
Thencame the disturbing newsthat Dolly had become seriously ill.

分析 接着传来让人不安的消息:多利羊患上了重病.

解答 答案是 came the disturbing news;本题考查语境中选用恰当的词或短语;disturbing adj.令人不安的;the disturbing news  令人不安的消息;英语中then放在句首句中需要用完全倒装的语序;题干中讲述的是过去的事,故主句正常语序为"the disturbing news came",Then位于句首,将动词came提到主语前,故答案是came the disturbing news.

点评 汉译英要对比汉语句和英语句,分析题干中缺少什么;在根据所缺部分的含义选择适当的词、短语或结构,注意形式变化.

2.Everyone seems to be living for someone else.
I had once helped a friend run a watermelon stall.I noticed something interesting:almost every buyer would lift the melon up to their ear,and tap it,apparently trying to listen to something.I wondered what they expected to hear.Finally I could no longer hold back my curiosity and asked a customer-an elderly gentleman-about this.Hearing my question,he roared with laughter.Then he replied in a self-mocking (自嘲) tone,"Young lady,I have been doing this for more than fifty years.But all I know is that everybody would stare at you as if you were a fool if you just pick up a melon and leave!"
Not long after that,my watermelon stall friend sent me an invitation to her wedding,which really surprised me.I asked her,"Why are you seized by a sudden desire to get married?I don't remember ever hearing you mention that you've got a boyfriend."She answered while counting money,"Everyone has to get married anyway,so it is better to get married sooner than later."
I could think of no word to refute (反驳) her.It seems that everybody is living for everybody else and has forgotten the need of their own heart.It may be safe and save a lot of worries by following others'suit in doing things.The use of WE or US will give one a steady and sure sense of pride.But why do people usually feel uneasy when using"I"?.
I find all these things somewhat funny.We have got used to following others'example.We feel at ease and justified simply because this is a way of US,a way which has been practiced by so many people.But is this massive practice really right?

25.Why did the elderly gentleman tap the watermelon before buying it?C
A.Because he expected to hear something.
B.Because he was a fool.
C.Because he just wanted to follow the crowd.
D.Because it was his habit and it was hard for him to give it up.
26.Which word can replace the underlined word"justified"in the last paragraph?A
A.reasonable B.embarrassed C.excited D.disappointed
27.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?B
A.It may be safe to do what most people do.
B.People should live for others and forget their own heart.
C.The writer felt unexpected when her friend wanted to get married.
D.The use of We or I will give speakers themselves quite different senses.
28.In which section of a magazine can you read the passage?D
A.Nature and Art
B.Sport and Health
C.Science and Technology
D.Culture and Society.
17.It would have been a success story if Fullerton High School senior Fernando Rojas,the son of Mexican immigrants whose schooling stopped in the eighth grade,was accepted to college.But the 17-vear-o1d achieved a surprising clean sweep-he was accepted to every Ivy League (常春藤)schoo1.
"I am so lucky,"Roias told The Orange County Register on Saturday."When I got all  eight,it was a blessing and a curse because I had to choose.I was excited and scared and  everything at the same time."
The first call came from Yale University in February.Within weeks calls,emails and letters followed from the other seven universities.Rojas also was accepted by Stanford University and two nearby schools,the University of California,Irvine,and California State University,Fullerton.
He is one of four children of Raul Rojas,59,and wife,Mafia,56,who moved to Fullerton  from Jalisco,Mexico,in the early 1980s.
A national speech and debate champion,Rojas reasoned that if he applied to the eight Ivy  League schools,he might get into one.Sal Tinajero,Rojas'speech and debate coach at  Fullerton,told the newspaper that Rojas is a hardworking self-starter who thrives(茁壮成长)  on competition."His biggest motivation for speech and debate was his parents to know that  their hard work meant something,"Tinajero said.
After visiting several campuses,he settled on Yale,which costs 64,000ayearwithroomandboard.Heisresponsiblefor6,000;Yale scholarships and federal grant money cover the  rest.
He'll mostly take it easy during the summer before heading to Yale in late August.He's considering majoring in Latin American studies and perhaps a career as a lawyer or in  international affairs.
24.What do we know about Fernando Rojas from Paragraph l?D
A.His schooling stopped in the eighth grade.
B.He often did some cleaning in the schoo1.
C.People were confident that he would be successful.
D.His admission to famous universities was completely unexpected.
25.How many universities accepted Rojas altogether?A
26.How do we understand what Tinajero said?B
A.Rojas is good at speech and debate competition.
B.The hard work of his parents inspired Rojas greatly.
C.Rojas's parents knew Rojas loved them deeply.
D.Rojas's motivation was misundestood by his parents.
27.Why did Rojas choose Yale at last?C
A.Yale is famous for Latin American studies.
B.He wants to be a lawyer as his career.
C.He cares more about the expense.
D.Yale is responsible for all his cost.
4.The Lost Rules of Etiquette
    Etiquette,or good manners,used to be the glue that held society together.(36)DSadly,these days it has mostly gone by the wayside.This list is several best rules of etiquette that have now disappeared.
  Opening the Door
  In days gone by,a gentleman would always open doors for ladies.(37)FThis has now almost entirely disappeared-and it is not entirely the fault of the men.I have seen women laugh at men for opening a door for them.They seem to be confusing manners with chauvinism(大男子主义).
    Writing Thank-You Notes
    In days gone by,whenever a person received a gift,they would write a thank-you note as soon as possible.(38)EParents would sit children down after a birthday or Christmas and coach them in their first thank-you note.It is a shame that gift giving has now become a virtual obligation and the idea of a thank-you note would be laughed at.
(39)B   We seem to have completely lost the concept of correct timing when it comes to parties these days.(40)C After all,a party normally has a guest of honor-this is usually the oldest woman present.It was considered extremely rude in the past to leave a party before the guest of honor-and once the guest of honor left,it was a signal to all that they should begin their own preparations to leave.
A.Arriving on Time.
B.Leaving at the Right Time.
C.People leave with various excuses.
D.It enabled people to get on well with each other.
E.This rule was true even if the giver was a relative.
F.It could be the lady they were driving,or a stranger.
G.We've thrown away the concept of a guest of honor at will.
14.Relax during a job interview
Few people actually like job interviewing.It's nerve-wracking(伤脑筋的)trying to show your"best"self to a perfect stranger.(36)EThat's not easy.But there are some ways to pull yourself together and feel more confident.
Prepare solid talking points.It's always best to over-prepare for possible questions by not only researching the company and the person interviewing you,but also by preparing answers and practicing those responses.Review the skills and experiences requested in the job announcement and have two to three examples how you have demonstrated each one.(37)G
Remember:It's a two-way street.This is a conversation,not an interrogation (审问).(38)FRemembering that this is a back and forth discussion,where you can and should ask questions as well as answer them,can help you feel more comfortable.
Just breathe.(39)DYour body will relax a lot.You want to avoid upper chest breathing,as it tends to just move your stress upward to your face.
(40)AIf you go into an interview picking apart your outfit or imperfect responses,you're only hurting your chances of coming off as calm and collected.Turn off your negative self-talk and then create a different self-talk message,like,"I am here to share the best of my ability and that is all I can really do."
Work it out.Putting in some gym time on the morning of your interview can help you get rid of any tension.Exercise helps calm your nervous system and tends to reduce the stress.

A.Stop the negative thoughts.
B.Put your idea into practice.
C.When faced with an interviewer,you may be nervous.
D.Before you walk into your interview,take a few deep breaths.
E.You're trying to prove you're the one for the job and that you can handlestressful situations.
F.Don't forget that you're not the only one being interviewed-you're also interviewing the organization.
G.This will strengthen your answers and allow you to show how your experience is relevant to the job or organization for which you're interviewing.
1.It was once the comerstone of polite communication-but it seems that among today's  children letter writing is a dying art.
More than a quarter of seven to 14-year-olds have not written a letter in the past year,and one in ten has never written one,according to a new survey.But the study by World Vision  to mark its National Letter Writing Day found that in the previous week half of youngsters  had written an e-mail or posted a quick message on a social networking site.
"Handwritten letters are much more personal than electronic communication,"said child education expert Sue Palmer,author of Toxic Childhood."If children do not write or receive letters they miss out on key developmental benefits."
"By going to the trouble of physically committing words to paper,the writer shows their  investment of time and effort in a relationship.That's why we tend to hang on to personal  letters as keepsakes(纪念品).The effort of writing is a very real one for a child.Painstakingly  manoeuvring the pencil across the page,thinking of the best words to convey a message,struggling with spelling and punctuation,it's an effort worth making,because it's only through  practice that we become truly literate(能读会写)-and literacy is the hallmark of human  civilization."
BBC broadcaster and former headteacher,Roy Noble,said while he can understand that    this generation of children use texts and e-mail to communicate,he believes you can't beat    an old-fashioned letter for that personal touch.
"It's easy to see why children are getting out of the habit of writing letters,but there is  a certain charm that comes with a letter arriving in the post among the usual brown envelopes  and circulars."he said."I think it is important for children to know how to set out a letter,with the correct terms for personal and professional occasions."

32.What does the study by World Vision show?D
A.National Letter Writing Day is coming.
B.More children take up writing letters.
C.Letter writing is popular with youngsters.
D.The art of letter writing is fading away.
33.According to Sue Palmer,B.
A.personal letters can be kept as keepsakes
B.1etter writing is important for children's development
C.electronic communication is more personal
D.1iteracy plays no role in a relationship
34.What does the underlined word"manoeuvring"in Paragraph 4mean?C
35.What's the attitude of Roy Noble towards electronic communication?A
19.Some plants can produce bad smell to protect themselves.Also some plants have thorns as roses.The leaves of some plants can change color.Some plants can eat insects!
Lots of animals try to eat plants.But some plants have their ways of fighting back.For example,roses,and many other plants are covered with sharp thorns.When a big animal tried to bite them,it hurts!
It can be freezing cold in late winter-too cold for most flowers to grow.But some plants can make their own heat!Take a skunk cabbage for example.That's the name of a plant whose flowers open earlier than most other North American flowers.As the flower grows,it sometimes makes enough heat to melt(融化) its way through snow and even ice!
The heat also helps the flower give off a smell like rotten meat,which attracts many insects thathave come out early.The flies go inside the flower for food.Ha-ha,it's a trick!There's no food.But while a fly is in there,it gets covered with pollen(花粉).Then it may spread this pollen to the next skunk cabbage.Fooled you twice!
When an antelope or other large animal chews the leaves of an African acacia tree,the tree may call out a warning.
How?It may talk with gas!First the tree sends some chemicals into its leaves to make them taste bad.But it also may send a special gas out through its leaves.As the gas spreads to other acacia trees,it"tells"those trees,"Look out,hungry animals are coming!"Then the other trees may start sending the chemicals into their leaves.Soon,the antelope finds the first tree's leaves too smelly to eat.And when it moves to the next tree,and the next,it finds that their leaves taste unpleasant.The antelope may have to walk more than 50 yards away to find a tree it can eat.

32.What is special about skunk cabbage?C
A.Its leaves can eat insects
B.Its flowers open the earliest
C.It tricks flies into spreading pollen
D.It gives off a smell to melt snow
33.What does the underlined word"you"refer to in paragraph 4?C
A.The reader  B.The flower  C.The fly  D.The skunk cabbage
34.What does an African acacia tree do to protect itself?B
A.Move to the next tree
B.Send chemicals and a special gas
C.Cover itself with sharp thorns
D.Give off a smell like rotten meat
35.How does the passage develop?D
A.By using numbers
B.By telling stories
C.By comparing
D.By giving examples.

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