
The car, running along the well?lit road now sank in darkness. I broke the ____ on purpose, ____ that the driver was too tired to drive. “When do you go back home in the evening?” “9 o'clock after this ____.” “Then when do you come out in the morning?” I ____ another question. “9 o'clock, too—just as if I worked at an office.” His ____ surprised me, because every time I ride a taxi, what I ____ from the driver are only complaints that they have to work from morning till night, it's hard to earn money, they're often ____ by the police, or that their leaders are seated lazily, ____ the fruits. But this driver told me, “I find it ____ to be a section chief as I was before. I like driving just for ____. It's fortunate that I hardly drive ____ a passenger. So I earn two or three thousand yuan a month with ease. Yes, I never ____ an empty taxi. If it goes southward, I go northward. If it goes along a ____, I turn into a narrow street...”

His words showed his ____ with his life and the pride he ____ in his job. Such feelings are so rare among people nowadays as oxygen in high ____. As an ancient saying goes, “Neither joy in material ____ nor grieve (悲痛) over personal setbacks.” How many people nowadays can show high ideals by ____ living and go far with a calm mind? I couldn't help feeling ____ when finding such a state of mind in a stranger on a cold ____.

【小题】A. window B. stillness C. silence D. quietness

【小题】A. on condition B. for fear C. in belief D. in order

【小题】A. night B. trip C. cycle D. process

【小题】A. threw out B. gave away C. made up D. led to

【小题】A. character B. confidence C. attitude D. easiness

【小题】A. suffer B. request C. benefit D. hear

【小题】A. detected B. ordered C. fined D. seized

【小题】A. keeping B. tasting C. enjoying D. choosing

【小题】A. exciting B. disappointing C. tiring D. amazing

【小题】A. freedom B. pleasure C. hobby D. company

【小题】A. without B. with C. behind D. beside

【小题】A. follow B. admire C. envy D. meet

【小题】A. route B. path C. railway D. highway

【小题】A. intelligence B. satisfaction C. competition D. honesty

【小题】A. made B. held C. caught D. took

【小题】A. buildings B. mountains C. standard D. heaven

【小题】A. gains B. concerns C. supports D. loss

【小题】A. special B. happy C. simple D. original

【小题】A. angry B. content C. dangerous D. curious

【小题】A. morning B. night C. moment D. season























1.too... to... 表示“太……而不能”,由此判断选C项,作者有意打破沉默,以免司机因为疲劳而出问题。



4.问了第一个问题之后,我接着对他发问。用throw out表示“随口说出”,如throw out one's suggestion“说出某人的建议”。B“赠送,泄露”,C“编造,虚构”,D“导致,造成”。







11.这里用hardly... without的双重否定表示肯定的含义:很幸运,我几乎从来没有拉过空车。




15.从搭配看,这里用take pride in表示“以……自豪”。







Why do you need British Accent Training? With the growth in the number of employees from Egypt, Spain and China, organizations need to ensure that their workers are able to communicate effectively with customers and colleagues alike.

First Language Influence (FLI) can have a great effect on an employee’s accent. British Accent Training from Communicaid will help your overseas workers decrease the influence of their first language.

Whether through online training courses or face- to- face classes, Communicaid offers suitable training solutions for your organisation’s international business.

A Communicaid’s British Accent Training course will provide your workers with the ability to :

---increase their customer experience and satisfaction,

---communicate more effectively with customers and colleagues by decreasing first language influenced accent,

---strengthen relationships with customers and colleagues through more successful communication.

Course content

All Communicaid’s British Accent Training courses are designed to meet the specific needs of our clients depending on their specific situations.

Generally, a British Accent Training course includes:

---rhythm and stress patterns,

---pausing and breathing,

---relationship between spelling and pronunciation,

---accent familiarisation and listening practice.

Ways to learn

Training can be received worldwide through either face-to-face classes or one of our many online learning methods. Using a combination of published materials and those offered only by Communicaid, we design and offer programmes that will meet the need of our clients.

Our trainers

All Communicaid’s British Accent course trainers are native speakers with at least 3 years’ professional training experience in the field. A client’s British Accent trainer will be decided according to his goals and areas of focus.

1.We can learn from the article that Communicaid is a company that .

A .sells books

B .designs ads

C .offers communication skill training

D .offers language training

2.Who are the target readers of the article?

A .Overseas students.

B. Overseas workers.

C. Bosses employing workers whose first language is not English.

D. People whose partners come from a non- English-speaking country.

3.The article was written mainly to .

A .attract people to attend Communicaid’s courses

B .introduce the history of the company Commuicaid

C .give instructions on English pronunciation

D .tell the readers the importance of the British accent


“Reconstituted” families are more and more common in the UK.

Steve and Debbie got married in 2001 and had two children,Lily and Alex.Unfortunately,Steve and Debbie’s marriage didn’t work out and they got divorced in 2006.The children live with Debbie.In 2008,Debbie remarried.Her new husband,Martin,has three children from his previous marriage and they visit Debbie,Martin,Lily and Alex at weekends.In addition,Debbie is pregnant with her third child.She’s expecting a boy who will be a half?brother to Lily and Alex and also to Martin’s three other children.

Confused?Debbie’s family arrangements might have seemed strange 30 years ago but nowadays this kind of “reconstituted” family is increasingly common in the UK.Almost half of all marriages in Britain end in divorce and over 40% of marriages are remarriages.More than 10% of all British children live with one birth parent and a stepparent—a parent who isn’t their biological mother or father.The traditional “nuclear” family of two parents and their children is not so traditional any more.

What does all of this mean for parents in these “reconstituted” families?“There are difficulties and challenges,” says Debbie.“Different families have different routines and it can be difficult for children to move between their two families.Birthdays and holidays can be tricky.Where do the children go?Who should they spend their time with?Also,when my children are naughty it can be difficult for Martin to tell_them_off.Things that might be simple in a traditional family can be a bit more complicated.”

And how about the children?Martin’s eldest child,Ella,is 12.“I like my two families,” she says.“I live with my mum but visit my dad quite often and I’m happy that my mum and dad get along OK.They’re not married any more but it’s good that they can still be friends.” Of course divorce and separation are never easy but many families in the UK are finding ways to make family life work in new ways.

1.Why did Steve and Debbie get separated?

A.They couldn’t support the children.

B.They couldn’t get along well.

C.They were both out of work.

D.They had serious economic problems.

2.We can learn from the text that a “nuclear” family ________.

A.has two birth parents and their children

B.has two birth parents and only one child

C.is traditional but complicated

D.doesn’t have any children

3.What do the underlined words “tell them off” in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?

A.make them annoyed B.send them to school

C.let out their secrets D.talk angrily to them

4.What’s the text mainly about?

A.The difference between “marriage” and “remarriage”.

B.More and more people get divorced in the UK.

C.“Reconstituted” families are becoming more and more in the UK.

D.The marriage situation is becoming severe.


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