
【题目】Lakes, ponds, and beaches mean summer fun and cool relaxation from hot weather.But water also can be dangerous for kids if you don't take great care.Nearly 1,000 kids die each year by drowning.Here are some tips to keep your kids safe in the water:

At the Lake or Pond

●Don't let little kids swim alone without adult supervision— lakes or ponds may be shallow near the bank and are suddenly deep sharply further out from shore.

●Ponds and lakes may hide sharp rocks, broken glass, or rubbish.

●Make sure kids wear foot protection; even in the water, they should wear socks or water shoes.

●Watch out for weeds and grass in the water that could trap a leg or arm.

●Most boating accidents, particularly among teenagers, are related to alcohol.Be sure teens know about the dangers of alcohol, on and off the water.

At the Beach

●Teach kids to always swim when and where a lifeguard is on duty.Unlike the calm waters of a swimming pool, the beach has special dangers like currents and tides.Check with the lifeguard when you arrive to find out about the water conditions.

●Tell kids never to stand with their back to the water because a sudden wave can easily knock a child over.

●Teach kids that if they're caught in a dangerous wave, they should swim to the shore or should tread water and call for a lifeguard's help.

Whether at the lake or at the beach, teach your child to get out of the water during bad weather, especially lightning.

【1】Which is the right behavior when swimming at the beach? ________

A. Go off the water without a lifeguard on duty.

B. Go on swimming in a heavy rain.

C. Call for help if caught in a dangerous wave.

D. Go off the water before checking the water conditions.

【2】Swimming at a beach is more dangerous than in a pool because ________.

A. there are currents and tides at a beach

B. there are no lifeguards at a beach

C. the waters of a beach are more calm

D. the waters of a pool are warmer

【3】The passage is probably written for ________.

A. students at school

B. parents with little children

C. kids who want to learn swimming

D. coaches who teach kids to swim

【4】In which column of a magazine can you find this passage? ________

A. Sports B. Science

C. Entertainment D. Education







试题分析: 文章介绍了在游泳的时候,如何能让孩子安全,作者给出了实用的建议。

【1】C细节理解题。从倒数第二段的句子:Teach kids that if they're caught in a dangerous wave, they should swim parallel(顺行地) to the shore or should tread (踩)water and call for a lifeguard's help. 可知遇到危险的浪要呼救。故选C。

【2】A细节理解题。从文中的句子:Watch out for weeds and grass in the water that could trap a leg or arm. 可知孩子要当心杂草。故选A。

【3】B推理判断题。从文章多次提到的teach your child可知这篇文章是写给父母看的。故选B。




The importance of communication cannot be denied. Using effective communication skills is very important to relationships and success at work. There are a number of reasons that communication is so important to us. Here are a few:

_【1】____ When you clearly communicate your wants, your needs, and your purposes, there will be no misunderstanding. Many of our arrangements and disagreements occur simply because one of us did not communicate clearly.

Another example of the importance of communication can be seen in the medical field. When a doctor tells a patient his diagnosis(诊断) and gives instructions for care and medicine, it is important that the patient understands exactly what the doctor wants to communicate, __2____

Strengthen relationships. We get to know each other (either in business or personally) by talking and listening.___3__ People like people they know. In business, the more personable business person, who shows an interest in his or her customer, wins the sale-every time-over the business person who show no interest in the customer, whatever!

Relieve(缓解) stress. __4___ You feel as if some of the burden(负担) has been lifted from you when a friend listens and shows that he or she cares.

Increase confidence. When you communicate well, people respond positively to you. And that helps to increase your confidence!

The importance of communication skills becomes obvious when you think of the many times that you communicate with someone during a single day. 5

A. Build trust.

B. Prevent misunderstandings.

C. Otherwise, serious results could occur!

D. Knowing more about someone strengthens that relationship.

E. Taking the time to improve your communication skills is definitely worth the effort.

F. Talking about your problem and stress actually helps to relieve your stress and anxiety.

G. No matter what, interpersonal skills are the foundation of any relationship, business or personal.


【1】Smoking is not p_________(允许) in this factory but it is allowed in certain workshops.

【2】Mo Yan is a famous literature a___________(作家).

【3】It’s important to know your own s____________(优点) and weaknesses.

【4】If he wants to be better in health, he should have a b___________(平衡的) diet.

【5】He is in deep d____________(债务) in order to cure the disease of his mother.

【6】We can b_____________(受益) from reading books.

【7】Fruit juices can be h____________(有害的) to children’s teeth.

【8】This scientist has put forth a new t___________(理论) in his research field.

【9】The black cloud promises a v____________(猛烈地) storm.

【10】Earth is a rocky planet where there is liquid water, which is necessary for life to e___________(存在).

【11】There is a time l___________(限制) to what you will do.

【12】It is my b____________(信念) that we will succeed one day.

【13】Millions of people in Africa are still s____________(挨饿) to death at present.

【14】My partner often r___________(提醒) me to do homework. So I’m grateful to him.

【15】It was all my f_________(过错) that my son had made such a silly but serious mistake.

【16】Many people think the man dressed in r__________(衣衫褴褛) is a beggar.

【17】She is a very r_____________(虔诚的) person who goes to church every Sunday.

【18】The man is a ____________(钦佩) for helping others.

【19】This kind of fish doesn’t need to be cooked. It can be eaten r___________(生的).

【20】She rose, g___________(怒目而视) at the rude waiter.

【21】The scenery beyond the mountain is u_____________(难以置信地) beautiful.

【22】It’s rude of you to s___________(盯着看) the strangers in the street.

【23】Many a____________(奖) will be given to the winners in the coming music ceremony.

【24】Harry a_____________(道歉) to his teacher for coming to school late.

【25】She is u____________(不像) her mother; she is tall and her mother is very short.

【26】We should take measures to p____________(阻止) the river from being polluted.

【27】Without the reform of the economic management s_____________(制度), our industry will fail.

【28】The murder case was a p__________(谜) to the detective.

【29】A friend in need is a friend i____________(真正地).

【30】This money gives me i______________(独立) from my family.

【题目】China is a land of bicycles. At least it was back in 1992 when I traveled around the country. Everyone seemed to be riding a bicycle. Millions of them are black. Cars were rare. Yet since my arrival in Beijing, I've found the opposite (对立面) is true. There are millions of cars.

However, people still use their bicycles to get around. For many, it's the easiest and cheapest way to travel today. Bicycles also come in different colors silver, green, red, blue, yellow, whatever you want.

It's fun watching people biking. They rush quickly through crossroads, move skillfully through traffic, and ride even on pavements. Bicycles allow people the freedom to move about that cars just can't provide.

Wanting to be part of this way of Chinese culture, I decided to buy a bicycle. After my great buy, I immediately jumped up on my bicycle seat and started home.

My first ride home was orderly (守秩序的). To be

safe, I stayed with a "pack" of bikers while cars on the streets came running swiftly out of nowhere at times. I didn't want to get hit. So I took the ride carefully.

Crossing the streets was the biggest problem. It was a lot like crossing a major highway back in the United States. The streets here were wide, so crossing took time, skill and a little bit of luck.

I finally made it home. The feeling on the bicycle was amazing. The air was hitting my face and going through my hair. I was sitting on top of the world as I passed by places and people. Biking made me feel alive.

【1】According to the author, why are bicycles still popular in China today?

A. Because they are traditional and safe.

B. Because they are convenient (方便的) and cheap.

C. Because they are colorful and beautiful.

D. Because they are fast and environmentally friendly.

【2】The author decided to buy a bicycle because he meant _________.

A. to ride it for fun

B. to use it for transport

C. to experience local culture

D. to improve his riding skills

【3】How did the author feel about his street cross-ing?

A. It was boring. B. It was difficult.

C. It was lively. D. It was wonderful.

【4】Which of the following best describes the author's biking experience?

A. The author enjoyed showing off his biking skills.

B. The author was angry at the air while riding.

C. The author was praised by other bikers.

D. The author took great pleasure in biking.

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