
2.Women of the Night?I spent thirty-nine years of my life as an(61)educator(educate).As a school administrator,I was ever fortunate to hire a retired headmaster from Fulton County.She was a delightful person and(62)anexcellent teacher loved by everyone,children,parents and teachers.She taught in our system for some years.Later she passed away.Having taught with her,Jean and Sara thought it proper(63)to attend(attend) her funeral(葬礼).Not knowing where the funeral would be,they called a certain headmaster(64)who/thatseemed to always keep up with the obituaries(讣闻).
When Jean and Sara arrived at the funeral,they(65)were(be)surprised to find very few people.They were sure that she was someone so loving and with the broad experience in education so she,(66)their(they)friend,should have more people at her funeral.They wanted to go away.(67)However,the service had already begun and they were brought to the front seats.
They soon realized this was the funeral of a man who had been rude to his wife and who had not earned the right to heaven.Although they found themselves in a very serious atmosphere,they couldn't help(68)laughing(laugh)with the humor of the situation.
(69)Finally(final),the service was over and as they left the church,they overheard someone ask,"Who were the    (70)ladies(lady)up front laughing so loudly?"wiping tears of laughter from their faces,Jean and Sara hurried to their car before meeting any of the family.

分析 本文写了参加老师的葬礼,结果去错了地方的故事.

解答 61.educator 考查名词.根据句意作为一名教育工作者,educator是名词"教育者".
 62.an   考查冠词.此处是指她是一名受人爱戴的教师,在形容词excellent 前边,所以答案用an.
63.to attend 考查宾语.本句中it是形式主语,动词不定式to attend…是真正的宾语,所以答案填to attend.
 64.who/that  考查定语从句.先行词是headmaster,在从句中做主语,所以用关系代词who或者that来引导.  
65.were 考查主谓一致.主语they,故事的叙述用的是过去时,所以答案填were.
66.their 考查代词.根据句意"他们的朋友"所以用形容词性物主代词  their.
67.However  考查连词.根据上下句关系,他们想离开,但是 他们被带到了前排,两句之间是转折关系,所以用However.
68.laughing  考查固定短语.can't help doing 是英语的固定搭配"禁不住干某事". 
69.Finally  考查副词.根据句意"最终,服务结束",finally是副词"最终,最后".
70.ladies 考查名词.根据who were 句中的were可以推断出lady需要用复数形式,所以答案填ladies.

点评 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考查语法知识的运用能力,在解题前应快速浏览短文掌握大意,在读懂短文的基础上,结合短文提供的特定的语言环境去逐句分析.要解决好语法填空,离不开坚实的语法知识,有了坚实的语法知识才能对语言进行正确的分析和判断,从而答对题目.

13.As the demand for power and fuel grows steadily in the coming decades,we must consider every possible energy source on hand if we're to meet the world's needs.And because the clean natural gas is found in great plenty,there is no doubt that it will play a major role on the world energy stage in this century,much like what oil did in the last century.But,like oil,gas reserves are concentrated in just a few places in the world,usually far from where they're needed most.And that's only part of the challenge.The world has spent over 100years searching for oil and building the necessary facilities to bring it to market.However,the natural gas facilities,particularly when it comes to Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG),are not nearly as developed.
So what needs to be done?On the supply side,producing nations need policies that allow for better development of their natural gas in an open,stable business environment,not one in which the rules of the game change without warning.The governments of consuming nations,on the other hand,must make policies for sustainable (可持续的) development to ensure they'll have enough supplies in the future.That means building the related facilities,including LNG stations.This,in turn,will require coastal areas to allow these necessary,but not necessarily pretty,facilities to be built in their backyards.And energy companies have a responsibility to be good neighbors in those areas by operating these facilities responsibly and safely.They must also continue to put in the billions of dollars needed to build the complex transport and storage facilities required to bring more gas to market.
Expanding and diversifying energy sources by using more natural gas could lead to lower fuel prices and to greater energy security.We've taken some of the steps to get started,but we need your help to get the rest of the way.

28.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?B
A.Gas played a major part in the 20th century.
B.Natural gas facilities are far from satisfactory.
C.Gas reserves are widely spread around the world.
D.Necessary facilities are ready to bring gas to market.
29.The underlined word"one"(in Paragraph 2)refers toA.
A.a business environment
B.a policy for gas development
C.a gas consuming nation
D.a gas supply side
30.Consuming nations of natural gas need toC.
A.build pretty facilities along the coast
B.open markets in their backyards
C.have long-term policies for gas supply
D.change the rules of the game
31.The passage might be followed by a paragraph aboutD.
A.which countries are in great need of gas
B.where energy sources are concentrated
C.what problems of energy sources we may face
D.what kind of help you can offer.
17.Nobody likes doing the dishes,but it turns out that doing this daily task might pay off in an unexpected way.According to a new study published in the Journal of Pediatrics,washing dishes by hand instead of using a dishwasher might prevent th development of allergies.
Researchers in Sweden surveyed the parents of 1,029 children ages 7 and 8.They discovered thatchildren whose families hand-washed the dishes instead of using a machine were less likely to have allergies.
Earlier research has shown that dishes washed by machine are cleaner than those washed by hand.So why would kids who eat off slightly dirtier plates be better off when we talk about preventing allergies?One explanation is based on a theory known as the"hygiene hypothesis (卫生假说),"which says the reason why kids develop allergies is that their surroundings are actually too clean.
Your immune(免疫) system keeps you healthy by fighting germs (病菌) like bacteria and viruses.But when you hav allergies,it overreacts and tries to fight ordinary things like pollen (花粉) or certain foods.
Being exposed to germs,particularly early in life,is good training for the immune system,says the lead author of the study,Dr.Bill Hesselmar of Queen Silvia Hospital in Sweden."You excite the immune system in various ways and it becomes tolerant."
This study shows that while using the dishwasher might be easier,the old-fashioned method of cleaning up could be better for your health.

24.What's the advantage of washing dishes by hand?C
A.Hand-washed dishes are much cleaner.
B.It encourages people to do housework.
C.Ithelps prevent allergies.
D.Dishes are easier to wash.
25.What can we know about the theory of the"hygiene hypothesis"?A
A.There is no harm done if kids live in a slightly dirty place.
B.There is no need to keep the surroundings clean.
C.It's better for kids to use clean plates to kep healthy.
D.It's wise to use a dishwasher to prevent allergies.
26.What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph 4 refer to?B
A.Pollen.B.The immune system.C.The germ.D.A certain food.
27.What's the result when our immune system becomes tolerant?D
A.It'll overreact to the foods we eat.
B.It'll lead to the development of allergies.
C.It'll make germs in our body more active.
D.It'll prevent allergies and keep us healthy.
14.A.estimate   B.recognition   C.tricked  D.accurate  E.volume   F.engaged
G.separate    H.stimulating     I.function   J.measuring    
Time seems to pass faster or slower depending on the language you speak,new research has revealed,because of the way your native tongue speaks about time.A team from the University of Lancaster say their work also shows how bilingualism(双语) may affect pur perceptions of time,(35)Gthe brain to think in new ways.
In one experiment,40 Spanish speakers and 40 Swedish speakers were (36)F in seeing a computer animation(动画) of a slowly line.All the animations lasted 3 seconds,but the line didn't always grow to the same length.The researchers expected that because Swedes talk about time in terms of distance,they would find it harder to (37)A how much time had passed,and they were right.Meanwhile the Spanish speakers,who refer to time in terms of (38)I(as in a"small"break rather than a"short"break),were much better at realizing that the same 3 seconds had fled,no matter how far the line grew."The Swedish speakers tend to think that the line that grows longer takes longer,"one of the researchers explained."Spanish speakers aren't (39)C by that.They seem to think that it doesn't matter how much the line grows in distance,it still takes the same time for it to grow."
In another experiment,participants were shown animations of a jug(水壶) slowly being filled up:the length of the animation was fixed,but the jug filled up by (40)J amounts.Sure enough,this time it was the Spanish speakers who had more trouble(41)Hthe passage of time.
Interestingly,when the spoken instructions in a particular language were taken away,the volunteers were much better at judging time,as if being asked out loud how much time had passed triggered something in the brain.To gain (42)Dinsight into what was happening,74 bilingual speakers of both Spanish and Swedish were also recruited,and shown similar animations.The end results were the same:when instructed in Swedish,the volunteers were more easily fooled by the line animations,and when instructed in Spanish,it was the jug animations that interfered with their(43)Bof time.

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