
     In addition to selfawareness, imagination, and conscience, it is the fourth quality-independent
will-that really makes effective selfmanagement possible. It is the ability to make decisions and
choices and to act in agreement with them. It is the ability to act rather than to be acted upon, to
actively carry out the program we have developed through the other three qualities.
    The human will is an amazing thing. Time after time, it has overcome unbelievable difficulties.
The Helen Kellers of this world give dramatic(给人深刻印象的) evidence to the value, the
power of the independent will.
     But as we examine this quality in the context of effective selfmanagement, we realize it's usually
not the dramatic, the visible, the onceinalifetime, upbythebootstraps(自立自强的) effort that brings
lasting success. This special ability comes from learning how to use this great quality in the decisions
we make every day.
     The degree to which we have developed our independent will in our everyday lives is measured
by our personal honesty.Honesty is, fundamentally, the value we place on ourselves. It's our ability
to make and keep promises to ourselves, to "walk our talk".
     Effective management is putting first things first.While leadership decides what "first things" are,
it is management that puts them first, daybyday, momentbymoment.Management is discipline (training
to be selfcontrolled), carrying it out.
     Discipline obtains from belief-belief in a set of values, belief in an overriding(最主要的) purpose,
to a longterm or shortterm goal that must be carried out.
     In other words, if you are an effective manager of yourself, your discipline comes from within; it is
a function of your independent will. You are a follower of your own deep values and their source.And
you have the will, the quality to control your feelings and moods rather than depend on others or have
your work half done.

1.effective 2.prove/show/indicate 3.decisions 4.Honesty 5.kept
6.what 7.stick 8.Conclusions 9.follow 10.controlled
     Adopting a vegan diet dramatically(显著地)reduces one person's impact on the environment.
     It would help deal with the problem of climate change if people ate less meat, according to a
government agency.
     A leaked email to a vegetarian campaign group from an Environment Agency official expresses
sympathy with the environmental benefit of a vegan diet, which bans dairy products and fish.
     The agency also says the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs(DEFRA)is
considering recommending eating less meat as one of the key environmental behavior changes needed
to save the planet.
      It says that this change would have to be introduced"gently"because of"the risk of alienating(使疏远)
the public".
      David Miliband, the Environment Secretary, has raised the issue that farm animals are blamed for
producing large amounts of powerful greenhouse gas, methane, and told farmers they need to do
something about it but the agency's response appears to go further than official advice.
     It has provoked(引起)an immediate response from the National Farmers Union, which said the
suggestion was"simplistic"and"a cause of concern".
     The agency's official was responding to an email from the vegan group Viva, which argues that it
is more efficient to use land to grow crops for direct consumption by humans rather than feeding them
to dairy cows or livestock(家畜)raised for meat.
      The campaign group entered a comment on the Environment Ageney's website saying:"Adopting
a vegan diet reduces one person's impact on the environment even more effective than giving up their
car or forgoing several plane trips a year!Why aren't you promoting this message as part of your
World Environment Day campaign?"
      An agency official replied:"While potential benefit of a vegan diet in terms of climate impact could
be very significant, encouraging the public to take a lifestyle decision as substantial as becoming a vegan
would be a request that few are likely to take up."
       You will be interested to hear that the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is
working on a set of key environmental behavior changes to mitigate climate change.Consumption of
animal protein has been highlighted within that work.As a result the issue may start to figure in climate
change communications in the future.It will be a case of introducing gently as there is a risk of alienating
the public.
      "Future Environment Agency communications are unlikely to ever suggest adopting a fully vegan
lifestyle, but certainly encouraging people to examine their consumption of animal protein could be a
key message."
      Juliet Gellatley, director of Viva, said, "I think it is extraordinary that a government agency thinks
becoming a vegetarian or a vegan could have such a positive impact on the environment yet it is not
prepared to stand up and argue the case."
      A DEFRA spokesman said:"The government is not telling people to give up meat.It isn't the role
of government to enforce a dietary or lifestyle change on any individual."

[1]You are about to become a college freshman. You enter a college expecting to leave with a degree.
The following are tips on how to get the most out of your college education.
Time Management
[2] "Man is first a social animal, then a rational one." So you may find it hard to say "No" each time your
roommate wants to see a movie when you need to read Paradise Lost(《失乐园》).
[3]Think about what you want from college and from friends. Study after breakfast, between classes,
whatever works best for you. Don't cut off all social contacts, which are as vital to surviving in college as
reading. Study Hegel(黑格尔)first, then catch a late movie.
Study Method
[4]Would you take a trip by _____ instead of reading a map? Of course not. Studying in college demands more independence than in high school, survey the material first to get a sense of it; ask some questions;
write down key ideas; tell yourself the essence of what you've read and review it.
Keeping up
[5]Professors may not notice whether you attend a large lecture, but you could notice later on. Some
professors use lectures to discuss material not found in the reading on which they will base an exam.
Others stress key points. Skip at your own risk. If you must miss a lecture, get the notes in time. If too
much time elapse (逝去), the notes will make no sense. Never fall more than a week behind in reading
the notes. If you don't do the reading, you won't understand the lecture.
1. What is the best tile of the passage?(no more than 10 words)
2. What may Professors not notice on his lecture? (no more than 6 words)
3. Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words. (no more than 4 words)
4. Which of the suggestions do you think is the best for you? Why?(no more than 30 words)
5. What does the word "it" (line 3, paragraph 4) probably refer to ?( no more than 4 words)

    When we visit another country, differences in music and dance are __1__ some of the first things that
we notice.Every culture has __2__ its own types of music and dance, which are very different from those
of other societies.
     Each type of music usually has a distinctive rhythm and a special sound, __3__ on the kinds of
instruments that are used to produce it.The most common type of instruments are __4__ instruments, such
as guitars and violins; wind instruments, including horns and flutes.Many different kinds of musical sounds
__5__ be created by using different combinations of instruments.
     The human voice is a very special kind of instrument, __6__ it can produce a great number of different
sounds with different __7__, ranging from loud to soft.Singing is very popular in most cultures because it
allows us to __8__ words and ideas with music.
     Societies coordinate body movements with musical rhythms to create __9__.Sometimes people dance
for fun and individual expression.Dances can also be used to __10__ ideas to an audience.Hawaiian
dancers, __11__, use arm and hand movements to express the meaning of a song.In the same way, many
societies use dances in religious ceremonies __12__ to tell about important events.
     Music and dance are passed from one __13__to another and thus become a permanent part of the
society and __14__ culture.Of course, as cultures come __15__ contact with each other, the music and
dance of one society may be accepted by other societies, or the different styles may be combined to
__16__ a new kind of music or dance.Some Latin American music, for example, has taken __17__ from
Indian cultures and mixed them with those from European and African cultures.__18__, popular music
from England and the US can be heard in countries __19__ the world, __20__ it has had an influence on
musical tastes, especially among young people.
(     )1. A.unlikely  
(     )2. A.installed  
(     )3. A.focusing  
(     )4. A.thread  
(     )5. A.might    
(     )6. A.when    
(     )7. A.heights    
(     )8. A.explain    
(     )9. A.sounds    
(     )10. A.give  
(     )11. A.such as  
(     )12. A.just  
(     )13. A.country  
(     )14. A.their  
(     )15. A.to    
(     )16. A.join  
(     )17. A.advantages  
(     )18. A.However  
(     )19. A.on    
(     )20. A.when    
B. likely    
B. meant    
B. depending    
B. string    
B. can      
B. after    
B. sizes    
B. express   
B. songs    
B. communicate    
B. for example    
B. as     
B. generation    
B. its    
B. for    
B. show      
B. features        
B. On the contrary
B. through  
B. where    
C. probably
C. developed  
C. playing  
C. cord    
C. must    
C. since  
C. tones  
C. provide  
C. moves  
C. translate
C. that is  
C. only  
C. people  
C. this    
C. into    
C. form    
C. styles
C. Similarly  
C. across  
C. which  
D. surely            
D. established      
D. resting          
D. band              
D. should            
D. although          
D. volumes          
D. compose          
D. dances            
D. perform          
D. on the contrary  
D. or                
D. time              
D. the              
D. with              
D. become            
D. origins          
D. Besides          
D. along            
D. what             
     Dog walkers provide a 20 to 60minute daily walk for a client's(客户)dog, making sure the dog
answers the call of nature and gets proper exercise. They often walk more than one dog at a time. Some
walkers work for dogwalking services, especially when starting out. Others have their own businesses,  
and build by word of mouth and advertising. Dog walkers often work parttime, and some provide other
services like pet sitting or transporting.
     In New York, dog walkers usually earn about $25 an hour. If you work for a dogwalking business,
you may earn less; if you are on your own dealing with several dogs at the same time, it may be more.
What do you have to do to be a dog walker?
     First, have a real love of dogs, and have a good knowledge of how to get on with dogs. Try calling
dogwalking services to find out about openings. If you're on your own, you'll need to network and market yourself. You might advertise your services in pet offices, grooming businesses, or neighborhood papers.
You will need business cards and a mobile phone, and have good references and a clean background.
You'll also have to deal with taxes and insurance. You should be physically fit, friendly, neatly dressed
and extremely dependable. Many dog walkers are bonded(被担保的)and insured, and this is a definite
selling point to clients.
     Of course, you will be cleaning up dog waste! You will also be outside in all kinds of weather. You
may have to deal with dogs that don't like each other, and difficult owners. It's also an upanddown kind
of business-clients can come and go.
     For pet lovers, spending the workday with dogs instead of navigating office politics is its own reward! You are your own boss-you can dress casually, your doggy clients will love you unconditionally, and
you'll get some great exercise!
1. By writing the passage the writer tries to________.
A. introduce you to a job
B. enrich your knowledge about pets
C. advertise for a business
D. tell you more about life in New York
2. The passage offers no information about how to ________ as a dog walker.
A. find a client  B. train a dog
C. get prepared  D. make more money
3. One who wants to ________ may find the passage helpful.
A. take up a weekend job
B. keep a good pet dog
C. make money in his daily spare time
D. be a parttime office worker
4. The fifth paragraph is meant to tell you________.
A. what dogwalking is like
B. why dogwalking is worth trying
C. the unknown part of dogwalking
D. the bad side of dogwalking
     Is there something that you've always wanted to try but just never had the time? Well, make plans to
try it now since you are on summer vacation. Not all vacations call for taking a tour bus to take photos
of famous landmarks. Some vacations allow you plenty of opportunities to learn.
     The most difficult aspect of a learning vacation may be choosing one because the possibilities are
endless. If you enjoy cooking, various companies can take you to Italy, France, Spain, Mexico or even
Peru. Once there, you can learn to prepare the local cuisine(烹饪). Trips are often planned to fit in with
local food festivals or special events.
     The term “learning vacation” often brings language to mind.The best way to learn a language is in an
environment where it's spoken. Study Spanish, French or English. Or attempt a more unusual language
like Polish, Estonian or Thai. You'll be able to learn about the country and absorb the culture at the
same time.
     If you are fond of sports, you can polish your skills or learn new ones. Golf and tennis schools
welcome players of all levels. If you want a bigger thrill, you can learn to surf, go climbing or race cars.
     It's even possible to learn the art and techniques of bull fighting while on vacation!
     You can also discover our inner artist. Many places offer painting classes in different mediums. The
scenic locations of the schools offer plenty of subjects that provide inspiration for practice.
     If you prefer capturing the world on film, take a photography vacation. Travel with a small group to
photograph beautiful animals or scenery. You can also practise your technique on people or at historical
     Once you decide on a vacation, choose a company carefully. Request names of recent customers
you can contact, and then ask them for an evaluation. The more you know before you go, the better
prepared you'll be. Then go out and learn something!
1. Why is it hard for you to decide on a learning vacation?
A. Because it is hard for you to make plans.
B. Because the possibilities are unlimited.
C. Because there are many good foods from abroad.
D. Because there're too many food festivals or events.
2. The advantage of learning a language in its native country is that ________.
A. the environment is fit for you to use the language
B. you are able to learn the original foreign language
C. native speakers offer you a lot of chances to practise
D. you can learn the language and experience its culture
3. Which of the following sports suits you if you don't like thrills?
A. Car racing.  
B. Playing tennis.
C. Rock climbing.  
D. Surfing.
4. The structure of the text would be________.

     Finally, there is the evolution of Yao's mind. He has become a wise man who has devoted time and
money into life after the NBA.
     Yao said he did not only see his investment in the current CBA system in purely financial terms, but
also as a way to support the development of basketball in China and return the favour to Shanghai for
looking after him in his early days.
     A few days before our most recent interview, Yao was asked to attend an award ceremony for top
athletes in China. He realised his superstar friends and fellow athletes were often forced to take lowpaying jobs because they had little formal education.
     As boss of the Shanghai Sharks, Yao has invited both teachers and mentors to help his players better
manage their financial futures.
     Another of Yao's problems has been balancing the knowledge he has gained in the NBA with the
traditions of home.
     As head of the Sharks he has to consider what's best for his team, even if it means hurting some of his
closest friends. Like his first coach, Li Qiuping, who was in hospital when Yao told him he was going to
have to replace him with an American coach.
     Navigating traditional Chinese society, he said, can be tricky at times. He sometimes wistfully thinks
back to his early days, when he just played basketball. Even so, he never shies away from the challenge.
     When I think about these aspects of Yao's life, I admire him as an example of someone who is
downtoearth and has not let fame go to his head.
      As Yao will enter a new phase in his life, his 30s, fatherhood, returning to the NBA, and the next step
in his career as manager, he shows the courage to make a difference in the world.
     Yang Lan One On One is shown on Shanghai Dragon TV, Sat.23:10 PM.

1. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Yao invests in CBA just because he wants to make money.
B. Yao pays his fellow athletes little money.
C. Yao has become a father of a boy.
D. Sometimes Yao has to hurt some friends for the profit of the whole team.

2. What is the meaning of the underlined word "tricky"?
A. helpful  
B. difficult  
C. easy  
D. special

3. Yang Lan believes that Yao is a person who________.
A. is depressed  
B. runs after fame
C. is dependable  
D. loves the earth

4. This article may be extracted from________.
A. a TV program 
B. a novel
C. a memoir  
D. an essay
     Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways. 
     _1_Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third,
note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.
     You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing
research for a report.__2__ Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a
selective process. __3__
     The following methods may work best for you.
    ·Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.
    ·Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.
    ·Write your notes in your own words.
     ·Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.
     As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you
understand your symbols and that you use them all the time. __5__
A. Use words, not complete sentences.
B. There are three practical note-taking methods.
C. You must write your notes on separate paper.
D. Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.
E. You will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.
F. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.
G. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.
     Ask savvy investors(投资者) how they learned their first lessons about money, and they'll probably tell you lessons their parents taught them.
     The money values we learn as children stay with us the rest of our lives. If you are a parent, teaching
your children the value of saving and investing will benefit them the rest of their lives. Here's what you can
     Help your child begin to save. Open savings accounts for your children, and teach them how the bank
adds interest to their savings that makes their money grow. Encourage your children to save a little from
every bit of money they receive, such as allowances, birthday gifts, etc. You may even want to set up a
matching program, contributing fifty cents for each dollar your child saves.
     Teach your child about stocks(股票). A child in elementary school can start learning about how
businesses work. Once your child understands the basics, ask him or her to think about some of the
businesses that might be good stock investments. Then use Morningstar Mutual Fund Guide(available at your library)to find a quality mutual fund that holds some of these companies, or a mutual fund that caters
to children such as the Stein Roe Young Investor Fund. Many funds accept regular monthly investments as low as $50 a month, so these funds can be a good way to teach children about the stock market while
saving for their college education.
     Encourage early IRA(个人退休金账户)saving. The new Roth IRA is a great way for children who are working in summers or after school to begin saving for their future. Imagine how much money you'd have
today if you had saved $3,000 a year since you were a teenager!
     Let your kids handle their own money. We all learn by doing, so letting your kids manage a segment of their budget(预算)will let them earn valuable financial lessons.They may make mistakes, but they will be
small mistakes that may help them avoid larger mistakes as adults.
1. Which would be the best title for this passage?
A. Why to Teach Your Children to Save
B. How to Teach Your Children to Save
C. Tips for Saving for Children
D. Start Good Saving Habits Early
2. A matching program means ________.
A. that you should set a good example to your children
B. that you should provide enough money for children so that they can save some
C. that you encourage your children to compete with each other in saving
D. that you encourage your children by giving some extra money for them to save
3. According to the author, you should teach your children about investment when he/she is ________.
A. in the kindergarten  
B. in primary school
C. in middle school  
D. in college
4. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of the Stein Roe Young Investor Fund?
A. It is usually with high benefits.
B. It accepts regular monthly investments.
C. It accepts small investments as low as $50 a month.
D. It caters to children who can afford small investments.
5. The advantage of letting your kids manage their budget lies in ________.
A. that they will make great businessmen in the future
B. that they will know the difficulty of managing a budget
C. that they will avoid making bigger mistakes in the future
D. that they will share happiness of managing their own budget

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