
1.Plastic is a widely used ____________.(材料)

2.There are many students _______(毕业) from high school every year.

3.He is always looks_________ even in defeat.(乐观的)

4.It took us all day to reach our ____________(目的地).

5.I will go if my health ___________(允许).

6.Always ask for a _________(收据) from a taxi driver so that you can complain if you have been over-charged.

7.This wounded soldier was _________(无意识的)from his loss of blood.

8.I think you should go back to your ______(最初的)plan.

9.The price of this type of computer ________(变化)in different shops.

10.They sat on the hillside, __________ (凝视)out across the valley.


If you want to convince the boss you deserve a pay rise or promotion, the solution could be simple—eat the same food as they do. Psychologists have discovered managers are much more likely to instantly trust us if we choose the same dishes as them.

During experiments, discussions over wages and work conditions were much more successful if both sides chose to snack on the same treats. And shoppers were much more likely to buy a product advertised on TV by someone eating a similar food to them at the time.

The reason is thought to be so-called similarity attraction theory – w here people tend to like others who have similar tastes or habits to themselves. But this is believed to be one of the first studies highlighting the role of food in this relationship. Researchers at Chicago University in the US conducted a series of experiments to examine food’s role in earning trust.

In a test, participants were told to watch TV – where someone pretending to be a member of the public praised a certain product. The volunteers were given Kit Kat bars to nibble, while the TV people ate either a Kit Kat or grapes as they talked.

The results showed viewers were much more likely to express an interest in buying the product if the TV showed the other person eating a Kit Kat too.

The researchers added, “Although similarity in food consumption is not a sign of whether two people will get along, we find consumers treat this as such. They feel more trusting of those who consume as they do. It means people can immediately begin to feel friendship and develop a bond, leading to smoother transactions from the start.’

Harley Street psychologist Dr Lucy Atcheson said it was already known that wearing similar clothes could instantly create trust. But this was the first report that food had the same effect. She said, “This is really interesting. It makes sense as people feel they have common ground and can trust the other person. That means negotiations are more likely to be successful.

1.According to the passage, customers are likely to buy a product from a dealer who______.

A. has the same taste as them

B. advertises his products on TV

C. reduces the price of his products

D. pays attention to the quality of his products

2.The experiments conducted by researchers at Chicago University show that ______.

A. people who have similar tastes to their boss’s earn more

B. bosses like employees that have the same taste as them

C. food plays an important role in earning people’s trust

D. people have less interest in buying products advertised on TV

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. People will get along with each other if they like to eat similar things.

B. People who eat similar food are more likely to trust each other.

C. The effect of wearing similar clothes hasn’t been proved by researchers.

D. People are more likely to make friends with those wearing the same clothes as them.

4.Which of the following sayings can be an example of the similarity attraction theory?

A. Honesty is the best policy.

B. All good things come to an end.

C. Where there is a will, there is a way.

D. Birds of a feather flock together.


Father Comes Home from the Wars (Parts 1, 2 & 3)

These three short plays by Suzan Lori-Parks are the start of an ambitious attempt to retell the story of the American civil war. The focus is on a slave promised his freedom by his master if he joins in the fight against the Union. Steve Toussaint and Jimmy Akingbola head the cast, and Jo Bonney is in charge.

• 15 September to 4 October, Royal Court, London. Box office: 020-7565 5000.

A Pacifist’s Guide to the War on Cancer

Bryony Kimmings and Brian Lobel consider our attitudes to cancer and the language we employ to deal with it through the stories of five people. This is an all-singing, all-dancing affair with music by Tom Parkinson, wiping off the pink charity ribbons to look at the realities of diagnosis(诊断)and what it means for the wider family.

• 20-24 September, Home, Manchester. Box office: 0161-200 1500.

The Nest

Every parent wants the best for their baby. Kurt and Martha are prepared to work hard to ensure theirs has everything he needs, even if that means Kurt taking on extra work. Franz Xaver Kroetz’s extraordinary play about the damage that profit causes to individuals and the environment gets a new translation from Conor McPherson.

• 15-22 October, Lyric, Belfast. Box office: 028-9038 1081.

The Red Barn

David Hare’s new play is based on La Main, a psychological thriller by the great Georges Simenon. The story concerns two couples who, on their way back from a party, struggle through the snow. The play is directed by Robert Icke, and the cast is headed by Mark Strong and Hope Davis.

• 6-20 October, Lyttelton, London. Box office: 020-7452 3000.

1.What do we know about Father Comes Home from the Wars?

A. It is set in the USA.

B. It is put on throughout September.

C. It tells of the hardship slaves suffered.

D. It is the first play to describe the cruelty of war.

2.When can you see the play directed by Robert Icke?

A. 19 September. B. 3 October.

C. 10 October. D. 21October.

3.In which play can we feel parents’ love for children?

A. The Nest

B. The Red Barn

C. Father Comes Home from the Wars

D. A Pacifist’s Guide to the War on Cancer

4.What do the plays mentioned in the text have in common?

A. They are all comedies. B. They are put on in autumn.

C. They are highly thought of. D. They are works of the same writer.

Before leaving his job in Brooklyn, Brian Peter had one thing he wanted to do on his last day-say thank you to the city he loves. Peter decided to use the money he made for a day’s work, as well as the $10 per year he earned for his service, to give back to his community.

“I've got nothing but good things from the city and the citizens,” Peter said. “I take what I make in a day and add that $120 that the police association was going to give me, and I’ll just add it up to $500 and get some gift cards for people.”

So after fourteen years’ serving as a police officer, Peter spent his last day doing that. Using his own money, Peter purchased five gift cards from Target and five gift cards from the grocery chain Cub Foods worth $ 50 each and handed them out to strangers in Brooklyn Center.

It took him about two hours to give away the cards and that he could put smiles on a lot of people’s faces, including one woman he stopped after noticing the condition of her car. “Her car was really old and really damaged. I saw her windshield wipers were stuck in the up position,” Peter recalled. “I explained what I was doing and gave her a gift card, and immediately, she lit up with a smile.”

Once people overcame the initial shock of what he was doing, Peter said he received a lot more hugs that day. Monique Drier, who stayed with Peter, said Peter has always wanted to give back and didn’t really want the attention. “He didn’t even have a going-away party,” Drier said.

Peter, who started his new job three days ago, said he still wanted to continue giving back to the community. “Community service is extremely important, and when you’re fortunate in life, you should give back to others who aren’t as fortunate as you,” Peter said. “That’s what makes the world go round.”

1.We can learn from the passage that Peter______.

A. decided to retire from his position as a police officer

B. was interested in making friends with some strangers

C. showed his kindness to strangers before leaving his job

D. earned ten dollars a year for his service as a police officer

2.The woman in a car is mentioned in the passage in order to show____.

A. how Peter’s gift card influenced her attitude

B. how Peter added happiness into others’ daily life

C. how Peter found others in trouble and helped them

D. how Peter received hugs from those who were grateful

3.How does Peter think the world can go round according to the passage?

A. By involving other in community service.

B. By sharing what we have with the unfortunate.

C. By giving rewards to those who help others.

D. By offering new jobs to unfortunate people.

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

A. A police officer knew how to cheer up people in trouble.

B. Peter spent his last day giving gift cards to strangers.

C. The best way to help a community can be learnt from Peter.

D. Peter returned what he earned in his work to the police station.

Scientists investigated why Ebola virus is so deadly when it spreads from animals to humans and then from human-to-human contact. The research team looked at the Zaire Ebola virus in an animal system to understand how it gains strength. This virus is responsible for the current outbreak in West Africa. They found that initially the animal systems were not affected by the virus, but succeeding transmission(传送) into other animals caused the virus to “hot up” and become more severe.

The team analyzed the viruses at different stages and were able to identify several changes in its genetic material that were associated with increased disease.

Professor Julian Hiscox, who led the study from the University’s Institute of Infection and Global Health, explains: “The work tells us that the evolutionary goal of Ebola virus is to become more fatal.”

“We were able to show through genetic analysis which parts of the virus are involved in this process. The information we have gathered will now allow us to monitor for such changes in an outbreak as well as develop future treatment strategies.”

Professor Roger Hewson, leading the study from Public Health England, Porton Down, said: “Ebola virus is such a destructive infection to the people affected by the disease and the economy of West Africa.”

“Our understanding of Ebola virus biology is way behind that of other viruses and our cooperation shows how we can bring together our specialists’ skills to close this knowledge gap.”

Professor Miles Carroll, a co-author of the work, said: “This study has allowed the team to be at the forefront of developing methodologies to analyze patient samples recently taken by the European Mobile Laboratory from West Africa to understand disease evolution during the current outbreak.”

1.What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?

A. How severe Ebola virus is.

B. How Ebola virus spreads.

C. How Ebola virus gradually becomes deadly.

D. What contributions scientists have made on Ebola virus.

2.Which of the following statements is mentioned in the passage?

A. In the first stage, the virus hurts its victims much.

B. As the virus spreads, it’ll change and become more and more deadly.

C. The research in Ebola virus is more advanced than that in other viruses.

D. The scientists have a negative attitude to the research in Ebola virus.

3.The underlined word “fatal” has the closest meaning to ______.

A. optimistic B. deadly

C. common D. fantastic

4.Where can we probably read this passage?

A. In a science report. B. In a storybook.

C. In an advertisement. D. In a textbook.

Many years ago, my father suffered from a serious heart condition. He was put on _______ disability and was unable to work at a steady job.

However, he wanted to do something to keep himself ______, so he decided to volunteer at the local children ______. My dad loved kids. It was the ______ job for him. He would talk to them and play with them. Sometimes, he would ______ one of these kids. In certain instance, he would tell the sad parents that he would soon be able to ______ their children in heaven and that he would take care of them until they got there. His assurance seemed to help those parents with their ______.

One of these kids was a girl who had been admitted with a rare disease that paralyzed (瘫痪) her from the neck down. She could do ______ and she was very ______. My dad decided to help her. He started ______ her in her room, bringing paints, brushes and paper. He stood the paper up ______ a backing, put the paintbrush in his mouth and began to paint. He didn’t use his ______ at all. All the while he would tell her: See, you can do ______ you set your mind to.

____, she began to paint using her ______, and she and my dad became friends. Soon after, the little girl was discharged (出院) and my dad also left the hospital because he became ______. Sometime later after my dad had ______ and returned to work, he was at the volunteer counter of the hospital one day. He noticed the front door open. In came the little girl who had been paralyzed; only this time she was walking. On seeing my dad, she ______ straight over to him and gave him a ______ she had done using her hands. At the bottom it read: thank you for helping me walk.

My dad would say sometimes love is more powerful than ______, and my dad, who died just a few months after the little girl gave him the picture loved every single child in that hospital.

1.A. permanent B. temporary C. mild D. slight

2.A. confident B. comfortable C. wealthy D. occupied

3.A. center B. hospital C. park D. camp

4.A. normal B. perfect C. awkward D. tiring

5.A. protect B. teach C. lose D. miss

6.A. bury B. praise C. spot D. accompany

7.A. sadness B. happiness C. nervousness D. forgiveness

8.A. anything B. nothing C. Everything D. something

9.A. disappointed B. bored C. depressed D. embarrassed

10.A. visiting B. observing C. avoiding D. contacting

11.A. on B. in C. over D. against

12.A. eyes B. neck C. hands D. head

13.A. whoever B. whatever C. wherever D. whenever

14.A. Gradually B. Briefly C. Suddenly D. Naturally

15.A. hands B. feet C. fingers D. mouth

16.A. better B. worse C. healthier D. fitter

17.A. took out B. turned away C. picked up D. knocked over

18.A. ran B. wheeled C. slid D. turned

19.A. card B. picture C. note D. photo

20.A. words B. exercise C. faith D. medicine

Last spring, I was fortunate to be chosen to participate in an exchange study program. In my application letter, I was careful to______how much I wanted to see France; evidently, my excitement really came through in my words. Once I_____that I was going, all I could think about was the fun of foreign travel and making all sorts of new and_____friends. While traveling was inspiring and meeting people was_____, nothing about my term in France was what I_____.

The moment I arrived in Paris, I was______by a nice French couple who would become my host parents. My entire experience was joyous and exciting______I received some shocking news from my program coordinator(协调人): there had been a death in my host parents' extended family. They had to travel outside France for several weeks. That afternoon, I had to______out of one family's house and into another. The exchange coordinator told me I'd have a ______this time and asked whether I could share a bedroom with an English speaker. To avoid the temptation (诱惑)to______my native language, I asked not to be_____with an Englishspeaking roommate. When I got to my new room, I_____myself to my new roommate Paolo, a Brazilian (巴西人)the same age as I, whom I was surprised to find playing one of my favorite CDs! In just a few hours, we knew we'd be good friends for the rest of the______.

I left France with many____, so when people ask me what my favorite part of the trip was, they are always______to hear me talk about my Brazilian friend Paolo and the scores of weekdays in class, weeknights on the town, and weekends____ France we enjoyed together. I love how people_____seem so different, but end up being so______. The most valuable lesson I gained from studying in France wasn't just to respect the French people______to respect all people, for your next best friend could be just a continent away. I would recommend an exchange program to anyone who wants to experience foreign cultures and gain meaningful_____.

1.A. discuss B. express C. announce D. argue

2.A. approved B. knew C. warned D. denied

3.A. stubborn B. anxious C. universal D. interesting

4.A. boring B. upsetting C. exciting D. promising

5.A. expected B. liked C. doubted D. feared

6.A. sponsored B. witnessed C. greeted D. supported

7.A. until B. when C. since D. while

8.A. move B. travel C. walk D. rush

9.A. housekeeper B. leader C. roommate D. colleague

10.A. learn B. appreciate C. speak D. master

11.A. combined B. fitted C. involved D. placed

12.A. added B. introduced C. devoted D. adapted

13.A. term B. week C. month D. vacation

14.A. presents B. suitcases C. stories D. dreams

15.A. surprised B. disturbed C. embarrassed D. concerned

16.A. analyzing B. exploring C. describing D. investigating

17.A. need B. shall C. must D. can

18.A. generous B. independent C. similar D. distant

19.A. and B. but C. or D. so

20.A. instructions B. friendships C. facts D. data

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