarctica. Do we want it to become Disneyland, or do we need some controls?
76. Which of the following is true according to this passage?
A. Antarctica tourism has a history of about 17 years
B. The number of tourists to the Antarctic is over 5 times as large as that of 17 years ago.
C. The tourism boom has caused holes in the floating ice in the Antarctic.
D. The Antarctica Treaty is responsible for the problem.
77. The sinking of the Explorer____________.
A. led to a conference about the tourism situation in the Antarctic.
B. was caused by the rough seas
C. had been predicted
D. did harm to the Antarctic.
78. It can be inferred from the passage that_________.
A. a Disneyland will be built in the Antarctic
B. fewer people are visiting the Antarctic because of the warnings given
C. not all the ships are suitable to go to the Antarctic
D. some ships take risks visiting the Antarctic in other seasons rather than in summer
79. In this passage, the writer suggests that___________.
A. people had better not make a tour of the Antarctic
B. ships to the Antarctic should be built strong enough
C. there should be legal controls over tourism in the Antarctic
D. the Antarctic’s environment is fragile
80. What attitude does the writer hold towards Antarctic tourism?
A. Supportive.     B. Positive.       C. Indifferent.        D. Anxious.


第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
Courage is admitting that you are afraid and facing the fear directly. It’s being strong enough to ask for help and humble enough to accept it.
Courage is standing up for what you believe in without worrying about the opinions of others. It’s following your own heart, living your own life, and settling for nothing less than the best for yourself.
Courage is daring to take the first step, a big leap, or the different path. It’s attempting to do something that no one else has done before and all others think impossible.
Courage is keeping in the face of disappointment and looking at defeat not as an end but as a new beginning. It’s believed that things will ultimately get better even as they get worse.
Courage is               your own actions and admitting your own mistakes without placing blame on others. It’s not relying on others for your success, but on your own skills and efforts.
Courage is refusing to quit even when you are threatened by impossibility. It’s choosing a goal, sticking to it, and finding solutions to the problems.
Courage is thinking big, aiming high, and shooting far. It’s taking a dream and doing anything, risking everything, and stopping at nothing to make it a reality.
76.What’s the best title of this passage?
77.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
Courage is supporting what you trust without being influenced by others.
78.Please fill in the blank in proper words.( within 10 words)
79.What definition of courage do you most agree? Why? (within 30 words)
80.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.

II. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension)(共20小题,计35分)
    Most people think that the capital of the movie world is Hollywood, in the United States. However, the real movie capital is Mumbai, in India. Mumbai used to be known as Bombay, and so the film industry there is called “Bollywood”. Bollywood makes twice as many movies each year as Hollywood—more than 800 films a year.
The movies from Bollywood are very different from Hollywood movies. For one thing, Bollywood movies are much longer than most Hollywood movies. Most Bollywood movies are more than three hours long, and contain singing, dancing, action, adventure, mystery, and romance. Because Bollywood films contain so many different features, this style of film is sometimes called a “masala” film. (“Masala” is an Indian word for a mixture of spices. )
Another big difference between Bollywood and Hollywood movies is the way the movies are made. It takes much longer to make a movie in Hollywood than in Bollywood. In fact, filming may begin on a Bollywood movie before the script is even finished. The director and writers can make up the story while the film is being made. Sometimes they will even write the script by hand instead of taking time to type it.

Bollywood actors are very popular and some are in such high demand that they may work on several movies at the same time. They may even shoot scenes for several films on the same day using the same clothes and scenery (舞台布景). Since most Bollywood movies follow the same kind of story, shooting scenes for several films at the same time is not a big problem for actors or directors. This also helps keep the cost of Bollywood movies lower than the cost of Hollywood movies. The average Bollywood film, with a budget (预算) of only two million U.S. dollars, seems very cheap compared to the average budget of sixty million U.S. dollars for a Hollywood film—thirty times as much!
51. The main topic of the passage is ________.
A. famous stars in Bollywood
B. how Hollywood movies are made
C. the differences between two movie industries
D. the history of movie-making in India
52. What is NOT true about Mumbai?
A. It is the movie capital of India.
B. Its new name is Bombay.
C. More movies are made there than in Hollywood.
D. The film industry there is called “Bollywood”.
53. Why are Bollywood films often called “masala” films?
A. They have interesting stories.
B. They are much longer than Hollywood films.
C. They show Indian culture.
D. They mix different styles of movies.
54. Bollywood movies are cheap to make because ________.
A. they are shorter than Hollywood films
B. the scripts are written by hand
C. the movies do not use any special effects
D. most movies reuse things from other movies
55. Which of these statements would the writer probably agree with?
A. Most Bollywood movies are very similar.
B. It takes a lot of money to make a good movie.
C. Only Indian people can understand Bollywood movies.
D. Hollywood movies are too violent.

Gus put his paws(爪子) on the window and looked out at the street. His tail began to wag (摇摆) .Mr. and Mrs. Riaz were coming back  36  . They were  37  in something new — a   38  . “   39   , this is Anna,” said Mrs. Riaz. Gus wasn’t   40  if he liked Anna.
Mr. and Mrs. Riaz spent a lot of time with   41  . Gus watched while they held the baby. He watched them   42  her and talk to her. “Why   43  they talk to me like that?” He   44  to say. Mr. Riaz made Gus feel   45   , too. He said, “ Gus, you watch the baby   46   we’re in the other room.” Gus liked that. He sat      47  Anna’s bed. He watched her   48  and play. As time went by, Gus became very   49   of the baby. When visitors came to the house, Gus would   50   to the baby’s bed. He would sit up very   51   and wag his tail quickly. “See how  52   I take care of Anna” he seemed to say.
There was one thing about Anna that made Gus   53   . He   54    like to hear her cry. He always wanted to make her   55   better.
36. A. out                     B. home                       C. away                        D. close
37. A. taking                 B. fetching                   C. bringing                   D. leading
38. A. god                    B. cat                           C. baby                        D. friend
39. A. Gus                    B. OK                          C. Hello                       D. Morning
40. A. sure                    B. true                         C. clear                        D. happy
41. A. him                    B. her                          C. baby                        D. dog
42 .A. save                   B. beat                         C. feed                         D. help
43. A. do                      B. don’t                       C. will                         D. won't
44. A. tended                B. wanted                     C. hoped                      D. seemed
45. A. important            B. impossible                C. easy                         D. difficult
46. A. before                B. after                        C. while                       D. as
47. A. on                      B. by                           C. against                     D. in
48. A. cry                     B. jump                        C. sleep                        D. run
49. A. proud                 B. nervous                    C. sad                          D. nice
50. A. walk                   B. run                          C. climb                       D. lit
51. A. carefully             B. angrily                     C. sadly                        D. straight
52. A. nice                    B. well                         C. important                 D. hard
53. A. unhappy             B. happy                      C. glad                         D. pleasant
54. A. did                     B. didn’t                      C. would                      D. wouldn’t
55. A. get                     B. become                    C. sound                       D. feel

People have always had to find ways to keep food safe to eat. Methods to dry, smoke and salt food were invented thousands of years ago. The process of canning is much more recent. This storage method keeps food safe to eat for long periods of time. Today, canning is one of the most popular methods of storing food.
Canning uses heat to kill bacteria and other micro-organisms that cause poisons to form in food. Canning also takes away the air that these organisms need to live. One popular method of canning uses a water bath.
Clean fruits or vegetables are placed in glass bottles. The food can be put into the bottles either hot or cold. The cold method is used for soft fruits and vegetables that could lose their shape or taste. Firmer fruits and most vegetables are usually cooked. They take up less space in the bottles. After the food has been placed in glass bottles, boiling water is poured into the bottles to about three centimeters below the top. Then covers are placed on the bottles, but are not turned all the way. The bottles are placed in a large container filled with warm water that is then brought to a boil. The water must completely cover the bottles, from three to five centimeters over the top. When the water boils, any air in the bottles will be expelled. The boiling continues for several minutes. Then the bottles are allowed to cool. Finally, they are placed briefly into cold water. This makes a strong barrier to keep the air out. In other words, a vacuum is created. When the bottles are completely cool, notes can be placed on them to identify what is inside. The bottles can then be stored in a cool, dark place at a temperature of between four and twenty-one degrees Celsius.
Canning allows your family to enjoy foods that might not come fresh throughout the year. It is also a good way to store food for six months to a year, or even several years, in case of an emergency. It does not cost much to continue canning every year once the equipment has been purchased.
You can get more information about canning food from the group, Volunteers in Technical Assistance. VITA is on the Internet at vita.org.
55. Which of the following is the right order of canning food?
a. put bottles in warm water.          b. place notes on the bottles.
c. place bottles briefly into cold water  d. pour boiling water into bottles
A. d a c b   B. a b c d    C. b d c a   D. a d c b
56. According to the text, which of the following is right?
A. The way to can food has been found by ancient Chinese.
B. Canning uses water to kill bacteria.
C. Hard fruits are suitable for cold method.
D. The boiling water will take away the air in the bottle.
57. What does the word “vacuum” mean in the – paragraph?
A. a missing situation   B. a gap   C. an enclosed space without air  D. a hole
58. what’s the best title of the text?
A. The advantages of canning food.
B. Canning food and health.
C. Put fruits and vegetables into cans.
D. How to make canning food.

Sweet potatoes are fat-free, high in fiber and full of the vitamins that research suggests reduce your risk of life-shortening diseases. To stay healthy, we must eat more fruits and vegetables, and sweet potatoes are a great source of beta carotene(胡萝卜素) and other carotenoids(which the body turns into vitamin A). According to a study of the diets of almost 90,000 nurses, eating about one cup a day of fruits and vegetables rich in carotenoids can cut your risk of stroke in half and reduce your risk of heart disease by 22 percent. Other research suggests beta carotene protects against breast, lung and stomach cancers.
Beta carotene is the most famous member of the carotenoids family. In face, a medium-sized sweet potato contains nearly 12mg of beta carotene(anti-aging experts usually suggest 6 to 11 mg per day). Sweet potatoes are also a low-fat source of vitamin E. Research has linked high E diets with a lower risk of heart disease. This vitamin pill in an orange jacket also packs a vitamin C punchit which has more C than apricots (a kind of fruit). Research suggests that vitamin C protects against ailments (小疾) ranging from cataracts(an eye disease) to cancer. In addition, a UCLA (University of California Los Angeles) study linked high vitamin C diets with a longer life. Recent studies have showed that antioxidant Vitamins C, E and beta carotene fight a fierce battle against free radicals (自由基),which cause cell damage and lead to various illness. Therefore, to keep fit, eat more sweet potatoes.
72. According to the text, there exists a lot of ______in sweet potatoes.
A. fiber, beta carotene, other carotenoids, Vitamin E and C
B. beta carotene, other carotenoids, fiber, Vitamin A and E
C. Vitamin A, beta carotene, fiber, Vitamin E and C
D. beta carotene, other carotenoids, Vitamin A and E
73. This text as a whole suggests that eating sweet potatoes can help______.
A. cut your risk of stroke and heart disease
B. protect against breast, lung and stomach cancers
C. protect against ailments ranging from cataracts to cancers
D. you stay healthy and reduce your risk of life-shortening diseases
74. “ This vitamin pill in an orange jacket” in the passage refers to______.
A. sweet potato     B. vitamin C pill
C. vitamin E pill    D. beta carotene
75. The best title of this passage might be______.
A. On sweet potatoes             B. The vitamin superstar
C. Beta carotene and vitamins      D. Diet and disease

It was Thanksgiving morning and in the crowded kitchen of my small home I was busy preparing the traditional Thanksgiving turkey when the doorbell rang. I opened the front door and saw two small children in rags(破旧衣服) huddling together inside the storm door on the top step.
"Any old papers, lady? " asked one of them.
I was busy. I wanted to say "no" until I looked down at their feet. They were wearing thin little sandals(凉鞋), wet with heavy snow.
“Come in and I'll make you a cup of hot cocoa.”
They walked over and sat down at the table. Their wet sandals left marks upon the floor. I served them cocoa and bread with jam to fight against the cold outside. Then I went back to the kitchen and started again on my household budget.
The silence in the front room struck me. I looked in. The girl held the empty cup in her hands, looking at it. The boy asked in a flat voice, "Lady, are you rich? "
"Am I rich? no!"
I looked at my shabby slipcovers(旧家具套). The girl put her cup back in its saucer (茶托;浅碟)carefully and said, "Your cups match your saucers." Her voice was hungry with a need that no amount of food could supply. They left after that, holding their bundles of papers against the wind. They hadn't said "Thank you." They didn't need to. They had reminded me that I had so much for which to be grateful.
Plain blue china(瓷的) cups and saucers were only worth five pence. But they matched.
I tasted the potatoes and stirred the meat soup. Potatoes and brown meat soup, a roof over our heads, my man with a good steady job--these matched, too.
I moved the chairs back from the fire and cleaned the living room. The muddy prints of small sandals were still wet upon my floor. Let them be for a while, I thought, just in case I should begin to forget how rich I am.
1. Why did the writer let the children in?
A. She showed great pity on them.
B. She wanted to sell old papers.
C. She knew them and wanted to make them a cup of cocoa.
D. She wanted to invite them to her Thanksgiving party.
2. The girl thought the writer was rich perhaps because_________
A. she saw that the lady's room was comfortable
B. she saw the cups matched the saucers
C. the writer's slipcovers were very new
D. the woman had expensive clothes
3.What was the weather probably like when the story happened?
A. cloudy     B. sunny      C. windy      D. snowy
4. From the passage, we can infer that whether you are rich depends on_______
A. how much money you have had    B. how you feel about your life
C. how you have helped others       D. what job you are doing

For many years, no one could communicate with people who had been born without hearing. These deaf people were not able to use a spoken language.
But, beginning in the 1700s, the deaf were taught a special language. Using this language, they could share thoughts and ideas with others. The language they used was a language without sound. It was a sign language.
How did this sign language work? The deaf were taught to make certain movements using their hands, faces, and bodies. These movements stood for things and ideas. People might move their forefingers across their lips. This meant, “You are not telling the truth.” They might tap their chins with three fingers. This meant “my uncle.”
The deaf were also taught to use a finger alphabet (字母). They used their fingers to make the letters of the alphabet. In this way, they spelled out words. Some deaf people could spell out words at a speed of 130 words per minute.
Sign language and finger spelling are not used as much as they once were. Today, the deaf are taught to understand others by watching their lips. They are also taught how to speak.
1. The deaf “talked” to other people __________.
A. by moving their hands, faces and bodies
B. by shouting and singing
C. without using any letters         
D. without using any language
2. The deaf could spell out words __________.
A. by reading them aloud
B. by going here and there
C. by expressing the letters with their fingers
D. by watching others
3. Now, the deaf are trained to __________.
A. write sentences quickly
B. understand others by lip-reading
C. be good at mind-reading
D. keep alone happily
4. The story as a whole is about __________.
A. learning to spell                      B. teaching the deaf to speak   
C. how the deaf communicate             D. understanding Indian sign language

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