
 David Wroblewski's The Story of Edgar Sawtelle explores the silent world of the novel's hero,Edgar Sawtelle,living in Wisconsin during the middle of the 20th century. Born unable to speak,the boy seems to prefer the language of dogs more than the words of people. From his earliest memories,his favorite job on the farm was to name the new born dogs. As he grows older,his connection with the dogs becomes deeper. He helps to train them through sign lan?guage.

  The novel begins with Edgar's grandfather,telling readers about how the dog farm began. When Edgar's father,Gar,dies strangely,Edgar blames his uncle,Claude,his father's younger brother,who has meant nothing but trouble for the family. When Claude falls in love with Edgar's mother,Trudy,Edgar is shocked and very angry.

  The story is filled with loving family memories until Claude arrives,returning to the farm he abandoned long ago. Edgar finds Claude to be twofaced. The man presents his best side to Edgar's mother. She falls in love with him,allowing him to fill in the vacant spaces left behind from her husband's death. Edgar sees the other side of Claude,a side that Edgar finds danger?ous.

  When tensions become too strong between Edgar and Claude,Edgar takes his favorite dogs and runs away from home. For the story itself,this tension raises the level of curiosity for the reader. It is at this point that the novel takes on the form of a mystery or a sort of detective story. Edgar fears that the police are looking for him because of an accidental death that he played a part in. Readers may worry that Edgar might be caught because Claude tells local offi?cials that Edgar committed murder. In the end,it is Edgar against Claude―a fight to the finish. Unfortunately,there are no winners.

  The Story of Edgar Sawtelle was Wroblewski's first novel. It took him ten years to com?plete it. Literary critics praise the author's writing,especially in the first half of the story. Some critics,however,hold the opposite opinion. And,some have found the second half to be too artificially operated.

(   ) 1. As a whole,this passage is         . ,

   A. a news report   B. a horrible story

   C. a book review   D. a research paper

(   ) 2. Which of the following is true about Edgar?

   A. He is badly treated by the police.

   B. He is good at training different kinds of dogs.

   C. He is angry that his mother doesn't love his father at all.

   D. He thinks Claude is possibly linked to his father's death.

(   ) 3. According to the passage,Claude's arrival         .

   A. makes the family surprised

   B. disturbs the happy family life

   C. immediately causes Edgar's anger

   D. leads to the death of Edgar's grandfather

(   ) 4. From the passage,we know that         .

   A. the opinions about the novel are mixed

   B. in fact,the novel is a very good detective story

   C. David Wroblewski wrote the novel in Wisconsin

   D. on the farm,all the dogs are trained through sign language

1-4 CDBA     


1. C推理判断题。本文主要介绍了小说《索特尔家的狗》的故事梗概以及作者的简要信息和小说得到的反响,是一则书评。

2. D推理判断题。根据第二段"When Edgar's father,Gar,dies strangely,Edgar blames his uncle,Claude,his father's younger brother,who has meant nothing but trouble for the fami?ly."可知,Edgar的父亲离奇去世时,他责怪他的叔叔Claude ,而Claude是一个一无是处还给家里添乱的人。由此可推知,Edgar认为他父亲的死很可能与他的叔叔有关。

3. B细节理解题。根据第三段"The story is filled with loving family memories until Claude arrives,returning to the farm he abandoned long ago."可知,Claude的归来扰乱了一家人幸福的生活。

4. A细节理解题。根据最后一段"Literary critics praise the author's writing,especially in the first half of the story. Some critics,however,hold the opposite opinion. And,some have found the second half to be too artificially operated."可知,文学评论家赞扬了作者的写作,特别是小说的上半部分。然而,也有人持相反观点。还有一些评论家认为下半部分过于做作。由此可知,大家对该小说观点不一致。


  Onions make you cry,add flavor to food and are praised for their medical benefits. Now the vegetable has another use―powering up green energy.

  A new system was first used on Friday that converted onion juice into electricity at Gills Onions,the largest fresh onion processor in the United States.

The Oxnard,Californiabased company expects its new onionfueled power to reduce its electric bill by $700,000 a year and cut its annual greenhouse gas emissions by up to 30 ,000 tons.

  The happy ending to this green energy tale,however,started with another question:how to get rid of onion waste.

  "When we peel an onion,35 to 40 percent of the onion comes off before we have a usable onion. That's the top,tail and skin around the onion before you get to the meat," said Steven Gill,coowner of the 25-year-old company.

  They used to put the waste into the fields for composting,but that became a problem. Ten years ago,Gill started looking at technology for a solution.

  "We ended up cutting up the skins as they come out of the plant and extracting all the juice,which is very high in sugars,and bacteria love that stuff," Gill said.

In the new system,bacteria produce methane gas from the juice. The gas then goes to two 300-kilowatt fuel cells,creating enough power for 460 homes. The company expects to get 35-40 percent of its electricity from the onsite generator.

  The company invested $9. 5 million in the project and will receive $ 2. 7 million from Southern California Gas Co.,as part of a state program to encourage selfcontained generation by businesses. In addition to cutting its electric bill,the company will save $400,000 in trans?port expense and expects payback in six years.

(   ) 6. What's the new use of onions mentioned in the text?

   A. To make people energetic. B. For medical use.

   C. To produce green power. D. For composting the fields.

(   ) 7. Which of the statements is true according to the passage?

   A. The Oxnard expects to reduce its electric bill to $ 700,000 a year.

   B. This project comes from the solution to deal with onion waste.

   C. How to get rid of onion waste remains a big problem.

   D. The juice extracted from onion is low in sugar.

(   ) 8. We can learn from the passage that         .

   A. the researchers are trying to get rid of bacteria in onion

   B. Steven Gill is 25 years old

   C. it is the bacteria that helps to produce energy from the juice

   D. the company will make a profit of $400,000 in six years

(   ) 9. What's the main idea of the text?

   A. How to deal with onion waste.

   B. A U. S. company makes money from onion juice.

   C. Onions can be used in many ways.

   D. A U. S. company converts onion juice to electricity.

 Aftershock,a movie about the 1976 Tangshan earthquake,has grossed over 160 million yuan at the Chinese box office since its opening on July 22,the State Administration of Radio Film and Television (SARFT) said Monday.

  The movie earned more than 100 million yuan within three days of its release,breaking the Chinese box office record previously held by The Founding of a Republic.

  Aftershock set its first box office record on its release day when it earned 36. 2 million yuan―the highest box office ever for a local movie on its opening day.

  It is about a mother's threedecade journey leading to an emotional reunion with the daugh?ter she thought she had lost in the earthquake. The Tangshan earthquake left more than 240,000 dead.

  A survey on sina. com,one of China's major news portals,shows nearly half of the 20 ,015 people surveyed said the movie was "very good and surpassed expectations".

About one quarter of those surveyed said the great performances of the movie's cast moved them the most.

  Also there was laughter during the movie's screening,especially when advertisements were inserted into the story line of the movie and given closeup shots.

  Fifteen minutes of the movie's total length of two and a half hours were for these advertise?ments,which have drawn criticism from the media as well as the public.

  In an interview with Xinhua on Monday,Zhang Hongsen,vice director of the SARFT film department said advertisements placed in movies were necessary for film makers to make profits,as piracy poses a threat to their revenues.

  He said a tougher crackdown on piracy was essential to solving the problem of such adver?tisements placed into movies.

(   ) 5. What does the author want to tell us by the first three paragraphs?

   A. The film Aftershock earns lots of money.

   B. Aftershock is a successful film.

   C. Aftershock can match the film The Founding of a Republic.

   D. Aftershock broke the Chinese box office.

(   ) 6. What's the attitude of the audience to Aftershock^

   A. The film isn't good because it's beyond expectations.

   B. The performances of the movie are exciting.

   C. It's amusing because there was laughter in the movie.

   D. It deserves watching because it's moving.

(   ) 7. What's the opinion of the audience about the ads in the film?

   A. It's suitable for it can adjust audience's mood.

   B. It's necessary for film makers to make profits.

   C. It's out of harmony with so good a film.

   D. The time is not long compared with the length of the film.

(   ) 8. We can know about Aftershock from the article EXCEPT that         .

   A. it's based on the 1976 Tangshan earthquake

   B. it deals with the reunion of a mother and her daughter after 30 years

   C. the mother knew that her daughter was alive long before they met

   D. the mother and her daughter are lucky compared to the 240,000 dead

  Extremely hot weather is common in many parts of the world. Although hot weather just makes most people feel hot,it can cause serious medical problems―even death. Recently,extreme heat was blamed for killing more than one hundred people in India. Experts say heat may be nature's deadliest killer.

  The total heat of a hot day or several hot days can affect health. Several hot days are considered a heat wave. Experts say heat waves often become dangerous when the nighttime temperature does not drop much from the highest daytime temperature. This causes great stress on the human body.

  The most common health problem linked to hot weather is heat stress. The causes of heat stress include wearing heavy clothing,physical work or exercise,hot weather or high humidity (湿度) .

  Untreated heat stress can lead to a more serious problem called heat exhaustion. A person suffering from heat exhaustion loses too much water through perspiration (流汗) .The person becomes dehydrated. Heat exhaustion also can lead to heat stroke if it is not treated. Heat stroke is the most serious disorder linked to hot weather.

  Generally,the body temperature rises to more than forty degrees Celsius. The body stops perspiring. The skin becomes dry and very hot. A person may become unconscious,not knowing what is happening.

  Health experts say adults should drink about two liters of water a day to replace all the water lost in liquid wastes and perspiration.

  In hot weather,drinking cool liquids is best. Cool drinks do more than just replace lost body water. They also help cool us faster than warm liquids do. This is because they take up more heat inside the body and carry it away faster. Yet experts advise against drinking sweet liquids in hot weather. The sugar they contain slows the liquid from getting into the blood system. Doctors also warn against alcoholic drinks. Alcohol speeds the loss of body water through liquid wastes.

  Doctors say actions other than drinking water can protect against the health dangers of heat. Stay out of the sun,if possible. Wear loose,lightweight and lightcolored clothes. Also,rest more often. Physical activity produces body heat.

  Experts say these simple steps can prevent the dangerous health problems linked to heat. They will prevent sickness,help you feel better and may one day even save your life.

(   ) 5. The example in the first paragraph indicates that         .

   A. India is not a suitable place for people to live in

   B. extreme heat can be deadly and fatal

   C. extreme heat is the main cause for death in India

   D. Indian government is to blame for not taking active measures

(   ) 6. Which of the following is NOT the cause of heat stress?

   A. Low humidity.

   B. Hot weather.

   C. Wearing heavy clothing.

   D. Physical exercise.

(   ) 7. What does the underlined word "dehydrated" mean in Paragraph 4?

   A. The body stops perspiring.

   B. The body temperature is high.

   C. The body loses much salt through perspiration.

   D. The body loses large amounts of body water.

(   ) 8. What can we learn from the passage?

   A. We should drink cool liquids and sweet liquids in hot weather.

   B. Drink plenty of water can solve the problem of heat exhaustion.

   C. When the body temperature is over 40 degrees Celsius,a person is sure to die.

   D. Physical activity can help us prevent the dangerous problems linked to heat.

 She is a pretty,charming and quiet girl. As a daughter,she has no 1        towards her mother,who is very pleased with her. But recently she has become 2        mysterious,not so openminded as before. She has a 3       that she keeps under lock and key. Mother cannot help 4       ,her: What if she falls in love,which is too 5        for a girl of her age? After all she is 6        the " dangerous stage". These thoughts have caused trouble in the mother's mind.

  One weekend the girl came back 7        that she was going to the cinema with her schoolmate and would return late. As this was the first time,her mother 8      ,but still couldn't resist worrying because she had never been 9        at night before. The mother waited till nine and her 10        got the upper hand over her. She decided going out to meet her daughter. Just at the moment the noise of a car pulling up 11       her to the window and there was her daughter,12       goodbye to a boy. Her heart 13       a beat. When the girl came in,the mother was watching TV,pretending nothing had happened. "Mum,Fm 14       ,” "Yeah." "Sorry to be late. Still 15      ?" "Yes. Oh,that ... Who's that boy?" The daughter was 16        for a moment. "Ah. It's my monitor. He gave me a 17       on his way home. Mum,I'm going to bed. " "All right. Go to sleep early."

  Next morning when the mother went to the daughter's room to 18        some tidying,she found her diary 19        at her pillow. After a few minutes' hesitation,she eventually opened it to the entry of the night before. It reads:Mum,it's love that 20        you ask,but it would be tacit (心照不宣的) understanding if you hadn't.

Holding the diary,the mother fell in thought.

(   ) 1. A. words   B. secrets   C. disappoinment   D. shortcomings

(   ) 2. A. somehow   B. anyway   C. somewhat   D. certainly

(   ) 3. A. diary   B. note   C. box   D. letter

(   ) 4. A. complaining of   B. appealing to

   C. allowing for   D. worrying about

(   ) 5. A. early   B. dangerous   C. urgent   D. unbelievable

(   ) 6. A. reflecting   B. reaching   C. rejecting   D. representing

(   ) 7. A. describing   B. speaking   C. reporting   D. telling

(   ) 8. A. agreed   B. believed   C. refused   D. bargained

(   ) 9. A. faraway   B. off   C. away   D. far

(   ) 10. A. disagreement   B. dissatisfation  

       C. unhappiness   D. uneasiness

(   ) 11. A. drove   B. pulled   C. drew   D. carried

(   ) 12. A. waving   B. swinging   C. speaking   D. showing

(   ) 13. A. got   B. lost   C. drove   D. missed

(   ) 14. A. here   B. there   C. back   D. late

(   ) 15. A. doing up   B. sitting up   C. making up   D. picking up

(   ) 16. A. speechless   B. moved   C. tired   D. amused

(   ) 17. A. word   B. ride   C. hand   D. lift

(   ) 18. A. have   B. make   C. keep   D. do

(   ) 19. A. open   B. left   C. shut   D. kept

(   ) 20. A. forced   B. reminded   C. made   D. persuaded

  Next week,I will travel to Europe to attend the G8 summit. At this meeting,the leaders of industrialized nations will discuss ways to advance trade,fight disease,promote development that works,increase access to education,and address the longterm challenge of global climate change.

  When we help lift societies out of poverty,we create new markets for American goods and new jobs for American workers. When we help reduce disorder and suffering,we make America safer,because prosperous nations are less likely to breed (繁殖) violence and export terror.

  On Tuesday,America took new action to address the ongoing genocide (种族大屠杀) in Darfur. On my orders,the Department of Treasury tightened our existing economic sanctions (制裁) against Sudan and imposed additional ones. The people of Darfur have suffered long enough. We will not ignore a crisis that challenges the conscience of the world.

  On Wednesday,the United States demonstrated leadership on another crisis affecting Africa . HIV/AIDS. In2003,my Administration launched a$15 billion Emergency Plan for AIDS relief,and I've asked Congress to double our plan for HIV/AIDS prevention to$30 billion over the next five years.

  On Thursday,I announced three new initiatives (措施) that will help the developing world. The first initiative is a new project called the Africa Financial Sector Initiative. This initiative will help bring African nations the technical assistance they need and it will encourage the international financial community to promote up to$1 billion of new private investment in Africa.

  The second initiative is to help more of the world's poorest children get an education. My Administration has provided about$300 million to improve educational opportunities throughout that continent. Now,with the support of Congress,we will devote$525 million over the next five years to help provide a quality basic education for up to four million children in poor nations.

  The third initiative is a proposal to help developing nations meet their growing energy needs while protecting the environment and addressing the challenge of global climate change.

  In all these endeavors,the American people can be proud of our global leadership and generosity. Our Nation is delivering aid and comfort to those in need. We're helping expand opportunity across the world. We're laying the foundation for a more peaceful and hopeful future for all our citizens.

(   ) 5. Which may not be discussed during the G8 summit?

   A. Ways to deal with greenhouse effects.

   B. New medicines and treatment for AIDS.

   C. A new system to set curricula in universities.

   D. Increasing the number of import and export products.

(   ) 6. We can infer from the passage that         .

   A. America has taken measures to stop the genocide in Darfur

   B. America will come up with three initiatives at the G8 summit

   C. America will benefit a lot from helping achieve the goals of the G8 summit

   D. America has decided to spend$825 million helping children get an education

(   ) 7. The speaker made this speech in order to         .

   A. make an official report of the government's work

   B. tell the public the purpose to attend the G8 summit

   C. inform the world what America has done for them

   D. say goodbye to the public before he travels to Europe

(   ) 8. From the tone of the speech,we can see that the speaker is         .

   A. optimistic   B. confident   C. generous   D. broadminded

  One of the biggest new bands in the UK at the moment is Arctic Monkeys. Their first two singles went straight to number one in the charts and their first record album Whatever People Say I Am,That's What Vm Not has become a recordbreaking album. It's the fastestselling debut album in UK chart history.

  Arctic Monkeys are not only wellknown because of their massive success. They achieved their success thanks to the Internet. Usually a new band signs to a record company and it is through marketing and promotion that people then buy singles. The single sales then get the band into the charts and they become popular that way.

  However,Arctic Monkeys became wellknown in a slightly different way. Back in 2003 when the band first started,they handed out CDs at their concert. Certain fans liked the music so much that they put the music up on the web. The general public gained access to this music because it was on the Internet and,because people liked the music,the band's popularity increased.

  The band's popularity was starting to get noticed by major radio stations in the UK. When the band appeared at two major UK music festivals in the summer of 2005,they were quite lowdown among the programmes. However,an unusually large crowd turned up because music fans knew the band's music from the Internet.

  Arctic Monkeys released their first single in October 2005. Previous to that,their music had only been available to download on the Internet. When they did finally release a single and an album,they both shot to the top of the charts. Music fans welcome the use of the Internet this way and Arctic Monkeys became popular simply because people liked their music when they heard it. There was no too much promotion and no marketing campaign. Many people are saying this is a taste of things to come. As music downloads continue to increase in popularity,we can expect to see more and more bands make it big in this way.  

(   ) 1. What is mainly introduced about Arctic Monkeys in the passage?

   A. The way it became popular.

   B. Its great success in Britain.

   C. Popular records made by it.

   D. The personal life of its members.

(   ) 2. Which of the following statements about the band is true?

   A. When first started,they put their music on the web themselves.

   B. Their first record sells most in UK history.

   C. Most people didn't get to know the band from radio stations.

   D. The band became popular with the help of a record company.

(   ) 3. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

   A. A school band. B. Internet band.

   C. A new band. D. International band.

(   ) 4. The last paragraph in the passage is to show       .

   A. Why Arctic Monkeys are liked by many people.

   B. The best way to be popular is to sign to a record company.

   C. More and more new bands will appear to take the place of it.

   D. Internet will play an important role in the music popularity.

(   ) 5. Which of the following best show the structure of the passage?

   A. Introduction-Discussion-Supporting example

   B. Topic-Argument-Explanation

   C. Introduction-Description-Conclusion

   D. Opinion-Discussion-Description

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