
14.---Can you imagine that he paid 500yuan for the concert ticket?
---That's natural for him.He is ________________ music.(  )
A.aware ofB.crazy aboutC.long forD.ashamed of

分析 --你能想象他花了五百元买这张音乐会的票吗?

解答 be aware of"意识到";be crazy about"对…疯狂,着迷";long for"渴望得到",前面不能加be动词.be ashamed of"对…感到羞愧等",根据上下文语境及句子意思可知答案选B项,其他三项与语境和句意不符.

点评 本题考查形容词短语.形容词短语题是高考常考的内容,它注重考查考生对形容词及其短语的掌握和应用,做题时要结合语境及句意做出正确的选择.

1.Children in kindergarten are learning social skills.For this reason,it's important to tell the children what will make them become good citizens when they grow up.It's up to parents,teachers and all others involved with a kid to teach these skills.
Teaching kids to pick up things by themselves is a good way to teach them not to throw things on the ground.For example,if a class has to make paper cutouts (剪下的图样),after cutting,have the children pick up the wastepaper and place it in the wastebasket.
The golden rule of good citizenship should be taught at this age.The rule is"One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself".Teachers should ask their students how they want to be treated.There are many answers,such as not being treated in bad manners.The teacher should explain that others don't like to be scared,so you should not scare (使惊恐) others either.
Following the laws is good citizenship(公民义务).Proper games can be played in the classroom.Games have rules,and all students in the class should follow the rules of the games.If a child doesn't want to follow,it is up to the teacher to explain them to the child.Teaching children about following rules should help them understand the need to obey the law when they become adults.
1. 以约30个词概括这篇短文的内容要点;
2. 不少城市在创建文明城市.请以约120个词谈我们如何成为文明市民.内容包括:
(1)你认为文明市民 (a civilized citizen) 应具备什么素质,列举两三种文明行为;
2.Luo Gang was just five years old when he was kidnapped on his way to kindergarten by a couple he thought were friends of his parents.
   The bewildered(困惑的) young boy was plucked from his home in Yaojia Village and taken 900 miles away to Sanming,on the other side of China.
   There his new mum and dad changed his name,and he grew up with a sister instead of his biological brother.
   But he never forgot his first family and as an adult spent many years trying to track them down-despite being unable to remember his parents'names or that of the village where he was born.
   Incredibly 23 years later-thanks to the power of the Internet and a team of volunteers-he has found them."Fallen leaves will always find their way back to their roots,"he says,reciting a Chinese idiom.
   Luo,28,vowed not to marry until he had found his birth family but now he's set to wed his long-term girlfriend next year.
   And in another extraordinary twist,he says that both families will be invited.
   Luo's story is widespread and his remarkable power of forgiveness has moved people around the world.
"My adoptive family raised me for 23 years,"he says."But my biological family are also my family.I will spend time with both."
   For the first five years of his life Luo was called Huang Jun,living in his village in Sichuan Province with his father Huang Qingyong,a builder and his shopkeeper mother Dai Fang.
   It was in 1990 that he became one of the thousands of children abducted (诱拐)every year in China,where the country's one-child policy and lax adoption laws have fuelled a black market in trafficked children.

56.What happened when Luo Gang was young?(within 8 words)He was kidnapped on his way to kindergarten.
57.What made it possible for Luo Gang to find his way back to his birth family?(within 10 words)The power of the Internet and a team of volunteers.
58.Why is Luo Gang planning to marry next year?(within 7 words)Because he has found his birth family.
59.Why did people get moved after hearing about Luo Gang's story?(within 7 words)Because he has remarkable power of forgiveness.
60.Whom did Luo Gang decide to live with?(within 8 words)His biological family and his adoptive family..
6.Life comes in a package.This package includes happiness and sorrow,failure and success,(1)Band despair.Experiences in life(2)Cus new lessons and make us a better person.With each passing day we learn to(3)A various situations.
    Materialistic happiness is short-lived,but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others'face gives a certain level of(4)B.Peace of mind is the main link to happiness.No mind is happy without(5)D.We(6)Cthe true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow.Sorrow is(7)Bdue to death of a loved one,failure and despair.But these things are(8)Aand pass away.
    Failure is the path to(9)A.It helps us to touch the sky,teaches us to live and shows us a specific way.Success brings in money,fame,pride and self-respect.Here it becomes very important to keep our head on our shoulder.The only way to show our(10)Dto God for giving success on us is by being humble,modest and respectful to the less fortunate ones.
Hope is what keeps life going.Parents(11)Chope their children will do well.Life teaches us not to despair even in the(12)Bhour.Nothing remains the same in life,and we have only one choice-to keep moving on in life and be(13)A.
Life teaches us not to (14)Dover yesterday,for it has passed and is beyond our control.Tomorrow is(15)C,for it could either be bright or dull.So the only alternative is work hard today,so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.

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