¡¾1¡¿Services should be run to suit the______(·½±ã£©of the customer, not the staff.
¡¾2¡¿My_____(סËÞ£©was arranged in a local family.
¡¾3¡¿Don¡¯t____ (ÓÌÔ¥£©to contact me if you need any more information.
¡¾4¡¿I've made a few ___ (µ÷Õû£©to the design.
¡¾5¡¿The ____(·´Ó¦)of the audience was much beyond our expectation.
¡¾6¡¿For your own_____ (°²È«), please keep away from the tiger cage.
¡¾7¡¿I felt greatly _______(ÈÙÐÒ)to be honored to be welcomed into the society.
¡¾8¡¿Two teenagers picked up the old man and _a_____(Åã°é£©him to a nearby hospital.
¡¾9¡¿A___ (Îä×°)with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasures.
¡¾10¡¿The police a_____(·¢¹Û} the suspect in a supermarket.
¡¾3¡¿¾äÒ⣺Èç¹ûÄãÐèÒª¸ü¶àµÄÐÅÏ¢¼°Ê±¸úÎÒÁªÏµ¡£hesitate to do sth.ÓÌԥȥ×öijÊ£¬¹Ê´ð°¸Îªhesitate¡£
¡¾4¡¿¾äÒ⣺¶ÔÉè¼ÆÎÒÒѾ×öÁ˼¸¸öµ÷Õû¡£a fewÐÞÊοÉÊýÃû´Ê¸´Êý£¬´ð°¸Îªadjustments¡£
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