

There are 800 tornadoes in the USA each year,_________about 80_______and 1500_________.


___________ __________ ___________ __________that I will study aboard.


It is generally agreed that chairman Mao is the greatest man_______ _______ ________.


______ ________ his book, He didn’t notice his mother came in..


By the time the tornado ended , more than 700 people ______ ______ ________ .


_________ ___________, 830,000 people ___________ _________ __________.


With the ________of society , the ____ of people is becoming higher and higher.


Though I need money for myself ,I ____________ _________ ____________help you.


He_________ ________ __________ the head of the company.


The freeway ________ __________cars.


I had dressed quite nicely for my first day as a student at St. Anne's College of Further Education. In celebration of this new beginning, I had changed my unusual clothes to formal clothing.

Like many young people my age, I was under the impression that the best way to show your personality was by wearing the kind of clothing that my mother considered was not fit to be seen in public. But for my first day as a student I had made an effort to look what my mother called ‘respectable’.

There were fifteen of us, sitting in the theatre hall, while the head of the drama department, Mr. Wilson, gave us a warm welcoming speech. To my horror (恐惧), he then invited us to say why we had decided to do a drama course. I had no idea what I would say. The truth was that although I had a taste for unusual clothing, I was painfully shy.

My worry grew as it came closer to my turn. One by one, the new students excitedly explained their reasons. Then it was the turn of a girl who I hadn't really noticed until that moment because I was too busy thinking about what I would say. ‘My name’s Tracy and I'm from Blackburn’, she said, and then added no further information.

Everyone smiled politely in silence but I was impressed at her bravery in saying almost nothing even under pressure (压力). I relaxed, knowing that you could get away with saying so little about yourself. It gave me confidence.

After Mr. Wilson at long last let us out of the hall to go to lunch, I managed to find the courage to go up to Tracy. She looked very unfriendly. Taking a deep breath, I introduced myself. To my surprise, she looked up at me and gave me a very bright, sweet smile. That was twenty-seven years ago, and although we never did become famous stars, we're still best friends.

1.Why did the author dress nicely for her first day at college?

A. She felt a need to dress properly.

B. She wanted to fit in with the other students.

C. She was under pressure from her mother.

D. She wanted to look like a great star.

2.Why did the author feel nervous?

A. Because she had never spoken in public

B. Because it was her turn to start first

C. Because she didn't know what to talk about

D. Because the other students were so excited

3.What does the underlined word "It" in Paragraph 5 refer to?

A. Tracy also seemed extremely worried.

B. Tracy hadn't said very much.

C. The other students reacted politely to Tracy.

D. All attention was on Tracy.

Countries may be ranked by many various groups, such as how expensive or interesting they are to foreign tourists. They can also be ranked by their openness and friendliness toward visitors. You might be shocked to find out that, for example, the USA is number 102 on the list of the least welcoming places, 140 being the most unfriendly land.


Mongolia was closed for quite some time and opened up to foreigners only 20 years ago. That’s probably the major reason why it is not yet experienced enough in hosting tourists. The country is beautiful, with huge spacious areas of land that are low populated. There local people are not yet used to being visited by foreign guests.


There are, undoubtedly, pluses as well as minuses in every country. Slovakia is not the perfect destination for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, Slovakia is becoming more and more similar to the rest of European countries surrounding it. Sameness is not the best quality. As a rule, tourists want to travel and see things they have never seen before. It is good that the land’s countryside is still unique, although it is also being commercialized day by day.


Iran is not the best place to travel to. It is located close to Pakistan with its negative political atmosphere. Western visitors are not welcome over there and embassies (大使馆) advise against traveling to Iran. The population, contrary to the country’s government, consists of very friendly and welcoming people.


In Kuwait people are warm and friendly. It has a unique history, plenty of traditions and customs. People respect their culture and are very religious. It is a Muslim country, which means that you are not allowed to drink alcohol. If you happen to visit Kuwait during Ramadan, you will not be allowed to eat in public places, either.


Russia is truly a special place. It is definitely worth visiting. What you might not find attractive is the corruption and bureaucracy (官僚主义) that rule in some certain official circles. Another nuisance you should be ready for is that, as a visitor, you’ll be asked to receive an invitation. Only then will you be able to apply for a visa. Once you arrive in Russia, you’ll be warmly greeted and accepted by the local people.

1.You’ll meet friendly people in the following countries except in _____.

A. Iran

B. Kuwait

C. Mongolia

D. Russia

2.Which of the statements is true according to the text?

A. You can apply for a visa for Russia at will.

B. If you’re fond of drinking, then Kuwait is not an ideal destination.

C. You’re not advised to travel in Iran due to its high cost.

D. Mongolia is a beautiful country with much experience in hosting tourists.

3.Where does this passage probably come from?

A. A news report

B. A lecture speech

C. An advertisement

D. A text book

For many adolescents, “screen time” is almost a full-time job that could lead to obesity, diabetes and other health issues, a Canadian researcher says.

Adolescents now spend an average of six hours a day in front of some type of screen, whether it’s a television or computer screen or one of the many portable devices now popular with young people, studies done by Dr. Ian Michael Janssen show. “They spend more hours daily in front of a screen than they do in a classroom in a given year,” said Janssen, a researcher at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada. The result is a rise in obesity rates among adolescents. Unfortunately, fixing the problem isn’t as easy as simply cutting down screen time, Janssen cautions. “Decreasing screen time will not automatically increase physical activity levels,” said Janssen, Some active kids also spend a lot of time in front of television and computer screens, and some kids who have low screen times also have low levels of physical activity, he points out.

As well, screen time is not necessarily bad, Janssen said. “The tricky part is that children today need to be using computers,” he said. Computers are required for schoolwork, and technological skills are important for future job prospects. The quality of screen time matters too, along with the quantity---consider the negative health messages found in food advertising during children’s shows, he said. Ideally, children should aim for no more than two hours of recreational screen time a day.

Janssen’s real worry about the rise in childhood obesity rates is not that there are now rare cases of type 2 diabetes in kids, where once there were none, hut the health problems these children are likely to face in the future as adults, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease.

1.Which one doesn’t belong to “screen time” according to the passage?

A. Watching TV. B. Surfing the Internet.

C. Seeing a film on an MP4. D. Making a telephone call.

2.In Janssen’s opinion, kids had better to keep healthy.

A. lose weight. B. decrease screen time

C. take physical activities D. go on a diet

3.What’s the researcher’s attitude towards “screen time of adolescents" ?

A. Concerned. B. Passive.

C. Positive. D. Frightened.

4.We can learn from the passage that .

A. many of the people having full-time jobs suffer from obesity and diabetes.[

B. decreasing screen time can’t really solve the problem

C. children today most use computers to finish their school work

D. a new type of obesity in kids becomes Janssen’s real worry

Seven tips to good table manners

Whether it’s dinner at a friend’s house or a business meeting over lunch, we judge people based on their table manners. But what can you do if your kids do not behave themselves at the dinner tables? The following are seven tips to set your children on the road to good table manners:

●Look for the good. Instead of pointing out(指出) all the things your children do wrong, point out what they do right. Please say, for example, “ I am so proud of yu. It was wonderful the way you served yourself.”

●Don’t turn dinner into an unpleasant “lecture time”. That will turn kids off not only manners, but dinner, and you, too.[

●Check your own example. Don’t show up for dinner in just your underwear (内衣) unless you want your kids to do the same.

●Don’t always consider your kids lazy and dirty ones. Instead, point out the behavior in a tender way. For example: “It’s a good idea to unfold your napkin, so if food falls you won’t dirty your clothes.”

●Teach your kids good manners in the form of a game. One night a week, try to have a formal dinner. Try dressing up, serve a special meal, and expect more formal manners. That will help improve their sense ( 意识) of manners.

● Make kids understand part of the tradition. Invite guests over and let kids help serve them. This helps them indirectly learn about table manners.

●Try dining out once in a while. Fast food restaurants aren’t counted(算在内). Try a nice restaurant and let kids order their own food, pay the bill and give the tip.

1.The passage is mainly written for ____.

A. kids B. parents

C. hosts D. guests

2.Which of the following should parents do to help their kids learn good table manners?

A. Try dining out in fast food restaurants once in a while

B. Point out what’s wrong with the kids’ behavior at dinner.

C. Keep telling the kids how to behave themselves at dinner.

D. Improve kids’ sense of manners by having a formal dinner at times.

3.The kids should do the following EXCEPT _____.

A. going to a formal dinner in underwear B. helping parents to serve the guests

C. ordering their own food and paying the bill D. unfolding the napkin to keep their clothes clean

4.The underlined part “turn kids off” in the second tip probably mean “_____”

A. make kids pleased with B. make kids interested in

C. make kids tired of D. make kids fond of

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