
Salsa is a musical type that has existed for many years and is still popular today. Salsa comes from Cuba,but many people 1       that the Puerto Ricans who moved to the US 2       the style of salsa we know today.

Because of political problems in the 3       20th century,many people left Puerto Rico and 4       in the US. Between 1915 and 1930,about 50,000 Puerto Ricans 5       in the US. In 1917, a 6       was passed that made people from Puerto Rico Americans move 7      . After this,Puerto Ricans were able to move 8       between their home and the US mainland.

Between 1940 and 1969 ,about 800 , 000 Puerto Ricans moved to the US, 9       to New York City and Miami. They brought with them their culture, style, and Latin rhythm(节拍) . One style of music and dance they 10       to the US was a mixture of Afro-Cuban rhythms and Puerto Rican traditional dance. In New York, 11       incorporated(合并,吸纳) American jazz,and the salsa we know today 12       . During this time,salsa music and dance were popular in the New York City and around theUS.

The song words 13       stories of the immigrants,(移民) struggle to make a 14       in New York City. By the late 1970,s, salsa caliente was 15       popular;another style―salsa romanti-ca,with its romantic love lyrics(歌词) 一became popular, 16      . Salsa romantica is still popu?lar today and is 17       by musicians such as Mare Anthony, a singer from Puerto Rico.

18       Puerto Ricans continue to make special mixtures of salsa by 19       it with other musical styles. A mixture of hip-hop and salsa can be 20       in Jennifer. Lopez's music which became world famous by combining rock rhythms with the salsa romantics style.

For many people,listening to salsa music is not enough;its fast rhythm and lively beat make them want to get up and dance.

(   ) 1.A. believe   B. doubt   C. agree   D. guess

(   ) 2.A. formed   B. got   C. developed   D. invented

(   ) 3.A. middle   B. late   C. unknown   D. early

(   ) 4.A. shopped   B. settled   C. played   D. worked

(   ) 5.A. arrived   B. lived   C. worked   D. visited

(   ) 6.A. plan   B. law   C. suggestion   D. rule

(   ) 7.A. back and forth   B. up and down   C. in and out   D. here and there

(   ) 8.A. slowly   B. quickly   C. gradually   D. freely

(   ) 9.A. exactly   B. certainly   C. mainly   D. impossibly

(   ) 10.A. brought   B. took   C. carried   D. offered

(   ) 11.A. singers   B. musicians   C. dancers   D. composers

(   ) 12.A. was born   B. was passed   C. was finished   D. was over

(   ) 13.A. wrote   B. made up   C. changed into   D. told

(   ) 14.A. journey   B. room   C. living   D. contribution

(   ) 15.A. for ever   B. even more   C. no longer   D. now and then

(   ) 16.A. instead   B. indeed   C. too   D. either

(   ) 17.A. acted   B. performed   C. played   D. showed

(   ) 18.A. Old   B. Young   C. Man   D. Woman

(   ) 19.A. making   B. felt   C. combining   D. living

(   ) 20.A. seen   B. felt   C. heard   D. imagined

1-5 ACDBA      6-10 BCDCA 11-15 BADCC      16-20 ABBCC




3.D由后句1915 and 1930和in 1917可知许多波多黎各人前往美国定居是20世纪初期,而不是20世纪的中期或末期。

4.B根据上文的"离开本国"和下文的"带来他们的文化"等描述可知,许多波多黎各人到美国定居下来。settle in some place即为"在某地定居"。

5.A从前句settled,本句的50,000 Puerto Ri-cans以及后文内容知此处应是arrived,而不是B、C、D项。

6.B移民是一项严肃的国策,涉及许多社会问题,只有法律(law) 才能解决,并非计划、建议、规定能决定的。

7.C从前后文看此处移民是国与国之间的移民,只能是移进移出,并非前后、上下和空泛的here and there。

8.D从前句的in and out和下段的移民数字800,000及本句句意综合看,答案应是相对于一般移民的严格限制而言的自由freely,而不是时间的快、慢和进度的gradually。

9.C A选项是指"精确地",B选项是指"当然地",与前后文逻辑上毫无关联且与事实不




12.A was bom意思是"诞生"、"问世"。

13.D told讲述,A、B、C既与文意不相符,又与语法相悖。

14.C make a living谋生,对于新移民而言首要的任务是谋生,不是在纽约旅游。make a room"留出空间",与文义不符,make a con?tribution做贡献,更是与文义不符。

15.C该句前后两部分内容形成对照,后一句讲另一种风格的Salsa became popular,前一句自然就是no longer popular.


17.B "演奏(乐曲) "、"表演",play接乐器类名词,show表"表演"(节目) 或"展示"(物品等) 之意,act表"扮演"之意。

18.B Man,Woman填于此空与全文没有任何联系,由continue可推断答案应为Young。


20.C hip—hop和salsa都是音乐,音乐只能听到。


  You are what you eat and fats are a main food for Asia's fast-food generation. Dr. Chwang, director of the Department of Food Nutrition,says children are consuming more meat and soft drinks. This is a thorough departure from the traditional diet of vegetables and rice and little meat. "They like big pieces of fried meat with a soft drink. So although they may eat the same volume of food,their calorie intake(卡路里摄入量) has increased. Now about 40 to 45 percent of their calories come from fat”,says Chwang.

 Although on the whole Asians tend towards thinness,culture―namely Asians' hospitality (好客) 一is the reason for the fatness of today's generation, according to Chwang. " Asian people love food," she says. "Eating and drinking are important social and family functions.” In the past,however, big meals were only hosted on special occasions as people were more careful with money. In today's climate of wealth and remarkable consumption, 10-course meals are no longer reserved for significant occasions.

 More than anyone else,Children are on the receiving end of their parents' improved cir?cumstances. "In the past,people had four or more children―now,they have one or two,so they tend to spoil them," says Chwang. "The easiest way is to give them quality food. Parents think feeding them well is showing their love. They feel bad when their children look thin.”

 When describing the physical condition of most overweight Asian children, Chwang says, "There is a clear relationship between fatness and indoor play. Children get fat because they don't move,and eventually, they don't want to move because they are fat.”

 Thanks to technology, a growing army of children prefer video games to old outdoor sports. " What do children do when watching TV or sitting in front of the computer playing video games? They eat chocolate and drink Coke," says Chwang. 

(   ) 1. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the word "consuming"? 

   A. taking in   B. wasting

   C.  choosing   D. eating

(   ) 2. According to this passage, the " quality food" fed by some parents is actually

   A. healthful food   B. qualified food   C. agreeable food   D. high-calorie food 

(   ) 3. Some parents feel bad when their children look thin,because        .

   A.their children don't love eating and drinking

   B.their children don't have a good physical condition

   C.they feel that they don't take good care of their children

   D.they feel that they are no healthy enough to afford " qualified food" 

(   ) 4. The purpose of writing this article is to        .

   A.compare the traditional diet with today's diet of Asian children

   B.find reasons for increased food consumption of Asian people

   C.explain why many Asian children are overweight nowadays

   D.prove the relationship between fatness and indoor play

  Narrator(解说) :(Scene shows an old woman, washing her supper dishes. ) For several years,a widow (寡妇) has lived in her own pleasant two-room and kitchenette apartment in a re?built brownstone near East River. Her late husband, Mr. H. T. Miller, had left a fair amount of insurance money before he passed away. Mrs. Miller is,in fact,not an average sixty-one-year-old woman;she has little interest outside her apartment, has no friends to speak of,and she only ventures out as far as a nearby grocery store. No one who lives near her has taken note of her existence,with her old-fashioned dress and old-fashioned hairstyle,and she never uses any cosmetics(化妆品) .Her daily activities are monotonous,smoking an occasional cigarette, preparing her own meals,feeding her canary (a kind of bird) named "Tommy",and keeping her two-room apartment as clean as possible. (Mrs. Miller sits down on her couch, reading through the afternoon newspaper.)

  Narrator: (Camera changes scene to Rod Serling, a glowing cigarette held in her hand.) One would think that her life would be as normal as anyone else's. She doesn't mind the wall of isolation(隔离) she has created around herself all these years. But all of this is going to change. Mrs. Miller is going to meet a person, a small child, who,like her,has no friends, goes through life unnoticed, and ventures only as far as Mrs. Miller. Would it be a dream of happi?ness come true? Or perhaps the worst nightmare(垂梦) Mrs. Miller has ever experienced ...In the Twilight Zone!

   Title shows: " Miriam"

   Act I:At the Theater

(Scene 1,at Mrs. Miller's apartment) 

(   ) 1. Where is the passage from?

   A. It is from a science book.   B. It is from a TV show script.

   C.  It is from a news report.   D. It is from a textbook of history.

(   ) 2. What does the underlined word "monotonous" probably mean in the passage?

   A. various   B. not changing   C. special   D. interesting

(   ) 3. Which of the following statements about Mrs. Miller is true?

   A.She lives a happy and calm life although she is lack of money.

   B.She is not a sixty-one-year-old woman.

   C.She spends most of her time doing her own things at home.

   D.She is not fashionable but likes to decorate her own house.

(   ) 4. Which of the following things is the thing that Mrs. Miller would NOT do?

   A.She doesn't want to disturb her neighbours.

   B.She always tries to keep her house clean.

   C.She is not interested in fashion show.

   D.She cares more about her neighbour's opinions.

 It was well-known that Einstein was the father of the famous Theory of Relativity. But do you know it owes a great deal to Marits,Einstein's former wife?

In 1896,17-year-old Einstein went to Zurich to study physics. There he met a girl fromHungary. They studied in the same class. The same interest brought the two together and the young man fell in love with Marits. In 1903, when Einstein was 24 years old,he married Marits,who was 4 years older than he.-

After their marriage, Einstein devoted himself to the research of the great theory. To give her husband more help,Marits gave up her own work,and became a good wife and assistant. She tried her best to encourage him whenever possible and she was sure that her husband would succeed. They often discussed the theory while walking outside or sitting together in the room. They even discussed it in their letters when one of them was away from home.

In 1914,the Einstein moved to Berlin and settled there. At that time,Einstein's theory proved to be correct and he had become famous all over the world. Marits was very proud of him and his success. But it was not long before the First World War broke out. Marits as well as her two sons,who were all on holidays in Switzerland, couldn't come back to Berlin. The war not only stopped Einstein's work but broke up the warm,happy family. In 1919, Einstein and Marits had to get divorced(离婚) .

Einstein himself,however, later said that Marits was really an outstanding woman. 

(   ) 1. What's the main idea of this passage?

   A.Einstein devoted himself to the scientific research.

   B.Einstein is a wonderful husband as well as a scientist.

   C.The World War I stopped Einstein's marriage.

   D.Marits,Einstein's former wife is really an outstanding woman. 

(   ) 2. Einstein fell in love with Marits mainly because they        .

   A.were in the same school

   B.had the same interest

   C.appreciated each other

   D.came from different countries

(   ) 3. If the First World War hadn't broken out,what would have happened to Albert Ein?stein?

   A.He would have lived to the end of his life with Marits.

   B.He wouldn't have lost his two sons.

   C.He would't be staying in Berlin.

   D.We don't know.

(   ) 4. Arrange Einstein's experiences in a right order according to the passage.

     a. moved to Berlin b. went to Zurich c. became world-famous d. got divorced 

   A. b-d-a-c   B. a-c-b-d   C. b-a-c-d   D. d-b-a-c

 Nancy and her family moved into a new house with a big garden. She didn't have many friends in her new neighborhood,so after she sent her husband and children to work and school, she spent a lot of time in the garden. She loved the flowers, shrubs(灌木) and trees.

One day,when Nancy was expecting some special visitors,she took extra care of the gar?den. She pulled the weeds, trimmed(修剪) the shrubs,cut the grass, and carefully cleaned all the dry autumn leaves. As she was working, an old woman was watching her with interest over the fence. Nancy had met this woman several times in the streets. She seemed to be friendly to everybody.

When Nancy had finished, she stood back to admire her work. " Isn't it beautiful?" she called out to the old woman. "Yes”, replied the old woman, "but there is something missing. May I come in? I'll put it right for you.”

  Nancy opened the gate for her and let her in slowly, the old woman walked to the tree near the center of the garden, held it by the trunk,and shook it. Leaves showered down all over the garden. "Now," said the old woman, "isn't it much better?"

Nancy looked at her garden for a while and said, "Strange. The leaves make the garden look more beautiful?"

The old woman smiled and said, "When you are as old as me,you'll understand life can't be perfect. The fallen leaves are part of nature's beauty.” 

(   ) 6. Why did Nancy spend most of her time around her house?

   A.She was very busy with her work.

   B.She had to take care of her children.

   C.She thought the neighborhood unsafe.

   D.She had few friends in the neighborhood.

(   ) 7. What did Nancy do in the garden before the visitors came?

   A.She picked some flowers in the garden.

   B.She invited a neighbor to give her advice.

   C.She moved tables and chairs into the garden.

   D.She tried to make the garden tidy and beautiful.

(   ) 8. From the text,we can learn that the old woman was        .

   A. rich and energetic   B. wise and friendly

   C.  quiet and sensitive   D. lively and humorous

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