There are a lot of differences between Americans and Chinese in romance. The main differences are in physical actions and oral expression. In physical actions, Americans are more open. They hug each other when they meet together and give kisses to each other when they want to express their love. They share their emotions directly.
Unlike Americans, Chinese are shy about showing their feelings physically. They always keep their emotions under control. The only romantic hint is to hold hands with each other in their own room. They take working hard and being responsible as ways to show their romantic feelings to their spouses (配偶).
In oral expression, Americans say sweet words to each other any time, such as "I love you", "Honey", etc. They send cards to show the feelings of apology and being sorry, greetings and appreciation. Americans are open-minded. In contrast, Chinese rarely say "I like you" to each other. Even if they do something wrong, they don’t apologize to their spouses. They think that there is nothing to be sorry for between a couple. They believe that buying gifts for each other is a waste of money. They think that to do their best and support the family in the wealthy condition shows their love to the spouse. That is much better than saying sweet words. In conclusion, Americans are open and direct, but Chinese are shy. There is really a lot of difference in romantic expression between the American and Chinese.
46. How do Americans show romance in a physical way?
47. What can we conclude from Americans’ romantic expressions?
48. What do Americans and Chinese do to show congratulations to someone?
49. What do Chinese do to show their romantic feeling to their spouses?
50. Why do Chinese think it unnecessary to apologize to one’s wife or husband?
46. They show love to their lovers by hugging and kissing.
47. From their ways of showing romance, we may conclude that Americans are more open and direct than the Chinese while the Chinese are a bit shy and indirect.
48. They will show it in different ways. Americans will send cards to each other, while the Chinese won’t do the same. They think it a waste of money to do that.
49. They think the best way is to work harder and be responsible for their family, which they think is to show their romantic feelings to their spouse.
50. Because they think they are a couple and there is nothing wrong between them.