
10.Along the river banks of the Amazon and the Orinoco there lives a bird that swims before it can fly,flies like a fat chicken,eats green leaves,has the stomach of a cow and has claws (爪) on its wings when young.They build their homes about 4.6m above the river,an important feature (特征) for the safety of the young.It is called the hoatzin.
  In appearance,the birds of both sexes look very much alike with brown on the back and cream and red on the underside.The head is small,with a large set of feathers on the top,bright red eyes,and blue skin.Its nearest relatives are the common birds,cuckoos.Its most striking feature,though,is only found in the young.
  Baby hoatzins have a claw on the leading edge of each wing and another at the end of each wing tip.Using these four claws,together with the beak (喙),they can climb about in the bushes,looking very much like primitive birds must have done.When the young hoatzins have learned to fly,they lose their claws.
  During the drier months between December and March hoatzins fly about the forest in groups of 20to 30birds,but in April,when the rainy season begins,they collect together in smaller living units of two to seven birds for producing purposes.

63.What is the text mainly about?D
A.Hoatzins in dry and rainy seasons.
B.The relatives and enemies of hoatzins.
C.Primitive birds and hoatzins of the Amazon.
D.The appearance and living habits of hoatzins.
64.Young hoatzins are different from their parents in thatB.
A.they look like young cuckoos
B.they have claws on the wings
C.they eat a lot like a cow
D.they live on river banks
65.What can we infer about primitive birds from the text?A
A.They had claws to help them climb.
B.They could fly long distances.
C.They had four wings like hoatzins.
D.They had a head with long feathers on the top.
66.Why do hoatzins collect together in smaller groups when the rainy season comes?D
A.To find more food.
B.To protect themselves better.
C.To keep themselves warm.
D.To produce their young.

分析 本文讲述了在亚马逊和奥里诺科河的河岸生活的一种鸟类,文章介绍了它的生活习性,外貌特征和气候对其生活的影响.

解答 63.D.主旨大意题.纵观全文,文章主要讲的是hoatzin麝雉,这种鸟类的外貌以及生活习性.故选D.
64.B..细节理解题.根据第一段has claws(爪)on its wings when young,和第三段可知,hoatzin在幼年期是有爪子的,而长大学会飞之后就没有了.故选B.
65.A.推理预测题.根据文章第三段"Using these four claws,together with the beak (喙),they can climb about in the bushes,looking very much like primitive birds must have done"可知,原始鸟和小麝雉一样有爪子帮助他们攀登.故选A.
66.D.细节理解题.根据文章最后一段"when the rainy season begins,they collect together in smaller living units of two to seven birds for producing purposes."可知,他们聚集在一起要生产下一代.故选D.

点评 本篇阅读理解主要考查考生对书面语篇的整体领悟能力和接受及处理具体信息的能力,文章中词汇的意义比较单一、稳定、简明,不带感情色彩,具有单一性和准确性的特点.学生应该挖掘寓意,掌握中心思想,推出结论.要立足于文章整体,再迅速读一遍短文,短文中的问题和答案的设置前后都是相关联的,有着一定的连续性,体现着文章的基本脉络.

13.This is a story told or read to children of young ages.The heroine(女主人公),Cinderella,treated cruelly by her stepmother and her two ugly stepsisters,is helpless until the right magic comes along.She meets her prince and they live together happily.
  Just a sweet,pretty tale?Not in the view of Ellen Macintosh,who has written much about fairy tales.Ellen's main concern is with what the story implies.
"Instead of standing up to her cruel stepmother and stepsisters,Cinderella just waits for a fairy godmother to appear and solve her problem.But wouldn't you want a daughter of yours to show more spirit?"
  The story is long-lasting,whatever its shortcomings,and it does't take much to see its influence on a number of recent Hollywood productions.In these versions for the silver screen,the Cinderella character no longer has to clean the house and has no sisters to make her life terrible,though she keeps the way of not showing much courage.The character of the rich and handsome stranger,however,is kept,and in some cases really is a prince.The role of the fairy godmother is often played by luck; we live in a civilized age when even very young children might reject the idea of fairies.In the majority of film versions,the heroine has a profession and is even permitted to continue working after marrying her prince-this is the twenty first century,after all.
  Doesn't the success of these films indicate that the story has relevance to children even today?"Yes,admits Ellen,who sees its message as being rooted in a fundamental childhood desire for love and attention."Most children experience a sense of inner loneliness as they are growing up and empathize with (与…共鸣)the character who faces some sort of challenge.This can be seen in the original story of Cinderella,where the fairy godmother tells the heroine that she must learn to be gracious and confident if she is to go to the ball.She has to grow spiritually,and by maturing,she becomes attractive to the prince,thus ensuring that the ending of the story will be happy.""In the later versions,thus element(因素)is missing,"says Ellen,"and the theme of the story is simply that a girl's role in life is to be more beautiful than other girls so that she can carry off the prize:the handsome prince.Is this really what we want girls to grow up believing?"

43.Why does Ellen disapprove of the Cinderella story?C
A.The plot is too simple.
B.The description is not vivid.
C.The heroine is not brave enough.
D.The story is unfit for the children today.
44.In the film versions of the Cinderella story,A.
A.luck plays an important role in the heroine's happy life
B.Cinderella's family background remains unchanged
C.the heroine becomes a successful career woman
D.the character of the prerace is removed.
45.According to Even,the film versions of the storyC  
A.succeed because of the happy ending
B.ignore the children's psychological need'
C.deliver a mistaken message that beauty is everything
D.reflect modem people's attitude towards challenges in life
46.What is the purpose of the passage?D
A.To analyze the characters of the Cinderella story.
B.To introduce different versions of the Cinderella story.
C.To explain the changes of the Cinderella story over time.
D.To present a different understanding of the Cinderella story.
14.The role of women in the entertainment industry is more important today than ever-and we don't need International Women's Day to remind us.Directors have made films that focus on particular female characters.
Albert Nobbs:a damaged woman in an age of men (From film---Albert Nobbs)
It might be politically incorrect to say that"it's a man's world".But in the film Albert Nobbs,you'll see what it means.Based on a short story by George Moore,an Irish novelist,the film tells the story of Albert Nobbs,a woman passing herself as a man in 19th century Ireland.She has short hair,and a voice that rarely rises above a nasal (鼻音的) croak.She lives and works as a waiter in a hotel,where she stands with lips pressed together and only her eyes move.
The character is the personification (化身) of fear-fear of being discovered to be a woman.Because her society is a society that treats all poor people badly,and poor women worse.
Mavis Gary:a perfection of being pretty and mean (From film-Young Adult)
In the comedy Young Adult,Charlize Theron portrays Mavis Gary,a 30-something narcissistic(自恋的) beauty.Mavis was the ball queen when in high school,and now a decade into life on her own,she's still pretty,still mean and hasn't quite as grown up as people around her want her to be.She spends her days writing young adult novels,and her nights making the club scene,drinking,playing around.
The film describes how she knows the idea that she may need to make changes if she ever wants to be happy.
Ah Tao:a role model of lifetime's hard work (From film-A Simple Life)
A Simple Life,the latest work from Hong Kong experienced director Ann Hui,reunites superstar Andy Lau with his real-life godmother Deanie Ip.
The story centers on the bond between the old servant Ah Tao (Ip) and master Roger (Lau).Ah Tao has served Roger's family for 60 years.When Ah Tao's health starts to get worse,it's Roger's turn to do the looking-after.The film is a tender ode(颂歌)to the elderly,their caregivers,and the mutual generosity of spirit that makes their limited time together worthwhile.
Wallis Simpson:a drop-dead gorgeous fairytale heroine (From film-W.E.)
W.E.is pop singer Madonna's second go at directing a film.It's primarily a woman's story-a historical drama built around the romance of Wallis Simpson,for whom King Edward VIII gave up the British throne in 1936,in order to marry.
In the film,the character of Wallis Simpson is an example of a woman who causes"the downfall"of a king.She is a helpless romantic-who thinks all it takes for a woman to feel fulfilled is the love of a good man.
60.Which of the following is NOT the character in the films mentioned?D
B.King Edward VIII
C.Mavis Gary
D.Ann Hui.
61.Which film is based on a short story by an Irish novelist?B
A.Young Adult
B.Albert Nobbs
C.A Simple Life
62.What can be learned from the introduction to the film Young Adult?A
A.Everyone gets old,but not everyone grows up
B. Practice makes perfect.
C.Rome was not built in a day
D.Seeing is believing.
5.My father was 44 and knew he wasn't going to make it to 45.He wrote me a letter and hoped that something in it would help me for the rest of my life.
Since the day I was 12 and first read his letter,some of his words have lived in my heart.Only part always times out."Right now,you are pretending to be a time-killer.But I know that one hay,you will do something great that will set you among the very best."Knowing that my dad believed in me gave me permission to believe in myself."You will do something great."He didn't know what that would be,and neither did I,but at times in my life when I've felt proud of myself,I remember his words and wish he were here so I could ask."Is this what you were talking about,Dad?Should I keep going?"
A long way from 12 now,I realize he would have been proud when I made any progress.Lately,though.I've come to believe he'd want me to move on to what comes next:to be proud of,and believe in,somebody else.It's time to start writing my own letters to my children.Our children look to us with the same unanswered question we had.Our kids don't  hold back because they're afraid to fail.They're only afraid of failing us.They don't worry about being disappointed.Their fear-as mine was until my father's letter-is of being a disappointment.
Give your children permission to succeed.They're writing for you to believe in them.I always knew way parents loved me.But trust me.That belief will be more complete,that love will be more real,and their belief in themselves will be greater if you write the words on their hearts;"Don't worry; you'll do something great."Not having that blessing from their parents may be the only thing holding them back.

68.We learn from the text that the authorA    
A.lost his father when he was young
B.Worked hard before he read his father's letter
C.Asked his father's permission to believe in himself
D.Knew exactly what great thing his father wanted him to do
69.What does the author tell us in the 3rd paragraph?D
A.Children need their parents'letters.
B.Children are afraid to be disappointed.
C.His children's fear of failure held them back.
D.His father's letter removed his fear of failing his parents.
70.Which of the following is true of the author?C
A.He got no access to success.
B.He wrote back to his father at 12.
C.He was sure his parents loved him.
D.He once asked his father about the letter.
71.The main purpose of the text is toD.
A.describe children's thinking
B.answer some questions children have
C.stress the importance of communication
D.advise parents to encourage their children.
15.It's a typically Snoopy card:cheerful message,bright colors,though a little yellow and faded now.Though I've received fancier,more expensive card over the years,this is the only one I've saved.One summer,it spoke volumes to me.
I received it during the first June I faced as a widow to raise two teen age daughters alone.In all the emotional confusion of this sudden single parenthood,I was overwhelmed with,of all things,the simplest housework:leaky taps,oil changes,even barbecues.Those had always been my husband's jobs.I was embarrassed every time I hit my thumb with a hammer or couldn't get the lawnmower started.My uncertain attempts only fueled the fear inside me:How could I be both a father and mother to my girls?Clearly,I lacked the tools and skills.
On this particular morning,my girls pushed me into the living room to see something.(I prayed it wasn't another repair job.)The"something"turned out to be an envelope and several wrapped bundles on the carpet.My puzzlement must have been plain as I gazed from the colorful packages to my daughter's bright faces.
"Go ahead!Open them!"They urged.As I unwrapped the packages,I discovered a small barbecue grill and all the necessary objects including a green kitchen glove with a frog pattern on it.
"But why?"I asked.
"Happy Father's Day!"they shouted together.
"Moms don't get presents on Father's Day".I protested.
"You forgot to open the card".Jane reminded.I pulled it from the envelope.There sat Snoopy,on top of his dog house,merrily wishing me a Happy Father's Day."Because",the girls said,"you've been a father and mother to us.Why shouldn't you be remembered on Father's Day?"
As I fought back tears,I realized they were right,I wanted to be a"professional"dad,who had the latest tools and knew all the tricks of the trade.The girls only wanted a parent they could count on to be there,day after day,performing repeatedly the maintenance tasks of basic care and love.
The girls are grown now,and they still send me Father's Day cards,but none of those cards means as much to me as that first one.Its simple message told me being a great parent didn't require any special tools at all-just a willing worker.

66、By"it spoke volumes to me",(Para.1)the mother in the story means the cardA.
A.conveyed significant meanings to her
B.aroused great sorrow in her
C.brought her pleasant feelings
D.made her feel important
67、After her husband's death,the mother found it was the hardest toD.
A.handle the emotional shock
B.face the terrible loneliness
C.Keep harmony of the family
D.Fulfill a male role in the house
68、The girls gave their mother a barbecue set probably becauseD.
A.It was what their mother wanted
B.it was a proper Father's Day gift
C.barbecue was their favorite food
D.they wanted their mother to barbecue
69、Which of the following statements is true about the first Father's Day card?D
A.It made the mother eager to get the latest tools
B.It praised the mother as a professional dad
C.Its fancy design impressed the mother most
D.It showed the girl's appreciation for their mother's love.
19.Recently I came in contact with the true meaning of love. That would have been,Kane,a boy. Kane was the two-year-old son of Jolene,my new neighbor.
    At a glance Kane was a sight. He'd been born with hard sticks for legs. And on that morning I witnessed the effect that Kane's physical shortcomings had on his family. But I also witnessed much more than that.
    I saw an extraordinary family that embraced this special child. A family that wouldn't allow Kane to know he was different. Jolene had constructed a small cart just a few inches off the floor for his son to get around. Using his hands to move about,Kane moved the cart to"go to"any place just as everyone else was able to do. Kane worked that little cart like a master. Kane was a vital focus of the entire family. He was more than just a member of the family; he was the soul. This child was the driver,the motivator,and the founder of much of the interaction.
    Much later in my life,I came to realize that God had sent this child to help some of us who just weren't getting what love was all about. Even with my limited capacity for understanding at the time that Kane was a highly developed spirit with great wisdom.
Kane demanded attention,but not because of his mobility challenges or other apparent shortcomings. In his mind,he had no challenges or shortcomings. The truth is that he received attention because he was alive and real and had so much to offer.
    Kane was and still is a lot of warm and powerful energy sent to us all,so we might learn that love surpasses all things. Kane,a fragile yet lovely baby,was here to teach us all an important lesson. And at the age of two he did just that.
56. How did the author think of Kane's family members?D
    A. They were strange because they locked Kane at home.
    B. It was respectable for them to start their own business.
    C. It was ridiculous for them to make a cart for Kane.
    D. They were greatly brave to face all the difficulties.
57. How did Kane"get to"everywhere he wanted to go?A
    A. By moving his cart with his own hands.
    B. By asking his father to lead him ahead with a stick.
    C. By asking his grandparents to push hin everywhere.
    D. His parents specially employed a babysitter for him.
58. According to the author,God made Kane with disability to helpC
    A. his parents get to know their responsibility
    B. his family members know the importance of union
    C. people especially the healthy realize what love really means
    D. people especially the disabled realize their inner power
59. Kane needed attention because he wanted to showD.
    A. he can challenge his difficulty in moving
    B. he had challenges or shortcomings in his life
    C. he himself needed to be looked after by others
    D. he had the power to prove he was capable too
60. What can we learn from Kane's story?B
    A. Love me,love my dog.                  B. Love is above all things.
    C. Many hands make light work.            D. Pure gold fears no fire.

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