
“When should I begin to acquire good habits?”a young boy asked his teacher.

“How old are you?” asked the teacher.

“Eight years old, sir.”answered the boy.

“Then you have just lost eight years,”the teacher replied.

There is no doubt that habits are formed at a very early age.When one is young, it is easy to acquire good habits.

Good habits are practices that help us in our daily life.The habit of brushing one’s teeth in the morning, for instance, keeps one’s teeth clean and prevents a bad smell which is unpleasant to others.Bad habits such as sticking one’s tongue out, biting one’s fingernails and picking one’s nose, are undesirable ways of behaving in front of others.If we want people to enjoy being with us, we should try to develop habits that are pleasant.

It is said, “We sow an act; we reap a habit.We sow a habit and we reap a character.” The habits we formed at an early age shape our character.Habits are like tributaries(支流) which flow into a river.The river is made up of all its tributaries; a person’s character is made up of all the habits that he or she has acquired over the years.
















Parents usually go to malls to find new school supplies for their children. One of the most important things to get during this time is the backpack. Most students choose to bring a backpack because it allows them to have both hands free. This makes the bag less likely to hinder (妨碍)other activities that the person carrying it may be doing at the same time. Here are the ways parents can choose the perfect backpack for school.

How many books will children be carrying to school? How many notebooks should be inside the bag? Parents should know these details before buying a bag for their children. Each situation requires a different bag so it pays to ask children about the expected load.

Do children need special storage for the bag? If they will be carrying a laptop computer inside the new backpack,make sure that parents get a model that’s designed specifically for laptop use. This will protect the computer from bumps and falls that might damage the device if it had less protection.

Are children going to use the bag for a long time? If they want to use a bag for a long time,parents will be better off investing in a good brand that is known for quality. Parents may have to pay extra cash to get the top of the line and the best backpack in the market.

Count the pockets. Backpacks usually come with a lot of pockets,and generally,the more pockets,the better. This allows children to organize their things,like pens and pencils inside small pockets.

Picking the perfect school backpack is all about getting the sweet compromise (折中)between form,function and price. Remember to choose the best fit for children’s needs.

1.Why do most students like bringing a backpack?

A. Because it looks beautiful.

B. Because it’s a duty for them to bring it.

C. Because they can put all the books into it.

D. Because it helps them do other activities freely.

2. What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?

A. Parents should find out how many books their children have.

B. Parents must ask teachers for help before buying a backpack.

C. Parents should know the weight of things that will go inside the backpack.

D. Parents must ask their children’s requirements when buying a backpack.

3. The underlined word “bumps” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to“ ”.

A. knocks B. jumps C. stands D. beats

4.Which of the following can we know from the text?

A. Picking a backpack is very easy to do.

B. It’s better for children to have a backpack that has more pockets.

C. The backpacks that have a good brand are more popular with children.

D. Parents always feel worried when buying a backpack for their children.

Barack Obama has really gone wild. The US president has taken part in the survival television show Running Wild With Bear Grylls, which will air on NBC later this year. In the show, Obama goes on an adventure with host Bear Grylls, learning how to survive in the Alaskan wilderness.

Edward Michael “Bear” Grylls, 41, has become known around the world as one of the most famous outdoor adventurers. The Briton has appeared on a number of wilderness survival shows in which he has climbed, sailed, and eaten bugs or cow tongue.

Obama doesn’t have to eat bugs or cow tongue on his adventure with Grylls. But he does have to eat leftovers - a bloody salmon (三文鱼). It was partly enjoyed by a bear that left some meat behind.

Although he is far from the White House kitchen, Obama seems to enjoy the outdoors. “As president, I am in what’s called the bubble(保护膜), and the Secret Service makes sure that I’m always out of danger ... but I sometimes want to get out,” he said in a video.

However, Obama’s appearance on the show isn’t just for fun. He took part to raise awareness of the effect global warming has had on the US’s largest state, Alaska.

1.On his adventure, Obama______.

A. has to eat something strange like bugs

B. enjoys cow tongue with Grylls

C. takes in some unusual food

D. never has any difficulty

2.It can be inferred from the passage that _____.

A. Obama has been tired of the life in the White House

B. US presidents have never been in danger because of the Secret Service

C. the food prepared in the White House is not as good as the food outdoors

D. The life outside the White House is sometimes attractive to the president

3.The purpose of Obama’s appearance on the show is _____.

A. to have some fun

B. to promote environmental protection

C. to enjoy the wilderness in Alaska

D. to get out of the White House for a change

4.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Grylls is the most well known outdoor adventurer around the world.

B. The TV show with Obama’s appearance is now on air on NBC.

C. Obama learns how to survive with host Bear Grylls in African wilderness.

D. Grylls has special abilities to survive in the wild


It was Christmas Eve 1881. I was 15 years old and feeling like the world was ________ for me because there hadn't been enough money to buy me the rifle that I’d wanted that year.

Pa came back in and there was ice in his beard. “Come on, Matt,” Pa said. “Dress warmly. It’s cold outside. We’re going to Widow Jensen’s. They are ________ wood.” Widow Jensen lived about two miles down the road. Her husband had died a year or so before and ________ her with three children, the oldest being eight.

I ________ went out with Pa and we ________ the sled high with wood. ________ we went to the store and Pa took down a big ham, some bacon, a sack of flour and some shoes, which were put into a smaller sack. We rode the two miles to Widow Jensen’s in ________ . I tried to think through what Pa was doing. I knew we didn’t have much money and Widow Jensen had ________ neighbors than us. It shouldn’t have been our ________ .

Widow Jensen opened the door and let us in. She had a blanket wrapped around her ________ . The children were wrapped in ________ and were sitting in front of the fireplace by a very small fire that ________ gave off any heat at all. “We brought you a few things , Ma’am,” Pa said and set down the sack of flour. I put the meat on the table. Then Pa handed her the sack that had the shoes in it.

She ________ and took the shoes out one pair at a time. I watched her carefully. She bit her lower lip to keep it from ________ and then tears filled her eyes and started running down her cheeks. She looked up at Pa like she wanted to say something, ________ it wouldn’t come out. “We brought a load of wood too, Ma’am,” Pa said. Then he turned to me and said,“Matt,go bring some in. ”

I wasn’t the ________ person when I went back out to bring in the wood. I choked and as much as I hate to ________ it, there were tears in my eyes too. In my mind I kept ________ those three kids huddled (蜷缩)around the fireplace and their mother standing there with tears running down her cheeks with so much ________ in her heart that she couldn’t speak. Just then the rifle seemed very ________ . Pa had given me the best Christmas of my life.

1.A. over B. complete C. lost D. boring

2.A. in between B. away from C. out of D. far behind

3.A. offered B. brought C. delighted D. left

4.A. excitedly B. hurriedly C. gratefully D. unwillingly

5.A. equipped B. placed C. loaded D. armed

6.A. Now B. Then C. Meanwhile D. Sometime

7.A. silence B. regret C. devotion D. condition

8.A. smarter B. tougher C. prettier D. closer

9. A. topic B. concern C. idea D. case

10.A. shoulders B. head C. arms D. feet

11.A. one B. the rest C. another D. the other

12.A. nearly B. hardly C. actually D. slowly

13.A. jumped B. laughed C. joked D. hesitated

14.A. trembling B. moving C. bending D. crying

15.A. and B. so C. or D. but

16.A. honest B. kind C. same D. disappointing

17.A. allow B. admit C. clarify D. confirm

18.A. seeing B. imagining C. cheering D. comforting

19.A. motivation B. gratefulness C. sympathy D. courage

20.A. typical B. valuable C. unimportant D. hopeless

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