Salsa is a musical type that has existed for many years and is still popular today. Salsa comes from Cuba,but many people 1       that the Puerto Ricans who moved to the US 2       the style of salsa we know today.

Because of political problems in the 3       20th century,many people left Puerto Rico and 4       in the US. Between 1915 and 1930,about 50,000 Puerto Ricans 5       in the US. In 1917, a 6       was passed that made people from Puerto Rico Americans move 7      . After this,Puerto Ricans were able to move 8       between their home and the US mainland.

Between 1940 and 1969 ,about 800 , 000 Puerto Ricans moved to the US, 9       to New York City and Miami. They brought with them their culture, style, and Latin rhythm(节拍) . One style of music and dance they 10       to the US was a mixture of Afro-Cuban rhythms and Puerto Rican traditional dance. In New York, 11       incorporated(合并,吸纳) American jazz,and the salsa we know today 12       . During this time,salsa music and dance were popular in the New York City and around theUS.

The song words 13       stories of the immigrants,(移民) struggle to make a 14       in New York City. By the late 1970,s, salsa caliente was 15       popular;another style―salsa romanti-ca,with its romantic love lyrics(歌词) 一became popular, 16      . Salsa romantica is still popu?lar today and is 17       by musicians such as Mare Anthony, a singer from Puerto Rico.

18       Puerto Ricans continue to make special mixtures of salsa by 19       it with other musical styles. A mixture of hip-hop and salsa can be 20       in Jennifer. Lopez's music which became world famous by combining rock rhythms with the salsa romantics style.

For many people,listening to salsa music is not enough;its fast rhythm and lively beat make them want to get up and dance.

(   ) 1.A. believe   B. doubt   C. agree   D. guess

(   ) 2.A. formed   B. got   C. developed   D. invented

(   ) 3.A. middle   B. late   C. unknown   D. early

(   ) 4.A. shopped   B. settled   C. played   D. worked

(   ) 5.A. arrived   B. lived   C. worked   D. visited

(   ) 6.A. plan   B. law   C. suggestion   D. rule

(   ) 7.A. back and forth   B. up and down   C. in and out   D. here and there

(   ) 8.A. slowly   B. quickly   C. gradually   D. freely

(   ) 9.A. exactly   B. certainly   C. mainly   D. impossibly

(   ) 10.A. brought   B. took   C. carried   D. offered

(   ) 11.A. singers   B. musicians   C. dancers   D. composers

(   ) 12.A. was born   B. was passed   C. was finished   D. was over

(   ) 13.A. wrote   B. made up   C. changed into   D. told

(   ) 14.A. journey   B. room   C. living   D. contribution

(   ) 15.A. for ever   B. even more   C. no longer   D. now and then

(   ) 16.A. instead   B. indeed   C. too   D. either

(   ) 17.A. acted   B. performed   C. played   D. showed

(   ) 18.A. Old   B. Young   C. Man   D. Woman

(   ) 19.A. making   B. felt   C. combining   D. living

(   ) 20.A. seen   B. felt   C. heard   D. imagined

  I liked smoking. When I smoked with my family,I would feel so relaxed and good that 1      else in the world seemed to 2      . I thought that smoking weed(烟草) was 3       since many of my family members and people at my school smoked. Nothing ever happened to them.

4       I started smoking weed a lot more during lunch and after school. I never thought 5       of it just that I wanted to smoke. Not that it was actually 6       my mind and body. Then I be?gan to fall behind in school. I would 7       classes, come home late and spend all my money. I would spend 8       8 to 18 dollars a day. I never thought 9       that marijuana(大麻) had a bad effect on those things. Maybe my coming to class high was the reason why I was failing or coming home late. As I continued to smoke marijuana, I began to notice that I would always have the strong desire to smoke and that I would get 10       cigarettes if I smoked those,but I don't smoke marijuana. 11       I have learned more about marijuana, I have reduced 12       of marijuana that I use. I don't want drugs to be the most important in my life. I'm not smoking every day,and not spending as much money. Now that I have 13       on my habit, I am 14       more money. I,m ready to go back to school and do good,so that I can make 15       of myself. Everyone is always saying how weed 16       your mind and how it solves problems. I think it only brings more 17       . Marijuana is not good for your body or your brain. I'm not trying to tell you not to smoke, I'm just letting you know that marijuana can be 18       to your health, and in the long term it may cause some long term negative(负面的) effects. Help your?self now, 19       it is too late. I don't want to lecture anyone, just 20       my experience with you. I do still smoke, but not as often.

(   ) 1.A. something   B.nothing   C. anything   D. everything

(   ) 2.A. matter   B. happen   C. appear   D. work

(   ) 3.A. bad   B. terrible   C. ok   D. harmful

(   ) 4.A. By the way   B. Now and then   C. In my opinion   D. At one time

(   ) 5.A. too much   B. a little   C. too often   D. any more

(   ) 6.A. going over   B. taking over   C. coming across   D. making up

(   ) 7.A. give   B. have   C. attend   D. cut

(   ) 8.A. at least   B. at most   C. no more than   D. as little as

(   ) 9.A. once   B. twice   C. again   D. further

(   ) 10.A. used to   B. paid for   C. lost in   D. ready for

(   ) 11.A. Although   B. Even if   C. Now that   D. As long as

(   ) 12.A. the amount   B. the number   C. the deal   D. the kind

(   ) 13.A. broken down   B. cut down   C. turned off   D. cut off

(   ) 14.A. wasting   B. spending   C. making   D. saving

(   ) 15.A. somebody   B. everybody   C. something   D. everything

(   ) 16.A. excites   B. fills   C. repairs   D. destroys

(   ) 17.A. problems   B. pleasure   C. convenience   D. excitements

(   ) 18.A. helpful   B. useful   C. dangerous   D. strange

(   ) 19.A. when   B. after   C. before   D. by

(   ) 20.A. tell   B. explain   C. regret   D. share

  Philadelphia, which means "brotherly love", is the 4th largest city in the US. It was 1      by William Penn in 1682. So to the Americans, Philadelphia is a city of 2       impor?tance. The City Hall was officially 3       in 1901. Until 1908 it was the 4       building in America. Covering an area of 427 mu, the building is bigger than the US Capital(美国国会大廈) ,with a style 5       the Louvre(卢浮宫) in Paris.

  The whole building houses 600 6      . On the 2nd floor is the Mayor's Reception Hall,where the mayor welcomes 7       guests and meets people. Among the very important people 8      ,there have been kings,queens, 9       and prime ministers from many countries.

  Around the walls are portraits of former mayors. 10       mayor's portrait is 11       when he leaves office. Tourists are 12       to have a tour round the City Hall. They are sure to be 13       by the giant statue of William Penn,the 14       of Philadelphia, which is 37 feet tall and 15       55,348 pounds. The hat brim(帽檐) measures 23 feet 16       and the fingers are 2. 5 feet long. In the City Hall Tower, 17       can enjoy a wonderful view of the city in all directions.

Parks,squares, rivers are lying 18       . The fast-running 19       look like little moving match boxes. The broad streets stretch as 20       as the eye can see.

(   ) 1.A. named   B. visited   C. discovered   D. founded

(   ) 2.A. social   B. technical   C. historic   D. tourist

(   ) 3.A. completed   B. started   C. rebuilt   D. repaired

(   ) 4.A. oldest   B. highest   C. modernest   D. newest

(   ) 5.A. after   B. by   C. in   D. from

(   ) 6.A. doors   B. windows   C. stairs   D. rooms

(   ) 7.A. honored   B. old   C. noble   D. friendly

(   ) 8.A. received   B. visited   C. accepted   D. known

(   ) 9.A. emperors   B. workers   C. presidents   D. businessmen

(   ) 10.A. One   B. Certain   C. Either   D. Each

(   ) 11.A. photoed   B. taken   C. covered   D. painted

(   ) 12.A. permitted   B. invited   C. welcome   D. ready

(   ) 13.A. surprised   B. wondered   C. impressed   D. dumbfounded

(   ) 14.A. founder   B. discoverer   C. mayor   D. pride

(   ) 15.A. has   B. costs   C. bears   D. weighs

(   ) 16.A. around   B. wide   C. tall   D. long

(   ) 17.A. mayors   B. foreigners   C. visitors   D. citizens

(   ) 18.A. across   B. down   C. below   D. under

(   ) 19.A. passengers   B. trains   C. boats   D. cars

(   ) 20.A. much4guy   B. far   C. wide   D. long

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