




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从十一处起)不计分。

Nowadays it’s common high school students to skip breakfast, leading to both poor school performance and damage to their health. When asking why they skip breakfast, some students say they think of breakfast as a least important meal of the day, and think it unnecessary. Therefore, some say they have too little time in the morning to have breakfast. And others, mostly girl, say they wanted to lose weight so they skip breakfast.

We suggest that every student has breakfast properly every day, since breakfast can provide the necessary energy that one needs it every day. In addition, have breakfast can help you to concentrate in class and study more efficient.













【1】在high前加for 句意:高中学生不吃早饭这是很常见的。It是形式主语,后面的动词不定式复合结构作真正的宾语,故在high前加for。

【2】asking—asked 句意:当他们被问的时候,是被动关系,所以用过去分词,故把asking—asked

【3】a—the 句意:最不重要的一顿饭,此处是降级最高级,故把a—the。

【4】Therefore—Besides 句意:除此之外,一些人说早饭的时间太少。故把Therefore—Besides。

【5】girl—girls 句意:另一些人,主要是女孩们,用复数形式,故把girl—girls。

【6】wanted—want 根据句意可知是一般现在时态,故把wanted—want。

【7】has—have “suggest”建议,后面的宾语从句用虚拟语气,should+动词原形,should可以省略,故把has—have。

【8】去掉it 考查定语从句。energy做先行词,后面是定语从句,从句中的it是多余的,故去掉it。

【9】have—having 动名词作主语,故把have—having。

【10】efficient—efficiently 句意:更有效地学习,副词修饰动词,故把efficient—efficiently。


【题目】One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw Kyle from my class walking home from school. It looked like he was carrying all of his books.

As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running towards him knocking all his books out of his arms so he landed in the dirt. I saw terrible sadness in his eyes.

Handing him his books, I said, "Those guys are fools. They really should get punished." He smiled at me gratefully. It was the smile that showed real gratitude. I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived. We talked all the way home, and I carried his books. I invited him to play football on Saturday with me. Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends.

Graduation day, I saw Kyle. He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school. I could see that he was nervous about his speech. As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began. "Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years: your parents, your teachers, maybe a coach, but mostly your friends. I am here to tell you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them."

I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to kill himself over the weekend. He gave me a little smile. "Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable." I heard the gasp(倒吸气) go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment. I saw his Mom and Dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile. Not until that moment did I realize its depth.

Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a persons life. God puts us all in each others lives to impact one another in some way. Each day is a gift from God! Dont forget to say, Thank you!

【1When I first met Kyle, he ______.

A. ran with a bunch of kids

B. felt very sorrowful

C. got hurt landing in the dirt

D. was tired from walking

【2】The reason why Kyle and I become friends is all the following EXCEPT that _____.

A. I helped him pick up his book

B. I talked with him all the way home

C. I helped him punish the kids chasing him

D. I asked him to play football on weekend

【3】In Paragraph4, the underline word them refers to _____.

A. your coaches B. your teachers

C. your parents D. your friends

【4】What can we infer from Paragraph5?

A. My kindness helped Kyle through his hard time.

B. It was Kyles weakest time after he met me.

C. Kyle experienced his hardest time when speaking.

D. Kyles parents managed to stop him from killing himself.

【5】What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To tell us a story about friendship.

B. To show us the impact of kindness.

C. To advise us to be grateful for God.

D. To help us get through the hard time.

【题目】Researchers are placing robotic dogs (机器狗) in the homes of lonely old people to determine whether they can improve the quality of life for humans. Alan Beck, an expert in human-animal relationship, and Nancy Edwards, a professor of nursing, are leading the animal-assisted study concerning the influence of robotic dogs on old people’s depression, physical activity, and life satisfaction. “No one will argue that an older person is better off being more active, challenged, or stimulated (刺激),” Edwards points out. “The problem is how we promote (使……成为现实) that, especially for those without friends or help. A robotic dog could be a solution.”

In the study, the robot, called AIBO, is placed for six weeks in the houses of some old people who live alone. Before placing AIBO in the home, researchers will collect baseline data for six weeks. These old people will keep a diary to note their feelings and activity before and after AIBO. Then, the researchers will review the data to determine if it has inspired any changes in the life of its owner.

“I talk to him all the time, and he responds to my voice,” says a seventy-year-old lady. “When I’m watching TV, he’ll stay in my arms until he wants down. He has a mind of his own.”

The AIBOs respond to certain orders. The researchers say they have some advantages over live dogs, especially for old people. Often the elderly are disabled and cannot care for an animal by walking it or playing with it. A robotic dog removes exercise and feeding concerns.

“At the beginning, it was believed that no one would relate to the robotic dog, because it was metal and not furry, Beck says. “But it’s amazing how quickly we have given up that belief.”

“Hopefully, down the road, these robotic pets could become a more-valuable health helper. They will record their masters’ blood pressure, oxygen levels, or heart rhythms. AIBOs may even one day have games that can help stimulate older people’s minds.

【1】The purpose of Beck and Edwards’ study is to __________.

A. understand human-animal relationship

B. make lonely old people’s life better

C. find the causes of old people’s loneliness

D. promote the animal-assisted research

【2】In the research, the old people are asked to ____________.

A. note the activities of AIBOs

B. keep AIBOs at home for 12 weeks

C. record their feelings and activity.

D. analyze the collected information

【3】What is the advantage of AIBO over live dogs?

A. It is easier to keep at home.

B. It can help the disabled people.

C. It responds to all the human orders.

D. It can watch TV with its owner.

【4】The author seems to suggest that the future robotic dogs may _____________.

A. cure certain diseases

B. keep old people active

C. change people’s beliefs

D. look more like real dogs

【题目】In a class this past December, after I wrote some directions on the board for students about their final examination, one young woman quickly took a picture of the board using her smart phone. When I looked in her direction, she apologized: “Sorry. Was it wrong to take a picture?”

“I can’t read my own handwriting,”the young woman explained. “It’s best if I take a picture of your writing so I can understand the notes.”

That remark started a class-wide conversation about taking a picture instead of taking notes. For those in the photo-taking camp, motivations extended beyond their inability to comprehend their own handwriting. Some took pictures of notes because they knew their phone was a safe place to store material. They might lose paper, they reasoned, but they wouldn’t lose their phones. Some took photos because they wanted to record exactly the manner in which I had noted information on the board. Others told me that during class they liked to be able to listen to the discussion attentively.

Yet the use of cameras as note takers, though it may be convenient, does raise significant questions for the classroom. Is a picture an effective replacement for the process of note-taking?

Instructors encourage students to take notes because the act of doing so is more than merely recording necessary information—it helps prepare the way for understanding. Encouraging students to take notes may be an old-fashioned instructional method, but just because a method has a long history doesn’t mean it’s out of date. Writing things down engages a student’s brain in listening, visual, and kinesthetic(触觉的)learning—a view supported by a longstanding research. The act of writing down information enables a person to begin committing it to memory, and to process and combine it, establishing the building blocks of learning new concepts.

Taking a picture does indeed record the information, but it deletes some of the necessary mental engagement that taking notes employs. So can the two be equally effective?

I’m not sure how to measure the effectiveness of either method. For now, I allow students to take notes however they see fit—handwritten or photographed—because I figure that some notes, no matter the method of note-taking, are better than none.

【1】The woman apologized in the class because she____.

A. took a picture of the board

B. missed the teachers’ directions

C. had the bad handwriting

D. disturbed other students’ learning

【2】Students refuse to take notes by hand because_____.

A. they are unable to take notes

B. they are more likely to lose notes

C. they are interested in using their phones

D. they have a good memory of teachers’ instructions

【3】According to the passage, taking notes by hand_______.

A. requires students to think independently

B. is unsuitable for students to learn new ideas

C. helps students actively participate in learning

D. proves to be an old and useless learning method

【4】What’s the author’s opinion towards taking notes by phones?

A. Supportive. B. Neutral.

C. Doubtful. D. Disapproving.

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